
1932 lines
68 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import datetime
from functools import partial
from functools import wraps
import json
import logging
from numbers import Number
import threading
import time
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import cast
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Union
from decorator import decorate
from . import exception
from .api import BackendArguments
from .api import BackendFormatted
from .api import CachedValue
from .api import CacheMutex
from .api import CacheReturnType
from .api import CantDeserializeException
from .api import KeyType
from .api import MetaDataType
from .api import NO_VALUE
from .api import SerializedReturnType
from .api import Serializer
from .api import ValuePayload
from .backends import _backend_loader
from .backends import register_backend # noqa
from .proxy import ProxyBackend
from .util import function_key_generator
from .util import function_multi_key_generator
from .util import repr_obj
from .. import Lock
from .. import NeedRegenerationException
from ..util import coerce_string_conf
from ..util import memoized_property
from ..util import NameRegistry
from ..util import PluginLoader
from ..util.typing import Self
value_version = 2
"""An integer placed in the :class:`.CachedValue`
so that new versions of dogpile.cache can detect cached
values from a previous, backwards-incompatible version.
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
AsyncCreator = Callable[
["CacheRegion", KeyType, Callable[[], ValuePayload], CacheMutex], None
ExpirationTimeCallable = Callable[[], float]
ToStr = Callable[[Any], str]
FunctionKeyGenerator = Callable[..., Callable[..., KeyType]]
FunctionMultiKeyGenerator = Callable[..., Callable[..., Sequence[KeyType]]]
class RegionInvalidationStrategy:
"""Region invalidation strategy interface
Implement this interface and pass implementation instance
to :meth:`.CacheRegion.configure` to override default region invalidation.
class CustomInvalidationStrategy(RegionInvalidationStrategy):
def __init__(self):
self._soft_invalidated = None
self._hard_invalidated = None
def invalidate(self, hard=None):
if hard:
self._soft_invalidated = None
self._hard_invalidated = time.time()
self._soft_invalidated = time.time()
self._hard_invalidated = None
def is_invalidated(self, timestamp):
return ((self._soft_invalidated and
timestamp < self._soft_invalidated) or
(self._hard_invalidated and
timestamp < self._hard_invalidated))
def was_hard_invalidated(self):
return bool(self._hard_invalidated)
def is_hard_invalidated(self, timestamp):
return (self._hard_invalidated and
timestamp < self._hard_invalidated)
def was_soft_invalidated(self):
return bool(self._soft_invalidated)
def is_soft_invalidated(self, timestamp):
return (self._soft_invalidated and
timestamp < self._soft_invalidated)
The custom implementation is injected into a :class:`.CacheRegion`
at configure time using the
:paramref:`.CacheRegion.configure.region_invalidator` parameter::
region = CacheRegion()
region = region.configure(region_invalidator=CustomInvalidationStrategy()) # noqa
Invalidation strategies that wish to have access to the
:class:`.CacheRegion` itself should construct the invalidator given the
region as an argument::
class MyInvalidator(RegionInvalidationStrategy):
def __init__(self, region):
self.region = region
# ...
# ...
region = CacheRegion()
region = region.configure(region_invalidator=MyInvalidator(region))
.. versionadded:: 0.6.2
.. seealso::
def invalidate(self, hard: bool = True) -> None:
"""Region invalidation.
:class:`.CacheRegion` propagated call.
The default invalidation system works by setting
a current timestamp (using ``time.time()``) to consider all older
timestamps effectively invalidated.
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_hard_invalidated(self, timestamp: float) -> bool:
"""Check timestamp to determine if it was hard invalidated.
:return: Boolean. True if ``timestamp`` is older than
the last region invalidation time and region is invalidated
in hard mode.
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_soft_invalidated(self, timestamp: float) -> bool:
"""Check timestamp to determine if it was soft invalidated.
:return: Boolean. True if ``timestamp`` is older than
the last region invalidation time and region is invalidated
in soft mode.
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_invalidated(self, timestamp: float) -> bool:
"""Check timestamp to determine if it was invalidated.
:return: Boolean. True if ``timestamp`` is older than
the last region invalidation time.
raise NotImplementedError()
def was_soft_invalidated(self) -> bool:
"""Indicate the region was invalidated in soft mode.
:return: Boolean. True if region was invalidated in soft mode.
raise NotImplementedError()
def was_hard_invalidated(self) -> bool:
"""Indicate the region was invalidated in hard mode.
:return: Boolean. True if region was invalidated in hard mode.
raise NotImplementedError()
class DefaultInvalidationStrategy(RegionInvalidationStrategy):
def __init__(self):
self._is_hard_invalidated = None
self._invalidated = None
def invalidate(self, hard: bool = True) -> None:
self._is_hard_invalidated = bool(hard)
self._invalidated = time.time()
def is_invalidated(self, timestamp: float) -> bool:
return self._invalidated is not None and timestamp < self._invalidated
def was_hard_invalidated(self) -> bool:
return self._is_hard_invalidated is True
def is_hard_invalidated(self, timestamp: float) -> bool:
return self.was_hard_invalidated() and self.is_invalidated(timestamp)
def was_soft_invalidated(self) -> bool:
return self._is_hard_invalidated is False
def is_soft_invalidated(self, timestamp: float) -> bool:
return self.was_soft_invalidated() and self.is_invalidated(timestamp)
class CacheRegion:
r"""A front end to a particular cache backend.
:param name: Optional, a string name for the region.
This isn't used internally
but can be accessed via the ``.name`` parameter, helpful
for configuring a region from a config file.
:param function_key_generator: Optional. A
function that will produce a "cache key" given
a data creation function and arguments, when using
the :meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_on_arguments` method.
The structure of this function
should be two levels: given the data creation function,
return a new function that generates the key based on
the given arguments. Such as::
def my_key_generator(namespace, fn, **kw):
fname = fn.__name__
def generate_key(*arg):
return namespace + "_" + fname + "_".join(str(s) for s in arg)
return generate_key
region = make_region(
function_key_generator = my_key_generator
The ``namespace`` is that passed to
:meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_on_arguments`. It's not consulted
outside this function, so in fact can be of any form.
