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Wiki Updated for v0.9

Wiki Updated for v0.9
TRaSH 2020-07-27 19:17:50 +02:00
parent 145daaad64
commit 8b235517a0
106 changed files with 1317 additions and 1166 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Do you need help or want to report a problem or a bug? You can do that several ways.
For a problem or question we suggest using [Discord](https://discord.gg/MH2e2eb).
If you actually found a valid bug please use [Github](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/issues/new?template=bug_report.md) and perhaps report it also on [Discord](https://discord.gg/MH2e2eb) providing a link to your Github issue.
#### But before asking for help or reporting a problem
- Make sure you have searched the wiki and the especially the [[FAQ]].
- Provide us with as much info as possible.
- Clearly describe the problem.
- Briefly describe your setup, including things like your OS and which version of Bazarr (System => Status => About). Upgrade to the latest if possible.
- Tell us what you've tried already.
- Use the [[Logging and Log Files]] wiki article how to enable debug logging and where to find them.
- **Don't use screenshots of log files.**
- **Don't copy/paste log files in the channel without the use of [code blocks](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/210298617-Markdown-Text-101-Chat-Formatting-Bold-Italic-Underline-) we still prefer links to the logs**.

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
- [Windows](#windows)
- [Linux](#linux)
- [MacOS](#macos)
- [FreeBSD](#freebsd)
### Windows
> If you used the installer then it's already set to autostart.**
If you installed it in another way in windows you can use the following.
#### Installing Bazarr as a Windows Service using NSSM
1. Download the latest NSSM from <https://nssm.cc/download>. It is recommended to grab the prerelease due to a slight issue with the Windows 10 Creators Update.
2. Either place the downloaded NSSM binary in `C:\Windows\System32`, or add it to your `PATH`. This is to allow you to use NSSM from any location.
3. Run `cmd` as an Administrator and use the command `nssm install bazarr`
4. A GUI should pop up. Use the following configuration
- Path: Should be the location to your Python 3.8 executable. Example: `C:\Python38\python.exe`
- Startup Directory: Should be the location of your `Python38` folder. Example: `C:\Python38`
- Arguments: Should be the location of your `bazarr.py` file. Example: `C:\bazarr\bazarr.py`
> Please note that running Bazarr from the `Program Files` or `Program Files (x86)` directories may cause issues.
5. Under `Process Tab`, make sure to uncheck `Console Windows`.
6. Click the `Install Service` button
7. Use the command `nssm start bazarr` to initiate bazarr. It should autostart going forward.
`nssm edit bazarr` will open up the GUI for further edits.
`nssm restart bazarr` will restart bazarr.
`nssm stop bazarr` will stop bazarr.
`nssm remove bazarr` will remove the Windows Service.
- Note that this guide will work in essence for any Python script, and you can use NSSM to run most things as Windows Services through some tweaking of this overall config.
### Linux
#### systemd service file for Debian Ubuntu
> **Be aware that this is provided as-is without any support from the team.**
This is a systemd service file created by users of Bazarr. It assumes you've installed Bazarr in: `/opt/bazarr`.
You have to create a `bazarr.service` file in `/etc/systemd/system` that would contain the following text:
Description=Bazarr Daemon
After=syslog.target network.target
# After=syslog.target network.target sonarr.service radarr.service
User=your_user(username of your choice)
Group=your_group(group of your choice)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/bazarr/bazarr.py
ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 30
Then you need to enable the service using `sudo systemctl enable bazarr`
#### Upstart script for Debian Ubuntu
This is an init upstart file. It assumes you've installed Bazarr in: `/opt/bazarr`
You have to create a `bazarr.conf` file in `/etc/init/` (`sudo nano /etc/init/bazarr.conf`) that would contain the following text:
description "Upstart Script to run Bazarr as a service on Ubuntu/Debian based systems, as well as others"
author "A Bazarr User"
#Set user and group for the process if desired
#setuid myUserID
#setgid myGroupID
#start after all services come up
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
# Automatically restart process if crashed
# Make sure script is started with system locale
if [ -r /etc/default/locale ]; then
. /etc/default/locale
export LANG
exec python /opt/bazarr/bazarr.py
end script
### MacOS
#### LaunchAgent on MacOS
As-is, the LaunchAgent expects bazarr to be cloned or installed at `/Applications/bazarr`. If this is counter to other documentation I recommend amending the file contents.
You have to be running Python installed through Brew.
The LaunchAgent should be named `com.github.morpheus65535.bazarr.plist` - again, if you'd like something else, update the Label in the file itself as well.
The file is installed to `~/Library/LaunchAgents` and the service will start when the user logs into the system. After installation, the service can be started immediately by running `launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.morpheus65535.bazarr.plist`. The service can be stopped by running the same command replacing load with unload.
Logs are written to `/usr/local/var/log/bazarr.log`.
Here's the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
### FreeBSD
#### Starting on boot
- A user needs to be created for Bazarr to run as a daemon, the script is written for a user called bazarr but this can be changed by modifying `bazarr_user="bazarr"` in `/etc/rc.conf`
- Change permissions on Bazarr directory by running the following command: `chown -R bazarr_user /usr/local/share/bazarr` where bazarr_user is the user you've created.
- `nano /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bazarr`
- Enter this:
# PROVIDE: bazarr
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable bazarr:
# bazarr_enable="YES"
# Optionally add:
# Note: The bazarr_user must be unique as the stop_postcmd kills the other running process
# bazarr_user="bazarr"
. /etc/rc.subr
load_rc_config $name
: ${bazarr_enable="NO"}
: ${bazarr_user:="bazarr"}
: ${bazarr_data_dir:="/usr/local/bazarr"}
command_args="-f -p ${pidfile} ${procname} /usr/local/share/bazarr/bazarr.py"
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${bazarr_data_dir}
if [ ! -d ${bazarr_data_dir} ]; then
install -d -o ${bazarr_user} ${bazarr_data_dir}
killall -u ${bazarr_user}
run_rc_command "$1"
- Save and exit (ctrl+x - y - enter)
- Make the file executable `chmod +x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bazarr`
- `nano /etc/rc.conf`
- On the last line, add bazarr_enable="YES"
- Reboot

