
277 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 - Chris Griffith - MIT License
import copy
import re
from typing import Iterable, Optional
from dynaconf.vendor import box
from .converters import (_to_yaml, _from_yaml, _to_json, _from_json,
_to_toml, _from_toml, _to_csv, _from_csv, BOX_PARAMETERS)
from .exceptions import BoxError, BoxTypeError, BoxKeyError
_list_pos_re = re.compile(r'\[(\d+)\]')
DYNABOX_CLASS = None # a cache constant to avoid multiple imports
def get_dynabox_class_avoiding_circular_import():
See dynaconf issue #462
from dynaconf.utils.boxing import DynaBox
class BoxList(list):
Drop in replacement of list, that converts added objects to Box or BoxList
objects as necessary.
def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable = None, box_class : Optional[box.Box] = None, **box_options):
self.box_class = box_class or get_dynabox_class_avoiding_circular_import()
self.box_options = box_options
self.box_org_ref = self.box_org_ref = id(iterable) if iterable else 0
if iterable:
for x in iterable:
if box_options.get('frozen_box'):
def frozen(*args, **kwargs):
raise BoxError('BoxList is frozen')
for method in ['append', 'extend', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort']:
self.__setattr__(method, frozen)
def __getitem__(self, item):
if self.box_options.get('box_dots') and isinstance(item, str) and item.startswith('['):
list_pos =
value = super(BoxList, self).__getitem__(int(list_pos.groups()[0]))
if len( == len(item):
return value
return value.__getitem__(item[len(].lstrip('.'))
return super(BoxList, self).__getitem__(item)
def __delitem__(self, key):
if self.box_options.get('frozen_box'):
raise BoxError('BoxList is frozen')
super(BoxList, self).__delitem__(key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if self.box_options.get('frozen_box'):
raise BoxError('BoxList is frozen')
if self.box_options.get('box_dots') and isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith('['):
list_pos =
pos = int(list_pos.groups()[0])
if len( == len(key):
return super(BoxList, self).__setitem__(pos, value)
return super(BoxList, self).__getitem__(pos).__setitem__(key[len(].lstrip('.'), value)
super(BoxList, self).__setitem__(key, value)
def _is_intact_type(self, obj):
if self.box_options.get('box_intact_types') and isinstance(obj, self.box_options['box_intact_types']):
return True
except AttributeError as err:
if 'box_options' in self.__dict__:
raise BoxKeyError(err)
return False
def append(self, p_object):
if isinstance(p_object, dict) and not self._is_intact_type(p_object):
p_object = self.box_class(p_object, **self.box_options)
except AttributeError as err:
if 'box_class' in self.__dict__:
raise BoxKeyError(err)
elif isinstance(p_object, list) and not self._is_intact_type(p_object):
p_object = (self if id(p_object) == self.box_org_ref else BoxList(p_object, **self.box_options))
except AttributeError as err:
if 'box_org_ref' in self.__dict__:
raise BoxKeyError(err)
super(BoxList, self).append(p_object)
def extend(self, iterable):
for item in iterable:
def insert(self, index, p_object):
if isinstance(p_object, dict) and not self._is_intact_type(p_object):
p_object = self.box_class(p_object, **self.box_options)
elif isinstance(p_object, list) and not self._is_intact_type(p_object):
p_object = (self if id(p_object) == self.box_org_ref else BoxList(p_object))
super(BoxList, self).insert(index, p_object)
def __repr__(self):
return f'<BoxList: {self.to_list()}>'
def __str__(self):
return str(self.to_list())
def __copy__(self):
return BoxList((x for x in self), self.box_class, **self.box_options)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
out = self.__class__()
memo = memo or {}
memo[id(self)] = out
for k in self:
out.append(copy.deepcopy(k, memo=memo))
return out
def __hash__(self):
if self.box_options.get('frozen_box'):
hashing = 98765
hashing ^= hash(tuple(self))
return hashing
raise BoxTypeError("unhashable type: 'BoxList'")
def to_list(self):
new_list = []
for x in self:
if x is self:
elif isinstance(x, box.Box):
elif isinstance(x, BoxList):
return new_list
def to_json(self, filename: str = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict',
multiline: bool = False, **json_kwargs):
Transform the BoxList object into a JSON string.
