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synced 2025-03-20 02:35:27 +00:00
185 lines
6.6 KiB
185 lines
6.6 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .exceptions import ReadError
from .parsers import ebml
from .mkv import MKV
from .parsers import ebml
import logging
import codecs
import os
import io
__all__ = ['Subtitle']
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Subtitle(object):
"""Subtitle extractor for Matroska Video File.
Currently only SRT subtitles stored without lacing are supported
def __init__(self, stream):
"""Read the available subtitles from a MKV file-like object"""
self._stream = stream
#Use the MKV class to parse the META information
mkv = MKV(stream)
self._timecode_scale = mkv.info.timecode_scale
self._subtitles = mkv.get_srt_subtitles_track_by_language()
def has_subtitle(self, language):
return language in self._subtitles
def write_subtitle_to_stream(self, language):
"""Write a single subtitle to stream or return None if language not available"""
if language in self._subtitles:
subtitle = self._subtitles[language]
return _write_track_to_srt_stream(self._stream,subtitle.number,self._timecode_scale)
logger.info("Writing subtitle for language %s to stream",language)
logger.info("Subtitle for language %s not found",language)
def write_subtitles_to_stream(self):
"""Write all available subtitles as streams to a dictionary with language as the key"""
subtitles = dict()
for language in self._subtitles:
subtitles[language] = self.write_subtitle_to_stream(language)
return subtitles
def _write_track_to_srt_stream(mkv_stream, track, timecode_scale):
srt_stream = io.StringIO()
index = 0
for cluster in _parse_segment(mkv_stream,track):
for blockgroup in cluster.blockgroups:
index = index + 1
timeRange = _print_time_range(timecode_scale,cluster.timecode,blockgroup.block.timecode,blockgroup.duration)
srt_stream.write(str(index) + '\n')
srt_stream.write(timeRange + '\n')
srt_stream.write(codecs.decode(blockgroup.block.data.read(),'utf-8') + '\n')
return srt_stream
def _parse_segment(stream,track):
specs = ebml.get_matroska_specs()
# Find all level 1 Cluster elements and its subelements. Speed up this process by excluding all other currently known level 1 elements
segments = ebml.parse(stream, specs,include_element_names=['Segment','Cluster','BlockGroup','Timecode','Block','BlockDuration',],max_level=3)
except ReadError:
clusters = []
for cluster in segments[0].data:
_parse_cluster(track, clusters, cluster)
return clusters
def _parse_cluster(track, clusters, cluster):
blockgroups = []
timecode = None
for child in cluster.data:
if child.name == 'BlockGroup':
_parse_blockgroup(track, blockgroups, child)
elif child.name == 'Timecode':
timecode = child.data
if len(blockgroups) > 0 and timecode != None:
clusters.append(Cluster(timecode, blockgroups))
def _parse_blockgroup(track, blockgroups, blockgroup):
block = None
duration = None
for child in blockgroup.data:
if child.name == 'Block':
block = Block.fromelement(child)
if block.track != track:
block = None
elif child.name == 'BlockDuration':
duration = child.data
if duration != None and block != None:
blockgroups.append(BlockGroup(block, duration))
def _print_time_range(timecode_scale,clusterTimecode,blockTimecode,duration):
timecode_scale_ms = timecode_scale / 1000000 #Timecode
rawTimecode = clusterTimecode + blockTimecode
startTimeMilleSeconds = (rawTimecode) * timecode_scale_ms
endTimeMilleSeconds = (rawTimecode + duration) * timecode_scale_ms
return _print_time(startTimeMilleSeconds) + " --> " + _print_time(endTimeMilleSeconds)
def _print_time(timeInMilleSeconds):
timeInSeconds, milleSeconds = divmod(timeInMilleSeconds, 1000)
timeInMinutes, seconds = divmod(timeInSeconds, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(timeInMinutes, 60)
return '%d:%02d:%02d,%d' % (hours,minutes,seconds,milleSeconds)
class Cluster(object):
def __init__(self,timecode=None, blockgroups=[]):
self.timecode = timecode
self.blockgroups = blockgroups
class BlockGroup(object):
def __init__(self,block=None,duration=None):
self.block = block
self.duration = duration
class Block(object):
def __init__(self, track=None, timecode=None, invisible=False, lacing=None, flags=None, data=None):
self.track = track
self.timecode = timecode
self.invisible = invisible
self.lacing = lacing
self.flags = flags
self.data = data
def fromelement(cls,element):
stream = element.data
track = ebml.read_element_size(stream)
timecode = ebml.read_element_integer(stream,2)
flags = ord(stream.read(1))
invisible = bool(flags & 0x8)
if (flags & 0x6):
lacing = 'EBML'
elif (flags & 0x4):
lacing = 'fixed-size'
elif (flags & 0x2):
lacing = 'Xiph'
lacing = None
if lacing:
raise ReadError('Laced blocks are not implemented yet')
data = ebml.read_element_binary(stream, element.size - stream.tell())
return cls(track,timecode,invisible,lacing,flags,data)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s track=%d, timecode=%d, invisible=%d, lacing=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.track,self.timecode,self.invisible,self.lacing)
class SimpleBlock(Block):
def __init__(self, track=None, timecode=None, keyframe=False, invisible=False, lacing=None, flags=None, data=None, discardable=False):
self.keyframe = keyframe
self.discardable = discardable
def fromelement(cls,element):
simpleblock = super(SimpleBlock, cls).fromelement(element)
simpleblock.keyframe = bool(simpleblock.flags & 0x80)
simpleblock.discardable = bool(simpleblock.flags & 0x1)
return simpleblock
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s track=%d, timecode=%d, keyframe=%d, invisible=%d, lacing=%s, discardable=%d>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.track,self.timecode,self.keyframe,self.invisible,self.lacing,self.discardable) |