from __future__ import absolute_import from datetime import datetime from pytz import utc from kazoo.exceptions import NoNodeError, NodeExistsError from apscheduler.jobstores.base import BaseJobStore, JobLookupError, ConflictingIdError from apscheduler.util import maybe_ref, datetime_to_utc_timestamp, utc_timestamp_to_datetime from apscheduler.job import Job try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: # pragma: nocover import pickle try: from kazoo.client import KazooClient except ImportError: # pragma: nocover raise ImportError('ZooKeeperJobStore requires Kazoo installed') class ZooKeeperJobStore(BaseJobStore): """ Stores jobs in a ZooKeeper tree. Any leftover keyword arguments are directly passed to kazoo's `KazooClient `_. Plugin alias: ``zookeeper`` :param str path: path to store jobs in :param client: a :class:`~kazoo.client.KazooClient` instance to use instead of providing connection arguments :param int pickle_protocol: pickle protocol level to use (for serialization), defaults to the highest available """ def __init__(self, path='/apscheduler', client=None, close_connection_on_exit=False, pickle_protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, **connect_args): super(ZooKeeperJobStore, self).__init__() self.pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol self.close_connection_on_exit = close_connection_on_exit if not path: raise ValueError('The "path" parameter must not be empty') self.path = path if client: self.client = maybe_ref(client) else: self.client = KazooClient(**connect_args) self._ensured_path = False def _ensure_paths(self): if not self._ensured_path: self.client.ensure_path(self.path) self._ensured_path = True def start(self, scheduler, alias): super(ZooKeeperJobStore, self).start(scheduler, alias) if not self.client.connected: self.client.start() def lookup_job(self, job_id): self._ensure_paths() node_path = self.path + "/" + str(job_id) try: content, _ = self.client.get(node_path) doc = pickle.loads(content) job = self._reconstitute_job(doc['job_state']) return job except BaseException: return None def get_due_jobs(self, now): timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(now) jobs = [job_def['job'] for job_def in self._get_jobs() if job_def['next_run_time'] is not None and job_def['next_run_time'] <= timestamp] return jobs def get_next_run_time(self): next_runs = [job_def['next_run_time'] for job_def in self._get_jobs() if job_def['next_run_time'] is not None] return utc_timestamp_to_datetime(min(next_runs)) if len(next_runs) > 0 else None def get_all_jobs(self): jobs = [job_def['job'] for job_def in self._get_jobs()] self._fix_paused_jobs_sorting(jobs) return jobs def add_job(self, job): self._ensure_paths() node_path = self.path + "/" + str( value = { 'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time), 'job_state': job.__getstate__() } data = pickle.dumps(value, self.pickle_protocol) try: self.client.create(node_path, value=data) except NodeExistsError: raise ConflictingIdError( def update_job(self, job): self._ensure_paths() node_path = self.path + "/" + str( changes = { 'next_run_time': datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time), 'job_state': job.__getstate__() } data = pickle.dumps(changes, self.pickle_protocol) try: self.client.set(node_path, value=data) except NoNodeError: raise JobLookupError( def remove_job(self, job_id): self._ensure_paths() node_path = self.path + "/" + str(job_id) try: self.client.delete(node_path) except NoNodeError: raise JobLookupError(job_id) def remove_all_jobs(self): try: self.client.delete(self.path, recursive=True) except NoNodeError: pass self._ensured_path = False def shutdown(self): if self.close_connection_on_exit: self.client.stop() self.client.close() def _reconstitute_job(self, job_state): job_state = job_state job = Job.__new__(Job) job.__setstate__(job_state) job._scheduler = self._scheduler job._jobstore_alias = self._alias return job def _get_jobs(self): self._ensure_paths() jobs = [] failed_job_ids = [] all_ids = self.client.get_children(self.path) for node_name in all_ids: try: node_path = self.path + "/" + node_name content, _ = self.client.get(node_path) doc = pickle.loads(content) job_def = { 'job_id': node_name, 'next_run_time': doc['next_run_time'] if doc['next_run_time'] else None, 'job_state': doc['job_state'], 'job': self._reconstitute_job(doc['job_state']), 'creation_time': _.ctime } jobs.append(job_def) except BaseException: self._logger.exception('Unable to restore job "%s" -- removing it' % node_name) failed_job_ids.append(node_name) # Remove all the jobs we failed to restore if failed_job_ids: for failed_id in failed_job_ids: self.remove_job(failed_id) paused_sort_key = datetime(9999, 12, 31, tzinfo=utc) return sorted(jobs, key=lambda job_def: (job_def['job'].next_run_time or paused_sort_key, job_def['creation_time'])) def __repr__(self): self._logger.exception('<%s (client=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.client)) return '<%s (client=%s)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.client)