############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # ############################################################################## import socket import threading import time import traceback from waitress.buffers import OverflowableBuffer, ReadOnlyFileBasedBuffer from waitress.parser import HTTPRequestParser from waitress.task import ErrorTask, WSGITask from waitress.utilities import InternalServerError from . import wasyncore class ClientDisconnected(Exception): """Raised when attempting to write to a closed socket.""" class HTTPChannel(wasyncore.dispatcher): """ Setting self.requests = [somerequest] prevents more requests from being received until the out buffers have been flushed. Setting self.requests = [] allows more requests to be received. """ task_class = WSGITask error_task_class = ErrorTask parser_class = HTTPRequestParser # A request that has not been received yet completely is stored here request = None last_activity = 0 # Time of last activity will_close = False # set to True to close the socket. close_when_flushed = False # set to True to close the socket when flushed sent_continue = False # used as a latch after sending 100 continue total_outbufs_len = 0 # total bytes ready to send current_outbuf_count = 0 # total bytes written to current outbuf # # ASYNCHRONOUS METHODS (including __init__) # def __init__(self, server, sock, addr, adj, map=None): self.server = server self.adj = adj self.outbufs = [OverflowableBuffer(adj.outbuf_overflow)] self.creation_time = self.last_activity = time.time() self.sendbuf_len = sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF) # requests_lock used to push/pop requests and modify the request that is # currently being created self.requests_lock = threading.Lock() # outbuf_lock used to access any outbuf (expected to use an RLock) self.outbuf_lock = threading.Condition() wasyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock, map=map) # Don't let wasyncore.dispatcher throttle self.addr on us. self.addr = addr self.requests = [] def check_client_disconnected(self): """ This method is inserted into the environment of any created task so it may occasionally check if the client has disconnected and interrupt execution. """ return not self.connected def writable(self): # if there's data in the out buffer or we've been instructed to close # the channel (possibly by our server maintenance logic), run # handle_write return self.total_outbufs_len or self.will_close or self.close_when_flushed def handle_write(self): # Precondition: there's data in the out buffer to be sent, or # there's a pending will_close request if not self.connected: # we dont want to close the channel twice return # try to flush any pending output if not self.requests: # 1. There are no running tasks, so we don't need to try to lock # the outbuf before sending # 2. The data in the out buffer should be sent as soon as possible # because it's either data left over from task output # or a 100 Continue line sent within "received". flush = self._flush_some elif self.total_outbufs_len >= self.adj.send_bytes: # 1. There's a running task, so we need to try to lock # the outbuf before sending # 2. Only try to send if the data in the out buffer is larger # than self.adj_bytes to avoid TCP fragmentation flush = self._flush_some_if_lockable else: # 1. There's not enough data in the out buffer to bother to send # right now. flush = None self._flush_exception(flush) if self.close_when_flushed and not self.total_outbufs_len: self.close_when_flushed = False self.will_close = True if self.will_close: self.handle_close() def _flush_exception(self, flush, do_close=True): if flush: try: return (flush(do_close=do_close), False) except OSError: if self.adj.log_socket_errors: self.logger.exception("Socket error") self.will_close = True return (False, True) except Exception: # pragma: nocover self.logger.exception("Unexpected exception when flushing") self.will_close = True return (False, True) def readable(self): # We might want to read more requests. We can only do this if: # 1. We're not already about to close the connection. # 2. We're not waiting to flush remaining data before closing the # connection # 3. There are not too many tasks already queued # 4. There's no data in the output buffer that needs to be sent # before we potentially create a new task. return not ( self.will_close or self.close_when_flushed or len(self.requests) > self.adj.channel_request_lookahead