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# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Sebastian Thiel (byronimo@gmail.com) and contributors
# This module is part of GitDB and is released under
# the New BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
"""Contains PackIndexFile and PackFile implementations"""
import zlib
from gitdb.exc import (
from gitdb.util import (
from gitdb.fun import (
from gitdb_speedups._perf import PackIndexFile_sha_to_index
except ImportError:
# END try c module
from gitdb.base import ( # Amazing !
from gitdb.stream import (
from struct import pack
from binascii import crc32
from gitdb.const import NULL_BYTE
from gitdb.utils.compat import (
import tempfile
import array
import os
import sys
__all__ = ('PackIndexFile', 'PackFile', 'PackEntity')
#{ Utilities
def pack_object_at(cursor, offset, as_stream):
:return: Tuple(abs_data_offset, PackInfo|PackStream)
an object of the correct type according to the type_id of the object.
If as_stream is True, the object will contain a stream, allowing the
data to be read decompressed.
:param data: random accessible data containing all required information
:parma offset: offset in to the data at which the object information is located
:param as_stream: if True, a stream object will be returned that can read
the data, otherwise you receive an info object only"""
data = cursor.use_region(offset).buffer()
type_id, uncomp_size, data_rela_offset = pack_object_header_info(data)
total_rela_offset = None # set later, actual offset until data stream begins
delta_info = None
if type_id == OFS_DELTA:
i = data_rela_offset
c = byte_ord(data[i])
i += 1
delta_offset = c & 0x7f
while c & 0x80:
c = byte_ord(data[i])
i += 1
delta_offset += 1
delta_offset = (delta_offset << 7) + (c & 0x7f)
# END character loop
delta_info = delta_offset
total_rela_offset = i
elif type_id == REF_DELTA:
total_rela_offset = data_rela_offset + 20
delta_info = data[data_rela_offset:total_rela_offset]
# assume its a base object
total_rela_offset = data_rela_offset
# END handle type id
abs_data_offset = offset + total_rela_offset
if as_stream:
stream = DecompressMemMapReader(buffer(data, total_rela_offset), False, uncomp_size)
if delta_info is None:
return abs_data_offset, OPackStream(offset, type_id, uncomp_size, stream)
return abs_data_offset, ODeltaPackStream(offset, type_id, uncomp_size, delta_info, stream)
if delta_info is None:
return abs_data_offset, OPackInfo(offset, type_id, uncomp_size)
return abs_data_offset, ODeltaPackInfo(offset, type_id, uncomp_size, delta_info)
# END handle info
# END handle stream
def write_stream_to_pack(read, write, zstream, base_crc=None):
"""Copy a stream as read from read function, zip it, and write the result.
Count the number of written bytes and return it
:param base_crc: if not None, the crc will be the base for all compressed data
we consecutively write and generate a crc32 from. If None, no crc will be generated
:return: tuple(no bytes read, no bytes written, crc32) crc might be 0 if base_crc
was false"""
br = 0 # bytes read
bw = 0 # bytes written
want_crc = base_crc is not None
crc = 0
if want_crc:
crc = base_crc
# END initialize crc
while True:
chunk = read(chunk_size)
br += len(chunk)
compressed = zstream.compress(chunk)
bw += len(compressed)
write(compressed) # cannot assume return value
if want_crc:
crc = crc32(compressed, crc)
# END handle crc
if len(chunk) != chunk_size:
# END copy loop
compressed = zstream.flush()
bw += len(compressed)
if want_crc:
crc = crc32(compressed, crc)
# END handle crc
return (br, bw, crc)
#} END utilities
class IndexWriter(object):
"""Utility to cache index information, allowing to write all information later
in one go to the given stream
**Note:** currently only writes v2 indices"""
__slots__ = '_objs'
def __init__(self):
self._objs = list()
def append(self, binsha, crc, offset):
"""Append one piece of object information"""
self._objs.append((binsha, crc, offset))
def write(self, pack_sha, write):
"""Write the index file using the given write method
:param pack_sha: binary sha over the whole pack that we index
:return: sha1 binary sha over all index file contents"""
# sort for sha1 hash
self._objs.sort(key=lambda o: o[0])
sha_writer = FlexibleSha1Writer(write)
sha_write = sha_writer.write
sha_write(pack(">L", PackIndexFile.index_version_default))
# fanout
tmplist = list((0,) * 256) # fanout or list with 64 bit offsets
for t in self._objs:
tmplist[byte_ord(t[0][0])] += 1
# END prepare fanout
for i in xrange(255):
v = tmplist[i]
sha_write(pack('>L', v))
tmplist[i + 1] += v
# END write each fanout entry
sha_write(pack('>L', tmplist[255]))
# sha1 ordered
# save calls, that is push them into c
sha_write(b''.join(t[0] for t in self._objs))
# crc32
for t in self._objs:
sha_write(pack('>L', t[1] & 0xffffffff))
# END for each crc
tmplist = list()
# offset 32
for t in self._objs:
ofs = t[2]
if ofs > 0x7fffffff:
ofs = 0x80000000 + len(tmplist) - 1
# END hande 64 bit offsets
sha_write(pack('>L', ofs & 0xffffffff))
# END for each offset
# offset 64
for ofs in tmplist:
sha_write(pack(">Q", ofs))
# END for each offset
# trailer
assert(len(pack_sha) == 20)
sha = sha_writer.sha(as_hex=False)
return sha
class PackIndexFile(LazyMixin):
"""A pack index provides offsets into the corresponding pack, allowing to find
locations for offsets faster."""