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- [How to report a problem?](#how-to-report-a-problem)
- [How do I enable the debug log?](#how-do-i-enable-the-debug-log)
- [Where can I find the logs or database?](#where-can-i-find-the-logs-or-database)
- [This path doesn't seems to be valid.](#this-path-doesnt-seems-to-be-valid)
- [Why (or) do I need the Anti-Captcha?](#why-or-do-i-need-the-anti-captcha)
- [Why doesn't it find any subtitles?](#why-doesnt-it-find-any-subtitles)
## Where can I find the logs or database? ##
>You can find the location for your database and logfile in the following location depending where and how you installed it.
>**Windows Installation:**
> **Dockers: linuxserver/bazarr**
>`/config/db` and `/config/log`
>**Dockers: hotio/bazarr**
>`/config/app/db` and `/config/app/log`
>**Source and other Installation:**
>`data directory inside bazarr root directory`
## This path doesn't seems to be valid. ##
>If you're getting a error that looks like this:
>This can be for various reasons, but the most common is, Bazarr is running as a service, which causes one of two things:
>**Bazarr service runs under Local System account that won't be able to access network shares.**
>Run Bazarr's service as another user that has access to that share. You need to change the account used for Bazarr service in `services.msc` console.
>**You're using a mapped network drive (not a UNC path).**
>Change your paths to UNC paths (`\\server\share`) both in Sonarr, Radarr and Bazarr will be able to access those files.
>**Your docker/containers volume paths don't match with Sonarr/Radarr**
>make sure Bazarr uses the identical volume paths as Sonarr and Radarr.
## Why (or) do I need the Anti-Captcha? ##
>***Some providers require a Anti-Captcha when using their API.***
>Choose the Anti-Captcha provider you want to use. and add the needed credentials.
>We recommend [Anti-Captcha.com](https://anti-captcha.com/).
## Why doesn't it find any subtitles? ##
> Please check if you've done the following settings.
> [First time installation configuration](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/First-time-installation-configuration)
## How do I enable the debug log? ##
> Settings => General
> ![](images/image-20200411192039147.png)
## How to report a problem? ##
>1. Start with enabling the debug log.
>2. Clear your logs and then try again to replicate your issue.
>3. Paste your logs on one of the following site.
> - https://gist.github.com/
> - https://hastebin.com/
> - https://pastebin.com/
>4. Provide a full description on [Discord](https://discord.gg/MH2e2eb) or [Github](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/issues/new?template=bug_report.md) with a link to the debug log.