For example, it can be passed as a tuple, used to specify
arguments to pluck from \**kw::
def my_key_generator(namespace, fn):
def generate_key(*arg, **kw):
return ":".join(
[kw[k] for k in namespace] +
[str(x) for x in arg]
return generate_key
Where the decorator might be used as::
@my_region.cache_on_arguments(namespace=('x', 'y'))
def my_function(a, b, **kw):
return my_data()
.. seealso::
:func:`.function_key_generator` - default key generator
:func:`.kwarg_function_key_generator` - optional gen that also
uses keyword arguments
:param function_multi_key_generator: Optional.
Similar to ``function_key_generator`` parameter, but it's used in
:meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_multi_on_arguments`. Generated function
should return list of keys. For example::
def my_multi_key_generator(namespace, fn, **kw):
namespace = fn.__name__ + (namespace or '')
def generate_keys(*args):
return [namespace + ':' + str(a) for a in args]
return generate_keys
:param key_mangler: Function which will be used on all incoming
keys before passing to the backend. Defaults to ``None``,
in which case the key mangling function recommended by
the cache backend will be used. A typical mangler
is the SHA1 mangler found at :func:`.sha1_mangle_key`
which coerces keys into a SHA1
hash, so that the string length is fixed. To
disable all key mangling, set to ``False``. Another typical
mangler is the built-in Python function ``str``, which can be used
to convert non-string or Unicode keys to bytestrings, which is
needed when using a backend such as bsddb or dbm under Python 2.x
in conjunction with Unicode keys.
:param serializer: function which will be applied to all values before
passing to the backend. Defaults to ``None``, in which case the
serializer recommended by the backend will be used. Typical
serializers include ``pickle.dumps`` and ``json.dumps``.
.. versionadded:: 1.1.0
:param deserializer: function which will be applied to all values returned
by the backend. Defaults to ``None``, in which case the
deserializer recommended by the backend will be used. Typical
deserializers include ``pickle.dumps`` and ``json.dumps``.
Deserializers can raise a :class:`.api.CantDeserializeException` if they
are unable to deserialize the value from the backend, indicating
deserialization failed and that caching should proceed to re-generate
a value. This allows an application that has been updated to gracefully
re-cache old items which were persisted by a previous version of the
application and can no longer be successfully deserialized.
.. versionadded:: 1.1.0 added "deserializer" parameter
.. versionadded:: 1.2.0 added support for
:param async_creation_runner: A callable that, when specified,
will be passed to and called by dogpile.lock when
there is a stale value present in the cache. It will be passed the
mutex and is responsible releasing that mutex when finished.
This can be used to defer the computation of expensive creator
functions to later points in the future by way of, for example, a
background thread, a long-running queue, or a task manager system
like Celery.
For a specific example using async_creation_runner, new values can
be created in a background thread like so::
import threading
def async_creation_runner(cache, somekey, creator, mutex):
''' Used by dogpile.core:Lock when appropriate '''
def runner():
value = creator()
cache.set(somekey, value)
thread = threading.Thread(target=runner)
region = make_region(
'url': '',
'distributed_lock': True,
Remember that the first request for a key with no associated
value will always block; async_creator will not be invoked.
However, subsequent requests for cached-but-expired values will
still return promptly. They will be refreshed by whatever
asynchronous means the provided async_creation_runner callable
By default the async_creation_runner is disabled and is set
to ``None``.
.. versionadded:: 0.4.2 added the async_creation_runner
def __init__(
name: Optional[str] = None,
function_key_generator: FunctionKeyGenerator = function_key_generator,
function_multi_key_generator: FunctionMultiKeyGenerator = function_multi_key_generator, # noqa E501
key_mangler: Optional[Callable[[KeyType], KeyType]] = None,
serializer: Optional[Callable[[ValuePayload], bytes]] = None,
deserializer: Optional[Callable[[bytes], ValuePayload]] = None,
async_creation_runner: Optional[AsyncCreator] = None,
"""Construct a new :class:`.CacheRegion`.""" = name
self.function_key_generator = function_key_generator
self.function_multi_key_generator = function_multi_key_generator
self.key_mangler = self._user_defined_key_mangler = key_mangler
self.serializer = self._user_defined_serializer = serializer
self.deserializer = self._user_defined_deserializer = deserializer
self.async_creation_runner = async_creation_runner
self.region_invalidator: RegionInvalidationStrategy = (
def configure(
backend: str,
expiration_time: Optional[Union[float, datetime.timedelta]] = None,
arguments: Optional[BackendArguments] = None,
_config_argument_dict: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
_config_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
wrap: Sequence[Union[ProxyBackend, Type[ProxyBackend]]] = (),
replace_existing_backend: bool = False,
region_invalidator: Optional[RegionInvalidationStrategy] = None,
) -> Self:
"""Configure a :class:`.CacheRegion`.
The :class:`.CacheRegion` itself
is returned.
:param backend: Required. This is the name of the
:class:`.CacheBackend` to use, and is resolved by loading
the class from the ``dogpile.cache`` entrypoint.
:param expiration_time: Optional. The expiration time passed
to the dogpile system. May be passed as an integer number
of seconds, or as a ``datetime.timedelta`` value.
.. versionadded 0.5.0
``expiration_time`` may be optionally passed as a
``datetime.timedelta`` value.
The :meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create`
method as well as the :meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_on_arguments`
decorator (though note: **not** the :meth:`.CacheRegion.get`
method) will call upon the value creation function after this
time period has passed since the last generation.
:param arguments: Optional. The structure here is passed
directly to the constructor of the :class:`.CacheBackend`
in use, though is typically a dictionary.