# Dont use slots as we dynamically bind functions for each version, need a dict for this
# The slots you see here are just to keep track of our instance variables
# __slots__ = ('_indexpath', '_fanout_table', '_cursor', '_version',
# '_sha_list_offset', '_crc_list_offset', '_pack_offset', '_pack_64_offset')
# used in v2 indices
_sha_list_offset = 8 + 1024
index_v2_signature = b'\xfftOc'
index_version_default = 2
def __init__(self, indexpath):
super(PackIndexFile, self).__init__()
self._indexpath = indexpath
def close(self):
self._cursor = None
def _set_cache_(self, attr):
if attr == "_packfile_checksum":
self._packfile_checksum = self._cursor.map()[-40:-20]
elif attr == "_packfile_checksum":
self._packfile_checksum = self._cursor.map()[-20:]
elif attr == "_cursor":
# Note: We don't lock the file when reading as we cannot be sure
# that we can actually write to the location - it could be a read-only
# alternate for instance
self._cursor = mman.make_cursor(self._indexpath).use_region()
# We will assume that the index will always fully fit into memory !
if mman.window_size() > 0 and self._cursor.file_size() > mman.window_size():
raise AssertionError("The index file at %s is too large to fit into a mapped window (%i > %i). This is a limitation of the implementation" % (
self._indexpath, self._cursor.file_size(), mman.window_size()))
# END assert window size
# now its time to initialize everything - if we are here, someone wants
# to access the fanout table or related properties
mmap = self._cursor.map()
self._version = (mmap[:4] == self.index_v2_signature and 2) or 1
if self._version == 2:
version_id = unpack_from(">L", mmap, 4)[0]
assert version_id == self._version, "Unsupported index version: %i" % version_id
# END assert version
# setup our functions according to the actual version
for fname in ('entry', 'offset', 'sha', 'crc'):
setattr(self, fname, getattr(self, "_%s_v%i" % (fname, self._version)))
# END for each function to initialize
# byte offset is 8 if version is 2, 0 otherwise
# END handle attributes
#{ Access V1
def _entry_v1(self, i):
""":return: tuple(offset, binsha, 0)"""
return unpack_from(">L20s", self._cursor.map(), 1024 + i * 24) + (0, )
def _offset_v1(self, i):
"""see ``_offset_v2``"""
return unpack_from(">L", self._cursor.map(), 1024 + i * 24)[0]
def _sha_v1(self, i):
"""see ``_sha_v2``"""
base = 1024 + (i * 24) + 4
return self._cursor.map()[base:base + 20]
def _crc_v1(self, i):
return 0
#} END access V1
#{ Access V2
def _entry_v2(self, i):
""":return: tuple(offset, binsha, crc)"""
return (self._offset_v2(i), self._sha_v2(i), self._crc_v2(i))
def _offset_v2(self, i):
""":return: 32 or 64 byte offset into pack files. 64 byte offsets will only
be returned if the pack is larger than 4 GiB, or 2^32"""
offset = unpack_from(">L", self._cursor.map(), self._pack_offset + i * 4)[0]
# if the high-bit is set, this indicates that we have to lookup the offset
# in the 64 bit region of the file. The current offset ( lower 31 bits )
# are the index into it
if offset & 0x80000000:
offset = unpack_from(">Q", self._cursor.map(), self._pack_64_offset + (offset & ~0x80000000) * 8)[0]
# END handle 64 bit offset
return offset
def _sha_v2(self, i):
""":return: sha at the given index of this file index instance"""
base = self._sha_list_offset + i * 20
return self._cursor.map()[base:base + 20]
def _crc_v2(self, i):
""":return: 4 bytes crc for the object at index i"""
return unpack_from(">L", self._cursor.map(), self._crc_list_offset + i * 4)[0]
#} END access V2
#{ Initialization
def _initialize(self):
"""initialize base data"""
self._fanout_table = self._read_fanout((self._version == 2) * 8)
if self._version == 2:
self._crc_list_offset = self._sha_list_offset + self.size() * 20
self._pack_offset = self._crc_list_offset + self.size() * 4
self._pack_64_offset = self._pack_offset + self.size() * 4
# END setup base
def _read_fanout(self, byte_offset):
"""Generate a fanout table from our data"""
