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# mysql/
# Copyright (C) 2005-2023 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS
# file>
# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License:
# mypy: ignore-errors
.. dialect:: mysql+asyncmy
:name: asyncmy
:dbapi: asyncmy
:connectstring: mysql+asyncmy://user:password@host:port/dbname[?key=value&key=value...]
.. note:: The asyncmy dialect as of September, 2021 was added to provide
MySQL/MariaDB asyncio compatibility given that the :ref:`aiomysql` database
driver has become unmaintained, however asyncmy is itself very new.
Using a special asyncio mediation layer, the asyncmy dialect is usable
as the backend for the :ref:`SQLAlchemy asyncio <asyncio_toplevel>`
extension package.
This dialect should normally be used only with the
:func:`_asyncio.create_async_engine` engine creation function::
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine
engine = create_async_engine("mysql+asyncmy://user:pass@hostname/dbname?charset=utf8mb4")
""" # noqa
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from .pymysql import MySQLDialect_pymysql
from ... import pool
from ... import util
from ...engine import AdaptedConnection
from ...util.concurrency import asyncio
from ...util.concurrency import await_fallback
from ...util.concurrency import await_only
class AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_cursor:
server_side = False
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, adapt_connection):
self._adapt_connection = adapt_connection
self._connection = adapt_connection._connection
self.await_ = adapt_connection.await_
cursor = self._connection.cursor()
self._cursor = self.await_(cursor.__aenter__())
self._rows = []
def description(self):
return self._cursor.description
def rowcount(self):
return self._cursor.rowcount
def arraysize(self):
return self._cursor.arraysize
def arraysize(self, value):
self._cursor.arraysize = value
def lastrowid(self):
return self._cursor.lastrowid
def close(self):
# note we aren't actually closing the cursor here,
# we are just letting GC do it. to allow this to be async
# we would need the Result to change how it does "Safe close cursor".
# MySQL "cursors" don't actually have state to be "closed" besides
# exhausting rows, which we already have done for sync cursor.
# another option would be to emulate aiosqlite dialect and assign
# cursor only if we are doing server side cursor operation.
self._rows[:] = []
def execute(self, operation, parameters=None):
return self.await_(self._execute_async(operation, parameters))
def executemany(self, operation, seq_of_parameters):
return self.await_(
self._executemany_async(operation, seq_of_parameters)
async def _execute_async(self, operation, parameters):
async with self._adapt_connection._mutex_and_adapt_errors():
if parameters is None:
result = await self._cursor.execute(operation)
result = await self._cursor.execute(operation, parameters)
if not self.server_side:
# asyncmy has a "fake" async result, so we have to pull it out
# of that here since our default result is not async.
# we could just as easily grab "_rows" here and be done with it
# but this is safer.
self._rows = list(await self._cursor.fetchall())
return result
async def _executemany_async(self, operation, seq_of_parameters):
async with self._adapt_connection._mutex_and_adapt_errors():
return await self._cursor.executemany(operation, seq_of_parameters)
def setinputsizes(self, *inputsizes):
def __iter__(self):
while self._rows:
yield self._rows.pop(0)
def fetchone(self):
if self._rows:
return self._rows.pop(0)
return None
def fetchmany(self, size=None):
if size is None:
size = self.arraysize
retval = self._rows[0:size]
self._rows[:] = self._rows[size:]
return retval
def fetchall(self):
retval = self._rows[:]
self._rows[:] = []
return retval
class AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_ss_cursor(AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_cursor):
__slots__ = ()
server_side = True
def __init__(self, adapt_connection):
self._adapt_connection = adapt_connection
self._connection = adapt_connection._connection
self.await_ = adapt_connection.await_
cursor = self._connection.cursor(
self._cursor = self.await_(cursor.__aenter__())
def close(self):
if self._cursor is not None:
self._cursor = None
def fetchone(self):
return self.await_(self._cursor.fetchone())
def fetchmany(self, size=None):
return self.await_(self._cursor.fetchmany(size=size))
def fetchall(self):
return self.await_(self._cursor.fetchall())
class AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_connection(AdaptedConnection):
await_ = staticmethod(await_only)
__slots__ = ("dbapi", "_execute_mutex")
def __init__(self, dbapi, connection):
self.dbapi = dbapi
self._connection = connection
self._execute_mutex = asyncio.Lock()
async def _mutex_and_adapt_errors(self):
async with self._execute_mutex:
except AttributeError:
raise self.dbapi.InternalError(
"network operation failed due to asyncmy attribute error"
def ping(self, reconnect):
assert not reconnect
return self.await_(self._do_ping())
async def _do_ping(self):
async with self._mutex_and_adapt_errors():
return await
def character_set_name(self):
return self._connection.character_set_name()
def autocommit(self, value):
def cursor(self, server_side=False):
if server_side:
return AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_ss_cursor(self)
return AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_cursor(self)
def rollback(self):
def commit(self):
def close(self):
# it's not awaitable.
class AsyncAdaptFallback_asyncmy_connection(AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_connection):
__slots__ = ()
await_ = staticmethod(await_fallback)
def _Binary(x):
"""Return x as a binary type."""
return bytes(x)
class AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_dbapi:
def __init__(self, asyncmy):
self.asyncmy = asyncmy
self.paramstyle = "format"
def _init_dbapi_attributes(self):
for name in (
setattr(self, name, getattr(self.asyncmy.errors, name))
STRING = util.symbol("STRING")
NUMBER = util.symbol("NUMBER")
BINARY = util.symbol("BINARY")
DATETIME = util.symbol("DATETIME")
TIMESTAMP = util.symbol("TIMESTAMP")
Binary = staticmethod(_Binary)
def connect(self, *arg, **kw):
async_fallback = kw.pop("async_fallback", False)
if util.asbool(async_fallback):
return AsyncAdaptFallback_asyncmy_connection(
await_fallback(self.asyncmy.connect(*arg, **kw)),
return AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_connection(
await_only(self.asyncmy.connect(*arg, **kw)),
class MySQLDialect_asyncmy(MySQLDialect_pymysql):
driver = "asyncmy"
supports_statement_cache = True
supports_server_side_cursors = True
_sscursor = AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_ss_cursor
is_async = True
def import_dbapi(cls):
return AsyncAdapt_asyncmy_dbapi(__import__("asyncmy"))
def get_pool_class(cls, url):
async_fallback = url.query.get("async_fallback", False)
if util.asbool(async_fallback):
return pool.FallbackAsyncAdaptedQueuePool
return pool.AsyncAdaptedQueuePool
def create_connect_args(self, url):
return super().create_connect_args(
url, _translate_args=dict(username="user", database="db")
def is_disconnect(self, e, connection, cursor):
if super().is_disconnect(e, connection, cursor):
return True
str_e = str(e).lower()
return (
"not connected" in str_e or "network operation failed" in str_e
def _found_rows_client_flag(self):
from asyncmy.constants import CLIENT
def get_driver_connection(self, connection):
return connection._connection
dialect = MySQLDialect_asyncmy