# mypy: ignore-errors from __future__ import annotations import argparse import collections from functools import update_wrapper import inspect import itertools import operator import os import re import sys import uuid import pytest try: # installed by bootstrap.py import sqla_plugin_base as plugin_base except ImportError: # assume we're a package, use traditional import from . import plugin_base def pytest_addoption(parser): group = parser.getgroup("sqlalchemy") def make_option(name, **kw): callback_ = kw.pop("callback", None) if callback_: class CallableAction(argparse.Action): def __call__( self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None ): callback_(option_string, values, parser) kw["action"] = CallableAction zeroarg_callback = kw.pop("zeroarg_callback", None) if zeroarg_callback: class CallableAction(argparse.Action): def __init__( self, option_strings, dest, default=False, required=False, help=None, # noqa ): super().__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, nargs=0, const=True, default=default, required=required, help=help, ) def __call__( self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None ): zeroarg_callback(option_string, values, parser) kw["action"] = CallableAction group.addoption(name, **kw) plugin_base.setup_options(make_option) def pytest_configure(config: pytest.Config): plugin_base.read_config(config.rootpath) if plugin_base.exclude_tags or plugin_base.include_tags: new_expr = " and ".join( list(plugin_base.include_tags) + [f"not {tag}" for tag in plugin_base.exclude_tags] ) if config.option.markexpr: config.option.markexpr += f" and {new_expr}" else: config.option.markexpr = new_expr if config.pluginmanager.hasplugin("xdist"): config.pluginmanager.register(XDistHooks()) if hasattr(config, "workerinput"): plugin_base.restore_important_follower_config(config.workerinput) plugin_base.configure_follower(config.workerinput["follower_ident"]) else: if config.option.write_idents and os.path.exists( config.option.write_idents ): os.remove(config.option.write_idents) plugin_base.pre_begin(config.option) plugin_base.set_coverage_flag( bool(getattr(config.option, "cov_source", False)) ) plugin_base.set_fixture_functions(PytestFixtureFunctions) if config.option.dump_pyannotate: global DUMP_PYANNOTATE DUMP_PYANNOTATE = True DUMP_PYANNOTATE = False @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def collect_types_fixture(): if DUMP_PYANNOTATE: from pyannotate_runtime import collect_types collect_types.start() yield if DUMP_PYANNOTATE: collect_types.stop() def _log_sqlalchemy_info(session): import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy import __version__ from sqlalchemy.util import has_compiled_ext from sqlalchemy.util._has_cy import _CYEXTENSION_MSG greet = "sqlalchemy installation" site = "no user site" if sys.flags.no_user_site else "user site loaded" msgs = [ f"SQLAlchemy {__version__} ({site})", f"Path: {sqlalchemy.__file__}", ] if has_compiled_ext(): from sqlalchemy.cyextension import util msgs.append(f"compiled extension enabled, e.g. {util.__file__} ") else: msgs.append(f"compiled extension not enabled; {_CYEXTENSION_MSG}") pm = session.config.pluginmanager.get_plugin("terminalreporter") if pm: pm.write_sep("=", greet) for m in msgs: pm.write_line(m) else: # fancy pants reporter not found, fallback to plain print print("=" * 25, greet, "=" * 25) for m in msgs: print(m) def pytest_sessionstart(session): from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio _log_sqlalchemy_info(session) asyncio._assume_async(plugin_base.post_begin) def pytest_sessionfinish(session): from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio asyncio._maybe_async_provisioning(plugin_base.final_process_cleanup) if session.config.option.dump_pyannotate: from pyannotate_runtime import collect_types collect_types.dump_stats(session.config.option.dump_pyannotate) def pytest_collection_finish(session): if session.config.option.dump_pyannotate: from pyannotate_runtime import collect_types lib_sqlalchemy = os.path.abspath("lib/sqlalchemy") def _filter(filename): filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(filename)) if "lib/sqlalchemy" not in os.path.commonpath( [filename, lib_sqlalchemy] ): return None if "testing" in filename: return None return filename collect_types.init_types_collection(filter_filename=_filter) class XDistHooks: def pytest_configure_node(self, node): from sqlalchemy.testing import provision from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio # the master for each node fills workerinput dictionary # which pytest-xdist will transfer to the subprocess plugin_base.memoize_important_follower_config(node.workerinput) node.workerinput["follower_ident"] = "test_%s" % uuid.uuid4().hex[0:12] asyncio._maybe_async_provisioning( provision.create_follower_db, node.workerinput["follower_ident"] ) def pytest_testnodedown(self, node, error): from sqlalchemy.testing import provision from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio asyncio._maybe_async_provisioning( provision.drop_follower_db, node.workerinput["follower_ident"] ) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): # look for all those classes that specify __backend__ and # expand them out into per-database test cases. # this is much easier to do within pytest_pycollect_makeitem, however # pytest is iterating through cls.__dict__ as makeitem is # called which causes a "dictionary changed size" error on py3k. # I'd submit a pullreq for them to turn it into a list first, but # it's to suit the rather odd use case here which is that we are adding # new classes to a module on the fly. from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio rebuilt_items = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict(list) ) items[:] = [ item for item in items if item.getparent(pytest.Class) is not None and not item.getparent(pytest.Class).name.startswith("_") ] test_classes = {item.getparent(pytest.Class) for item in items} def collect(element): for inst_or_fn in element.collect(): if isinstance(inst_or_fn, pytest.Collector): yield from collect(inst_or_fn) else: yield inst_or_fn def setup_test_classes(): for test_class in test_classes: # transfer legacy __backend__ and __sparse_backend__ symbols # to be markers add_markers = set() if getattr(test_class.cls, "__backend__", False) or getattr( test_class.cls, "__only_on__", False ): add_markers = {"backend"} elif getattr(test_class.cls, "__sparse_backend__", False): add_markers = {"sparse_backend"} else: add_markers = frozenset() existing_markers = { mark.name for mark in test_class.iter_markers() } add_markers = add_markers - existing_markers all_markers = existing_markers.union(add_markers) for marker in add_markers: test_class.add_marker(marker) for sub_cls in plugin_base.generate_sub_tests( test_class.cls, test_class.module, all_markers ): if sub_cls is not test_class.cls: per_cls_dict = rebuilt_items[test_class.cls] module = test_class.getparent(pytest.Module) new_cls = pytest.Class.from_parent( name=sub_cls.__name__, parent=module ) for marker in add_markers: new_cls.add_marker(marker) for fn in collect(new_cls): per_cls_dict[fn.name].append(fn) # class requirements will sometimes need to access the DB to check # capabilities, so need to do this for async asyncio._maybe_async_provisioning(setup_test_classes) newitems = [] for item in items: cls_ = item.cls if cls_ in rebuilt_items: newitems.extend(rebuilt_items[cls_][item.name]) else: newitems.append(item) # seems like the functions attached to a test class aren't sorted already? # is that true and why's that? (when using unittest, they're sorted) items[:] = sorted( newitems, key=lambda item: ( item.getparent(pytest.Module).name, item.getparent(pytest.Class).name, item.name, ), ) def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(collector, name, obj): if inspect.isclass(obj) and plugin_base.want_class(name, obj): from sqlalchemy.testing import config if config.any_async: obj = _apply_maybe_async(obj) return [ pytest.Class.from_parent( name=parametrize_cls.__name__, parent=collector ) for parametrize_cls in _parametrize_cls(collector.module, obj) ] elif ( inspect.isfunction(obj) and collector.cls is not None and plugin_base.want_method(collector.cls, obj) ): # None means, fall back to default logic, which includes # method-level parametrize return None else: # empty list means skip this item return [] def _is_wrapped_coroutine_function(fn): while hasattr(fn, "__wrapped__"): fn = fn.