:param filename: If provided will save to file
:param encoding: File encoding
:param errors: How to handle encoding errors
:param multiline: Put each item in list onto it's own line
:param json_kwargs: additional arguments to pass to json.dump(s)
:return: string of JSON or return of `json.dump`
if filename and multiline:
lines = [_to_json(item, filename=False, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, **json_kwargs) for item in self]
with open(filename, 'w', encoding=encoding, errors=errors) as f:
return _to_json(self.to_list(), filename=filename, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, **json_kwargs)
def from_json(cls, json_string: str = None, filename: str = None, encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict',
multiline: bool = False, **kwargs):
Transform a json object string into a BoxList object. If the incoming
json is a dict, you must use Box.from_json.
:param json_string: string to pass to `json.loads`
:param filename: filename to open and pass to `json.load`
:param encoding: File encoding
:param errors: How to handle encoding errors
:param multiline: One object per line
:param kwargs: parameters to pass to `Box()` or `json.loads`
:return: BoxList object from json data
bx_args = {}
for arg in list(kwargs.keys()):
bx_args[arg] = kwargs.pop(arg)
data = _from_json(json_string, filename=filename, encoding=encoding,
errors=errors, multiline=multiline, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise BoxError(f'json data not returned as a list, but rather a {type(data).__name__}')
return cls(data, **bx_args)
def to_yaml(self, filename: str = None, default_flow_style: bool = False,
encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict', **yaml_kwargs):
Transform the BoxList object into a YAML string.
:param filename: If provided will save to file
:param default_flow_style: False will recursively dump dicts
:param encoding: File encoding
:param errors: How to handle encoding errors
:param yaml_kwargs: additional arguments to pass to yaml.dump
:return: string of YAML or return of `yaml.dump`
return _to_yaml(self.to_list(), filename=filename, default_flow_style=default_flow_style,
encoding=encoding, errors=errors, **yaml_kwargs)
def from_yaml(cls, yaml_string: str = None, filename: str = None,
encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict', **kwargs):
Transform a yaml object string into a BoxList object.
:param yaml_string: string to pass to `yaml.load`
:param filename: filename to open and pass to `yaml.load`
:param encoding: File encoding
:param errors: How to handle encoding errors
:param kwargs: parameters to pass to `BoxList()` or `yaml.load`
:return: BoxList object from yaml data
bx_args = {}
for arg in list(kwargs.keys()):
bx_args[arg] = kwargs.pop(arg)
data = _from_yaml(yaml_string=yaml_string, filename=filename, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise BoxError(f'yaml data not returned as a list but rather a {type(data).__name__}')
return cls(data, **bx_args)
def to_toml(self, filename: str = None, key_name: str = 'toml', encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict'):
Transform the BoxList object into a toml string.
:param filename: File to write toml object too
:param key_name: Specify the name of the key to store the string under
(cannot directly convert to toml)
:param encoding: File encoding
:param errors: How to handle encoding errors
:return: string of TOML (if no filename provided)
return _to_toml({key_name: self.to_list()}, filename=filename, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
def from_toml(cls, toml_string: str = None, filename: str = None, key_name: str = 'toml',
encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict', **kwargs):
Transforms a toml string or file into a BoxList object
:param toml_string: string to pass to `toml.load`
:param filename: filename to open and pass to `toml.load`
:param key_name: Specify the name of the key to pull the list from
(cannot directly convert from toml)
:param encoding: File encoding
:param errors: How to handle encoding errors
:param kwargs: parameters to pass to `Box()`
bx_args = {}
for arg in list(kwargs.keys()):
bx_args[arg] = kwargs.pop(arg)
data = _from_toml(toml_string=toml_string, filename=filename, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
if key_name not in data:
raise BoxError(f'{key_name} was not found.')
return cls(data[key_name], **bx_args)
def to_csv(self, filename, encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict'):
_to_csv(self, filename=filename, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
def from_csv(cls, filename, encoding: str = 'utf-8', errors: str = 'strict'):
return cls(_from_csv(filename=filename, encoding=encoding, errors=errors))