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synced 2025-03-04 10:28:15 +00:00
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# Tweepy
# Copyright 2009-2010 Joshua Roesslein
# See LICENSE for details.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
from .utils import parse_datetime, parse_html_value, parse_a_href
class ResultSet(list):
"""A list like object that holds results from a Twitter API query."""
def __init__(self, max_id=None, since_id=None):
super(ResultSet, self).__init__()
self._max_id = max_id
self._since_id = since_id
def max_id(self):
if self._max_id:
return self._max_id
ids = self.ids()
# Max_id is always set to the *smallest* id, minus one, in the set
return (min(ids) - 1) if ids else None
def since_id(self):
if self._since_id:
return self._since_id
ids = self.ids()
# Since_id is always set to the *greatest* id in the set
return max(ids) if ids else None
def ids(self):
return [item.id for item in self if hasattr(item, 'id')]
class Model(object):
def __init__(self, api=None):
self._api = api
def __getstate__(self):
# pickle
pickle = dict(self.__dict__)
del pickle['_api'] # do not pickle the API reference
except KeyError:
return pickle
def parse(cls, api, json):
"""Parse a JSON object into a model instance."""
raise NotImplementedError
def parse_list(cls, api, json_list):
Parse a list of JSON objects into
a result set of model instances.
results = ResultSet()
for obj in json_list:
if obj:
results.append(cls.parse(api, obj))
return results
def __repr__(self):
state = ['%s=%s' % (k, repr(v)) for (k, v) in vars(self).items()]
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(state))
class Status(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
status = cls(api)
setattr(status, '_json', json)
for k, v in json.items():
if k == 'user':
user_model = getattr(api.parser.model_factory, 'user') if api else User
user = user_model.parse(api, v)
setattr(status, 'author', user)
setattr(status, 'user', user) # DEPRECIATED
elif k == 'created_at':
setattr(status, k, parse_datetime(v))
elif k == 'source':
if '<' in v:
setattr(status, k, parse_html_value(v))
setattr(status, 'source_url', parse_a_href(v))
setattr(status, k, v)
setattr(status, 'source_url', None)
elif k == 'retweeted_status':
setattr(status, k, Status.parse(api, v))
elif k == 'quoted_status':
setattr(status, k, Status.parse(api, v))
elif k == 'place':
if v is not None:
setattr(status, k, Place.parse(api, v))
setattr(status, k, None)
setattr(status, k, v)
return status
def destroy(self):
return self._api.destroy_status(self.id)
def retweet(self):
return self._api.retweet(self.id)
def retweets(self):
return self._api.retweets(self.id)
def favorite(self):
return self._api.create_favorite(self.id)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Status):
return self.id == other.id
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
result = self == other
if result is NotImplemented:
return result
return not result
class User(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
user = cls(api)
setattr(user, '_json', json)
for k, v in json.items():
if k == 'created_at':
setattr(user, k, parse_datetime(v))
elif k == 'status':
setattr(user, k, Status.parse(api, v))
elif k == 'following':
# twitter sets this to null if it is false
if v is True:
setattr(user, k, True)
setattr(user, k, False)
setattr(user, k, v)
return user
def parse_list(cls, api, json_list):
if isinstance(json_list, list):
item_list = json_list
item_list = json_list['users']
results = ResultSet()
for obj in item_list:
results.append(cls.parse(api, obj))
return results
def timeline(self, **kargs):
return self._api.user_timeline(user_id=self.id, **kargs)
def friends(self, **kargs):
return self._api.friends(user_id=self.id, **kargs)
def followers(self, **kargs):
return self._api.followers(user_id=self.id, **kargs)
def follow(self):
self.following = True
def unfollow(self):
self.following = False
def lists_memberships(self, *args, **kargs):
return self._api.lists_memberships(user=self.screen_name,
def lists_subscriptions(self, *args, **kargs):
return self._api.lists_subscriptions(user=self.screen_name,
def lists(self, *args, **kargs):
return self._api.lists_all(user=self.screen_name,
def followers_ids(self, *args, **kargs):
return self._api.followers_ids(user_id=self.id,
class DirectMessage(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
dm = cls(api)
for k, v in json.items():
if k == 'sender' or k == 'recipient':
setattr(dm, k, User.parse(api, v))
elif k == 'created_at':
setattr(dm, k, parse_datetime(v))
setattr(dm, k, v)
return dm
def destroy(self):
return self._api.destroy_direct_message(self.id)
class Friendship(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
relationship = json['relationship']
# parse source
source = cls(api)
for k, v in relationship['source'].items():
setattr(source, k, v)
# parse target
target = cls(api)
for k, v in relationship['target'].items():
setattr(target, k, v)
return source, target
