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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
"""A tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import functools
import re
from datetime import timedelta
import logging
import io
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# "." is not technically valid as a delimiter, but many editors create SRT
# files with this delimiter for whatever reason. Many editors and players
# accept it, so we do too.
RGX_INDEX = r"-?[0-9]+"
RGX_PROPRIETARY = r"[^\r\n]*"
RGX_CONTENT = r".*?"
MULTI_WS_REGEX = re.compile(r"\n\n+")
SRT_REGEX = re.compile(
r"\s*({idx})\s*{eof}({ts}) *-[ -]> *({ts}) ?({proprietary}){eof}({content})"
# Many sub editors don't add a blank line to the end, and many editors and
# players accept that. We allow it to be missing in input.
# We also allow subs that are missing a double blank newline. This often
# happens on subs which were first created as a mixed language subtitle,
# for example chs/eng, and then were stripped using naive methods (such as
# ed/sed) that don't understand newline preservation rules in SRT files.
# This means that when you are, say, only keeping chs, and the line only
# contains english, you end up with not only no content, but also all of
# the content lines are stripped instead of retaining a newline.
# Some SRT blocks, while this is technically invalid, have blank lines
# inside the subtitle content. We look ahead a little to check that the
# next lines look like an index and a timestamp as a best-effort
# solution to work around these.
ZERO_TIMEDELTA = timedelta(0)
# Info message if truthy return -> Function taking a Subtitle, skip if True
("No content", lambda sub: not sub.content.strip()),
("Start time < 0 seconds", lambda sub: sub.start < ZERO_TIMEDELTA),
("Subtitle start time >= end time", lambda sub: sub.start >= sub.end),
FILE_TYPES = (file, io.IOBase) # pytype: disable=name-error
except NameError: # `file` doesn't exist in Python 3
FILE_TYPES = (io.IOBase,)
class Subtitle(object):
The metadata relating to a single subtitle. Subtitles are sorted by start
time by default.
:param int index: The SRT index for this subtitle
:param start: The time that the subtitle should start being shown
:type start: :py:class:`datetime.timedelta`
:param end: The time that the subtitle should stop being shown
:type end: :py:class:`datetime.timedelta`
:param str proprietary: Proprietary metadata for this subtitle
:param str content: The subtitle content. Should not contain OS-specific
line separators, only \n. This is taken care of already
if you use :py:func:`srt.parse` to generate Subtitle
# pylint: disable=R0913
def __init__(self, index, start, end, content, proprietary=""):
self.index = index
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.content = content
self.proprietary = proprietary
def __hash__(self):
return hash(frozenset(vars(self).items()))
def __eq__(self, other):
return vars(self) == vars(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.start < other.start or (
self.start == other.start and self.end < other.end
def __repr__(self):
# Python 2/3 cross compatibility
var_items = getattr(vars(self), "iteritems", getattr(vars(self), "items"))
item_list = ", ".join("%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in var_items())
return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, item_list)
def to_srt(self, strict=True, eol="\n"):
Convert the current :py:class:`Subtitle` to an SRT block.
:param bool strict: If disabled, will allow blank lines in the content
of the SRT block, which is a violation of the SRT
standard and may case your media player to explode
:param str eol: The end of line string to use (default "\\n")
:returns: The metadata of the current :py:class:`Subtitle` object as an
SRT formatted subtitle block
:rtype: str
output_content = self.content
output_proprietary = self.proprietary
if output_proprietary:
# output_proprietary is output directly next to the timestamp, so
# we need to add the space as a field delimiter.
output_proprietary = " " + output_proprietary
if strict:
output_content = make_legal_content(output_content)
if eol is None:
eol = "\n"
elif eol != "\n":
output_content = output_content.replace("\n", eol)
template = "{idx}{eol}{start} --> {end}{prop}{eol}{content}{eol}{eol}"
return template.format(
def make_legal_content(content):
Remove illegal content from a content block. Illegal content includes:
* Blank lines
* Starting or ending with a blank line
.. doctest::
>>> make_legal_content('\nfoo\n\nbar\n')
:param str content: The content to make legal
:returns: The legalised content
:rtype: srt
# Optimisation: Usually the content we get is legally valid. Do a quick
# check to see if we really need to do anything here. This saves time from
# generating legal_content by about 50%.
if content and content[0] != "\n" and "\n\n" not in content:
return content
legal_content = MULTI_WS_REGEX.sub("\n", content.strip("\n"))
LOG.info("Legalised content %r to %r", content, legal_content)
return legal_content
def timedelta_to_srt_timestamp(timedelta_timestamp):
Convert a :py:class:`~datetime.timedelta` to an SRT timestamp.