__wrapped__ return inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn) def _apply_maybe_async(obj, recurse=True): from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio for name, value in vars(obj).items(): if ( (callable(value) or isinstance(value, classmethod)) and not getattr(value, "_maybe_async_applied", False) and (name.startswith("test_")) and not _is_wrapped_coroutine_function(value) ): is_classmethod = False if isinstance(value, classmethod): value = value.__func__ is_classmethod = True @_pytest_fn_decorator def make_async(fn, *args, **kwargs): return asyncio._maybe_async(fn, *args, **kwargs) do_async = make_async(value) if is_classmethod: do_async = classmethod(do_async) do_async._maybe_async_applied = True setattr(obj, name, do_async) if recurse: for cls in obj.mro()[1:]: if cls != object: _apply_maybe_async(cls, False) return obj def _parametrize_cls(module, cls): """implement a class-based version of pytest parametrize.""" if "_sa_parametrize" not in cls.__dict__: return [cls] _sa_parametrize = cls._sa_parametrize classes = [] for full_param_set in itertools.product( *[params for argname, params in _sa_parametrize] ): cls_variables = {} for argname, param in zip( [_sa_param[0] for _sa_param in _sa_parametrize], full_param_set ): if not argname: raise TypeError("need argnames for class-based combinations") argname_split = re.split(r",\s*", argname) for arg, val in zip(argname_split, param.values): cls_variables[arg] = val parametrized_name = "_".join( re.sub(r"\W", "", token) for param in full_param_set for token in param.id.split("-") ) name = "%s_%s" % (cls.__name__, parametrized_name) newcls = type.__new__(type, name, (cls,), cls_variables) setattr(module, name, newcls) classes.append(newcls) return classes _current_class = None def pytest_runtest_setup(item): from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio # pytest_runtest_setup runs *before* pytest fixtures with scope="class". # plugin_base.start_test_class_outside_fixtures may opt to raise SkipTest # for the whole class and has to run things that are across all current # databases, so we run this outside of the pytest fixture system altogether # and ensure asyncio greenlet if any engines are async global _current_class if isinstance(item, pytest.Function) and _current_class is None: asyncio._maybe_async_provisioning( plugin_base.start_test_class_outside_fixtures, item.cls, ) _current_class = item.getparent(pytest.Class) @pytest.hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_teardown(item, nextitem): # runs inside of pytest function fixture scope # after test function runs from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio asyncio._maybe_async(plugin_base.after_test, item) yield # this is now after all the fixture teardown have run, the class can be # finalized. Since pytest v7 this finalizer can no longer be added in # pytest_runtest_setup since the class has not yet been setup at that # time. # See https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/9343 global _current_class, _current_report if _current_class is not None and ( # last test or a new class nextitem is None or nextitem.getparent(pytest.Class) is not _current_class ): _current_class = None try: asyncio._maybe_async_provisioning( plugin_base.stop_test_class_outside_fixtures, item.cls ) except Exception as e: # in case of an exception during teardown attach the original # error to the exception message, otherwise it will get lost if _current_report.failed: if not e.args: e.args = ( "__Original test failure__:\n" + _current_report.longreprtext, ) elif e.args[-1] and isinstance(e.args[-1], str): args = list(e.args) args[-1] += ( "\n__Original test failure__:\n" + _current_report.longreprtext ) e.args = tuple(args) else: e.args += ( "__Original test failure__", _current_report.longreprtext, ) raise finally: _current_report = None def pytest_runtest_call(item): # runs inside of pytest function fixture scope # before test function runs from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio asyncio._maybe_async( plugin_base.before_test, item, item.module.