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
## You can find the location for your database and logfile in the following location depending where and how you installed it.
#### Windows Installation:
#### Dockers: linuxserver/bazarr
`/config/db` and `/config/log`
#### Dockers: hotio/bazarr
`/config/app/db` and `/config/app/log`
#### Source and other Installation:
`data directory inside bazarr root directory`

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
We gathered some info for people that use Bazarr on a low powered device like a RaspberryPi or when you have your media stored in the cloud.
And when you got allot of missing Subtitles.
## Disable periodic scan for existing Subtitles.
`Settings => Sonarr/Radarr`
Disable it by setting `Full Filesystem Scan` to `Manually` for Sonarr/Radarr.
>This means that Bazarr won't scan your drive for existing subtitles and only knows about subtitles that Bazarr added !!!
## Reduce the frequency of searching for missing Subtitles.
`Settings => Subtitles`
If you got allot of missing/wanted subtitles change the search frequency to a bigger interval.
>Change this option also if you often see in the logs something like:
`Execution of job "Update movies list from Radarr (trigger: interval[0:05:00], next run at: 2019-08-04 11:23:44 CEST)" skipped: maximum number of running instances reached (1)`
## Disable scan for embedded Subtitles.
Disable Scan for embedded Subtitles.
## Enable Adaptive Searching.
This setting reduce the searching frequency of specific media file after some time. This prevent searching every x hours for a subtitles that may not exist at all for now. Adaptive searching should be (Always) enabled when you got many missing subtitles.
## Disable Search Enabled Providers Simultaneously.
Disable this option if you use a low performance device.
Example a RaspberryPi.

FAQ.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
- [Where can I find the logs or database](#where-can-i-find-the-logs-or-database)
- [This path doesn't seems to be valid](#this-path-doesnt-seems-to-be-valid)
- [Why (or) do I need the Anti-Captcha](#why-or-do-i-need-the-anti-captcha)
- [Why doesn't Bazarr find any subtitles](#why-doesnt-bazarr-find-any-subtitles)
- [How do I enable the debug log](#how-do-i-enable-the-debug-log)
- [How to report a problem](#how-to-report-a-problem)
- [I'm a cloud user or run on a low powered device](#im-a-cloud-user-or-run-on-a-low-powered-device)
- [What are Forced Subtitles](#what-are-forced-subtitles)
- [What are Embedded Subtitles](#what-are-embedded-subtitles)
- [How do I reset my password](#how-do-i-reset-my-password)
- [Which external subtitles does Bazarr recognize](#which-external-subtitles-does-bazarr-recognize)
### Where can I find the logs or database
You can find the location for your database and log file in the following location depending where and how you installed it.
**Windows Installation:**
**Docker: linuxserver/bazarr**
`/config/db` and `/config/log`
**Docker: hotio/bazarr**
`/config/app/db` and `/config/app/log`
**Source and other Installation:**
`data directory inside bazarr root directory`
### This path doesn't seems to be valid
If you're getting a error that looks like this:
This can be for various reasons, but the most common is, Bazarr is running as a service, which causes one of two things:
**Bazarr service runs under Local System account that won't be able to access network shares.**
Run Bazarr's service as another user that has access to that share. You need to change the account used for Bazarr service in `services.msc` console.
**You're using a mapped network drive (not a UNC path).**
Change your paths to UNC paths (`\\server\share`) both in Sonarr, Radarr and Bazarr will be able to access those files.
**Your docker containers volume paths don't match with Sonarr/Radarr**
make sure Bazarr uses the identical volume paths as Sonarr and Radarr.
> *If you're using docker and get this warning and need help with it provide us with the docker compose or docker build command of Bazarr and Sonarr/Radarr !!!*
> *If you're using a system with a GUI(Synology, unRAID, OMV, etc.) to configure docker use one of the following from terminal(puTTy) to get the docker compose or docker build command.*`
> `docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock assaflavie/runlike CONTAINER_NAME`
> *or*
> `docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock red5d/docker-autocompose CONTAINER_NAME`
> *And yes this even works on a Synology*
> *if you don't know how you probably didn't read the [[Installation-Synology]]*
**You might need to make use of [Paths Mapping](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings#path-mappings)**
### Why (or) do I need the Anti-Captcha
***Some providers require a Anti-Captcha when using their API.***
Choose the Anti-Captcha provider you want to use, and add the needed credentials.
We recommend [Anti-Captcha.com](https://anti-captcha.com/).
### Why doesn't Bazarr find any subtitles
Please check if you've configured the following settings.
[[First time installation configuration]]
### How do I enable the debug log
`Settings` => `General`
### How to report a problem
1. Start with enabling the debug log.
2. Clear your logs and then try to replicate your issue.
3. Paste your logs on one of the following sites.
- <https://gist.github.com/>
- <https://hastebin.com/>
- <https://pastebin.com/>
4. Follow the steps provided in [[Asking for help or report a problem]]
### I'm a cloud user or run on a low powered device
We've collected a few Tips & Tweaks that could help, you can find them in [[Performance-Tuning]]
### What are Forced Subtitles
Forced subtitles is the subtitle appearing on screen when the characters speak a foreign or alien language, or there is a sign, location, or other text in the scene.
- Like Dothraki in Game of Thrones.
- Star Trek when someone speaks Klingon.
### What are Embedded Subtitles
Embedded subtitles are subtitles that are in the video container (mkv, mp4, etc)
they can be different formats in the container ex. .srt, PGS, etc
### How do I reset my password
Edit your config.ini and change your auth type to None and restart Bazarr.
Your config.ini can be found in your [in the same location where your logs or database are](#where-can-i-find-the-logs-or-database)
### Which external subtitles does Bazarr recognize
Bazarr recognizes the following external subtitles during a disk scan to match which language subtitles you already got.
`.srt`, `.sub`, `.smi`, `.txt`, `.ssa`, `.ass`, `.mpl`, `.vtt`