.. doctest::
>>> import datetime
>>> delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=23, seconds=4)
>>> timedelta_to_srt_timestamp(delta)
:param datetime.timedelta timedelta_timestamp: A datetime to convert to an
SRT timestamp
:returns: The timestamp in SRT format
:rtype: str
hrs, secs_remainder = divmod(timedelta_timestamp.seconds, SECONDS_IN_HOUR)
hrs += timedelta_timestamp.days * HOURS_IN_DAY
mins, secs = divmod(secs_remainder, SECONDS_IN_MINUTE)
msecs = timedelta_timestamp.microseconds // MICROSECONDS_IN_MILLISECOND
return "%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d" % (hrs, mins, secs, msecs)
def srt_timestamp_to_timedelta(timestamp):
Convert an SRT timestamp to a :py:class:`~datetime.timedelta`.
.. doctest::
>>> srt_timestamp_to_timedelta('01:23:04,000')
:param str timestamp: A timestamp in SRT format
:returns: The timestamp as a :py:class:`~datetime.timedelta`
:rtype: datetime.timedelta
:raises TimestampParseError: If the timestamp is not parseable
match = TS_REGEX.match(timestamp)
if match is None:
raise TimestampParseError("Unparseable timestamp: {}".format(timestamp))
hrs, mins, secs, msecs = map(int, match.groups())
return timedelta(hours=hrs, minutes=mins, seconds=secs, milliseconds=msecs)
def sort_and_reindex(subtitles, start_index=1, in_place=False, skip=True):
Reorder subtitles to be sorted by start time order, and rewrite the indexes
to be in that same order. This ensures that the SRT file will play in an
expected fashion after, for example, times were changed in some subtitles
and they may need to be resorted.
If skip=True, subtitles will also be skipped if they are considered not to
be useful. Currently, the conditions to be considered "not useful" are as
- Content is empty, or only whitespace
- The start time is negative
- The start time is equal to or later than the end time
.. doctest::
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> one = timedelta(seconds=1)
>>> two = timedelta(seconds=2)
>>> three = timedelta(seconds=3)
>>> subs = [
... Subtitle(index=999, start=one, end=two, content='1'),
... Subtitle(index=0, start=two, end=three, content='2'),
... ]
>>> list(sort_and_reindex(subs)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[Subtitle(...index=1...), Subtitle(...index=2...)]
:param subtitles: :py:class:`Subtitle` objects in any order
:param int start_index: The index to start from
:param bool in_place: Whether to modify subs in-place for performance
(version <=1.0.0 behaviour)
:param bool skip: Whether to skip subtitles considered not useful (see
above for rules)
:returns: The sorted subtitles
:rtype: :term:`generator` of :py:class:`Subtitle` objects
skipped_subs = 0
for sub_num, subtitle in enumerate(sorted(subtitles), start=start_index):
if not in_place:
subtitle = Subtitle(**vars(subtitle))
if skip:
except _ShouldSkipException as thrown_exc:
LOG.info("Skipped subtitle at index %d: %s", subtitle.index, thrown_exc)
skipped_subs += 1
subtitle.index = sub_num - skipped_subs
yield subtitle
def _should_skip_sub(subtitle):
Check if a subtitle should be skipped based on the rules in
:param subtitle: A :py:class:`Subtitle` to check whether to skip
:raises _ShouldSkipException: If the subtitle should be skipped
for info_msg, sub_skipper in SUBTITLE_SKIP_CONDITIONS:
if sub_skipper(subtitle):
raise _ShouldSkipException(info_msg)
def parse(srt):
Convert an SRT formatted string (in Python 2, a :class:`unicode` object) to
a :term:`generator` of Subtitle objects.
This function works around bugs present in many SRT files, most notably
that it is designed to not bork when presented with a blank line as part of
a subtitle's content.
