
235 lines
9.4 KiB

import warnings
from bs4.element import (
from . import SoupTest
class TestTag(SoupTest):
"""Test various methods of Tag which aren't so complicated they
need their own classes.
def test__should_pretty_print(self):
# Test the rules about when a tag should be pretty-printed.
tag = self.soup("").new_tag("a_tag")
# No list of whitespace-preserving tags -> pretty-print
tag._preserve_whitespace_tags = None
assert True == tag._should_pretty_print(0)
# List exists but tag is not on the list -> pretty-print
tag.preserve_whitespace_tags = ["some_other_tag"]
assert True == tag._should_pretty_print(1)
# Indent level is None -> don't pretty-print
assert False == tag._should_pretty_print(None)
# Tag is on the whitespace-preserving list -> don't pretty-print
tag.preserve_whitespace_tags = ["some_other_tag", "a_tag"]
assert False == tag._should_pretty_print(1)
def test_len(self):
"""The length of a Tag is its number of children."""
soup = self.soup("<top>1<b>2</b>3</top>")
# The BeautifulSoup object itself contains one element: the
# <top> tag.
assert len(soup.contents) == 1
assert len(soup) == 1
# The <top> tag contains three elements: the text node "1", the
# <b> tag, and the text node "3".
assert len( == 3
assert len( == 3
def test_member_access_invokes_find(self):
"""Accessing a Python member .foo invokes find('foo')"""
soup = self.soup('<b><i></i></b>')
assert soup.b == soup.find('b')
assert soup.b.i == soup.find('b').find('i')
assert soup.a == None
def test_deprecated_member_access(self):
soup = self.soup('<b><i></i></b>')
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
tag = soup.bTag
assert soup.b == tag
assert '.bTag is deprecated, use .find("b") instead. If you really were looking for a tag called bTag, use .find("bTag")' == str(w[0].message)
def test_has_attr(self):
"""has_attr() checks for the presence of an attribute.
Please note note: has_attr() is different from
__in__. has_attr() checks the tag's attributes and __in__
checks the tag's chidlren.
soup = self.soup("<foo attr='bar'>")
assert not'attr2')
def test_attributes_come_out_in_alphabetical_order(self):
markup = '<b a="1" z="5" m="3" f="2" y="4"></b>'
self.assertSoupEquals(markup, '<b a="1" f="2" m="3" y="4" z="5"></b>')
def test_string(self):
# A Tag that contains only a text node makes that node
# available as .string.
soup = self.soup("<b>foo</b>")
assert soup.b.string == 'foo'
def test_empty_tag_has_no_string(self):
# A Tag with no children has no .stirng.
soup = self.soup("<b></b>")
assert soup.b.string == None
def test_tag_with_multiple_children_has_no_string(self):
# A Tag with no children has no .string.
soup = self.soup("<a>foo<b></b><b></b></b>")
assert soup.b.string == None
soup = self.soup("<a>foo<b></b>bar</b>")
assert soup.b.string == None
# Even if all the children are strings, due to trickery,
# it won't work--but this would be a good optimization.
soup = self.soup("<a>foo</b>")
soup.a.insert(1, "bar")
assert soup.a.string == None
def test_tag_with_recursive_string_has_string(self):
# A Tag with a single child which has a .string inherits that
# .string.
soup = self.soup("<a><b>foo</b></a>")
assert soup.a.string == "foo"
assert soup.string == "foo"
def test_lack_of_string(self):
"""Only a Tag containing a single text node has a .string."""