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
>*Bazarr is not intended to be use on a temporary download folder like you could do with a post-processing script. It need to have read/write access to your media library (the same way Sonarr and Radarr do). Don't try to use it another way, you're going to fail and end up asking why.*
## 1 - Go to "Settings" page.
### In "General" tab:
* Configure Bazarr settings (listening ip and port, base url and log level).
* Enable the required integration (Sonarr and/or Radarr).
* Configure Path Mappings only if you need it. Typical use case: Sonarr/Radarr access episode files trough local path (D:\episodes\file.mkv) but Bazarr access those same episode/movie files trough a network share (\\server\episodes\file.mkv). In this case, you would be configuring Path Substitutions like this: D:\episodes --> \\server\episodes. If you don't set this correctly, you'll get http error 500 later down the road.
* Configure updates. Recommended values are "master" and automatic enabled.
### In "Sonarr" tab:
* Configure Sonarr ip, port, base url, SSL and API key.
* Test your Sonarr configuration.
### In "Radarr" tab:
* Configure Radarr ip, port, base url, SSL and API key.
* Test your Radarr configuration.
### In "Subliminal" tab:
* Configure enabled providers and enabled languages. Enabled languages are those that you are going to be able to assign to a series later. Choose if you want Bazarr to manage only one language per series (you wont be able to have multiple subtitles files with language code in filename).
### Save those settings and restart Bazarr if required.
## 2 - Wait 2 minutes
## 3 - On the "Series" and/or "Movies" page:
* You should now see all your series/movies listed with a wrench icon on yellow background. Those are the series/movies that need to be configured. Configure those you want to get subtitles for and select desired languages (you can use batch editor). You don't have to do this for every series/movies but it will looks cleaner without all this yellow ;-). If you don't want any substitles for a series/movies, just click on the wrench icon and then on "Save" without selecting anything.
## 4a - On each series page:
* You should see episode files available on disk (this could take time), existing subtitles (this will definitely took time) and missing subtitles (in case you requested some and they aren't already existing).
* If you don't see your episodes right now, wait some more time. It take time to do the initial synchronization between Sonarr and Bazarr. Scanning from disk to analyze existing subtitles is a long process (from 1 to 20 episodes by second depending on hardware).
## 4b - On each movies page:
* You should see movie file available on disk (this could take time), existing subtitles (this will definitely took time) and missing subtitles (in case you requested some and they aren't already existing).
## 5 - On "Wanted" page, you should see all the episodes who have missing subtitles.
## 6 - Have fun!
* Keep in mind that providers may temporary refuse connection due to connection limit exceeded or problem on the provider web service.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
After you installed everything it's best to check all your settings,
After you've installed everything it's best to check all of your settings,
Bazarr only searches for subs for Episodes and Movies that are added after the install.
So you will need to set the preferred languages for your existing Shows and Movies.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Go to your Series home screen in Bazarr.
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ and click on the `Series Editor` and you will get a new screen.
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ If you've done it correctly you will get something that looks like the following