d = self._cursor.map()
out = list()
append = out.append
for i in xrange(256):
append(unpack_from('>L', d, byte_offset + i * 4)[0])
# END for each entry
return out
#} END initialization
#{ Properties
def version(self):
return self._version
def size(self):
""":return: amount of objects referred to by this index"""
return self._fanout_table[255]
def path(self):
""":return: path to the packindexfile"""
return self._indexpath
def packfile_checksum(self):
""":return: 20 byte sha representing the sha1 hash of the pack file"""
return self._cursor.map()[-40:-20]
def indexfile_checksum(self):
""":return: 20 byte sha representing the sha1 hash of this index file"""
return self._cursor.map()[-20:]
def offsets(self):
""":return: sequence of all offsets in the order in which they were written
**Note:** return value can be random accessed, but may be immmutable"""
if self._version == 2:
# read stream to array, convert to tuple
a = array.array('I') # 4 byte unsigned int, long are 8 byte on 64 bit it appears
a.fromstring(buffer(self._cursor.map(), self._pack_offset, self._pack_64_offset - self._pack_offset))
# networkbyteorder to something array likes more
if sys.byteorder == 'little':
return a
return tuple(self.offset(index) for index in xrange(self.size()))
# END handle version
def sha_to_index(self, sha):
:return: index usable with the ``offset`` or ``entry`` method, or None
if the sha was not found in this pack index
:param sha: 20 byte sha to lookup"""
first_byte = byte_ord(sha[0])
get_sha = self.sha
lo = 0 # lower index, the left bound of the bisection
if first_byte != 0:
lo = self._fanout_table[first_byte - 1]
hi = self._fanout_table[first_byte] # the upper, right bound of the bisection
# bisect until we have the sha
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
mid_sha = get_sha(mid)
if sha < mid_sha:
hi = mid
elif sha == mid_sha:
return mid
lo = mid + 1
# END handle midpoint
# END bisect
return None
def partial_sha_to_index(self, partial_bin_sha, canonical_length):
:return: index as in `sha_to_index` or None if the sha was not found in this
index file
:param partial_bin_sha: an at least two bytes of a partial binary sha as bytes
:param canonical_length: length of the original hexadecimal representation of the
given partial binary sha
:raise AmbiguousObjectName:"""
if len(partial_bin_sha) < 2:
raise ValueError("Require at least 2 bytes of partial sha")
assert isinstance(partial_bin_sha, bytes), "partial_bin_sha must be bytes"
first_byte = byte_ord(partial_bin_sha[0])
get_sha = self.sha
lo = 0 # lower index, the left bound of the bisection
if first_byte != 0:
lo = self._fanout_table[first_byte - 1]
hi = self._fanout_table[first_byte] # the upper, right bound of the bisection
# fill the partial to full 20 bytes
filled_sha = partial_bin_sha + NULL_BYTE * (20 - len(partial_bin_sha))
# find lowest
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
mid_sha = get_sha(mid)
if filled_sha < mid_sha:
hi = mid
elif filled_sha == mid_sha:
# perfect match
lo = mid
lo = mid + 1
# END handle midpoint
# END bisect
if lo < self.size():
cur_sha = get_sha(lo)
if is_equal_canonical_sha(canonical_length, partial_bin_sha, cur_sha):
next_sha = None
if lo + 1 < self.size():
next_sha = get_sha(lo + 1)
if next_sha and next_sha == cur_sha:
raise AmbiguousObjectName(partial_bin_sha)
return lo
# END if we have a match
# END if we found something
return None
if 'PackIndexFile_sha_to_index' in globals():
# NOTE: Its just about 25% faster, the major bottleneck might be the attr
# accesses
def sha_to_index(self, sha):
return PackIndexFile_sha_to_index(self, sha)
# END redefine heavy-hitter with c version
#} END properties
class PackFile(LazyMixin):
"""A pack is a file written according to the Version 2 for git packs
As we currently use memory maps, it could be assumed that the maximum size of
packs therefor is 32 bit on 32 bit systems. On 64 bit systems, this should be
fine though.
