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synced 2025-03-03 18:15:50 +00:00
461 lines
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461 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=no-self-use, pointless-statement, missing-docstring, no-member, len-as-condition
import re
from functools import partial
from rebulk.pattern import FunctionalPattern, StringPattern, RePattern
from ..rebulk import Rebulk
from ..validators import chars_surround
def test_chain_close():
rebulk = Rebulk()
ret = rebulk.chain().close()
assert ret == rebulk
assert len(rebulk.effective_patterns()) == 1
def test_build_chain():
rebulk = Rebulk()
def digit(input_string):
i = input_string.find("1849")
if i > -1:
return i, i + len("1849")
ret = rebulk.chain() \
.functional(digit) \
.string("test").repeater(2) \
.string("x").repeater('{1,3}') \
.string("optional").repeater('?') \
.regex("f?x").repeater('+') \
assert ret == rebulk
assert len(rebulk.effective_patterns()) == 1
chain = rebulk.effective_patterns()[0]
assert len(chain.parts) == 5
assert isinstance(chain.parts[0].pattern, FunctionalPattern)
assert chain.parts[0].repeater_start == 1
assert chain.parts[0].repeater_end == 1
assert isinstance(chain.parts[1].pattern, StringPattern)
assert chain.parts[1].repeater_start == 2
assert chain.parts[1].repeater_end == 2
assert isinstance(chain.parts[2].pattern, StringPattern)
assert chain.parts[2].repeater_start == 1
assert chain.parts[2].repeater_end == 3
assert isinstance(chain.parts[3].pattern, StringPattern)
assert chain.parts[3].repeater_start == 0
assert chain.parts[3].repeater_end == 1
assert isinstance(chain.parts[4].pattern, RePattern)
assert chain.parts[4].repeater_start == 1
assert chain.parts[4].repeater_end is None
def test_chain_defaults():
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.defaults(validator=lambda x: x.value.startswith('t'), ignore_names=['testIgnore'], children=True)
rebulk.chain() \
.regex("(?P<test>test)") \
.regex(" ").repeater("*") \
.regex("(?P<best>best)") \
.regex(" ").repeater("*") \
matches = rebulk.matches("test best testIgnore")
assert len(matches) == 1
assert matches[0].name == "test"
def test_chain_with_validators():
def chain_validator(match):
return match.value.startswith('t') and match.value.endswith('t')
def default_validator(match):
return match.value.startswith('t') and match.value.endswith('g')
def custom_validator(match):
return match.value.startswith('b') and match.value.endswith('t')
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.defaults(children=True, validator=default_validator)
rebulk.chain(validate_all=True, validator={'__parent__': chain_validator}) \
.regex("(?P<test>testing)", validator=default_validator).repeater("+") \
.regex(" ").repeater("+") \
.regex("(?P<best>best)", validator=custom_validator).repeater("+")
matches = rebulk.matches("some testing best end")
assert len(matches) == 2
assert matches[0].name == "test"
assert matches[1].name == "best"
def test_matches_docs():
rebulk = Rebulk().regex_defaults(flags=re.IGNORECASE) \
.defaults(children=True, formatter={'episode': int, 'version': int}) \
.chain() \
.regex(r'e(?P<episode>\d{1,4})').repeater(1) \
.regex(r'v(?P<version>\d+)').repeater('?') \
.regex(r'[ex-](?P<episode>\d{1,4})').repeater('*') \
.close() # .repeater(1) could be omitted as it's the default behavior
result = rebulk.matches("This is E14v2-15-16-17").to_dict() # converts matches to dict
assert 'episode' in result
assert result['episode'] == [14, 15, 16, 17]
assert 'version' in result
assert result['version'] == 2
def test_matches():
rebulk = Rebulk()
def digit(input_string):
i = input_string.find("1849")
if i > -1:
return i, i + len("1849")
input_string = "1849testtestxxfixfux_foxabc1849testtestxoptionalfoxabc"
chain = rebulk.chain() \
.functional(digit) \
.string("test").hidden().repeater(2) \
.string("x").hidden().repeater('{1,3}') \
.string("optional").hidden().repeater('?') \
.regex("f.?x", name='result').repeater('+') \
matches = chain.matches(input_string)
assert len(matches) == 2
children = matches[0].children
assert children[0].value == '1849'
assert children[1].value == 'fix'
assert children[2].value == 'fux'
children = matches[1].children
assert children[0].value == '1849'
assert children[1].value == 'fox'
input_string = "_1850testtestxoptionalfoxabc"
matches = chain.matches(input_string)
assert len(matches) == 0
input_string = "_1849testtesttesttestxoptionalfoxabc"
matches = chain.matches(input_string)
assert len(matches) == 0
input_string = "_1849testtestxxxxoptionalfoxabc"
matches = chain.matches(input_string)
assert len(matches) == 0
input_string = "_1849testtestoptionalfoxabc"
matches = chain.matches(input_string)
assert len(matches) == 0
input_string = "_1849testtestxoptionalabc"
matches = chain.matches(input_string)