:param wrap: Optional. A list of :class:`.ProxyBackend`
classes and/or instances, each of which will be applied
in a chain to ultimately wrap the original backend,
so that custom functionality augmentation can be applied.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.0
.. seealso::
:param replace_existing_backend: if True, the existing cache backend
will be replaced. Without this flag, an exception is raised if
a backend is already configured.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.7
:param region_invalidator: Optional. Override default invalidation
strategy with custom implementation of
.. versionadded:: 0.6.2
if "backend" in self.__dict__ and not replace_existing_backend:
raise exception.RegionAlreadyConfigured(
"This region is already "
"configured with backend: %s. "
"Specify replace_existing_backend=True to replace."
% self.backend
backend_cls = _backend_loader.load(backend)
except PluginLoader.NotFound:
raise exception.PluginNotFound(
"Couldn't find cache plugin to load: %s" % backend
if _config_argument_dict:
self.backend = backend_cls.from_config_dict(
_config_argument_dict, _config_prefix
self.backend = backend_cls(arguments or {})
self.expiration_time: Union[float, None]
if not expiration_time or isinstance(expiration_time, Number):
self.expiration_time = cast(Union[None, float], expiration_time)
elif isinstance(expiration_time, datetime.timedelta):
self.expiration_time = int(expiration_time.total_seconds())
raise exception.ValidationError(
"expiration_time is not a number or timedelta."
if not self._user_defined_key_mangler:
self.key_mangler = self.backend.key_mangler
if not self._user_defined_serializer:
self.serializer = self.backend.serializer
if not self._user_defined_deserializer:
self.deserializer = self.backend.deserializer
self._lock_registry = NameRegistry(self._create_mutex)
if getattr(wrap, "__iter__", False):
for wrapper in reversed(wrap):
if region_invalidator:
self.region_invalidator = region_invalidator
return self
def wrap(self, proxy: Union[ProxyBackend, Type[ProxyBackend]]) -> None:
"""Takes a ProxyBackend instance or class and wraps the
attached backend."""
# if we were passed a type rather than an instance then
# initialize it.
if isinstance(proxy, type):
proxy_instance = proxy()
proxy_instance = proxy
if not isinstance(proxy_instance, ProxyBackend):
raise TypeError(
"%r is not a valid ProxyBackend" % (proxy_instance,)
self.backend = proxy_instance.wrap(self.backend)
def _mutex(self, key):
return self._lock_registry.get(key)
class _LockWrapper(CacheMutex):
"""weakref-capable wrapper for threading.Lock"""
def __init__(self):
self.lock = threading.Lock()
def acquire(self, wait=True):
return self.lock.acquire(wait)
def release(self):
def locked(self):
return self.lock.locked()
def _create_mutex(self, key):
mutex = self.backend.get_mutex(key)
if mutex is not None:
return mutex
return self._LockWrapper()
# cached value
_actual_backend = None
def actual_backend(self):
"""Return the ultimate backend underneath any proxies.
The backend might be the result of one or more ``proxy.wrap``
applications. If so, derive the actual underlying backend.
.. versionadded:: 0.6.6
if self._actual_backend is None:
_backend = self.backend
while hasattr(_backend, "proxied"):
_backend = _backend.proxied
self._actual_backend = _backend
return self._actual_backend
def invalidate(self, hard=True):
"""Invalidate this :class:`.CacheRegion`.
The default invalidation system works by setting
a current timestamp (using ``time.time()``)
representing the "minimum creation time" for
a value. Any retrieved value whose creation
time is prior to this timestamp
is considered to be stale. It does not
affect the data in the cache in any way, and is
**local to this instance of :class:`.CacheRegion`.**
.. warning::
The :meth:`.CacheRegion.invalidate` method's default mode of
operation is to set a timestamp **local to this CacheRegion
in this Python process only**. It does not impact other Python
processes or regions as the timestamp is **only stored locally in
memory**. To implement invalidation where the
timestamp is stored in the cache or similar so that all Python
processes can be affected by an invalidation timestamp, implement a
custom :class:`.RegionInvalidationStrategy`.
Once set, the invalidation time is honored by
the :meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create`,
:meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create_multi` and
:meth:`.CacheRegion.get` methods.
The method supports both "hard" and "soft" invalidation
options. With "hard" invalidation,
:meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create` will force an immediate
regeneration of the value which all getters will wait for.
With "soft" invalidation, subsequent getters will return the
"old" value until the new one is available.
Usage of "soft" invalidation requires that the region or the method
is given a non-None expiration time.
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
:param hard: if True, cache values will all require immediate
regeneration; dogpile logic won't be used. If False, the
creation time of existing values will be pushed back before
the expiration time so that a return+regen will be invoked.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.1
def configure_from_config(self, config_dict, prefix):
"""Configure from a configuration dictionary
and a prefix.
local_region = make_region()
memcached_region = make_region()
# regions are ready to use for function
# decorators, but not yet for actual caching
# later, when config is available
myconfig = {
local_region.configure_from_config(myconfig, "cache.local.")
config_dict = coerce_string_conf(config_dict)
return self.configure(
config_dict["%sbackend" % prefix],
"%sexpiration_time" % prefix, None
_config_prefix="%sarguments." % prefix,
wrap=config_dict.get("%swrap" % prefix, None),
"%sreplace_existing_backend" % prefix, False
def backend(self):
raise exception.RegionNotConfigured(
"No backend is configured on this region."
def is_configured(self):
"""Return True if the backend has been configured via the
:meth:`.CacheRegion.configure` method already.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.1
return "backend" in self.__dict__
def get(
key: KeyType,
expiration_time: Optional[float] = None,
ignore_expiration: bool = False,
) -> CacheReturnType:
"""Return a value from the cache, based on the given key.
If the value is not present, the method returns the token
``NO_VALUE``. ``NO_VALUE`` evaluates to False, but is separate from
``None`` to distinguish between a cached value of ``None``.
