
428 lines
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# testing/
# Copyright (C) 2005-2024 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License:
# mypy: ignore-errors
from __future__ import annotations
from argparse import Namespace
import collections
import inspect
import typing
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterable
from typing import NoReturn
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union
from . import mock
from . import requirements as _requirements
from .util import fail
from .. import util
# default requirements; this is replaced by plugin_base when pytest
# is run
requirements = _requirements.SuiteRequirements()
db = None
db_url = None
db_opts = None
file_config = None
test_schema = None
test_schema_2 = None
any_async = False
_current = None
ident = "main"
options: Namespace = None # type: ignore
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from .plugin.plugin_base import FixtureFunctions
_fixture_functions: FixtureFunctions
class _NullFixtureFunctions:
def _null_decorator(self):
def go(fn):
return fn
return go
def skip_test_exception(self, *arg, **kw):
return Exception()
def add_to_marker(self):
return mock.Mock()
def mark_base_test_class(self):
return self._null_decorator()
def combinations(self, *arg_sets, **kw):
return self._null_decorator()
def param_ident(self, *parameters):
return self._null_decorator()
def fixture(self, *arg, **kw):
return self._null_decorator()
def get_current_test_name(self):
return None
def async_test(self, fn):
return fn
# default fixture functions; these are replaced by plugin_base when
# pytest runs
_fixture_functions = _NullFixtureFunctions()
_FN = TypeVar("_FN", bound=Callable[..., Any])
def combinations(
*comb: Union[Any, Tuple[Any, ...]],
argnames: Optional[str] = None,
id_: Optional[str] = None,
**kw: str,
) -> Callable[[_FN], _FN]:
r"""Deliver multiple versions of a test based on positional combinations.
This is a facade over pytest.mark.parametrize.
:param \*comb: argument combinations. These are tuples that will be passed
positionally to the decorated function.
:param argnames: optional list of argument names. These are the names
of the arguments in the test function that correspond to the entries
in each argument tuple. pytest.mark.parametrize requires this, however
the combinations function will derive it automatically if not present
by using ``inspect.getfullargspec(fn).args[1:]``. Note this assumes the
first argument is "self" which is discarded.
:param id\_: optional id template. This is a string template that
describes how the "id" for each parameter set should be defined, if any.
The number of characters in the template should match the number of
entries in each argument tuple. Each character describes how the
corresponding entry in the argument tuple should be handled, as far as
whether or not it is included in the arguments passed to the function, as
well as if it is included in the tokens used to create the id of the
parameter set.
If omitted, the argument combinations are passed to parametrize as is. If
passed, each argument combination is turned into a pytest.param() object,
mapping the elements of the argument tuple to produce an id based on a
character value in the same position within the string template using the
following scheme::
i - the given argument is a string that is part of the id only, don't
pass it as an argument
n - the given argument should be passed and it should be added to the
id by calling the .__name__ attribute
r - the given argument should be passed and it should be added to the
id by calling repr()
s - the given argument should be passed and it should be added to the
id by calling str()
a - (argument) the given argument should be passed and it should not
be used to generated the id
(operator.eq, "eq"),
(, "ne"),
(, "gt"),
(, "lt"),
def test_operator(self, opfunc, name):
The above combination will call ``.__name__`` on the first member of
each tuple and use that as the "id" to pytest.param().
return _fixture_functions.combinations(
*comb, id_=id_, argnames=argnames, **kw
def combinations_list(arg_iterable: Iterable[Tuple[Any, ...]], **kw):
"As combination, but takes a single iterable"
return combinations(*arg_iterable, **kw)
class Variation:
__slots__ = ("_name", "_argname")
def __init__(self, case, argname, case_names):
self._name = case
self._argname = argname
for casename in case_names:
setattr(self, casename, casename == case)
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> bool: ...
def name(self):
return self._name
def __bool__(self):
return self._name == self._argname
def __nonzero__(self):
return not self.__bool__()
def __str__(self):
return f"{self._argname}={self._name!r}"
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def fail(self) -> NoReturn:
fail(f"Unknown {self}")
def idfn(cls, variation):
def generate_cases(cls, argname, cases):
case_names = [
argname if c is True else "not_" + argname if c is False else c
for c in cases
typ = type(
"__slots__": tuple(case_names),
return [typ(casename, argname, case_names) for casename in case_names]
def variation(argname_or_fn, cases=None):
"""a helper around testing.combinations that provides a single namespace
that can be used as a switch.