assert len(matches) == 0
input_string = "_1849testtestxoptionalfaxabc"
matches = chain.matches(input_string)
assert len(matches) == 1
children = matches[0].children
assert children[0].value == '1849'
assert children[1].value == 'fax'
def test_matches_2():
rebulk = Rebulk() \
.regex_defaults(flags=re.IGNORECASE) \
.defaults(children=True, formatter={'episode': int, 'version': int}) \
.chain() \
.regex(r'e(?P<episode>\d{1,4})') \
.regex(r'v(?P<version>\d+)').repeater('?') \
.regex(r'[ex-](?P<episode>\d{1,4})').repeater('*') \
matches = rebulk.matches("This is E14v2-15E16x17")
assert len(matches) == 5
assert matches[0].name == 'episode'
assert matches[0].value == 14
assert matches[1].name == 'version'
assert matches[1].value == 2
assert matches[2].name == 'episode'
assert matches[2].value == 15
assert matches[3].name == 'episode'
assert matches[3].value == 16
assert matches[4].name == 'episode'
assert matches[4].value == 17
def test_matches_3():
alt_dash = (r'@', r'[\W_]') # abbreviation
match_names = ['season', 'episode']
other_names = ['screen_size', 'video_codec', 'audio_codec', 'audio_channels', 'container', 'date']
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.defaults(formatter={'season': int, 'episode': int},
private_names=['episodeSeparator', 'seasonSeparator'],
conflict_solver=lambda match, other: match
if match.name in match_names and other.name in other_names
else '__default__')
rebulk.chain() \
.defaults(children=True, private_parent=True) \
.regex(r'(?P<season>\d+)@?x@?(?P<episode>\d+)') \
.regex(r'(?P<episodeSeparator>x|-|\+|&)(?P<episode>\d+)').repeater('*') \
.close() \
.chain() \
.defaults(children=True, private_parent=True) \
.regex(r'S(?P<season>\d+)@?(?:xE|Ex|E|x)@?(?P<episode>\d+)') \
.regex(r'(?:(?P<episodeSeparator>xE|Ex|E|x|-|\+|&)(?P<episode>\d+))').repeater('*') \
.close() \
.chain() \
.defaults(children=True, private_parent=True) \
.regex(r'S(?P<season>\d+)') \
matches = rebulk.matches("test-01x02-03")
assert len(matches) == 3
assert matches[0].name == 'season'
assert matches[0].value == 1
assert matches[1].name == 'episode'
assert matches[1].value == 2
assert matches[2].name == 'episode'
assert matches[2].value == 3
matches = rebulk.matches("test-S01E02-03")
assert len(matches) == 3
assert matches[0].name == 'season'
assert matches[0].value == 1
assert matches[1].name == 'episode'
assert matches[1].value == 2
assert matches[2].name == 'episode'
assert matches[2].value == 3
matches = rebulk.matches("test-S01-02-03-04")
assert len(matches) == 4
assert matches[0].name == 'season'
assert matches[0].value == 1
assert matches[1].name == 'season'
assert matches[1].value == 2
assert matches[2].name == 'season'
assert matches[2].value == 3
assert matches[3].name == 'season'
assert matches[3].value == 4
def test_matches_4():
seps_surround = partial(chars_surround, " ")
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.defaults(validate_all=True, children=True)
rebulk.defaults(private_names=['episodeSeparator', 'seasonSeparator'], private_parent=True)
rebulk.chain(validator={'__parent__': seps_surround}, formatter={'episode': int, 'version': int}) \
.defaults(formatter={'episode': int, 'version': int}) \
.regex(r'e(?P<episode>\d{1,4})') \
.regex(r'v(?P<version>\d+)').repeater('?') \
matches = rebulk.matches("Some Series E01E02E03")
assert len(matches) == 3
assert matches[0].value == 1
assert matches[1].value == 2
assert matches[2].value == 3
def test_matches_5():
seps_surround = partial(chars_surround, " ")
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.chain(private_names=['episodeSeparator', 'seasonSeparator'], validate_all=True,
validator={'__parent__': seps_surround}, children=True, private_parent=True,
formatter={'episode': int, 'version': int}) \
.defaults(children=True, private_parent=True) \
.regex(r'e(?P<episode>\d{1,4})') \
.regex(r'v(?P<version>\d+)').repeater('?') \
matches = rebulk.matches("Some Series E01E02E03")
assert len(matches) == 3
matches = rebulk.matches("Some Series E01E02")
assert len(matches) == 0
matches = rebulk.matches("Some Series E01E02E03E04E05E06") # Parent can't be validated, so no results at all
assert len(matches) == 0
def test_matches_6():
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.defaults(private_names=['episodeSeparator', 'seasonSeparator'], validate_all=True,
validator=None, children=True, private_parent=True)
rebulk.chain(formatter={'episode': int, 'version': int}) \
.defaults(children=True, private_parent=True) \
.regex(r'e(?P<episode>\d{1,4})') \
.regex(r'v(?P<version>\d+)').repeater('?') \
matches = rebulk.matches("Some Series E01E02E03")
assert len(matches) == 3
matches = rebulk.matches("Some Series E01E02")
assert len(matches) == 0
matches = rebulk.matches("Some Series E01E02E03E04E05E06") # No validator on parent, so it should give 4 episodes.