By default, the configured expiration time of the
:class:`.CacheRegion`, or alternatively the expiration
time supplied by the ``expiration_time`` argument,
is tested against the creation time of the retrieved
value versus the current time (as reported by ``time.time()``).
If stale, the cached value is ignored and the ``NO_VALUE``
token is returned. Passing the flag ``ignore_expiration=True``
bypasses the expiration time check.
.. versionchanged:: 0.3.0
:meth:`.CacheRegion.get` now checks the value's creation time
against the expiration time, rather than returning
the value unconditionally.
The method also interprets the cached value in terms
of the current "invalidation" time as set by
the :meth:`.invalidate` method. If a value is present,
but its creation time is older than the current
invalidation time, the ``NO_VALUE`` token is returned.
Passing the flag ``ignore_expiration=True`` bypasses
the invalidation time check.
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
Support for the :meth:`.CacheRegion.invalidate`
:param key: Key to be retrieved. While it's typical for a key to be a
string, it is ultimately passed directly down to the cache backend,
before being optionally processed by the key_mangler function, so can
be of any type recognized by the backend or by the key_mangler
function, if present.
:param expiration_time: Optional expiration time value
which will supersede that configured on the :class:`.CacheRegion`
.. note:: The :paramref:`.CacheRegion.get.expiration_time`
argument is **not persisted in the cache** and is relevant
only to **this specific cache retrieval operation**, relative to
the creation time stored with the existing cached value.
Subsequent calls to :meth:`.CacheRegion.get` are **not** affected
by this value.
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
:param ignore_expiration: if ``True``, the value is returned
from the cache if present, regardless of configured
expiration times or whether or not :meth:`.invalidate`
was called.
.. versionadded:: 0.3.0
.. seealso::
value = self._get_cache_value(key, expiration_time, ignore_expiration)
return value.payload
def get_value_metadata(
key: KeyType,
expiration_time: Optional[float] = None,
ignore_expiration: bool = False,
) -> Optional[CachedValue]:
"""Return the :class:`.CachedValue` object directly from the cache.
This is the enclosing datastructure that includes the value as well as
the metadata, including the timestamp when the value was cached.
Convenience accessors on :class:`.CachedValue` also provide for common
data such as :attr:`.CachedValue.cached_time` and
.. versionadded:: 1.3. Added :meth:`.CacheRegion.get_value_metadata`
cache_value = self._get_cache_value(
key, expiration_time, ignore_expiration
if cache_value is NO_VALUE:
return None
assert isinstance(cache_value, CachedValue)
return cache_value
def _get_cache_value(
key: KeyType,
expiration_time: Optional[float] = None,
ignore_expiration: bool = False,
) -> CacheReturnType:
if self.key_mangler:
key = self.key_mangler(key)
value = self._get_from_backend(key)
value = self._unexpired_value_fn(expiration_time, ignore_expiration)(
return value
def _unexpired_value_fn(self, expiration_time, ignore_expiration):
if ignore_expiration:
return lambda value: value
if expiration_time is None:
expiration_time = self.expiration_time
current_time = time.time()
def value_fn(value):
if value is NO_VALUE:
return value
elif (
expiration_time is not None
and current_time - value.metadata["ct"] > expiration_time
return NO_VALUE
elif self.region_invalidator.is_invalidated(
return NO_VALUE
return value
return value_fn
def get_multi(self, keys, expiration_time=None, ignore_expiration=False):
"""Return multiple values from the cache, based on the given keys.
Returns values as a list matching the keys given.
values = region.get_multi(["one", "two", "three"])
To convert values to a dictionary, use ``zip()``::
keys = ["one", "two", "three"]
values = region.get_multi(keys)
dictionary = dict(zip(keys, values))
Keys which aren't present in the list are returned as
the ``NO_VALUE`` token. ``NO_VALUE`` evaluates to False,
but is separate from
``None`` to distinguish between a cached value of ``None``.
By default, the configured expiration time of the
:class:`.CacheRegion`, or alternatively the expiration
time supplied by the ``expiration_time`` argument,
is tested against the creation time of the retrieved
value versus the current time (as reported by ``time.time()``).
If stale, the cached value is ignored and the ``NO_VALUE``
token is returned. Passing the flag ``ignore_expiration=True``
bypasses the expiration time check.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.0
if not keys:
return []
if self.key_mangler is not None:
keys = [self.key_mangler(key) for key in keys]
backend_values = self._get_multi_from_backend(keys)
_unexpired_value_fn = self._unexpired_value_fn(
expiration_time, ignore_expiration
return [
value.payload if value is not NO_VALUE else value
for value in (
_unexpired_value_fn(value) for value in backend_values
def _log_time(self, keys):
start_time = time.time()
seconds = time.time() - start_time
"Cache value generated in %(seconds).3f seconds for key(s): "
{"seconds": seconds, "keys": repr_obj(keys)},
def _is_cache_miss(self, value, orig_key):
if value is NO_VALUE:
log.debug("No value present for key: %r", orig_key)
elif value.metadata["v"] != value_version:
log.debug("Dogpile version update for key: %r", orig_key)
elif self.region_invalidator.is_hard_invalidated(value.metadata["ct"]):
log.debug("Hard invalidation detected for key: %r", orig_key)
return False
return True
def key_is_locked(self, key: KeyType) -> bool:
"""Return True if a particular cache key is currently being generated
within the dogpile lock.
.. versionadded:: 1.1.2
mutex = self._mutex(key)
locked: bool = mutex.locked()
return locked
def get_or_create(
key: KeyType,
creator: Callable[..., ValuePayload],
expiration_time: Optional[float] = None,
should_cache_fn: Optional[Callable[[ValuePayload], bool]] = None,
creator_args: Optional[Tuple[Any, Mapping[str, Any]]] = None,
) -> ValuePayload:
"""Return a cached value based on the given key.
If the value does not exist or is considered to be expired
based on its creation time, the given
creation function may or may not be used to recreate the value
and persist the newly generated value in the cache.
