
171 lines
4.9 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import re
import sys
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from sqlalchemy import exc as sa_exc
from sqlalchemy.engine import default
from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import _expect_warnings
from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import eq_ # noqa
from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import is_ # noqa
from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import is_false # noqa
from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import is_not_ # noqa
from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import is_true # noqa
from sqlalchemy.testing.assertions import ne_ # noqa
from sqlalchemy.util import decorator
from ..util import sqla_compat
def _assert_proper_exception_context(exception):
"""assert that any exception we're catching does not have a __context__
without a __cause__, and that __suppress_context__ is never set.
Python 3 will report nested as exceptions as "during the handling of
error X, error Y occurred". That's not what we want to do. we want
these exceptions in a cause chain.
if (
exception.__context__ is not exception.__cause__
and not exception.__suppress_context__
assert False, (
"Exception %r was correctly raised but did not set a cause, "
"within context %r as its cause."
% (exception, exception.__context__)
def assert_raises(except_cls, callable_, *args, **kw):
return _assert_raises(except_cls, callable_, args, kw, check_context=True)
def assert_raises_context_ok(except_cls, callable_, *args, **kw):
return _assert_raises(except_cls, callable_, args, kw)
def assert_raises_message(except_cls, msg, callable_, *args, **kwargs):
return _assert_raises(
except_cls, callable_, args, kwargs, msg=msg, check_context=True
def assert_raises_message_context_ok(
except_cls, msg, callable_, *args, **kwargs
return _assert_raises(except_cls, callable_, args, kwargs, msg=msg)
def _assert_raises(
except_cls, callable_, args, kwargs, msg=None, check_context=False
with _expect_raises(except_cls, msg, check_context) as ec:
callable_(*args, **kwargs)
return ec.error
class _ErrorContainer:
error: Any = None
def _expect_raises(except_cls, msg=None, check_context=False):
ec = _ErrorContainer()
if check_context:
are_we_already_in_a_traceback = sys.exc_info()[0]
yield ec
success = False
except except_cls as err:
ec.error = err
success = True
if msg is not None:
assert, str(err), re.UNICODE), f"{msg} !~ {err}"
if check_context and not are_we_already_in_a_traceback:
# assert outside the block so it works for AssertionError too !
assert success, "Callable did not raise an exception"
def expect_raises(except_cls, check_context=True):
return _expect_raises(except_cls, check_context=check_context)
def expect_raises_message(except_cls, msg, check_context=True):
return _expect_raises(except_cls, msg=msg, check_context=check_context)
def eq_ignore_whitespace(a, b, msg=None):
a = re.sub(r"^\s+?|\n", "", a)
a = re.sub(r" {2,}", " ", a)
b = re.sub(r"^\s+?|\n", "", b)
b = re.sub(r" {2,}", " ", b)
assert a == b, msg or "%r != %r" % (a, b)
_dialect_mods: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
def _get_dialect(name):
if name is None or name == "default":
return default.DefaultDialect()
d = sqla_compat._create_url(name).get_dialect()()
if name == "postgresql":
d.implicit_returning = True
elif name == "mssql":
d.legacy_schema_aliasing = False
return d
def expect_warnings(*messages, **kw):
"""Context manager which expects one or more warnings.
With no arguments, squelches all SAWarnings emitted via
sqlalchemy.util.warn and sqlalchemy.util.warn_limited. Otherwise
pass string expressions that will match selected warnings via regex;
all non-matching warnings are sent through.
The expect version **asserts** that the warnings were in fact seen.
Note that the test suite sets SAWarning warnings to raise exceptions.
return _expect_warnings(Warning, messages, **kw)
def emits_python_deprecation_warning(*messages):
"""Decorator form of expect_warnings().
Note that emits_warning does **not** assert that the warnings
were in fact seen.
def decorate(fn, *args, **kw):
with _expect_warnings(DeprecationWarning, assert_=False, *messages):
return fn(*args, **kw)
return decorate
def expect_sqlalchemy_deprecated(*messages, **kw):
return _expect_warnings(sa_exc.SADeprecationWarning, messages, **kw)
def expect_sqlalchemy_deprecated_20(*messages, **kw):
return _expect_warnings(sa_exc.RemovedIn20Warning, messages, **kw)