assert len(matches) == 4
def test_matches_7():
seps_surround = partial(chars_surround, ' .-/')
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.defaults(children=True, private_parent=True)
rebulk.chain(). \
regex(r'S(?P<season>\d+)', validate_all=True, validator={'__parent__': seps_surround}). \
regex(r'[ -](?P<season>\d+)', validator=seps_surround).repeater('*')
matches = rebulk.matches("Some S01")
assert len(matches) == 1
matches[0].value = 1
matches = rebulk.matches("Some S01-02")
assert len(matches) == 2
matches[0].value = 1
matches[1].value = 2
matches = rebulk.matches("programs4/Some S01-02")
assert len(matches) == 2
matches[0].value = 1
matches[1].value = 2
matches = rebulk.matches("programs4/SomeS01middle.S02-03.andS04here")
assert len(matches) == 2
matches[0].value = 2
matches[1].value = 3
matches = rebulk.matches("Some 02.and.S04-05.here")
assert len(matches) == 2
matches[0].value = 4
matches[1].value = 5
def test_chain_breaker():
def chain_breaker(matches):
seasons = matches.named('season')
if len(seasons) > 1:
if seasons[-1].value - seasons[-2].value > 10:
return True
return False
seps_surround = partial(chars_surround, ' .-/')
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.defaults(children=True, private_parent=True, formatter={'season': int})
rebulk.chain(chain_breaker=chain_breaker). \
regex(r'S(?P<season>\d+)', validate_all=True, validator={'__parent__': seps_surround}). \
regex(r'[ -](?P<season>\d+)', validator=seps_surround).repeater('*')
matches = rebulk.matches("Some S01-02-03-50-51")
assert len(matches) == 3
matches[0].value = 1
matches[1].value = 2
matches[2].value = 3
def test_chain_breaker_defaults():
def chain_breaker(matches):
seasons = matches.named('season')
if len(seasons) > 1:
if seasons[-1].value - seasons[-2].value > 10:
return True
return False
seps_surround = partial(chars_surround, ' .-/')
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.defaults(chain_breaker=chain_breaker, children=True, private_parent=True, formatter={'season': int})
rebulk.chain(). \
regex(r'S(?P<season>\d+)', validate_all=True, validator={'__parent__': seps_surround}). \
regex(r'[ -](?P<season>\d+)', validator=seps_surround).repeater('*')
matches = rebulk.matches("Some S01-02-03-50-51")
assert len(matches) == 3
matches[0].value = 1
matches[1].value = 2
matches[2].value = 3
def test_chain_breaker_defaults2():
def chain_breaker(matches):
seasons = matches.named('season')
if len(seasons) > 1:
if seasons[-1].value - seasons[-2].value > 10:
return True
return False
seps_surround = partial(chars_surround, ' .-/')
rebulk = Rebulk()
rebulk.defaults(children=True, private_parent=True, formatter={'season': int})
rebulk.chain(). \
regex(r'S(?P<season>\d+)', validate_all=True, validator={'__parent__': seps_surround}). \
regex(r'[ -](?P<season>\d+)', validator=seps_surround).repeater('*')
matches = rebulk.matches("Some S01-02-03-50-51")
assert len(matches) == 3
matches[0].value = 1
matches[1].value = 2
matches[2].value = 3