Whether or not the function is used depends on if the
*dogpile lock* can be acquired or not. If it can't, it means
a different thread or process is already running a creation
function for this key against the cache. When the dogpile
lock cannot be acquired, the method will block if no
previous value is available, until the lock is released and
a new value available. If a previous value
is available, that value is returned immediately without blocking.
If the :meth:`.invalidate` method has been called, and
the retrieved value's timestamp is older than the invalidation
timestamp, the value is unconditionally prevented from
being returned. The method will attempt to acquire the dogpile
lock to generate a new value, or will wait
until the lock is released to return the new value.
.. versionchanged:: 0.3.0
The value is unconditionally regenerated if the creation
time is older than the last call to :meth:`.invalidate`.
:param key: Key to be retrieved. While it's typical for a key to be a
string, it is ultimately passed directly down to the cache backend,
before being optionally processed by the key_mangler function, so can
be of any type recognized by the backend or by the key_mangler
function, if present.
:param creator: function which creates a new value.
:param creator_args: optional tuple of (args, kwargs) that will be
passed to the creator function if present.
.. versionadded:: 0.7.0
:param expiration_time: optional expiration time which will override
the expiration time already configured on this :class:`.CacheRegion`
if not None. To set no expiration, use the value -1.
.. note:: The :paramref:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create.expiration_time`
argument is **not persisted in the cache** and is relevant
only to **this specific cache retrieval operation**, relative to
the creation time stored with the existing cached value.
Subsequent calls to :meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create` are **not**
affected by this value.
:param should_cache_fn: optional callable function which will receive
the value returned by the "creator", and will then return True or
False, indicating if the value should actually be cached or not. If
it returns False, the value is still returned, but isn't cached.
def dont_cache_none(value):
return value is not None
value = region.get_or_create("some key",
Above, the function returns the value of create_value() if
the cache is invalid, however if the return value is None,
it won't be cached.
.. versionadded:: 0.4.3
.. seealso::
:meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_on_arguments` - applies
:meth:`.get_or_create` to any function using a decorator.
:meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create_multi` - multiple key/value
orig_key = key
if self.key_mangler:
key = self.key_mangler(key)
def get_value():
value = self._get_from_backend(key)
if self._is_cache_miss(value, orig_key):
raise NeedRegenerationException()
ct = cast(CachedValue, value).metadata["ct"]
if self.region_invalidator.is_soft_invalidated(ct):
if expiration_time is None:
raise exception.DogpileCacheException(
"Non-None expiration time required "
"for soft invalidation"
ct = time.time() - expiration_time - 0.0001
return value.payload, ct
def gen_value():
with self._log_time(orig_key):
if creator_args:
created_value = creator(
*creator_args[0], **creator_args[1]
created_value = creator()
value = self._value(created_value)
if (
expiration_time is None
and self.region_invalidator.was_soft_invalidated()
raise exception.DogpileCacheException(
"Non-None expiration time required "
"for soft invalidation"
if not should_cache_fn or should_cache_fn(created_value):
self._set_cached_value_to_backend(key, value)
return value.payload, value.metadata["ct"]
if expiration_time is None:
expiration_time = self.expiration_time
if expiration_time == -1:
expiration_time = None
async_creator: Optional[Callable[[CacheMutex], AsyncCreator]]
if self.async_creation_runner:
acr = self.async_creation_runner
def async_creator(mutex):
if creator_args:
ca = creator_args
def go():
return creator(*ca[0], **ca[1])
go = creator
return acr(self, orig_key, go, mutex)
async_creator = None
with Lock(
) as value:
return value
def get_or_create_multi(
keys: Sequence[KeyType],
creator: Callable[[], ValuePayload],
expiration_time: Optional[float] = None,
should_cache_fn: Optional[Callable[[ValuePayload], bool]] = None,
) -> Sequence[ValuePayload]:
"""Return a sequence of cached values based on a sequence of keys.
The behavior for generation of values based on keys corresponds
to that of :meth:`.Region.get_or_create`, with the exception that
the ``creator()`` function may be asked to generate any subset of
the given keys. The list of keys to be generated is passed to
``creator()``, and ``creator()`` should return the generated values
as a sequence corresponding to the order of the keys.
The method uses the same approach as :meth:`.Region.get_multi`
and :meth:`.Region.set_multi` to get and set values from the
If you are using a :class:`.CacheBackend` or :class:`.ProxyBackend`
that modifies values, take note this function invokes
``.set_multi()`` for newly generated values using the same values it
returns to the calling function. A correct implementation of
``.set_multi()`` will not modify values in-place on the submitted
``mapping`` dict.
:param keys: Sequence of keys to be retrieved.
:param creator: function which accepts a sequence of keys and
returns a sequence of new values.
:param expiration_time: optional expiration time which will override
the expiration time already configured on this :class:`.CacheRegion`
if not None. To set no expiration, use the value -1.
:param should_cache_fn: optional callable function which will receive
each value returned by the "creator", and will then return True or
False, indicating if the value should actually be cached or not. If
it returns False, the value is still returned, but isn't cached.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.0
.. seealso::
def get_value(key):
value = values.get(key, NO_VALUE)
if self._is_cache_miss(value, orig_key):
# dogpile.core understands a 0 here as
# "the value is not available", e.g.
# _has_value() will return False.
return value.payload, 0
ct = cast(CachedValue, value).metadata["ct"]
if self.region_invalidator.is_soft_invalidated(ct):
if expiration_time is None:
raise exception.DogpileCacheException(
"Non-None expiration time required "
"for soft invalidation"
ct = time.time() - expiration_time - 0.0001
return value.payload, ct
def gen_value() -> ValuePayload:
raise NotImplementedError()
def async_creator(mutexes, key, mutex):
mutexes[key] = mutex
if expiration_time is None:
expiration_time = self.expiration_time
if expiration_time == -1:
expiration_time = None
sorted_unique_keys = sorted(set(keys))
if self.key_mangler:
mangled_keys = [self.key_mangler(k) for k in sorted_unique_keys]
mangled_keys = sorted_unique_keys
orig_to_mangled = dict(zip(sorted_unique_keys, mangled_keys))
values = dict(
zip(mangled_keys, self._get_multi_from_backend(mangled_keys))
mutexes: Mapping[KeyType, Any] = {}
for orig_key, mangled_key in orig_to_mangled.items():
with Lock(
lambda: get_value(mangled_key),
async_creator=lambda mutex: async_creator(
mutexes, orig_key, mutex
if mutexes:
