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<title>History - Bazarr</title>
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<div id='loader' class="ui page dimmer">
<div id="loader_text" class="ui indeterminate text loader">Loading...</div>
<div class="ui container">
<table id="tablehistory" class="ui very basic selectable table">
%import ast
%import time
%import pretty
%for row in rows:
<tr class="selectable">
<td class="collapsing">
%if row['action'] == 0:
<div class="ui inverted basic compact icon" data-tooltip="Subtitle file has been erased." data-inverted="" data-position="top left">
<i class="ui trash icon"></i>
%elif row['action'] == 1:
<div class="ui inverted basic compact icon" data-tooltip="Subtitle file has been downloaded." data-inverted="" data-position="top left">
<i class="ui download icon"></i>
%elif row['action'] == 2:
<div class="ui inverted basic compact icon" data-tooltip="Subtitle file has been manually downloaded." data-inverted="" data-position="top left">
<i class="ui user icon"></i>
%elif row['action'] == 3:
<div class="ui inverted basic compact icon" data-tooltip="Subtitle file has been upgraded." data-inverted="" data-position="top left">
<i class="ui recycle icon"></i>
%elif row['action'] == 4:
<div class="ui inverted basic compact icon" data-tooltip="Subtitle file has been manually uploaded." data-inverted="" data-position="top left">
<i class="ui cloud upload icon"></i>
<a href="{{base_url}}movie/{{row['radarrId']}}">{{row['title']}}</a>
<td class="collapsing">
<div class="ui inverted" data-tooltip="{{time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M', time.localtime(row['timestamp']))}}" data-inverted="" data-position="top left">
% upgradable_criteria = dict([('timestamp', row['timestamp']), ('video_path', row['video_path']), ('score', row['score']), ('languages', row['languages'])])
% if upgradable_criteria in upgradable_movies:
% if row['languages'] != "None":
% desired_languages = ast.literal_eval(str(row['languages']))
% if row['forced'] == "True":
% forced_languages = [l + ":forced" for l in desired_languages]
% elif row['forced'] == "Both":
% forced_languages = [l + ":forced" for l in desired_languages] + desired_languages
% else:
% forced_languages = desired_languages
% end
% if row['languages'] and row['language'] and row['language'] in forced_languages:
<div class="ui inverted basic compact icon" data-tooltip="This Subtitle file is eligible for an upgrade." data-inverted="" data-position="top left">
<i class="ui green recycle icon upgrade"></i>{{row['description']}}
% else:
% end
% end
% else:
% end
%try: page_size
%except NameError: page_size = "25"
%if page_size != -1:
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="three column row">
<div class="column"></div>
<div class="center aligned column">
<i class="\\
%if page == '1':
fast backward icon"></i>
<i class="\\
%if page == '1':
backward icon"></i>
{{page}} / {{max_page}}
<i class="\\
%if int(page) == int(max_page):
forward icon"></i>
<i class="\\
%if int(page) == int(max_page):
fast forward icon"></i>
<div class="right floated right aligned column">Total Records: {{row_count}}</div>
<div id='bottommenu' class="ui fluid inverted bottom fixed five item menu">
<div class="ui small statistics">
<div class="statistic">
<div class="text value">
<div class="label">
<div class="statistic">
<div class="value">
<div class="label">
In 24 Hours
<div class="statistic">
<div class="value">
<div class="label">
In One Week
<div class="statistic">
<div class="value">
<div class="label">
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<div class="statistic">
<div class="value">
<div class="label">
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