
243 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import os
from subzero.language import Language
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CustomLanguage:
"""Base class for custom languages."""
alpha2 = "pb"
alpha3 = "pob"
language = "pt-BR"
official_alpha2 = "pt"
official_alpha3 = "por"
name = "Brazilian Portuguese"
iso = "BR"
_possible_matches = ("pt-br", "pob", "pb", "brazilian", "brasil", "brazil")
_extensions = (".pt-br", ".pob", ".pb")
_extensions_forced = (".pt-br.forced", ".pob.forced", ".pb.forced")
_extensions_hi = (".pt-br.hi", ".pob.hi", ".pb.hi")
def subzero_language(self):
return Language(self.official_alpha3, self.iso)
def from_value(cls, value, attr="alpha3"):
"""Return a custom language subclass by value and attribute
if found, otherwise return None.
:param value:
:param attr:
for sub in cls.__subclasses__():
if getattr(sub, attr) == str(value):
return sub()
return None
def register(cls, table):
"Register the custom language subclasses in the database."
for sub in cls.__subclasses__():
{table.code3: sub.alpha3, table.code2: sub.alpha2,}
def found_external(cls, subtitle, subtitle_path):
for sub in cls.__subclasses__():
code = sub.get_alpha_type(subtitle, subtitle_path)
if code:
return code
return None
def get_alpha_type(cls, subtitle: str, subtitle_path=None):
assert subtitle_path is not None
extension = str(os.path.splitext(subtitle)[0]).lower()
to_return = None
if extension.endswith(cls._extensions):
to_return = cls.alpha2
if extension.endswith(cls._extensions_forced):
to_return = f"{cls.alpha2}:forced"
if extension.endswith(cls._extensions_hi):
to_return = f"{cls.alpha2}:HI"
if to_return is not None:
logging.debug("BAZARR external subtitles detected: %s", to_return)
return to_return
def ffprobe_found(self, detected_language: dict) -> bool:
name = detected_language.get("name", "").lower()
if not name:
return False
return any(ext in name for ext in self._possible_matches)
class BrazilianPortuguese(CustomLanguage):
# Same attributes as base class
class ChineseTraditional(CustomLanguage):
alpha2 = "zt"
alpha3 = "zht"
language = "zh-TW"
official_alpha2 = "zh"
official_alpha3 = "zho"
name = "Chinese Traditional"
iso = "TW"
_extensions = (
_extensions_forced = (
_extensions_hi = (
_extensions_fuzzy = ("", "雙語")
_extensions_disamb_fuzzy = ("", "双语")
_extensions_disamb = (
_extensions_disamb_forced = (
_extensions_disamb_hi = (
def get_alpha_type(cls, subtitle, subtitle_path=None):
subtitle_path = str(subtitle_path).lower()
extension = str(os.path.splitext(subtitle)[0]).lower()
to_return = None
# Simplified chinese
if (
or subtitle_path in cls._extensions_disamb_fuzzy
to_return = "zh"
elif any(ext in extension[-12:] for ext in cls._extensions_disamb_forced):
to_return = "zh:forced"
elif any(ext in extension[-12:] for ext in cls._extensions_disamb_hi):
to_return = "zh:HI"
# Traditional chinese
elif (
or subtitle_path[:-5] in cls._extensions_fuzzy
to_return = "zt"
elif any(ext in extension[-12:] for ext in cls._extensions_forced):
to_return = "zt:forced"
elif any(ext in extension[-12:] for ext in cls._extensions_hi):
to_return = "zt:HI"
if to_return is not None:
logging.debug("BAZARR external subtitles detected: %s", to_return)
return to_return
class LatinAmericanSpanish(CustomLanguage):
alpha2 = "ea" # Only one available I can think of
alpha3 = "spl"
language = "es-LA"
official_alpha2 = "es"
official_alpha3 = "spa"
name = "Latin American Spanish"
iso = "MX" # Not fair, but ok
_possible_matches = (
_extensions = (".es-la", ".spl", ".spa-la", ".ea", ".es-mx", ".lat", "")
_extensions_forced = (
_extensions_hi = (