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synced 2025-03-04 18:38:30 +00:00
376 lines
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376 lines
15 KiB
# coding=utf-8
import logging
import re
import datetime
import subliminal
import time
from random import randint
from requests import Session
from subliminal.cache import region
from subliminal.exceptions import DownloadLimitExceeded, AuthenticationError
from subliminal.providers.addic7ed import Addic7edProvider as _Addic7edProvider, \
Addic7edSubtitle as _Addic7edSubtitle, ParserBeautifulSoup, show_cells_re
from subliminal.subtitle import fix_line_ending
from subliminal_patch.utils import sanitize
from subliminal_patch.exceptions import TooManyRequests
from subliminal_patch.pitcher import pitchers, load_verification, store_verification
from subzero.language import Language
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#: Series header parsing regex
series_year_re = re.compile(r'^(?P<series>[ \w\'.:(),*&!?-]+?)(?: \((?P<year>\d{4})\))?$')
SHOW_EXPIRATION_TIME = datetime.timedelta(weeks=1).total_seconds()
class Addic7edSubtitle(_Addic7edSubtitle):
hearing_impaired_verifiable = True
def __init__(self, language, hearing_impaired, page_link, series, season, episode, title, year, version,
super(Addic7edSubtitle, self).__init__(language, hearing_impaired, page_link, series, season, episode,
title, year, version, download_link)
self.release_info = version
def get_matches(self, video):
matches = super(Addic7edSubtitle, self).get_matches(video)
if not subliminal.score.episode_scores.get("addic7ed_boost"):
return matches
# if the release group matches, the format is most likely correct, as well
if "release_group" in matches:
if {"series", "season", "episode", "year"}.issubset(matches) and "format" in matches:
logger.info("Boosting Addic7ed subtitle by %s" % subliminal.score.episode_scores.get("addic7ed_boost"))
return matches
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %r [%s]>' % (
self.__class__.__name__, u"http://www.addic7ed.com/%s" % self.download_link, self.language)
class Addic7edProvider(_Addic7edProvider):
languages = {Language('por', 'BR')} | {Language(l) for l in [
'ara', 'aze', 'ben', 'bos', 'bul', 'cat', 'ces', 'dan', 'deu', 'ell', 'eng', 'eus', 'fas', 'fin', 'fra', 'glg',
'heb', 'hrv', 'hun', 'hye', 'ind', 'ita', 'jpn', 'kor', 'mkd', 'msa', 'nld', 'nor', 'pol', 'por', 'ron', 'rus',
'slk', 'slv', 'spa', 'sqi', 'srp', 'swe', 'tha', 'tur', 'ukr', 'vie', 'zho'
]} | {Language.fromietf(l) for l in ["sr-Latn", "sr-Cyrl"]}
hearing_impaired_verifiable = True
subtitle_class = Addic7edSubtitle
server_url = 'https://www.addic7ed.com/'
sanitize_characters = {'-', ':', '(', ')', '.', '/'}
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, use_random_agents=False):
super(Addic7edProvider, self).__init__(username=username, password=password)
self.USE_ADDICTED_RANDOM_AGENTS = use_random_agents
def initialize(self):
self.session = Session()
self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Subliminal/%s' % subliminal.__short_version__
logger.debug("Addic7ed: using random user agents")
self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = AGENT_LIST[randint(0, len(AGENT_LIST) - 1)]
self.session.headers['Referer'] = self.server_url
# login
if self.username and self.password:
def check_verification(cache_region):
rr = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'panel.php', allow_redirects=False, timeout=10,
headers={"Referer": self.server_url})
if rr.status_code == 302:
logger.info('Addic7ed: Login expired')
logger.info('Addic7ed: Re-using old login')
self.logged_in = True
return True
if load_verification("addic7ed", self.session, callback=check_verification):
logger.info('Addic7ed: Logging in')
data = {'username': self.username, 'password': self.password, 'Submit': 'Log in', 'url': '',
'remember': 'true'}
tries = 0
while tries < 3:
r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'login.php', timeout=10, headers={"Referer": self.server_url})
if "grecaptcha" in r.content:
logger.info('Addic7ed: Solving captcha. This might take a couple of minutes, but should only '
'happen once every so often')
site_key = re.search(r'grecaptcha.execute\(\'(.+?)\',', r.content).group(1)
if not site_key:
logger.error("Addic7ed: Captcha site-key not found!")
pitcher = pitchers.get_pitcher()("Addic7ed", self.server_url + 'login.php', site_key,
result = pitcher.throw()
if not result:
raise Exception("Addic7ed: Couldn't solve captcha!")
data["recaptcha_response"] = result
r = self.session.post(self.server_url + 'dologin.php', data, allow_redirects=False, timeout=10,
headers={"Referer": self.server_url + "login.php"})
if "relax, slow down" in r.content:
raise TooManyRequests(self.username)
if r.status_code != 302:
if "User <b></b> doesn't exist" in r.content and tries <= 2:
logger.info("Addic7ed: Error, trying again. (%s/%s)", tries+1, 3)
tries += 1
raise AuthenticationError(self.username)
store_verification("addic7ed", self.session)
logger.debug('Addic7ed: Logged in')
self.logged_in = True
def terminate(self):
def get_show_id(self, series, year=None, country_code=None):
"""Get the best matching show id for `series`, `year` and `country_code`.
First search in the result of :meth:`_get_show_ids` and fallback on a search with :meth:`_search_show_id`.
:param str series: series of the episode.
:param year: year of the series, if any.