soup = self.soup("<b>f<i>e</i>o</b>")
assert soup.b.string is None
soup = self.soup("<b></b>")
assert soup.b.string is None
def test_all_text(self):
"""Tag.text and Tag.get_text(sep=u"") -> all child text, concatenated"""
soup = self.soup("<a>a<b>r</b> <r> t </r></a>")
assert soup.a.text == "ar t "
assert soup.a.get_text(strip=True) == "art"
assert soup.a.get_text(",") == "a,r, , t "
assert soup.a.get_text(",", strip=True) == "a,r,t"
def test_get_text_ignores_special_string_containers(self):
soup = self.soup("foo<!--IGNORE-->bar")
assert soup.get_text() == "foobar"
assert soup.get_text(types=(NavigableString, Comment)) == "fooIGNOREbar"
assert soup.get_text(types=None) == "fooIGNOREbar"
soup = self.soup("foo<style>CSS</style><script>Javascript</script>bar")
assert soup.get_text() == "foobar"
def test_all_strings_ignores_special_string_containers(self):
soup = self.soup("foo<!--IGNORE-->bar")
assert ['foo', 'bar'] == list(soup.strings)
soup = self.soup("foo<style>CSS</style><script>Javascript</script>bar")
assert ['foo', 'bar'] == list(soup.strings)
def test_string_methods_inside_special_string_container_tags(self):
# Strings inside tags like <script> are generally ignored by
# methods like get_text, because they're not what humans
# consider 'text'. But if you call get_text on the <script>
# tag itself, those strings _are_ considered to be 'text',
# because there's nothing else you might be looking for.
style = self.soup("<div>a<style>Some CSS</style></div>")
template = self.soup("<div>a<template><p>Templated <b>text</b>.</p><!--With a comment.--></template></div>")
script = self.soup("<div>a<script><!--a comment-->Some text</script></div>")
assert style.div.get_text() == "a"
assert list(style.div.strings) == ["a"]
assert == "Some CSS"
assert list( == ['Some CSS']
# The comment is not picked up here. That's because it was
# parsed into a Comment object, which is not considered
# interesting by template.strings.
assert template.div.get_text() == "a"
assert list(template.div.strings) == ["a"]
assert template.div.template.get_text() == "Templated text."
assert list(template.div.template.strings) == ["Templated ", "text", "."]
# The comment is included here, because it didn't get parsed
# into a Comment object--it's part of the Script string.
assert script.div.get_text() == "a"
assert list(script.div.strings) == ["a"]
assert script.div.script.get_text() == "<!--a comment-->Some text"
assert list(script.div.script.strings) == ['<!--a comment-->Some text']
class TestMultiValuedAttributes(SoupTest):
"""Test the behavior of multi-valued attributes like 'class'.
The values of such attributes are always presented as lists.
def test_single_value_becomes_list(self):
soup = self.soup("<a class='foo'>")
assert ["foo"] ==soup.a['class']
def test_multiple_values_becomes_list(self):
soup = self.soup("<a class='foo bar'>")
assert ["foo", "bar"] == soup.a['class']
def test_multiple_values_separated_by_weird_whitespace(self):
soup = self.soup("<a class='foo\tbar\nbaz'>")
assert ["foo", "bar", "baz"] ==soup.a['class']
def test_attributes_joined_into_string_on_output(self):
soup = self.soup("<a class='foo\tbar'>")
assert b'<a class="foo bar"></a>' == soup.a.encode()
def test_get_attribute_list(self):
soup = self.soup("<a id='abc def'>")
assert ['abc def'] == soup.a.get_attribute_list('id')
def test_accept_charset(self):
soup = self.soup('<form accept-charset="ISO-8859-1 UTF-8">')
assert ['ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'] == soup.form['accept-charset']
def test_cdata_attribute_applying_only_to_one_tag(self):
data = '<a accept-charset="ISO-8859-1 UTF-8"></a>'
soup = self.soup(data)
# We saw in another test that accept-charset is a cdata-list
# attribute for the <form> tag. But it's not a cdata-list
# attribute for any other tag.
assert 'ISO-8859-1 UTF-8' == soup.a['accept-charset']
def test_customization(self):
# It's possible to change which attributes of which tags
# are treated as multi-valued attributes.
# Here, 'id' is a multi-valued attribute and 'class' is not.
# TODO: This code is in the builder and should be tested there.
soup = self.soup(
'<a class="foo" id="bar">', multi_valued_attributes={ '*' : 'id' }
assert soup.a['class'] == 'foo'
assert soup.a['id'] == ['bar']
def test_hidden_tag_is_invisible(self):
# Setting .hidden on a tag makes it invisible in output, but
# leaves its contents visible.
# This is not a documented or supported feature of Beautiful
# Soup (e.g. NavigableString doesn't support .hidden even
# though it could), but some people use it and it's not
# hurting anything to verify that it keeps working.
soup = self.soup('<div id="1"><span id="2">a string</span></div>')
soup.span.hidden = True
assert '<div id="1">a string</div>' == str(soup.div)