or self.total_outbufs_len ) def handle_read(self): try: data = self.recv(self.adj.recv_bytes) except OSError: if self.adj.log_socket_errors: self.logger.exception("Socket error") self.handle_close() return if data: self.last_activity = time.time() self.received(data) else: # Client disconnected. self.connected = False def send_continue(self): """ Send a 100-Continue header to the client. This is either called from receive (if no requests are running and the client expects it) or at the end of service (if no more requests are queued and a request has been read partially that expects it). """ self.request.expect_continue = False outbuf_payload = b"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n" num_bytes = len(outbuf_payload) with self.outbuf_lock: self.outbufs[-1].append(outbuf_payload) self.current_outbuf_count += num_bytes self.total_outbufs_len += num_bytes self.sent_continue = True self._flush_some() self.request.completed = False def received(self, data): """ Receives input asynchronously and assigns one or more requests to the channel. """ if not data: return False with self.requests_lock: while data: if self.request is None: self.request = self.parser_class(self.adj) n = self.request.received(data) # if there are requests queued, we can not send the continue # header yet since the responses need to be kept in order if ( self.request.expect_continue and self.request.headers_finished and not self.requests and not self.sent_continue ): self.send_continue() if self.request.completed: # The request (with the body) is ready to use. self.sent_continue = False if not self.request.empty: self.requests.append(self.request) if len(self.requests) == 1: # self.requests was empty before so the main thread # is in charge of starting the task. Otherwise, # service() will add a new task after each request # has been processed self.server.add_task(self) self.request = None if n >= len(data): break data = data[n:] return True def _flush_some_if_lockable(self, do_close=True): # Since our task may be appending to the outbuf, we try to acquire # the lock, but we don't block if we can't. if self.outbuf_lock.acquire(False): try: self._flush_some(do_close=do_close) if self.total_outbufs_len < self.adj.outbuf_high_watermark: self.outbuf_lock.notify() finally: self.outbuf_lock.release() def _flush_some(self, do_close=True): # Send as much data as possible to our client sent = 0 dobreak = False while True: outbuf = self.outbufs[0] # use outbuf.__len__ rather than len(outbuf) FBO of not getting # OverflowError on 32-bit Python outbuflen = outbuf.__len__() while outbuflen > 0: chunk = outbuf.get(self.sendbuf_len) num_sent = self.send(chunk, do_close=do_close) if num_sent: outbuf.skip(num_sent, True) outbuflen -= num_sent sent += num_sent self.total_outbufs_len -= num_sent else: # failed to write anything, break out entirely dobreak = True break else: # self.outbufs[-1] must always be a writable outbuf if len(self.outbufs) > 1: toclose = self.outbufs.pop(0) try: toclose.close() except Exception: self.logger.exception("Unexpected error when closing an outbuf") else: # caught up, done flushing for now dobreak = True if dobreak: break if sent: self.last_activity = time.time() return True return False def handle_close(self): with self.outbuf_lock: for outbuf in self.outbufs: try: outbuf.close() except Exception: self.logger.exception( "Unknown exception while trying to close outbuf" ) self.total_outbufs_len = 0 self.connected = False self.outbuf_lock.notify() wasyncore.dispatcher.close(self) def add_channel(self, map=None): """See wasyncore.dispatcher This hook keeps track of opened channels. """ wasyncore.dispatcher.add_channel(self, map) self.server.active_channels[self._fileno] = self def del_channel(self, map=None): """See wasyncore.dispatcher This hook keeps track of closed channels. """ fd = self._fileno # next line sets this to None wasyncore.dispatcher.del_channel(self, map) ac = self.server.active_channels if fd in ac: del ac[fd] # # SYNCHRONOUS METHODS # def write_soon(self, data): if not self.connected: # if the socket is closed then interrupt the task so that it # can cleanup possibly before the app_iter is exhausted raise ClientDisconnected if data: # the async mainloop might be popping data off outbuf; we can # block here waiting for it because we're in a task thread with self.outbuf_lock: self._flush_outbufs_below_high_watermark() if not self.connected: raise ClientDisconnected num_bytes = len(data) if data.