**Note:** at some point, this might be implemented using streams as well, or
streams are an alternate path in the case memory maps cannot be created
for some reason - one clearly doesn't want to read 10GB at once in that
__slots__ = ('_packpath', '_cursor', '_size', '_version')
pack_signature = 0x5041434b # 'PACK'
pack_version_default = 2
# offset into our data at which the first object starts
first_object_offset = 3 * 4 # header bytes
footer_size = 20 # final sha
def __init__(self, packpath):
self._packpath = packpath
def close(self):
self._cursor = None
def _set_cache_(self, attr):
# we fill the whole cache, whichever attribute gets queried first
self._cursor = mman.make_cursor(self._packpath).use_region()
# read the header information
type_id, self._version, self._size = unpack_from(">LLL", self._cursor.map(), 0)
# TODO: figure out whether we should better keep the lock, or maybe
# add a .keep file instead ?
if type_id != self.pack_signature:
raise ParseError("Invalid pack signature: %i" % type_id)
def _iter_objects(self, start_offset, as_stream=True):
"""Handle the actual iteration of objects within this pack"""
c = self._cursor
content_size = c.file_size() - self.footer_size
cur_offset = start_offset or self.first_object_offset
null = NullStream()
while cur_offset < content_size:
data_offset, ostream = pack_object_at(c, cur_offset, True)
# scrub the stream to the end - this decompresses the object, but yields
# the amount of compressed bytes we need to get to the next offset
stream_copy(ostream.read, null.write, ostream.size, chunk_size)
assert ostream.stream._br == ostream.size
cur_offset += (data_offset - ostream.pack_offset) + ostream.stream.compressed_bytes_read()
# if a stream is requested, reset it beforehand
# Otherwise return the Stream object directly, its derived from the
# info object
if as_stream:
yield ostream
# END until we have read everything
#{ Pack Information
def size(self):
""":return: The amount of objects stored in this pack"""
return self._size
def version(self):
""":return: the version of this pack"""
return self._version
def data(self):
:return: read-only data of this pack. It provides random access and usually
is a memory map.
:note: This method is unsafe as it returns a window into a file which might be larger than than the actual window size"""
# can use map as we are starting at offset 0. Otherwise we would have to use buffer()
return self._cursor.use_region().map()
def checksum(self):
""":return: 20 byte sha1 hash on all object sha's contained in this file"""
return self._cursor.use_region(self._cursor.file_size() - 20).buffer()[:]
def path(self):
""":return: path to the packfile"""
return self._packpath
#} END pack information
#{ Pack Specific
def collect_streams(self, offset):
:return: list of pack streams which are required to build the object
at the given offset. The first entry of the list is the object at offset,
the last one is either a full object, or a REF_Delta stream. The latter
type needs its reference object to be locked up in an ODB to form a valid
delta chain.
If the object at offset is no delta, the size of the list is 1.
:param offset: specifies the first byte of the object within this pack"""
out = list()
c = self._cursor
while True:
ostream = pack_object_at(c, offset, True)[1]
if ostream.type_id == OFS_DELTA:
offset = ostream.pack_offset - ostream.delta_info
# the only thing we can lookup are OFFSET deltas. Everything
# else is either an object, or a ref delta, in the latter
# case someone else has to find it
# END handle type
# END while chaining streams
return out
#} END pack specific
#{ Read-Database like Interface
def info(self, offset):
"""Retrieve information about the object at the given file-absolute offset
:param offset: byte offset
:return: OPackInfo instance, the actual type differs depending on the type_id attribute"""
return pack_object_at(self._cursor, offset or self.first_object_offset, False)[1]
def stream(self, offset):
"""Retrieve an object at the given file-relative offset as stream along with its information
:param offset: byte offset
:return: OPackStream instance, the actual type differs depending on the type_id attribute"""
return pack_object_at(self._cursor, offset or self.first_object_offset, True)[1]
def stream_iter(self, start_offset=0):
:return: iterator yielding OPackStream compatible instances, allowing
to access the data in the pack directly.