@ -1,51 +1,24 @@
### Getting Started ###
The Bazarr wiki should help guide you through installation and setup as well as help resolve common problems and answer frequently asked questions.
* Installation
* [Windows](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Windows)
* [Docker](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Docker)
* [MacOS](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-MacOS)
* [Running from source](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Running-from-Source)
* [FreeBSD](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-FreeBSD)
* [Synology](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Synology)
* Autostart on Linux
* [Systemd](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/systemd-service-file-for-Debian-Ubuntu)
* [Upstart](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Upstart-script-for-Debian-Ubuntu)
* Autostart on Windows
* [NSSM](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Using-NSSM-on-Windows)
* Autostart on MacOS
* [LaunchAgent](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/LaunchAgent-on-MacOS)
* Reverse Proxy
* [Nginx](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Reverse-proxy-Nginx)
* [Apache](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Reverse-proxy-Apache)
### Getting Started ###
- [[Installation]]
- [[Setup Guide]]
- [[Autostart on Linux-Windows-MacOS-FreeBSD]]
### Configuration ###
* Wizard
* [General](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Wizard-General)
* [Subtitles](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Wizard-Subtitles)
* [Sonarr](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Wizard-Sonarr)
* [Radarr](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Wizard-Radarr)
### Troubleshooting ###
* Settings
* [General](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-General)
* [Sonarr](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-Sonarr)
* [Radarr](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-Radarr)
* [Subtitles](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-Subtitles)
* [Notifications](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-Notifications)
* FAQ's & More
* [FAQ-Common-Problems](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ-Common-Problems)
* [First time installation/configuration](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/First-time-installation-configuration)
* [Performance Tuning](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ-Performance-Tuning)
* [DB/Log Location](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ-Log-Location)
- [[Asking for help or report a problem]]
- [[Logging and Log Files]]
- [[FAQ]]
### Additional Configuration ###
### Usage ###
- [[Settings]]
- [[Performance Tuning]]
- [[First time installation configuration]]
- [[Reverse Proxy Help]]
* Series
* Movies
* History
* Wanted
* System
### Misc ###
- [Collection of Custom Post-Processing Scripts](https://github.com/TRaSH-/Tutorials-FAQ/tree/master/Bazarr)

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
You **CANNOT** store your config directory over an NFS share as it is unsupported by SQLITE. You'll face a locked database error.
Feel free to use any of the following well maintained images, in no particular order:
## [linuxserver/bazarr](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/bazarr)
Maintained by: [linuxserver](https://github.com/linuxserver)
Available tags: `latest` and `development`
Versioned tags: `v0.8.3.4-ls59` and `600ef3ab-ls62`
Updates: `regular and timely application updates`
Configuration files for Bazarr are stored in `/config`.
## [hotio/bazarr](https://hub.docker.com/r/hotio/bazarr)
Maintained by: [hotio](https://github.com/hotio)
Available tags: `latest` (=`stable`), `unstable`
Versioned tags: `stable-`, `unstable-8d9023af80974ff09fef3fb8b5f2c51a4923de1f`
Updates: `every 30 minutes for apps and every hour for upstream image updates`
Configuration files for Bazarr are stored in `/config/app`.
>For more info on how to configure the images, info about their used tags and their correlation to bazarr branches, visit their respective Docker Hub pages.

