# coding=utf-8 import os import platform import signal import subprocess import sys import time from bazarr.app.get_args import args from bazarr.literals import EXIT_PYTHON_UPGRADE_NEEDED, EXIT_NORMAL, FILE_RESTART, FILE_STOP, ENV_RESTARTFILE, ENV_STOPFILE, EXIT_INTERRUPT def exit_program(status_code): print(f'Bazarr exited with status code {status_code}.') raise SystemExit(status_code) def check_python_version(): python_version = platform.python_version_tuple() minimum_py3_tuple = (3, 8, 0) minimum_py3_str = ".".join(str(i) for i in minimum_py3_tuple) if int(python_version[0]) < minimum_py3_tuple[0]: print("Python " + minimum_py3_str + " or greater required. " "Current version is " + platform.python_version() + ". Please upgrade Python.") exit_program(EXIT_PYTHON_UPGRADE_NEEDED) elif int(python_version[0]) == 3 and int(python_version[1]) > 12: print("Python version greater than 3.12.x is unsupported. Current version is " + platform.python_version() + ". Keep in mind that even if it works, you're on your own.") elif (int(python_version[0]) == minimum_py3_tuple[0] and int(python_version[1]) < minimum_py3_tuple[1]) or \ (int(python_version[0]) != minimum_py3_tuple[0]): print("Python " + minimum_py3_str + " or greater required. " "Current version is " + platform.python_version() + ". Please upgrade Python.") exit_program(EXIT_PYTHON_UPGRADE_NEEDED) def get_python_path(): if sys.platform == "darwin": # Do not run Python from within macOS framework bundle. python_bundle_path = os.path.join(sys.base_exec_prefix, "Resources", "Python.app", "Contents", "MacOS", "Python") if os.path.exists(python_bundle_path): import tempfile python_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "python") os.symlink(python_bundle_path, python_path) return python_path return sys.executable check_python_version() dir_name = os.path.dirname(__file__) def start_bazarr(): script = [get_python_path(), "-u", os.path.normcase(os.path.join(dir_name, 'bazarr', 'main.py'))] + sys.argv[1:] ep = subprocess.Popen(script, stdout=None, stderr=None, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, env=os.environ) print(f"Bazarr starting child process with PID {ep.pid}...") return ep def terminate_child(): print(f"Terminating child process with PID {child_process.pid}") child_process.terminate() def get_stop_status_code(input_file): try: with open(input_file, 'r') as file: # read status code from file, if it exists line = file.readline() try: status_code = int(line) except (ValueError, TypeError): status_code = EXIT_NORMAL file.close() except Exception: status_code = EXIT_NORMAL return status_code def check_status(): global child_process if os.path.exists(stop_file): status_code = get_stop_status_code(stop_file) try: print("Deleting stop file...") os.remove(stop_file) except Exception: print('Unable to delete stop file.') finally: terminate_child() exit_program(status_code) if os.path.exists(restart_file): try: print("Deleting restart file...") os.remove(restart_file) except Exception: print('Unable to delete restart file.') finally: terminate_child() print("Bazarr is restarting...") child_process = start_bazarr() def interrupt_handler(signum, frame): # catch and ignore keyboard interrupt Ctrl-C # the child process Server object will catch SIGINT and perform an orderly shutdown global interrupted if not interrupted: # ignore user hammering Ctrl-C; we heard you the first time! interrupted = True print('Handling keyboard interrupt...') else: print("Stop doing that! I heard you the first time!") if __name__ == '__main__': interrupted = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt_handler) restart_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, FILE_RESTART) stop_file = os.path.join(args.config_dir, FILE_STOP) os.environ[ENV_STOPFILE] = stop_file os.environ[ENV_RESTARTFILE] = restart_file # Cleanup leftover files try: os.remove(restart_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: os.remove(stop_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Initial start of main bazarr process child_process = start_bazarr() # Keep the script running forever until stop is requested through term, special files or keyboard interrupt while True: check_status() try: time.sleep(5) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, ChildProcessError): # this code should never be reached, if signal handling is working properly print('Bazarr exited main script file via keyboard interrupt.') exit_program(EXIT_INTERRUPT)