.. doctest::
>>> subs = parse("""\
... 422
... 00:31:39,931 --> 00:31:41,931
... Using mainly spoons,
... 423
... 00:31:41,933 --> 00:31:43,435
... we dig a tunnel under the city and release it into the wild.
... """)
>>> list(subs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[Subtitle(...index=422...), Subtitle(...index=423...)]
:param srt: Subtitles in SRT format
:type srt: str or a file-like object
:returns: The subtitles contained in the SRT file as :py:class:`Subtitle`
:rtype: :term:`generator` of :py:class:`Subtitle` objects
expected_start = 0
# Transparently read files -- the whole thing is needed for regex's
# finditer
if isinstance(srt, FILE_TYPES):
srt = srt.read()
for match in SRT_REGEX.finditer(srt):
actual_start = match.start()
_raise_if_not_contiguous(srt, expected_start, actual_start)
raw_index, raw_start, raw_end, proprietary, content = match.groups()
# pytype sees that this is Optional[str] and thus complains that they
# can be None, but they can't realistically be None, since we're using
# finditer and all match groups are mandatory in the regex.
content = content.replace("\r\n", "\n") # pytype: disable=attribute-error
yield Subtitle(
expected_start = match.end()
_raise_if_not_contiguous(srt, expected_start, len(srt))
def _raise_if_not_contiguous(srt, expected_start, actual_start):
Raise :py:class:`SRTParseError` with diagnostic info if expected_start does
not equal actual_start.
:param str srt: The data being matched
:param int expected_start: The expected next start, as from the last
iteration's match.end()
:param int actual_start: The actual start, as from this iteration's
:raises SRTParseError: If the matches are not contiguous
if expected_start != actual_start:
unmatched_content = srt[expected_start:actual_start]
if expected_start == 0 and (
unmatched_content.isspace() or unmatched_content == "\ufeff"
# #50: Leading whitespace has nowhere to be captured like in an
# intermediate subtitle
raise SRTParseError(expected_start, actual_start, unmatched_content)
def compose(
subtitles, reindex=True, start_index=1, strict=True, eol=None, in_place=False
Convert an iterator of :py:class:`Subtitle` objects to a string of joined
SRT blocks.
.. doctest::
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> start = timedelta(seconds=1)
>>> end = timedelta(seconds=2)
>>> subs = [
... Subtitle(index=1, start=start, end=end, content='x'),
... Subtitle(index=2, start=start, end=end, content='y'),
... ]
>>> compose(subs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
'1\n00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,000\nx\n\n2\n00:00:01,000 --> ...'
:param subtitles: The subtitles to convert to SRT blocks
:type subtitles: :term:`iterator` of :py:class:`Subtitle` objects
:param bool reindex: Whether to reindex subtitles based on start time
:param int start_index: If reindexing, the index to start reindexing from
:param bool strict: Whether to enable strict mode, see
:py:func:`Subtitle.to_srt` for more information
:param str eol: The end of line string to use (default "\\n")
:returns: A single SRT formatted string, with each input
:py:class:`Subtitle` represented as an SRT block
:param bool in_place: Whether to reindex subs in-place for performance
(version <=1.0.0 behaviour)
:rtype: str
if reindex:
subtitles = sort_and_reindex(
subtitles, start_index=start_index, in_place=in_place
return "".join(subtitle.to_srt(strict=strict, eol=eol) for subtitle in subtitles)
class SRTParseError(Exception):
Raised when part of an SRT block could not be parsed.
:param int expected_start: The expected contiguous start index
:param int actual_start: The actual non-contiguous start index
:param str unmatched_content: The content between the expected start index
and the actual start index
def __init__(self, expected_start, actual_start, unmatched_content):
message = (
"Expected contiguous start of match or end of input at char %d, "
"but started at char %d (unmatched content: %r)"
% (expected_start, actual_start, unmatched_content)
super(SRTParseError, self).__init__(message)
self.expected_start = expected_start
self.actual_start = actual_start
self.unmatched_content = unmatched_content
class TimestampParseError(ValueError):
Raised when an SRT timestamp could not be parsed.
class _ShouldSkipException(Exception):
Raised when a subtitle should be skipped.