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
Instruction as provided by @Derkades: and fixes by @sindreruud
Disclaimer: I don't know how rc.d works so the script is pretty crappy and doesn't have start/stop/status functionality. It only starts the program on startup, which was enough for me.
## Installing Bazarr on FreeBSD
* Install the required software `pkg update && pkg install git python3 py3X-pip py3X-libxml2 libxslt py3X-sqlite3` where `py3X` must be replaced with the Python3 version you use for Bazarr.
* `cd /usr/local/share`
* Clone the repository using `git clone https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr.git` (this will download the files to `/usr/local/share`)
* `cd bazarr`
* Install Python requirements using `pip install -r requirements.txt`
* If you get this error message: `pip: Command not found`, you can refer to [#642](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/issues/642).
* Check if it works `python3 bazarr.py`. You should see `BAZARR is started and waiting for request on`
## Starting on boot
* A user need to be created for Bazarr to run as a daemon, the script is written for a user called bazarr but this can be changed by modifying `bazarr_user="bazarr"` in /etc/rc.conf
* Change permission on Bazarr directory by running the following command: `chown -R bazarr_user /usr/local/share/bazarr` where bazarr_user is the user you've created.
* `nano /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bazarr`
* Enter this:
# PROVIDE: bazarr
# KEYWORD: shutdown
# Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf to enable bazarr:
# bazarr_enable="YES"
# Optionally add:
# Note: The bazarr_user must be unique as the stop_postcmd kills the other running process
# bazarr_user="bazarr"
. /etc/rc.subr
load_rc_config $name
: ${bazarr_enable="NO"}
: ${bazarr_user:="bazarr"}
: ${bazarr_data_dir:="/usr/local/bazarr"}
command_args="-f -p ${pidfile} ${procname} /usr/local/share/bazarr/bazarr.py"
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${bazarr_data_dir}
if [ ! -d ${bazarr_data_dir} ]; then
install -d -o ${bazarr_user} ${bazarr_data_dir}
killall -u ${bazarr_user}
run_rc_command "$1"
* Save and exit (ctrl+x -> y -> enter)
* Make the file executable `chmod +x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bazarr`
* `nano /etc/rc.conf`
* On the last line, add bazarr_enable="YES"
* Reboot

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
bazarr require Python 3.7 or greater (**system Python 2.7.10 not supported**) and can be run from source. This will use *git* as updater, so make sure that it's installed.
How To Install Bazarr on Mac OS 10.14 in Terminal
1. Install Homebrew
`ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null`
2. Install pyenv
`brew install pyenv-virtualenv`
3. Add Homebrew Directory To Path
`export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"`
4. Install Python 3.7
`brew install python`
5. Add Python 3.7 Directory to Path
`export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"`
6. Install virtualenv
`pip install virtualenv`
7. Create A Python 3.7 Virtual Environment
`virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python venv`
8. Activate The Virtual Environment
`source venv/bin/activate`
9. Change Directory To Applications
`cd /Applications`
10. Get Bazarr
`git clone https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr.git`
11. Change Directory To bazarr
`cd bazarr`
12. Install bazarr requirements
`python -m pip install -r requirements.txt`
13. Run bazarr
`Python bazarr.py`
To Run bazarr in future, open Terminal, Repeat steps 8, 9, 11, 13.
bazarr will run in this Terminal session. Closing session will stop bazarr.
Access bazarr via browser at https://localhost:6767/

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
bazarr require Python 3.7 or greater and can be run from source. This will use *git* as updater, so make sure that it's installed.
## Windows:
* Install [GIT](http://git-scm.com/)
* Install Python 3.7 or greater (latest is good) from [this link](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-381/) and make sure to check the box to have Python directory added to the system path variable.
* Open up CMD and go to the folder you want to install bazarr. Do not use `C:\Program Files` or `C:\Program Files (x86)` as you could run into strange issues. Something like `C:\bazarr` is a better choice.
* Run `git clone https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr.git`.
* Go to bazarr folder `cd bazarr`.
* Install Python requirements using `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
* You can now start bazarr via `python bazarr.py` to start bazarr.
* Open your browser and go to `http://localhost:6767/`
## OS X:
* See https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-MacOS
## Linux:
* (Ubuntu / Debian) Install [GIT](http://git-scm.com/) with `apt-get install git-core python3-pip python3-distutils`
* (Fedora / CentOS) Install [GIT](http://git-scm.com/) with `yum install git python3-pip python3-distutils`
* (Raspbian and maybe other ARM based distro) Install `python3-dev` with `apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python3-libxml2 python3-lxml unrar-free ffmpeg libatlas-base-dev`
* Upgrade Python to version 3.7 or greater.
* 'cd' to the folder of your choosing.
* Run `git clone https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr.git`.
* Install Python requirements using `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
* (Raspbian) Don't worry about `lxml` not being installed at this step, you have installed the module through `apt-get` anyway.
* You can now start bazarr via `python bazarr.py` to start bazarr.
* Open your browser and go to `http://localhost:6767/`

