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synced 2025-03-03 01:55:48 +00:00
192 lines
6.3 KiB
192 lines
6.3 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
import io
import logging
from random import randint
from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile
from rarfile import RarFile, is_rarfile
from requests import Session
import chardet
from bs4 import UnicodeDammit
from subzero.language import Language
from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider
from subliminal_patch.providers.mixins import ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin
from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle
from subliminal.exceptions import ProviderError
from subliminal.providers import ParserBeautifulSoup
from subliminal.subtitle import sanitize
from subliminal.video import Movie
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SubtitriIdSubtitle(Subtitle):
"""subtitri.id.lv Subtitle."""
provider_name = 'subtitriid'
def __init__(self, language, page_link, download_link, title, year, imdb_id):
super(SubtitriIdSubtitle, self).__init__(language, page_link=page_link)
self.download_link = download_link
self.title = title
self.year = year
self.imdb_id = imdb_id
self.matches = None
def id(self):
return self.download_link
def get_matches(self, video):
matches = set()
if isinstance(video, Movie):
# title
if video.title and sanitize(self.title) == sanitize(video.title):
# year
if video.year and self.year == video.year:
# imdb id
if video.imdb_id and self.imdb_id == video.imdb_id:
self.matches = matches
return matches
def guess_encoding(self):
# override default subtitle guess_encoding method to not include language-specific encodings guessing
# chardet encoding detection seem to yield better results
"""Guess encoding using chardet.
:return: the guessed encoding.
:rtype: str
if self._guessed_encoding:
return self._guessed_encoding
logger.info('Guessing encoding for language %s', self.language)
# guess/detect encoding using chardet
encoding = chardet.detect(self.content)['encoding']
logger.info('Chardet found encoding %s', encoding)
if not encoding:
# fallback on bs4
logger.info('Falling back to bs4 detection')
a = UnicodeDammit(self.content)
logger.info("bs4 detected encoding: %s", a.original_encoding)
if a.original_encoding:
self._guessed_encoding = a.original_encoding
return a.original_encoding
raise ValueError(u"Couldn't guess the proper encoding for %s", self)
self._guessed_encoding = encoding
return encoding
class SubtitriIdProvider(Provider, ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin):
"""subtitri.id.lv Provider."""
subtitle_class = SubtitriIdSubtitle
languages = {Language('lva', 'LV')} | {Language.fromalpha2(l) for l in ['lv']}
server_url = 'http://subtitri.id.lv'
search_url = server_url + '/search/'
def __init__(self):
self.session = None
def initialize(self):
self.session = Session()
self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = AGENT_LIST[randint(0, len(AGENT_LIST) - 1)]
self.session.headers['Referer'] = self.server_url
def terminate(self):
def query(self, title):
subtitles = []
r = self.session.get(self.search_url, params = {'q': title}, timeout=10)
if not r.content:
logger.debug('No data returned from provider')
return []
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), ['lxml', 'html.parser'])
# loop over subtitle cells
rows = soup.select('.eBlock')
for row in rows:
result_anchor_el = row.select_one('.eTitle > a')
# page link
page_link = result_anchor_el.get('href')
# fetch/parse additional info
r = self.session.get(page_link, timeout=10)
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), ['lxml', 'html.parser'])
# title
movie_titles_string = soup.select_one('.main-header').text.strip()
movie_titles_list = movie_titles_string.split(' / ')
title = movie_titles_list[-1]
# year
year = soup.select_one('#film-page-year').text.strip()
# imdb id
imdb_link = soup.select_one('#actors-page > a').get('href')
imdb_id = imdb_link.split('/')[-2]
# download link
href = soup.select_one('.hvr').get('href')
download_link = self.server_url + href
# create/add the subitle
subtitle = self.subtitle_class(Language.fromalpha2('lv'), page_link, download_link, title, year, imdb_id)
logger.debug('subtitri.id.lv: Found subtitle %r', subtitle)
return subtitles
def list_subtitles(self, video, languages):
if isinstance(video, Movie):
titles = [video.title] + video.alternative_titles
titles = []
subtitles = []
# query for subtitles
for title in titles:
if isinstance(video, Movie):
subtitles += [s for s in self.query(title) if s.language in languages]
return subtitles
def download_subtitle(self, subtitle):
if isinstance(subtitle, SubtitriIdSubtitle):
# download the subtitle
r = self.session.get(subtitle.download_link, timeout=10)
# open the archive
archive_stream = io.BytesIO(r.content)
if is_rarfile(archive_stream):
archive = RarFile(archive_stream)
elif is_zipfile(archive_stream):
archive = ZipFile(archive_stream)
subtitle.content = r.content
if subtitle.is_valid():
subtitle.content = None
raise ProviderError('Unidentified archive type')
subtitle.content = self.get_subtitle_from_archive(subtitle, archive)