# sort the keys, the idea is to prevent deadlocks.
# though haven't been able to simulate one anyway.
keys_to_get = sorted(mutexes)
with self._log_time(keys_to_get):
new_values = creator(*keys_to_get)
values_w_created = {
orig_to_mangled[k]: self._value(v)
for k, v in zip(keys_to_get, new_values)
if (
expiration_time is None
and self.region_invalidator.was_soft_invalidated()
raise exception.DogpileCacheException(
"Non-None expiration time required "
"for soft invalidation"
if not should_cache_fn:
k: v
for k, v in values_w_created.items()
if should_cache_fn(v.payload)
return [values[orig_to_mangled[k]].payload for k in keys]
for mutex in mutexes.values():
def _value(
self, value: Any, metadata: Optional[MetaDataType] = None
) -> CachedValue:
"""Return a :class:`.CachedValue` given a value."""
if metadata is None:
metadata = self._gen_metadata()
return CachedValue(value, metadata)
def _parse_serialized_from_backend(
self, value: SerializedReturnType
) -> CacheReturnType:
if value in (None, NO_VALUE):
return NO_VALUE
assert self.deserializer
byte_value = cast(bytes, value)
bytes_metadata, _, bytes_payload = byte_value.partition(b"|")
metadata = json.loads(bytes_metadata)
payload = self.deserializer(bytes_payload)
except CantDeserializeException:
return NO_VALUE
return CachedValue(payload, metadata)
def _serialize_cached_value_elements(
self, payload: ValuePayload, metadata: MetaDataType
) -> bytes:
serializer = cast(Serializer, self.serializer)
return b"%b|%b" % (
def _serialized_payload(
self, payload: ValuePayload, metadata: Optional[MetaDataType] = None
) -> BackendFormatted:
"""Return a backend formatted representation of a value.
If a serializer is in use then this will return a string representation
with the value formatted by the serializer.
if metadata is None:
metadata = self._gen_metadata()
return self._serialize_cached_value_elements(payload, metadata)
def _serialized_cached_value(self, value: CachedValue) -> BackendFormatted:
"""Return a backend formatted representation of a
If a serializer is in use then this will return a string representation
with the value formatted by the serializer.
assert self.serializer
return self._serialize_cached_value_elements(
value.payload, value.metadata
def _get_from_backend(self, key: KeyType) -> CacheReturnType:
if self.deserializer:
return self._parse_serialized_from_backend(
return cast(CacheReturnType, self.backend.get(key))
def _get_multi_from_backend(
self, keys: Sequence[KeyType]
) -> Sequence[CacheReturnType]:
if self.deserializer:
return [
for v in self.backend.get_serialized_multi(keys)
return cast(
Sequence[CacheReturnType], self.backend.get_multi(keys)
def _set_cached_value_to_backend(
self, key: KeyType, value: CachedValue
) -> None:
if self.serializer:
key, self._serialized_cached_value(value)
self.backend.set(key, value)
def _set_multi_cached_value_to_backend(
self, mapping: Mapping[KeyType, CachedValue]
) -> None:
if not mapping:
if self.serializer:
k: self._serialized_cached_value(v)
for k, v in mapping.items()
def _gen_metadata(self) -> MetaDataType:
return {"ct": time.time(), "v": value_version}
def set(self, key: KeyType, value: ValuePayload) -> None:
"""Place a new value in the cache under the given key."""
if self.key_mangler:
key = self.key_mangler(key)
if self.serializer:
self.backend.set_serialized(key, self._serialized_payload(value))
self.backend.set(key, self._value(value))
def set_multi(self, mapping: Mapping[KeyType, ValuePayload]) -> None:
"""Place new values in the cache under the given keys."""
if not mapping:
metadata = self._gen_metadata()
if self.serializer:
if self.key_mangler:
mapping = {
self.key_mangler(k): self._serialized_payload(
v, metadata=metadata
for k, v in mapping.items()
mapping = {
k: self._serialized_payload(v, metadata=metadata)
for k, v in mapping.items()
if self.key_mangler:
mapping = {
self.key_mangler(k): self._value(v, metadata=metadata)
for k, v in mapping.items()
mapping = {
k: self._value(v, metadata=metadata)
for k, v in mapping.items()
def delete(self, key: KeyType) -> None:
"""Remove a value from the cache.
This operation is idempotent (can be called multiple times, or on a
non-existent key, safely)
if self.key_mangler:
key = self.key_mangler(key)
def delete_multi(self, keys: Sequence[KeyType]) -> None:
"""Remove multiple values from the cache.
This operation is idempotent (can be called multiple times, or on a
non-existent key, safely)
.. versionadded:: 0.5.0
if self.key_mangler:
km = self.key_mangler
keys = [km(key) for key in keys]
def cache_on_arguments(
namespace: Optional[str] = None,
expiration_time: Union[float, ExpirationTimeCallable, None] = None,
should_cache_fn: Optional[Callable[[ValuePayload], bool]] = None,
to_str: Callable[[Any], str] = str,
function_key_generator: Optional[FunctionKeyGenerator] = None,
) -> Callable[[Callable[..., ValuePayload]], Callable[..., ValuePayload]]:
"""A function decorator that will cache the return
value of the function using a key derived from the
function itself and its arguments.