__name__, item.cls, item.name, ) _current_report = None def pytest_runtest_logreport(report): global _current_report if report.when == "call": _current_report = report @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def setup_class_methods(request): from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio cls = request.cls if hasattr(cls, "setup_test_class"): asyncio._maybe_async(cls.setup_test_class) yield if hasattr(cls, "teardown_test_class"): asyncio._maybe_async(cls.teardown_test_class) asyncio._maybe_async(plugin_base.stop_test_class, cls) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def setup_test_methods(request): from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio # called for each test self = request.instance # before this fixture runs: # 1. function level "autouse" fixtures under py3k (examples: TablesTest # define tables / data, MappedTest define tables / mappers / data) # 2. was for p2k. no longer applies # 3. run outer xdist-style setup if hasattr(self, "setup_test"): asyncio._maybe_async(self.setup_test) # alembic test suite is using setUp and tearDown # xdist methods; support these in the test suite # for the near term if hasattr(self, "setUp"): asyncio._maybe_async(self.setUp) # inside the yield: # 4. function level fixtures defined on test functions themselves, # e.g. "connection", "metadata" run next # 5. pytest hook pytest_runtest_call then runs # 6. test itself runs yield # yield finishes: # 7. function level fixtures defined on test functions # themselves, e.g. "connection" rolls back the transaction, "metadata" # emits drop all # 8. pytest hook pytest_runtest_teardown hook runs, this is associated # with fixtures close all sessions, provisioning.stop_test_class(), # engines.testing_reaper -> ensure all connection pool connections # are returned, engines created by testing_engine that aren't the # config engine are disposed asyncio._maybe_async(plugin_base.after_test_fixtures, self) # 10. run xdist-style teardown if hasattr(self, "tearDown"): asyncio._maybe_async(self.tearDown) if hasattr(self, "teardown_test"): asyncio._maybe_async(self.teardown_test) # 11. was for p2k. no longer applies # 12. function level "autouse" fixtures under py3k (examples: TablesTest / # MappedTest delete table data, possibly drop tables and clear mappers # depending on the flags defined by the test class) def _pytest_fn_decorator(target): """Port of langhelpers.decorator with pytest-specific tricks.""" from sqlalchemy.util.langhelpers import format_argspec_plus from sqlalchemy.util.compat import inspect_getfullargspec def _exec_code_in_env(code, env, fn_name): # note this is affected by "from __future__ import annotations" at # the top; exec'ed code will use non-evaluated annotations # which allows us to be more flexible with code rendering # in format_argpsec_plus() exec(code, env) return env[fn_name] def decorate(fn, add_positional_parameters=()): spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn) if add_positional_parameters: spec.args.extend(add_positional_parameters) metadata = dict( __target_fn="__target_fn", __orig_fn="__orig_fn", name=fn.__name__ ) metadata.update(format_argspec_plus(spec, grouped=False)) code = ( """\ def %(name)s%(grouped_args)s: return %(__target_fn)s(%(__orig_fn)s, %(apply_kw)s) """ % metadata ) decorated = _exec_code_in_env( code, {"__target_fn": target, "__orig_fn": fn}, fn.__name__ ) if not add_positional_parameters: decorated.__defaults__ = getattr(fn, "__func__", fn).__defaults__ decorated.__wrapped__ = fn return update_wrapper(decorated, fn) else: # this is the pytest hacky part. don't do a full update wrapper # because pytest is really being sneaky about finding the args # for the wrapped function decorated.__module__ = fn.__module__ decorated.__name__ = fn.__name__ if hasattr(fn, "pytestmark"): decorated.pytestmark = fn.pytestmark return decorated return decorate class PytestFixtureFunctions(plugin_base.FixtureFunctions): def skip_test_exception(self, *arg, **kw): return pytest.skip.Exception(*arg, **kw) @property def add_to_marker(self): return pytest.mark def mark_base_test_class(self): return pytest.mark.usefixtures( "setup_class_methods", "setup_test_methods" ) _combination_id_fns = { "i": lambda obj: obj, "r": repr, "s": str, "n": lambda obj: obj.__name__ if hasattr(obj, "__name__") else type(obj).