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synced 2025-03-04 02:18:12 +00:00
As Brazil does not have Daylight Saving Time anymore as decided by it's government, pytz needed to be updated to have the new data about the country timezones. And as some in pytz calls in bazarr used tzlocal functions, that one needed also to be updated. Works fine now, tested on Brazil - Timezone America/Sao_Paulo This commit fixes #641
134 lines
4.6 KiB
134 lines
4.6 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
$Id: tzfile.py,v 1.8 2004/06/03 00:15:24 zenzen Exp $
from datetime import datetime
from struct import unpack, calcsize
from pytz.tzinfo import StaticTzInfo, DstTzInfo, memorized_ttinfo
from pytz.tzinfo import memorized_datetime, memorized_timedelta
def _byte_string(s):
"""Cast a string or byte string to an ASCII byte string."""
return s.encode('ASCII')
_NULL = _byte_string('\0')
def _std_string(s):
"""Cast a string or byte string to an ASCII string."""
return str(s.decode('ASCII'))
def build_tzinfo(zone, fp):
head_fmt = '>4s c 15x 6l'
head_size = calcsize(head_fmt)
(magic, format, ttisgmtcnt, ttisstdcnt, leapcnt, timecnt,
typecnt, charcnt) = unpack(head_fmt, fp.read(head_size))
# Make sure it is a tzfile(5) file
assert magic == _byte_string('TZif'), 'Got magic %s' % repr(magic)
# Read out the transition times, localtime indices and ttinfo structures.
data_fmt = '>%(timecnt)dl %(timecnt)dB %(ttinfo)s %(charcnt)ds' % dict(
timecnt=timecnt, ttinfo='lBB' * typecnt, charcnt=charcnt)
data_size = calcsize(data_fmt)
data = unpack(data_fmt, fp.read(data_size))
# make sure we unpacked the right number of values
assert len(data) == 2 * timecnt + 3 * typecnt + 1
transitions = [memorized_datetime(trans)
for trans in data[:timecnt]]
lindexes = list(data[timecnt:2 * timecnt])
ttinfo_raw = data[2 * timecnt:-1]
tznames_raw = data[-1]
del data
# Process ttinfo into separate structs
ttinfo = []
tznames = {}
i = 0
while i < len(ttinfo_raw):
# have we looked up this timezone name yet?
tzname_offset = ttinfo_raw[i + 2]
if tzname_offset not in tznames:
nul = tznames_raw.find(_NULL, tzname_offset)
if nul < 0:
nul = len(tznames_raw)
tznames[tzname_offset] = _std_string(
bool(ttinfo_raw[i + 1]),
i += 3
# Now build the timezone object
if len(ttinfo) == 1 or len(transitions) == 0:
ttinfo[0][0], ttinfo[0][2]
cls = type(zone, (StaticTzInfo,), dict(
# Early dates use the first standard time ttinfo
i = 0
while ttinfo[i][1]:
i += 1
if ttinfo[i] == ttinfo[lindexes[0]]:
transitions[0] = datetime.min
transitions.insert(0, datetime.min)
lindexes.insert(0, i)
# calculate transition info
transition_info = []
for i in range(len(transitions)):
inf = ttinfo[lindexes[i]]
utcoffset = inf[0]
if not inf[1]:
dst = 0
for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
prev_inf = ttinfo[lindexes[j]]
if not prev_inf[1]:
dst = inf[0] - prev_inf[0] # dst offset
# Bad dst? Look further. DST > 24 hours happens when
# a timzone has moved across the international dateline.
if dst <= 0 or dst > 3600 * 3:
for j in range(i + 1, len(transitions)):
stdinf = ttinfo[lindexes[j]]
if not stdinf[1]:
dst = inf[0] - stdinf[0]
if dst > 0:
break # Found a useful std time.
tzname = inf[2]
# Round utcoffset and dst to the nearest minute or the
# datetime library will complain. Conversions to these timezones
# might be up to plus or minus 30 seconds out, but it is
# the best we can do.
utcoffset = int((utcoffset + 30) // 60) * 60
dst = int((dst + 30) // 60) * 60
transition_info.append(memorized_ttinfo(utcoffset, dst, tzname))
cls = type(zone, (DstTzInfo,), dict(
return cls()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os.path
from pprint import pprint
base = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'zoneinfo')
tz = build_tzinfo('Australia/Melbourne',
open(os.path.join(base, 'Australia', 'Melbourne'), 'rb'))
tz = build_tzinfo('US/Eastern',
open(os.path.join(base, 'US', 'Eastern'), 'rb'))