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
>For now it's only possible to run Bazarr when you are able to run dockers on your Synology.
>We will try to explain the basics how to setup Bazarr on Synology with dockers.
>For now it's only possible to run Bazarr when you are able to run Docker on your Synology.
>We will try to explain the basics how to setup Bazarr on Synology with Docker.
>Depending if you're smart and decide switch everything to dockers then you're done after this guide.
>If you decide to mix packages with dockers you will need to mess with [Path Mappings](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-General#path-mappings-for-shows).
>Depending if you're smart and decide switch everything to Docker then you're done after this guide.
>If you decide to mix packages with docker you will need to mess with [Path Mappings](/Settings#path-mappings-for-shows).
## PUID and PGID
### PUID and PGID
In order for the Docker container to access the shares on the Synology,
we need to give it the same permissions as your main user who has access to those shares.
For this we need to figure out the PUID and the PGID of the user having access to your shares.
@ -17,7 +18,8 @@ You will need to SSH into your Synology.
If you didn't already enable it you need to do that first
Then use a program like Putty or something and put in your ip of your Synology and select SSH.
Then use a program like Putty and SSH to your Synology.
Login if you get a popup asking if you want to trust the key,
Just press `OK` or `ACCEPT`
@ -33,18 +35,18 @@ Remember these values for later use.
>(*yes we know it's not recommended to use the admin account but if you already know this then you wouldn't need to read this*) ;)
## Now you got 2 options to install Bazarr.
1. [Install Bazarr with the GUI in the Synology interface (Takes longer)](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Synology#install-bazarr-with-the-gui-in-the-synology-interface-takes-longer)
2. [Install Bazarr using SSH](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Synology#install-bazarr-using-ssh)
### Now you got 2 options to install Bazarr.
1. [Install Bazarr with the GUI in the Synology interface (Takes longer)](#install-bazarr-with-the-gui-in-the-synology-interface-takes-longer)
2. [Install Bazarr using SSH](#install-bazarr-using-ssh)
### Install Bazarr with the GUI in the Synology interface (Takes longer)
#### Install Bazarr with the GUI in the Synology interface (Takes longer)
Install(if you didn't do that already) and open docker.
Select `Registery` and type `bazarr` in the search bar.
Select `Registry` and type `bazarr` in the search bar.
We recommend to use one of the following 2 images.
`linuxserver/bazarr` or `hotio/bazarr`.
For this example I will use the `hotio/bazarr`.
@ -62,42 +64,42 @@ Then on the left select `Image` and wait till it's loaded you can see when it's
Then double click on the created image.
#### General Settings
##### General Settings
1. Give it a decent container name if you want.
1. Give the container a friendly name (e.g. `bazarr`).
2. Enable this (not sure if it's needed but you can test that later yourself)
3. Then select `Advanced Setttings`
#### Advanced Settings
##### Advanced Settings
Select Enable auto-start if you want that Bazarr auto starts.
Select `Enable auto-restart` if you want Bazarr to autostarts.
##### Advanced Settings - Volume
###### Advanced Settings - Volume
Click on `Add Folder`
Create a folder `config` and create in that folder a folder called `bazarr`.
Create a folder named `config` and create in that folder a folder called `bazarr`.
This will be used for the database, config and log files.
Also add your `tv` and your `movies` folder locations.
##### Advanced Settings - Port Settings
###### Advanced Settings - Port Settings
Change the `local port` from `automatic` to the official port `6767`.
##### Advanced Settings - Environment.
###### Advanced Settings - Environment.
Now we need to add the `PUID` and `PGID` that we wrote down earlier.
if you don't have the `PUID` and `PGID` option as variable then add it your self.
If you don't have the `PUID` and `PGID` option as variable then add it yourself.
Then click `Apply` and `Next`.
@ -111,23 +113,23 @@ Select on the left `Container` and you can see if it's running.
Now you can access the Bazarr docker container by typing in your browser
Then you will be presented with a [first time wizard](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Wizard-General).
and then follow the [[Setup-Guide]].
### Install Bazarr using SSH
#### Install Bazarr using SSH
First create a `config` folder in your `docker` folder and create also a `bazarr` folder in it.
then you ssh in to your Synology and you type one of the the following depending which image you want to use.
First create a `config` folder in your `docker` folder and create a `bazarr` folder in it.
Then you ssh into your Synology and you type one of the the following depending which image you want to use.
##### Stable build:
###### Stable build:
>`sudo docker run -d --name Bazarr -v /volume1/docker/config/bazarr:/config -v /volume1/video/tv:/tv -v /volume1/video/movies:/movies -e PUID=1026 -e PGID=101 -p 6767:6767 hotio/bazarr:latest`
>`sudo docker run -d --name Bazarr -v /volume1/docker/config/bazarr:/config -v /volume1/video/tv:/tv -v /volume1/video/movies:/movies -e PUID=1026 -e PGID=101 -p 6767:6767 linuxserver/bazarr:latest`
##### Development build:
###### Development build:
>`sudo docker run -d --name Bazarr -v /volume1/docker/config/bazarr:/config -v /volume1/video/tv:/tv -v /volume1/video/movies:/movies -e PUID=1026 -e PGID=101 -p 6767:6767 hotio/bazarr:unstable`