The decorator internally makes use of the
:meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create` method to access the
cache and conditionally call the function. See that
method for additional behavioral details.
def generate_something(x, y):
return somedatabase.query(x, y)
The decorated function can then be called normally, where
data will be pulled from the cache region unless a new
value is needed::
result = generate_something(5, 6)
The function is also given an attribute ``invalidate()``, which
provides for invalidation of the value. Pass to ``invalidate()``
the same arguments you'd pass to the function itself to represent
a particular value::
generate_something.invalidate(5, 6)
Another attribute ``set()`` is added to provide extra caching
possibilities relative to the function. This is a convenience
method for :meth:`.CacheRegion.set` which will store a given
value directly without calling the decorated function.
The value to be cached is passed as the first argument, and the
arguments which would normally be passed to the function
should follow::
generate_something.set(3, 5, 6)
The above example is equivalent to calling
``generate_something(5, 6)``, if the function were to produce
the value ``3`` as the value to be cached.
.. versionadded:: 0.4.1 Added ``set()`` method to decorated function.
Similar to ``set()`` is ``refresh()``. This attribute will
invoke the decorated function and populate a new value into
the cache with the new value, as well as returning that value::
newvalue = generate_something.refresh(5, 6)
.. versionadded:: 0.5.0 Added ``refresh()`` method to decorated
``original()`` on other hand will invoke the decorated function
without any caching::
newvalue = generate_something.original(5, 6)
.. versionadded:: 0.6.0 Added ``original()`` method to decorated
Lastly, the ``get()`` method returns either the value cached
for the given key, or the token ``NO_VALUE`` if no such key
value = generate_something.get(5, 6)
.. versionadded:: 0.5.3 Added ``get()`` method to decorated
The default key generation will use the name
of the function, the module name for the function,
the arguments passed, as well as an optional "namespace"
parameter in order to generate a cache key.
Given a function ``one`` inside the module
def one(a, b):
return a + b
Above, calling ``one(3, 4)`` will produce a
cache key as follows::|foo|3 4
The key generator will ignore an initial argument
of ``self`` or ``cls``, making the decorator suitable
(with caveats) for use with instance or class methods.
Given the example::
class MyClass:
def one(self, a, b):
return a + b
The cache key above for ``MyClass().one(3, 4)`` will
again produce the same cache key of ``|foo|3 4`` -
the name ``self`` is skipped.
The ``namespace`` parameter is optional, and is used
normally to disambiguate two functions of the same
name within the same module, as can occur when decorating
instance or class methods as below::
class MyClass:
def somemethod(self, x, y):
class MyOtherClass:
def somemethod(self, x, y):
Above, the ``namespace`` parameter disambiguates
between ``somemethod`` on ``MyClass`` and ``MyOtherClass``.
Python class declaration mechanics otherwise prevent
the decorator from having awareness of the ``MyClass``
and ``MyOtherClass`` names, as the function is received
by the decorator before it becomes an instance method.
The function key generation can be entirely replaced
on a per-region basis using the ``function_key_generator``
argument present on :func:`.make_region` and
:class:`.CacheRegion`. If defaults to
:param namespace: optional string argument which will be
established as part of the cache key. This may be needed
to disambiguate functions of the same name within the same
source file, such as those
associated with classes - note that the decorator itself
can't see the parent class on a function as the class is
being declared.
:param expiration_time: if not None, will override the normal
expiration time.
May be specified as a callable, taking no arguments, that
returns a value to be used as the ``expiration_time``. This callable
will be called whenever the decorated function itself is called, in
caching or retrieving. Thus, this can be used to
determine a *dynamic* expiration time for the cached function
result. Example use cases include "cache the result until the
end of the day, week or time period" and "cache until a certain date
or time passes".
:param should_cache_fn: passed to :meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create`.
:param to_str: callable, will be called on each function argument
in order to convert to a string. Defaults to ``str()``. If the
function accepts non-ascii unicode arguments on Python 2.x, the
``unicode()`` builtin can be substituted, but note this will
produce unicode cache keys which may require key mangling before
reaching the cache.
:param function_key_generator: a function that will produce a
"cache key". This function will supersede the one configured on the
:class:`.CacheRegion` itself.
.. seealso::
expiration_time_is_callable = callable(expiration_time)
if function_key_generator is None:
_function_key_generator = self.function_key_generator
_function_key_generator = function_key_generator
def get_or_create_for_user_func(key_generator, user_func, *arg, **kw):
key = key_generator(*arg, **kw)
timeout: Optional[float] = (
cast(ExpirationTimeCallable, expiration_time)()
if expiration_time_is_callable
else cast(Optional[float], expiration_time)
return self.get_or_create(
key, user_func, timeout, should_cache_fn, (arg, kw)
def cache_decorator(user_func):
if to_str is cast(Callable[[Any], str], str):
# backwards compatible
key_generator = _function_key_generator(
namespace, user_func
) # type: ignore
key_generator = _function_key_generator(
namespace, user_func, to_str
def refresh(*arg, **kw):
Like invalidate, but regenerates the value instead
key = key_generator(*arg, **kw)
value = user_func(*arg, **kw)
self.set(key, value)
return value
def invalidate(*arg, **kw):
key = key_generator(*arg, **kw)
def set_(value, *arg, **kw):
key = key_generator(*arg, **kw)
self.set(key, value)
def get(*arg, **kw):
key = key_generator(*arg, **kw)
return self.get(key)
user_func.set = set_
user_func.invalidate = invalidate
user_func.get = get
user_func.refresh = refresh
user_func.original = user_func
# Use `decorate` to preserve the signature of :param:`user_func`.
return decorate(
user_func, partial(get_or_create_for_user_func, key_generator)
return cache_decorator
def cache_multi_on_arguments(
namespace: Optional[str] = None,
expiration_time: Union[float, ExpirationTimeCallable, None] = None,
should_cache_fn: Optional[Callable[[ValuePayload], bool]] = None,
asdict: bool = False,
to_str: ToStr = str,
function_multi_key_generator: Optional[
] = None,
) -> Callable[
[Callable[..., Sequence[ValuePayload]]],
..., Union[Sequence[ValuePayload], Mapping[KeyType, ValuePayload]]
"""A function decorator that will cache multiple return
values from the function using a sequence of keys derived from the
function itself and the arguments passed to it.