:type year: int
:param country_code: country code of the series, if any.
:type country_code: str
:return: the show id, if found.
:rtype: int
series_sanitized = sanitize(series).lower()
show_ids = self._get_show_ids()
show_id = None
# attempt with country
if not show_id and country_code:
logger.debug('Getting show id with country')
show_id = show_ids.get('%s %s' % (series_sanitized, country_code.lower()))
# attempt with year
if not show_id and year:
logger.debug('Getting show id with year')
show_id = show_ids.get('%s %d' % (series_sanitized, year))
# attempt clean
if not show_id:
logger.debug('Getting show id')
show_id = show_ids.get(series_sanitized)
# search as last resort
# broken right now
# if not show_id:
# logger.warning('Series %s not found in show ids', series)
# show_id = self._search_show_id(series)
return show_id
def _get_show_ids(self):
"""Get the ``dict`` of show ids per series by querying the `shows.php` page.
:return: show id per series, lower case and without quotes.
:rtype: dict
# patch: add punctuation cleaning
# get the show page
logger.info('Getting show ids')
r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'shows.php', timeout=10)
# LXML parser seems to fail when parsing Addic7ed.com HTML markup.
# Last known version to work properly is 3.6.4 (next version, 3.7.0, fails)
# Assuming the site's markup is bad, and stripping it down to only contain what's needed.
show_cells = re.findall(show_cells_re, r.content)
if show_cells:
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(b''.join(show_cells), ['lxml', 'html.parser'])
# If RegEx fails, fall back to original r.content and use 'html.parser'
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['html.parser'])
# populate the show ids
show_ids = {}
for show in soup.select('td > h3 > a[href^="/show/"]'):
show_clean = sanitize(show.text, default_characters=self.sanitize_characters)
show_id = int(show['href'][6:])
except ValueError:
show_ids[show_clean] = show_id
match = series_year_re.match(show_clean)
if match and match.group(2) and match.group(1) not in show_ids:
# year found, also add it without year
show_ids[match.group(1)] = show_id
soup = None
logger.debug('Found %d show ids', len(show_ids))
return show_ids
def _search_show_id(self, series, year=None):
"""Search the show id from the `series` and `year`.
:param str series: series of the episode.
:param year: year of the series, if any.
:type year: int
:return: the show id, if found.
:rtype: int
# addic7ed doesn't support search with quotes
series = series.replace('\'', ' ')
# build the params
series_year = '%s %d' % (series, year) if year is not None else series
params = {'search': series_year, 'Submit': 'Search'}
# make the search
logger.info('Searching show ids with %r', params)
# currently addic7ed searches via srch.php from the front page, then a re-search is needed which calls
# search.php
for endpoint in ("srch.php", "search.php",):
headers = None
if endpoint == "search.php":
headers = {
"referer": self.server_url + "srch.php"
r = self.session.get(self.server_url + endpoint, params=params, timeout=10, headers=headers)
if r.content and "Sorry, your search" not in r.content:
if r.status_code == 304:
raise TooManyRequests()
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['lxml', 'html.parser'])
suggestion = None
# get the suggestion
suggestion = soup.select('span.titulo > a[href^="/show/"]')
if not suggestion:
logger.warning('Show id not found: no suggestion')
return None
if not sanitize(suggestion[0].i.text.replace('\'', ' '),
default_characters=self.sanitize_characters) == \
sanitize(series_year, default_characters=self.sanitize_characters):
logger.warning('Show id not found: suggestion does not match')
return None
show_id = int(suggestion[0]['href'][6:])
logger.debug('Found show id %d', show_id)
return show_id
soup = None
def query(self, show_id, series, season, year=None, country=None):
# patch: fix logging
# get the page of the season of the show
logger.info('Getting the page of show id %d, season %d', show_id, season)
r = self.session.get(self.server_url + 'ajax_loadShow.php',
params={'show': show_id, 'season': season},
"referer": "%sshow/%s" % (self.server_url, show_id),
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"
if r.status_code == 304:
raise TooManyRequests()
if not r.content:
# Provider wrongful return a status of 304 Not Modified with an empty content
# raise_for_status won't raise exception for that status code
logger.error('No data returned from provider')
return []
soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r.content, ['lxml', 'html.parser'])
# loop over subtitle rows
subtitles = []
for row in soup.select('tr.epeven'):
cells = row('td')
# ignore incomplete subtitles
status = cells[5].text
if status != 'Completed':
logger.debug('Ignoring subtitle with status %s', status)
# read the item
language = Language.fromaddic7ed(cells[3].text)
hearing_impaired = bool(cells[6].text)
page_link = self.server_url + cells[2].a['href'][1:]
season = int(cells[0].text)
episode = int(cells[1].text)
title = cells[2].text
version = cells[4].text
download_link = cells[9].a['href'][1:]
subtitle = self.subtitle_class(language, hearing_impaired, page_link, series, season, episode, title,
version, download_link)
logger.debug('Found subtitle %r', subtitle)
soup = None
return subtitles
def download_subtitle(self, subtitle):
# download the subtitle
r = self.session.get(self.server_url + subtitle.download_link, headers={'Referer': subtitle.page_link},
if r.status_code == 304:
raise TooManyRequests()
if not r.content:
# Provider wrongful return a status of 304 Not Modified with an empty content
# raise_for_status won't raise exception for that status code
logger.error('Unable to download subtitle. No data returned from provider')
# detect download limit exceeded
if r.headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/html':
raise DownloadLimitExceeded
subtitle.content = fix_line_ending(r.content)