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import warnings
from typing import Dict, Any, ClassVar
import dataclasses
from .common import Color
class SSAStyle:
A SubStation Style.
In SubStation, each subtitle (:class:`SSAEvent`) is associated with a style which defines its font, color, etc.
Like a subtitle event, a style also consists of "fields"; see :attr:`SSAStyle.FIELDS` for a list
(note the spelling, which is different from SubStation proper).
Subtitles and styles are connected via an :class:`SSAFile` they belong to. :attr:`SSAEvent.style` is a string
which is (or should be) a key in the :attr:`SSAFile.styles` dict. Note that style name is stored separately;
a given :class:`SSAStyle` instance has no particular name itself.
This class defines equality (equality of all fields).
DEFAULT_STYLE: ClassVar["SSAStyle"] = None
def FIELDS(self):
"""All fields in SSAStyle."""
warnings.warn("Deprecated in 1.2.0 - it's a dataclass now", DeprecationWarning)
return frozenset(field.name for field in dataclasses.fields(self))
fontname: str = "Arial" #: Font name
fontsize: float = 20.0 #: Font size (in pixels)
primarycolor: Color = Color(255, 255, 255, 0) #: Primary color (:class:`pysubs2.Color` instance)
secondarycolor: Color = Color(255, 0, 0, 0) #: Secondary color (:class:`pysubs2.Color` instance)
tertiarycolor: Color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) #: Tertiary color (:class:`pysubs2.Color` instance)
outlinecolor: Color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) #: Outline color (:class:`pysubs2.Color` instance)
backcolor: Color = Color(0, 0, 0, 0) #: Back, ie. shadow color (:class:`pysubs2.Color` instance)
bold: bool = False #: Bold
italic: bool = False #: Italic
underline: bool = False #: Underline (ASS only)
strikeout: bool = False #: Strikeout (ASS only)
scalex: float = 100.0 #: Horizontal scaling (ASS only)
scaley: float = 100.0 #: Vertical scaling (ASS only)
spacing: float = 0.0 #: Letter spacing (ASS only)
angle: float = 0.0 #: Rotation (ASS only)
borderstyle: int = 1 #: Border style
outline: float = 2.0 #: Outline width (in pixels)
shadow: float = 2.0 #: Shadow depth (in pixels)
alignment: int = 2 #: Numpad-style alignment, eg. 7 is "top left" (that is, ASS alignment semantics)
marginl: int = 10 #: Left margin (in pixels)
marginr: int = 10 #: Right margin (in pixels)
marginv: int = 10 #: Vertical margin (in pixels)
alphalevel: int = 0 #: Old, unused SSA-only field
encoding: int = 1 #: Charset
# The following attributes cannot be defined for SSA styles themselves,
# but can be used in override tags and thus are useful to keep here
# for the `pysubs2.substation.parse_tags()` interface which returns
# SSAStyles for text fragments.
drawing: bool = False #: Indicates that text span is a SSA vector drawing, see `pysubs2.substation.parse_tags()`
def copy(self) -> "SSAStyle":
return SSAStyle(**self.as_dict())
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# dataclasses.asdict() would recursively dictify Color objects, which we don't want
return {field.name: getattr(self, field.name) for field in dataclasses.fields(self)}
def __repr__(self):
return f"<SSAStyle {self.fontsize!r}px" \
f"{' bold' if self.bold else ''}" \
f"{' italic' if self.italic else ''}" \
f" {self.fontname!r}>"