This method is the "multiple key" analogue to the
:meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_on_arguments` method.
def generate_something(*keys):
return [
for key in keys
The decorated function can be called normally. The decorator
will produce a list of cache keys using a mechanism similar to
that of :meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_on_arguments`, combining the
name of the function with the optional namespace and with the
string form of each key. It will then consult the cache using
the same mechanism as that of :meth:`.CacheRegion.get_multi`
to retrieve all current values; the originally passed keys
corresponding to those values which aren't generated or need
regeneration will be assembled into a new argument list, and
the decorated function is then called with that subset of
The returned result is a list::
result = generate_something("key1", "key2", "key3")
The decorator internally makes use of the
:meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create_multi` method to access the
cache and conditionally call the function. See that
method for additional behavioral details.
Unlike the :meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_on_arguments` method,
:meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_multi_on_arguments` works only with
a single function signature, one which takes a simple list of
keys as arguments.
Like :meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_on_arguments`, the decorated function
is also provided with a ``set()`` method, which here accepts a
mapping of keys and values to set in the cache::
generate_something.set({"k1": "value1",
"k2": "value2", "k3": "value3"}) ``invalidate()`` method, which has the effect of deleting
the given sequence of keys using the same mechanism as that of
generate_something.invalidate("k1", "k2", "k3")
...a ``refresh()`` method, which will call the creation
function, cache the new values, and return them::
values = generate_something.refresh("k1", "k2", "k3")
...and a ``get()`` method, which will return values
based on the given arguments::
values = generate_something.get("k1", "k2", "k3")
.. versionadded:: 0.5.3 Added ``get()`` method to decorated
Parameters passed to :meth:`.CacheRegion.cache_multi_on_arguments`
have the same meaning as those passed to
:param namespace: optional string argument which will be
established as part of each cache key.
:param expiration_time: if not None, will override the normal
expiration time. May be passed as an integer or a
:param should_cache_fn: passed to
:meth:`.CacheRegion.get_or_create_multi`. This function is given a
value as returned by the creator, and only if it returns True will
that value be placed in the cache.
:param asdict: if ``True``, the decorated function should return
its result as a dictionary of keys->values, and the final result
of calling the decorated function will also be a dictionary.
If left at its default value of ``False``, the decorated function
should return its result as a list of values, and the final
result of calling the decorated function will also be a list.
When ``asdict==True`` if the dictionary returned by the decorated
function is missing keys, those keys will not be cached.
:param to_str: callable, will be called on each function argument
in order to convert to a string. Defaults to ``str()``. If the
function accepts non-ascii unicode arguments on Python 2.x, the
``unicode()`` builtin can be substituted, but note this will
produce unicode cache keys which may require key mangling before
reaching the cache.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.0
:param function_multi_key_generator: a function that will produce a
list of keys. This function will supersede the one configured on the
:class:`.CacheRegion` itself.
.. versionadded:: 0.5.5
.. seealso::
expiration_time_is_callable = callable(expiration_time)
if function_multi_key_generator is None:
_function_multi_key_generator = self.function_multi_key_generator
_function_multi_key_generator = function_multi_key_generator
def get_or_create_for_user_func(
key_generator: Callable[..., Sequence[KeyType]],
user_func: Callable[..., Sequence[ValuePayload]],
*arg: Any,
**kw: Any,
) -> Union[Sequence[ValuePayload], Mapping[KeyType, ValuePayload]]:
cache_keys = arg
keys = key_generator(*arg, **kw)
key_lookup = dict(zip(keys, cache_keys))
def creator(*keys_to_create):
return user_func(*[key_lookup[k] for k in keys_to_create])
timeout: Optional[float] = (
cast(ExpirationTimeCallable, expiration_time)()
if expiration_time_is_callable
else cast(Optional[float], expiration_time)
result: Union[
Sequence[ValuePayload], Mapping[KeyType, ValuePayload]
if asdict:
def dict_create(*keys):
d_values = creator(*keys)
return [
d_values.get(key_lookup[k], NO_VALUE) for k in keys
def wrap_cache_fn(value):
if value is NO_VALUE:
return False
elif not should_cache_fn:
return True
return should_cache_fn(value)
result = self.get_or_create_multi(
keys, dict_create, timeout, wrap_cache_fn
result = dict(
(k, v)
for k, v in zip(cache_keys, result)
if v is not NO_VALUE
result = self.get_or_create_multi(
keys, creator, timeout, should_cache_fn
return result
def cache_decorator(user_func):
key_generator = _function_multi_key_generator(
namespace, user_func, to_str=to_str
def invalidate(*arg):
keys = key_generator(*arg)
def set_(mapping):
keys = list(mapping)
gen_keys = key_generator(*keys)
(gen_key, mapping[key])
for gen_key, key in zip(gen_keys, keys)
def get(*arg):
keys = key_generator(*arg)
return self.get_multi(keys)
def refresh(*arg):
keys = key_generator(*arg)
values = user_func(*arg)
if asdict:
self.set_multi(dict(zip(keys, [values[a] for a in arg])))
return values
self.set_multi(dict(zip(keys, values)))
return values
user_func.set = set_
user_func.invalidate = invalidate
user_func.refresh = refresh
user_func.get = get
# Use `decorate` to preserve the signature of :param:`user_func`.
return decorate(
user_func, partial(get_or_create_for_user_func, key_generator)
return cache_decorator
def make_region(*arg: Any, **kw: Any) -> CacheRegion:
"""Instantiate a new :class:`.CacheRegion`.
Currently, :func:`.make_region` is a passthrough
to :class:`.CacheRegion`. See that class for
constructor arguments.
return CacheRegion(*arg, **kw)