:param start_offset: offset to the first object to iterate. If 0, iteration
starts at the very first object in the pack.
**Note:** Iterating a pack directly is costly as the datastream has to be decompressed
to determine the bounds between the objects"""
return self._iter_objects(start_offset, as_stream=True)
#} END Read-Database like Interface
class PackEntity(LazyMixin):
"""Combines the PackIndexFile and the PackFile into one, allowing the
actual objects to be resolved and iterated"""
__slots__ = ('_index', # our index file
'_pack', # our pack file
'_offset_map' # on demand dict mapping one offset to the next consecutive one
IndexFileCls = PackIndexFile
PackFileCls = PackFile
def __init__(self, pack_or_index_path):
"""Initialize ourselves with the path to the respective pack or index file"""
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(pack_or_index_path)
self._index = self.IndexFileCls("%s.idx" % basename) # PackIndexFile instance
self._pack = self.PackFileCls("%s.pack" % basename) # corresponding PackFile instance
def close(self):
def _set_cache_(self, attr):
# currently this can only be _offset_map
# TODO: make this a simple sorted offset array which can be bisected
# to find the respective entry, from which we can take a +1 easily
# This might be slower, but should also be much lighter in memory !
offsets_sorted = sorted(self._index.offsets())
last_offset = len(self._pack.data()) - self._pack.footer_size
assert offsets_sorted, "Cannot handle empty indices"
offset_map = None
if len(offsets_sorted) == 1:
offset_map = {offsets_sorted[0]: last_offset}
iter_offsets = iter(offsets_sorted)
iter_offsets_plus_one = iter(offsets_sorted)
consecutive = izip(iter_offsets, iter_offsets_plus_one)
offset_map = dict(consecutive)
# the last offset is not yet set
offset_map[offsets_sorted[-1]] = last_offset
# END handle offset amount
self._offset_map = offset_map
def _sha_to_index(self, sha):
""":return: index for the given sha, or raise"""
index = self._index.sha_to_index(sha)
if index is None:
raise BadObject(sha)
return index
def _iter_objects(self, as_stream):
"""Iterate over all objects in our index and yield their OInfo or OStream instences"""
_sha = self._index.sha
_object = self._object
for index in xrange(self._index.size()):
yield _object(_sha(index), as_stream, index)
# END for each index
def _object(self, sha, as_stream, index=-1):
""":return: OInfo or OStream object providing information about the given sha
:param index: if not -1, its assumed to be the sha's index in the IndexFile"""
# its a little bit redundant here, but it needs to be efficient
if index < 0:
index = self._sha_to_index(sha)
if sha is None:
sha = self._index.sha(index)
# END assure sha is present ( in output )
offset = self._index.offset(index)
type_id, uncomp_size, data_rela_offset = pack_object_header_info(self._pack._cursor.use_region(offset).buffer())
if as_stream:
if type_id not in delta_types:
packstream = self._pack.stream(offset)
return OStream(sha, packstream.type, packstream.size, packstream.stream)
# END handle non-deltas
# produce a delta stream containing all info
# To prevent it from applying the deltas when querying the size,
# we extract it from the delta stream ourselves
streams = self.collect_streams_at_offset(offset)
dstream = DeltaApplyReader.new(streams)
return ODeltaStream(sha, dstream.type, None, dstream)
if type_id not in delta_types:
return OInfo(sha, type_id_to_type_map[type_id], uncomp_size)
# END handle non-deltas
# deltas are a little tougher - unpack the first bytes to obtain
# the actual target size, as opposed to the size of the delta data
streams = self.collect_streams_at_offset(offset)
buf = streams[0].read(512)
offset, src_size = msb_size(buf)
offset, target_size = msb_size(buf, offset)
# collect the streams to obtain the actual object type
if streams[-1].type_id in delta_types:
raise BadObject(sha, "Could not resolve delta object")
return OInfo(sha, streams[-1].type, target_size)
# END handle stream
#{ Read-Database like Interface
def info(self, sha):
"""Retrieve information about the object identified by the given sha
:param sha: 20 byte sha1
:raise BadObject:
:return: OInfo instance, with 20 byte sha"""
return self._object(sha, False)
def stream(self, sha):
"""Retrieve an object stream along with its information as identified by the given sha
:param sha: 20 byte sha1
:raise BadObject:
:return: OStream instance, with 20 byte sha"""
return self._object(sha, True)
def info_at_index(self, index):
"""As ``info``, but uses a PackIndexFile compatible index to refer to the object"""
return self._object(None, False, index)
def stream_at_index(self, index):
"""As ``stream``, but uses a PackIndexFile compatible index to refer to the
return self._object(None, True, index)
#} END Read-Database like Interface
#{ Interface
def pack(self):
""":return: the underlying pack file instance"""
return self._pack
def index(self):
""":return: the underlying pack index file instance"""
return self._index
def is_valid_stream(self, sha, use_crc=False):
Verify that the stream at the given sha is valid.
