# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ tmdbsimple.tv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module implements the TV, TV Seasons, TV Episodes, and Networks functionality of tmdbsimple. Created by Celia Oakley on 2013-10-31. :copyright: (c) 2013-2020 by Celia Oakley :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details """ from .base import TMDB class TV(TMDB): """ TV functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/tv """ BASE_PATH = 'tv' URLS = { 'info': '/{id}', 'account_states': '/{id}/account_states', 'alternative_titles': '/{id}/alternative_titles', 'content_ratings': '/{id}/content_ratings', 'credits': '/{id}/credits', 'episode_groups': '/{id}/episode_groups', 'external_ids': '/{id}/external_ids', 'images': '/{id}/images', 'keywords': '/{id}/keywords', 'recommendations': '/{id}/recommendations', 'reviews': '/{id}/reviews', 'screened_theatrically': '/{id}/screened_theatrically', 'similar': '/{id}/similar', 'translations': '/{id}/translations', 'videos': '/{id}/videos', 'rating': '/{id}/rating', 'latest': '/latest', 'airing_today': '/airing_today', 'on_the_air': '/on_the_air', 'popular': '/popular', 'top_rated': '/top_rated', } def __init__(self, id=0): super(TV, self).__init__() self.id = id def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get the primary TV show details by id. Supports append_to_response. Read more about this at https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/append-to-response. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any TV series method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def account_states(self, **kwargs): """ Grab the following account states for a session: - TV show rating - If it belongs to your watchlist - If it belongs to your favourite list Args: language: (optional) ISO 3166-1 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any tv method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('account_states') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def alternative_titles(self, **kwargs): """ Returns all of the alternative titles for a TV show. Args: language: (optional) ISO 3166-1 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any tv method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('alternative_titles') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def content_ratings(self, **kwargs): """ Get the list of content ratings (certifications) that have been added to a TV show. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any collection method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('content_ratings') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def credits(self, **kwargs): """ Get the credits (cast and crew) that have been added to a TV show. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any collection method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('credits') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def episode_groups(self, **kwargs): """ Get all of the episode groups that have been created for a TV show. With a group ID you can call the get TV episode group details method. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('episode_groups') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def external_ids(self, **kwargs): """ Get the external ids for a TV show. We currently support the following external sources. Media Databases: IMDb ID, TVDB ID, Freebase MID*, Freebase ID*, TVRage ID* Social IDs: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter *Defunct or no longer available as a service. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('external_ids') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def images(self, **kwargs): """ Get the images that belong to a TV show. Querying images with a language parameter will filter the results. If you want to include a fallback language (especially useful for backdrops) you can use the include_image_language parameter. This should be a comma seperated value like so: include_image_language=en,null. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. include_image_language: (optional) Comma separated, a valid ISO 69-1. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('images') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def keywords(self, **kwargs): """ Get the keywords that have been added to a TV show. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('keywords') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def recommendations(self, **kwargs): """ Get the list of TV show recommendations for this item. Args: page: (optional) Minimum value of 1. Expected value is an integer. language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('recommendations') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def reviews(self, **kwargs): """ Get the reviews for a TV show. Args: page: (optional) Minimum value of 1. Expected value is an integer. language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('reviews') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def screened_theatrically(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of seasons or episodes that have been screened in a film festival or theatre. Args: page: (optional) Minimum value of 1. Expected value is an integer. language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('screened_theatrically') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def similar(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of similar TV shows. These items are assembled by looking at keywords and genres. Args: page: (optional) Minimum value of 1. Expected value is an integer. language: (optional) ISO 639-1 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any TV method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('similar') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def translations(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of the translations that exist for a TV show. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('translations') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def videos(self, **kwargs): """ Get the videos that have been added to a TV show. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('videos') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def rating(self, **kwargs): """ Rate a TV show. A valid session or guest session ID is required. You can read more about how this works at https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/authentication/how-do-i-generate-a-session-id. Args: session_id: see Authentication. guest_session_id: see Authentication. value: Rating value. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('rating') payload = { 'value': kwargs.pop('value', None), } response = self._POST(path, kwargs, payload) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def latest(self, **kwargs): """ Get the most newly created TV show. This is a live response and will continuously change. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('latest') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def airing_today(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of TV shows that are airing today. This query is purely day based as we do not currently support airing times. You can specify a timezone to offset the day calculation. Without a specified timezone, this query defaults to EST (Eastern Time UTC-05:00). Args: page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000. language: (optional) ISO 639 code. timezone: (optional) Valid value from the list of timezones. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_path('airing_today') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def on_the_air(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of shows that are currently on the air. This query looks for any TV show that has an episode with an air date in the next 7 days. Args: page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000. language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_path('on_the_air') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def popular(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of the current popular TV shows on TMDb. This list updates daily. Args: page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000. language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_path('popular') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def top_rated(self, **kwargs): """ Get a list of the top rated TV shows on TMDb. Args: page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000. language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_path('top_rated') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response class TV_Seasons(TMDB): """ TV Seasons functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/tv-seasons """ BASE_PATH = 'tv/{tv_id}/season/{season_number}' URLS = { 'info': '', 'account_states': '/account_states', 'credits': '/credits', 'external_ids': '/external_ids', 'images': '/images', 'videos': '/videos', } def __init__(self, tv_id, season_number): super(TV_Seasons, self).__init__() self.tv_id = tv_id self.season_number = season_number def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get the TV season details by id. Supports append_to_response. Read more about this at https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/append-to-response. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any TV series method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def account_states(self, **kwargs): """ Returns all of the user ratings for the season's episodes. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any TV series method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_path('account_states') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def credits(self, **kwargs): """ Get the credits for TV season. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_path('credits') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def external_ids(self, **kwargs): """ Get the external ids for a TV season. We currently support the following external sources. Media Databases: TVDB ID, Freebase MID*, Freebase ID*, TVRage ID* *Defunct or no longer available as a service. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_path('external_ids') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def images(self, **kwargs): """ Get the images that belong to a TV season. Querying images with a language parameter will filter the results. If you want to include a fallback language (especially useful for backdrops) you can use the include_image_language parameter. This should be a comma seperated value like so: include_image_language=en,null. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. include_image_language: (optional) Comma separated, a valid ISO 69-1. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_path('images') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def videos(self, **kwargs): """ Get the videos that have been added to a TV season. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_path('videos') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response class TV_Episodes(TMDB): """ TV Episodes functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/tv-episodes """ BASE_PATH = 'tv/{tv_id}/season/{season_number}/episode/{episode_number}' URLS = { 'info': '', 'account_states': '/account_states', 'credits': '/credits', 'external_ids': '/external_ids', 'images': '/images', 'translations': '/translations', 'rating': '/rating', 'videos': '/videos', } def __init__(self, tv_id, season_number, episode_number): super(TV_Episodes, self).__init__() self.tv_id = tv_id self.season_number = season_number self.episode_number = episode_number def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get the TV episode details by id. Supports append_to_response. Read more about this at https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/append-to-response. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any TV series method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_episode_number_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def account_states(self, **kwargs): """ Get your rating for an episode. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. append_to_response: (optional) Comma separated, any TV series method. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_episode_number_path('account_states') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def credits(self, **kwargs): """ Get the credits (cast, crew and guest stars) for a TV episode. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_episode_number_path('credits') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def external_ids(self, **kwargs): """ Get the external ids for a TV episode. We currently support the following external sources. External Sources: IMDb ID, TVDB ID, Freebase MID*, Freebase ID*, TVRage ID* *Defunct or no longer available as a service. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_episode_number_path( 'external_ids') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def images(self, **kwargs): """ Get the images that belong to a TV episode. Querying images with a language parameter will filter the results. If you want to include a fallback language (especially useful for backdrops) you can use the include_image_language parameter. This should be a comma seperated value like so: include_image_language=en,null. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_episode_number_path('images') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def translations(self, **kwargs): """ Get the translation data for an episode. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_episode_number_path('translations') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def rating(self, **kwargs): """ Rate a TV episode. A valid session or guest session ID is required. You can read more about how this works at https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/authentication/how-do-i-generate-a-session-id. Args: session_id: see Authentication. guest_session_id: see Authentication. value: Rating value. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_episode_number_path('rating') payload = { 'value': kwargs.pop('value', None), } response = self._POST(path, kwargs, payload) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def videos(self, **kwargs): """ Get the videos that have been added to a TV episode. Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_tv_id_season_number_episode_number_path('videos') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response class TV_Episode_Groups(TMDB): """ TV Episode Groups functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/tv-episode-groups """ BASE_PATH = 'tv/episode_group' URLS = { 'info': '/{id}', } def __init__(self, id): super(TV_Episode_Groups, self).__init__() self.id = id def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get the details of a TV episode group. Groups support 7 different types which are enumerated as the following: 1. Original air date 2. Absolute 3. DVD 4. Digital 5. Story arc 6. Production 7. TV Args: language: (optional) ISO 639 code. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response class TV_Changes(TMDB): """ Changes functionality for TV Series, Season and Episode. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/tv/get-tv-changes https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/tv-seasons/get-tv-season-changes https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/tv-episodes/get-tv-episode-changes """ BASE_PATH = 'tv' URLS = { 'series': '/{id}/changes', # id => tv_id 'season': '/season/{id}/changes', # id => season_id 'episode': '/episode/{id}/changes', # id => episode_id } def __init__(self, id=0): super(TV_Changes, self).__init__() self.id = id def series(self, **kwargs): """ Get the changes for a TV show. By default only the last 24 hours are returned. You can query up to 14 days in a single query by using the start_date and end_date query parameters. TV show changes are different than movie changes in that there are some edits on seasons and episodes that will create a change entry at the show level. These can be found under the season and episode keys. These keys will contain a series_id and episode_id. You can use the season changes and episode changes methods to look these up individually. Args: start_date: (optional) Expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. end_date: (optional) Expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('series') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def season(self, **kwargs): """ Get the changes for a TV season. By default only the last 24 hours are returned. You can query up to 14 days in a single query by using the start_date and end_date query parameters. Args: start_date: (optional) Expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. end_date: (optional) Expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('season') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def episode(self, **kwargs): """ Get the changes for a TV episode. By default only the last 24 hours are returned. You can query up to 14 days in a single query by using the start_date and end_date query parameters. Args: start_date: (optional) Expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. end_date: (optional) Expected format is 'YYYY-MM-DD'. page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('episode') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response class Networks(TMDB): """ Networks functionality. See: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/networks """ BASE_PATH = 'network' URLS = { 'info': '/{id}', 'alternative_names': '/{id}/alternative_names', 'images': '/{id}/images', } def __init__(self, id): super(Networks, self).__init__() self.id = id def info(self, **kwargs): """ Get the details of a network. Returns: A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('info') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def alternative_names(self, **kwargs): """ Get the alternative names of a network. Args: Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('alternative_names') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response def images(self, **kwargs): """ Get a TV network logos by id. There are two image formats that are supported for networks, PNG's and SVG's. You can see which type the original file is by looking at the file_type field. We prefer SVG's as they are resolution independent and as such, the width and height are only there to reflect the original asset that was uploaded. An SVG can be scaled properly beyond those dimensions if you call them as a PNG. For more information about how SVG's and PNG's can be used, take a read through https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/images. Args: Returns: A dict representation of the JSON returned from the API. """ path = self._get_id_path('images') response = self._GET(path, kwargs) self._set_attrs_to_values(response) return response