@testing.variation("querytyp", ["select", "subquery", "legacy_query"])
@testing.variation("lazy", ["select", "raise", "raise_on_sql"])
def test_thing(
class Thing(decl_base):
__tablename__ = 'thing'
# use name directly
rel = relationship("Rel",
# use as a switch
stmt = select(Thing)
elif querytyp.subquery:
stmt = select(Thing).subquery()
elif querytyp.legacy_query:
stmt = Session.query(Thing)
The variable provided is a slots object of boolean variables, as well
as the name of the case itself under the attribute ".name"
if inspect.isfunction(argname_or_fn):
argname = argname_or_fn.__name__
cases = argname_or_fn(None)
@variation_fixture(argname, cases)
def go(self, request):
yield request.param
return go
argname = argname_or_fn
cases_plus_limitations = [
if (isinstance(entry, tuple) and len(entry) == 2)
else (entry, None)
for entry in cases
variations = Variation.generate_cases(
argname, [c for c, l in cases_plus_limitations]
return combinations(
(variation._name, variation, limitation)
if limitation is not None
else (variation._name, variation)
for variation, (case, limitation) in zip(
variations, cases_plus_limitations
def variation_fixture(argname, cases, scope="function"):
return fixture(
params=Variation.generate_cases(argname, cases),
def fixture(*arg: Any, **kw: Any) -> Any:
return _fixture_functions.fixture(*arg, **kw)
def get_current_test_name() -> str:
return _fixture_functions.get_current_test_name()
def mark_base_test_class() -> Any:
return _fixture_functions.mark_base_test_class()
class _AddToMarker:
def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any:
return getattr(_fixture_functions.add_to_marker, attr)
add_to_marker = _AddToMarker()
class Config:
def __init__(self, db, db_opts, options, file_config):
self.db = db
self.db_opts = db_opts
self.options = options
self.file_config = file_config
self.test_schema = "test_schema"
self.test_schema_2 = "test_schema_2"
self.is_async = db.dialect.is_async and not util.asbool(
db.url.query.get("async_fallback", False)
_stack = collections.deque()
_configs = set()
def _set_name(self, db):
suffix = "_async" if db.dialect.is_async else ""
if db.dialect.server_version_info:
svi = ".".join(str(tok) for tok in db.dialect.server_version_info) = "%s+%s%s_[%s]" % (, db.driver, suffix, svi)
else: = "%s+%s%s" % (, db.driver, suffix)
def register(cls, db, db_opts, options, file_config):
"""add a config as one of the global configs.
If there are no configs set up yet, this config also
gets set as the "_current".
global any_async
cfg = Config(db, db_opts, options, file_config)
# if any backends include an async driver, then ensure
# all setup/teardown and tests are wrapped in the maybe_async()
# decorator that will set up a greenlet context for async drivers.
any_async = any_async or cfg.is_async
return cfg
def set_as_current(cls, config, namespace):
global db, _current, db_url, test_schema, test_schema_2, db_opts
_current = config
db_url = config.db.url
db_opts = config.db_opts
test_schema = config.test_schema
test_schema_2 = config.test_schema_2
namespace.db = db = config.db
def push_engine(cls, db, namespace):
assert _current, "Can't push without a default Config set up"
db, _current.db_opts, _current.options, _current.file_config
def push(cls, config, namespace):
cls.set_as_current(config, namespace)
def pop(cls, namespace):
if cls._stack:
# a failed test w/ -x option can call reset() ahead of time
_current = cls._stack[-1]
del cls._stack[-1]
cls.set_as_current(_current, namespace)
def reset(cls, namespace):
if cls._stack:
cls.set_as_current(cls._stack[0], namespace)
def all_configs(cls):
return cls._configs
def all_dbs(cls):
for cfg in cls.all_configs():
yield cfg.db
def skip_test(self, msg):
def skip_test(msg):
raise _fixture_functions.skip_test_exception(msg)
def async_test(fn):
return _fixture_functions.async_test(fn)