:param use_crc: if True, the index' crc is run over the compressed stream of
the object, which is much faster than checking the sha1. It is also
more prone to unnoticed corruption or manipulation.
:param sha: 20 byte sha1 of the object whose stream to verify
whether the compressed stream of the object is valid. If it is
a delta, this only verifies that the delta's data is valid, not the
data of the actual undeltified object, as it depends on more than
just this stream.
If False, the object will be decompressed and the sha generated. It must
match the given sha
:return: True if the stream is valid
:raise UnsupportedOperation: If the index is version 1 only
:raise BadObject: sha was not found"""
if use_crc:
if self._index.version() < 2:
raise UnsupportedOperation("Version 1 indices do not contain crc's, verify by sha instead")
# END handle index version
index = self._sha_to_index(sha)
offset = self._index.offset(index)
next_offset = self._offset_map[offset]
crc_value = self._index.crc(index)
# create the current crc value, on the compressed object data
# Read it in chunks, without copying the data
crc_update = zlib.crc32
pack_data = self._pack.data()
cur_pos = offset
this_crc_value = 0
while cur_pos < next_offset:
rbound = min(cur_pos + chunk_size, next_offset)
size = rbound - cur_pos
this_crc_value = crc_update(buffer(pack_data, cur_pos, size), this_crc_value)
cur_pos += size
# END window size loop
# crc returns signed 32 bit numbers, the AND op forces it into unsigned
# mode ... wow, sneaky, from dulwich.
return (this_crc_value & 0xffffffff) == crc_value
shawriter = Sha1Writer()
stream = self._object(sha, as_stream=True)
# write a loose object, which is the basis for the sha
write_object(stream.type, stream.size, stream.read, shawriter.write)
assert shawriter.sha(as_hex=False) == sha
return shawriter.sha(as_hex=False) == sha
# END handle crc/sha verification
return True
def info_iter(self):
:return: Iterator over all objects in this pack. The iterator yields
OInfo instances"""
return self._iter_objects(as_stream=False)
def stream_iter(self):
:return: iterator over all objects in this pack. The iterator yields
OStream instances"""
return self._iter_objects(as_stream=True)
def collect_streams_at_offset(self, offset):
As the version in the PackFile, but can resolve REF deltas within this pack
For more info, see ``collect_streams``
:param offset: offset into the pack file at which the object can be found"""
streams = self._pack.collect_streams(offset)
# try to resolve the last one if needed. It is assumed to be either
# a REF delta, or a base object, as OFFSET deltas are resolved by the pack
if streams[-1].type_id == REF_DELTA:
stream = streams[-1]
while stream.type_id in delta_types:
if stream.type_id == REF_DELTA:
sindex = self._index.sha_to_index(to_bytes(stream.delta_info))
if sindex is None:
stream = self._pack.stream(self._index.offset(sindex))
# must be another OFS DELTA - this could happen if a REF
# delta we resolve previously points to an OFS delta. Who
# would do that ;) ? We can handle it though
stream = self._pack.stream(stream.delta_info)
# END handle ref delta
# END resolve ref streams
# END resolve streams
return streams
def collect_streams(self, sha):
As ``PackFile.collect_streams``, but takes a sha instead of an offset.