class Category(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
category = cls(api)
for k, v in json.items():
setattr(category, k, v)
return category
class SavedSearch(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
ss = cls(api)
for k, v in json.items():
if k == 'created_at':
setattr(ss, k, parse_datetime(v))
setattr(ss, k, v)
return ss
def destroy(self):
return self._api.destroy_saved_search(self.id)
class SearchResults(ResultSet):
def parse(cls, api, json):
metadata = json['search_metadata']
results = SearchResults()
results.refresh_url = metadata.get('refresh_url')
results.completed_in = metadata.get('completed_in')
results.query = metadata.get('query')
results.count = metadata.get('count')
results.next_results = metadata.get('next_results')
status_model = getattr(api.parser.model_factory, 'status') if api else Status
for status in json['statuses']:
results.append(status_model.parse(api, status))
return results
class List(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
lst = List(api)
for k, v in json.items():
if k == 'user':
setattr(lst, k, User.parse(api, v))
elif k == 'created_at':
setattr(lst, k, parse_datetime(v))
setattr(lst, k, v)
return lst
def parse_list(cls, api, json_list, result_set=None):
results = ResultSet()
if isinstance(json_list, dict):
json_list = json_list['lists']
for obj in json_list:
results.append(cls.parse(api, obj))
return results
def update(self, **kargs):
return self._api.update_list(self.slug, **kargs)
def destroy(self):
return self._api.destroy_list(self.slug)
def timeline(self, **kargs):
return self._api.list_timeline(self.user.screen_name,
def add_member(self, id):
return self._api.add_list_member(self.slug, id)
def remove_member(self, id):
return self._api.remove_list_member(self.slug, id)
def members(self, **kargs):
return self._api.list_members(self.user.screen_name,
def is_member(self, id):
return self._api.is_list_member(self.user.screen_name,
def subscribe(self):
return self._api.subscribe_list(self.user.screen_name, self.slug)
def unsubscribe(self):
return self._api.unsubscribe_list(self.user.screen_name, self.slug)
def subscribers(self, **kargs):
return self._api.list_subscribers(self.user.screen_name,
def is_subscribed(self, id):
return self._api.is_subscribed_list(self.user.screen_name,
class Relation(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
result = cls(api)
for k, v in json.items():
if k == 'value' and json['kind'] in ['Tweet', 'LookedupStatus']:
setattr(result, k, Status.parse(api, v))
elif k == 'results':
setattr(result, k, Relation.parse_list(api, v))
setattr(result, k, v)
return result
class Relationship(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
result = cls(api)
for k, v in json.items():
if k == 'connections':
setattr(result, 'is_following', 'following' in v)
setattr(result, 'is_followed_by', 'followed_by' in v)
setattr(result, k, v)
return result
class JSONModel(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
return json
class IDModel(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
if isinstance(json, list):
return json
return json['ids']
class BoundingBox(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
result = cls(api)
if json is not None:
for k, v in json.items():
setattr(result, k, v)
return result
def origin(self):
Return longitude, latitude of southwest (bottom, left) corner of
bounding box, as a tuple.
This assumes that bounding box is always a rectangle, which
appears to be the case at present.
return tuple(self.coordinates[0][0])
def corner(self):
Return longitude, latitude of northeast (top, right) corner of
bounding box, as a tuple.
This assumes that bounding box is always a rectangle, which
appears to be the case at present.
return tuple(self.coordinates[0][2])
class Place(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
place = cls(api)
for k, v in json.items():
if k == 'bounding_box':
# bounding_box value may be null (None.)
# Example: "United States" (id=96683cc9126741d1)
if v is not None:
t = BoundingBox.parse(api, v)
t = v
setattr(place, k, t)
elif k == 'contained_within':
# contained_within is a list of Places.
setattr(place, k, Place.parse_list(api, v))
setattr(place, k, v)
return place
def parse_list(cls, api, json_list):
if isinstance(json_list, list):
item_list = json_list
item_list = json_list['result']['places']
results = ResultSet()
for obj in item_list:
results.append(cls.parse(api, obj))
return results
class Media(Model):
def parse(cls, api, json):
media = cls(api)
for k, v in json.items():
setattr(media, k, v)
return media
class ModelFactory(object):
Used by parsers for creating instances
of models. You may subclass this factory
to add your own extended models.
status = Status
user = User
direct_message = DirectMessage
friendship = Friendship
saved_search = SavedSearch
search_results = SearchResults
category = Category
list = List
relation = Relation
relationship = Relationship
media = Media
json = JSONModel
ids = IDModel
place = Place
bounding_box = BoundingBox