__class__ is ReadOnlyFileBasedBuffer: # they used wsgi.file_wrapper self.outbufs.append(data) nextbuf = OverflowableBuffer(self.adj.outbuf_overflow) self.outbufs.append(nextbuf) self.current_outbuf_count = 0 else: if self.current_outbuf_count >= self.adj.outbuf_high_watermark: # rotate to a new buffer if the current buffer has hit # the watermark to avoid it growing unbounded nextbuf = OverflowableBuffer(self.adj.outbuf_overflow) self.outbufs.append(nextbuf) self.current_outbuf_count = 0 self.outbufs[-1].append(data) self.current_outbuf_count += num_bytes self.total_outbufs_len += num_bytes if self.total_outbufs_len >= self.adj.send_bytes: (flushed, exception) = self._flush_exception( self._flush_some, do_close=False ) if ( exception or not flushed or self.total_outbufs_len >= self.adj.send_bytes ): self.server.pull_trigger() return num_bytes return 0 def _flush_outbufs_below_high_watermark(self): # check first to avoid locking if possible if self.total_outbufs_len > self.adj.outbuf_high_watermark: with self.outbuf_lock: (_, exception) = self._flush_exception(self._flush_some, do_close=False) if exception: # An exception happened while flushing, wake up the main # thread, then wait for it to decide what to do next # (probably close the socket, and then just return) self.server.pull_trigger() self.outbuf_lock.wait() return while ( self.connected and self.total_outbufs_len > self.adj.outbuf_high_watermark ): self.server.pull_trigger() self.outbuf_lock.wait() def service(self): """Execute one request. If there are more, we add another task to the server at the end.""" request = self.requests[0] if request.error: task = self.error_task_class(self, request) else: task = self.task_class(self, request) try: if self.connected: task.service() else: task.close_on_finish = True except ClientDisconnected: self.logger.info("Client disconnected while serving %s" % task.request.path) task.close_on_finish = True except Exception: self.logger.exception("Exception while serving %s" % task.request.path) if not task.wrote_header: if self.adj.expose_tracebacks: body = traceback.format_exc() else: body = "The server encountered an unexpected internal server error" req_version = request.version req_headers = request.headers err_request = self.parser_class(self.adj) err_request.error = InternalServerError(body) # copy some original request attributes to fulfill # HTTP 1.1 requirements err_request.version = req_version try: err_request.headers["CONNECTION"] = req_headers["CONNECTION"] except KeyError: pass task = self.error_task_class(self, err_request) try: task.service() # must not fail except ClientDisconnected: task.close_on_finish = True else: task.close_on_finish = True if task.close_on_finish: with self.requests_lock: self.close_when_flushed = True for request in self.requests: request.close() self.requests = [] else: # before processing a new request, ensure there is not too # much data in the outbufs waiting to be flushed # NB: currently readable() returns False while we are # flushing data so we know no new requests will come in # that we need to account for, otherwise it'd be better # to do this check at the start of the request instead of # at the end to account for consecutive service() calls if len(self.requests) > 1: self._flush_outbufs_below_high_watermark() # this is a little hacky but basically it's forcing the # next request to create a new outbuf to avoid sharing # outbufs across requests which can cause outbufs to # not be deallocated regularly when a connection is open # for a long time if self.current_outbuf_count > 0: self.current_outbuf_count = self.adj.outbuf_high_watermark request.close() # Add new task to process the next request with self.requests_lock: self.requests.pop(0) if self.connected and self.requests: self.server.add_task(self) elif ( self.connected and self.request is not None and self.request.expect_continue and self.request.headers_finished and not self.sent_continue ): # A request waits for a signal to continue, but we could # not send it until now because requests were being # processed and the output needs to be kept in order self.send_continue() if self.connected: self.server.pull_trigger() self.last_activity = time.time() def cancel(self): """Cancels all pending / active requests""" self.will_close = True self.connected = False self.last_activity = time.time() self.requests = []