Additionally, ref_delta streams will be resolved within this pack.
If this is not possible, the stream will be left alone, hence it is adivsed
to check for unresolved ref-deltas and resolve them before attempting to
construct a delta stream.
:param sha: 20 byte sha1 specifying the object whose related streams you want to collect
:return: list of streams, first being the actual object delta, the last being
a possibly unresolved base object.
:raise BadObject:"""
return self.collect_streams_at_offset(self._index.offset(self._sha_to_index(sha)))
def write_pack(cls, object_iter, pack_write, index_write=None,
object_count=None, zlib_compression=zlib.Z_BEST_SPEED):
Create a new pack by putting all objects obtained by the object_iterator
into a pack which is written using the pack_write method.
The respective index is produced as well if index_write is not Non.
:param object_iter: iterator yielding odb output objects
:param pack_write: function to receive strings to write into the pack stream
:param indx_write: if not None, the function writes the index file corresponding
to the pack.
:param object_count: if you can provide the amount of objects in your iteration,
this would be the place to put it. Otherwise we have to pre-iterate and store
all items into a list to get the number, which uses more memory than necessary.
:param zlib_compression: the zlib compression level to use
:return: tuple(pack_sha, index_binsha) binary sha over all the contents of the pack
and over all contents of the index. If index_write was None, index_binsha will be None
**Note:** The destination of the write functions is up to the user. It could
be a socket, or a file for instance
**Note:** writes only undeltified objects"""
objs = object_iter
if not object_count:
if not isinstance(object_iter, (tuple, list)):
objs = list(object_iter)
# END handle list type
object_count = len(objs)
# END handle object
pack_writer = FlexibleSha1Writer(pack_write)
pwrite = pack_writer.write
ofs = 0 # current offset into the pack file
index = None
wants_index = index_write is not None
# write header
pwrite(pack('>LLL', PackFile.pack_signature, PackFile.pack_version_default, object_count))
ofs += 12
if wants_index:
index = IndexWriter()
# END handle index header
actual_count = 0
for obj in objs:
actual_count += 1
crc = 0
# object header
hdr = create_pack_object_header(obj.type_id, obj.size)
if index_write:
crc = crc32(hdr)
crc = None
# END handle crc
# data stream
zstream = zlib.compressobj(zlib_compression)
ostream = obj.stream
br, bw, crc = write_stream_to_pack(ostream.read, pwrite, zstream, base_crc=crc)
assert(br == obj.size)
if wants_index:
index.append(obj.binsha, crc, ofs)
# END handle index
ofs += len(hdr) + bw
if actual_count == object_count:
# END abort once we are done
# END for each object
if actual_count != object_count:
raise ValueError(
"Expected to write %i objects into pack, but received only %i from iterators" % (object_count, actual_count))
# END count assertion
# write footer
pack_sha = pack_writer.sha(as_hex=False)
assert len(pack_sha) == 20
ofs += len(pack_sha) # just for completeness ;)
index_sha = None
if wants_index:
index_sha = index.write(pack_sha, index_write)
# END handle index
return pack_sha, index_sha
def create(cls, object_iter, base_dir, object_count=None, zlib_compression=zlib.Z_BEST_SPEED):
"""Create a new on-disk entity comprised of a properly named pack file and a properly named
and corresponding index file. The pack contains all OStream objects contained in object iter.
:param base_dir: directory which is to contain the files
:return: PackEntity instance initialized with the new pack
**Note:** for more information on the other parameters see the write_pack method"""
pack_fd, pack_path = tempfile.mkstemp('', 'pack', base_dir)
index_fd, index_path = tempfile.mkstemp('', 'index', base_dir)
pack_write = lambda d: os.write(pack_fd, d)
index_write = lambda d: os.write(index_fd, d)
pack_binsha, index_binsha = cls.write_pack(object_iter, pack_write, index_write, object_count, zlib_compression)
fmt = "pack-%s.%s"
new_pack_path = os.path.join(base_dir, fmt % (bin_to_hex(pack_binsha), 'pack'))
new_index_path = os.path.join(base_dir, fmt % (bin_to_hex(pack_binsha), 'idx'))
os.rename(pack_path, new_pack_path)
os.rename(index_path, new_index_path)
return cls(new_pack_path)
#} END interface