__name__, } def combinations(self, *arg_sets, **kw): """Facade for pytest.mark.parametrize. Automatically derives argument names from the callable which in our case is always a method on a class with positional arguments. ids for parameter sets are derived using an optional template. """ from sqlalchemy.testing import exclusions if len(arg_sets) == 1 and hasattr(arg_sets[0], "__next__"): arg_sets = list(arg_sets[0]) argnames = kw.pop("argnames", None) def _filter_exclusions(args): result = [] gathered_exclusions = [] for a in args: if isinstance(a, exclusions.compound): gathered_exclusions.append(a) else: result.append(a) return result, gathered_exclusions id_ = kw.pop("id_", None) tobuild_pytest_params = [] has_exclusions = False if id_: _combination_id_fns = self._combination_id_fns # because itemgetter is not consistent for one argument vs. # multiple, make it multiple in all cases and use a slice # to omit the first argument _arg_getter = operator.itemgetter( 0, *[ idx for idx, char in enumerate(id_) if char in ("n", "r", "s", "a") ], ) fns = [ (operator.itemgetter(idx), _combination_id_fns[char]) for idx, char in enumerate(id_) if char in _combination_id_fns ] for arg in arg_sets: if not isinstance(arg, tuple): arg = (arg,) fn_params, param_exclusions = _filter_exclusions(arg) parameters = _arg_getter(fn_params)[1:] if param_exclusions: has_exclusions = True tobuild_pytest_params.append( ( parameters, param_exclusions, "-".join( comb_fn(getter(arg)) for getter, comb_fn in fns ), ) ) else: for arg in arg_sets: if not isinstance(arg, tuple): arg = (arg,) fn_params, param_exclusions = _filter_exclusions(arg) if param_exclusions: has_exclusions = True tobuild_pytest_params.append( (fn_params, param_exclusions, None) ) pytest_params = [] for parameters, param_exclusions, id_ in tobuild_pytest_params: if has_exclusions: parameters += (param_exclusions,) param = pytest.param(*parameters, id=id_) pytest_params.append(param) def decorate(fn): if inspect.isclass(fn): if has_exclusions: raise NotImplementedError( "exclusions not supported for class level combinations" ) if "_sa_parametrize" not in fn.__dict__: fn._sa_parametrize = [] fn._sa_parametrize.append((argnames, pytest_params)) return fn else: _fn_argnames = inspect.getfullargspec(fn).args[1:] if argnames is None: _argnames = _fn_argnames else: _argnames = re.split(r", *", argnames) if has_exclusions: existing_exl = sum( 1 for n in _fn_argnames if n.startswith("_exclusions") ) current_exclusion_name = f"_exclusions_{existing_exl}" _argnames += [current_exclusion_name] @_pytest_fn_decorator def check_exclusions(fn, *args, **kw): _exclusions = args[-1] if _exclusions: exlu = exclusions.compound().add(*_exclusions) fn = exlu(fn) return fn(*args[:-1], **kw) fn = check_exclusions( fn, add_positional_parameters=(current_exclusion_name,) ) return pytest.mark.parametrize(_argnames, pytest_params)(fn) return decorate def param_ident(self, *parameters): ident = parameters[0] return pytest.param(*parameters[1:], id=ident) def fixture(self, *arg, **kw): from sqlalchemy.testing import config from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio # wrapping pytest.fixture function. determine if # decorator was called as @fixture or @fixture(). if len(arg) > 0 and callable(arg[0]): # was called as @fixture(), we have the function to wrap. fn = arg[0] arg = arg[1:] else: # was called as @fixture, don't have the function yet. fn = None # create a pytest.fixture marker. because the fn is not being # passed, this is always a pytest.FixtureFunctionMarker() # object (or whatever pytest is calling it when you read this) # that is waiting for a function. fixture = pytest.fixture(*arg, **kw) # now apply wrappers to the function, including fixture itself def wrap(fn): if config.any_async: fn = asyncio._maybe_async_wrapper(fn) # other wrappers may be added here # now apply FixtureFunctionMarker fn = fixture(fn) return fn if fn: return wrap(fn) else: return wrap def get_current_test_name(self): return os.environ.get("PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST") def async_test(self, fn): from sqlalchemy.testing import asyncio @_pytest_fn_decorator def decorate(fn, *args, **kwargs): asyncio._run_coroutine_function(fn, *args, **kwargs) return decorate(fn)