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
To install Bazarr on Windows 7 or greater, just use our automated installer: [Bazarr installer](https://github.com/bazarr/bazarr.github.io/releases/latest/download/bazarr.zip)
**Please keep in mind that, by default, Bazarr service will run under Local System account that won't be able to access network shares. You need to change the account used for Bazarr service in `services.msc` console.**
If you install Bazarr in Program Files directory, the account under which it run **must have administrative privileges** for Bazarr to be able to update itself.
Bazarr settings, logs and db are stored in `C:\ProgramData\Bazarr`.
The start menu shortcut (that's opening the web UI) won't work anymore if you change Bazarr listening port or IP address.
Bazarr installed through this installer won't update from any other branch than master. If you've hard coded something else in `config.ini`, you must change it back to `master`.

Installation.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
- [Windows](#windows)
- [Docker](#docker)
- [Linux](#linux)
- [MacOS](#macos)
- [FreeBSD](#freebsd)
- [Synology](#synology)
### Windows
To install Bazarr on Windows 7 or greater, just use our automated installer: [Bazarr installer](https://github.com/bazarr/bazarr.github.io/releases/latest/download/bazarr.zip)
> **Please keep in mind that, by default, the Bazarr service will run under Local System account that won't be able to access network shares. You need to change the account used for Bazarr service in `services.msc` console.**
If you install Bazarr in the `Program Files` directory, the account under which it runs **must have administrative privileges** for Bazarr to be able to update itself.
Bazarr settings, logs and db are stored in `C:\ProgramData\Bazarr`.
The start menu shortcut (it opens the web UI) won't work anymore if you change Bazarr listening port or IP address.
Bazarr installed through this installer won't update from any other branch other than master. If you've hard coded something else in `config.ini`, you must change it back to `master`.
or you can run it from source the following way.
bazarr requires Python 3.7 or greater and can be run from source. This will use *git* as the updater, so make sure that it's installed.
1. Install [GIT](http://git-scm.com/)
2. Install Python 3.7 or greater (latest is good) from [this link](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-381/) and make sure to check the box to have Python directory added to the system path variable.
3. Open up CMD and go to the folder you want to install bazarr. Do not use `C:\Program Files` or `C:\Program Files (x86)` as you could run into strange issues. Something like `C:\bazarr` is a better choice.
4. Run `git clone https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr.git`.
5. Go to the bazarr folder `cd bazarr`.
6. Install Python requirements using `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
7. You can now start bazarr via `python bazarr.py` to start bazarr.
8. Open your browser and go to `http://localhost:6767/`
### Docker
> **You CANNOT store your config directory over an NFS share as it is unsupported by SQLITE. You'll face a locked database error.**
Feel free to use any of the following well maintained images, in no particular order:
### [hotio/bazarr](https://hub.docker.com/r/hotio/bazarr)
Maintained by: [hotio](https://github.com/hotio)
Available tags: `latest` (=`stable`), `unstable`
Versioned tags: `stable-`, `unstable-8d9023af80974ff09fef3fb8b5f2c51a4923de1f`
Updates: `every 30 minutes for apps and every hour for upstream image updates`
Configuration files for Bazarr are stored in `/config/app`.
### [linuxserver/bazarr](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/bazarr)
Maintained by: [linuxserver](https://github.com/linuxserver)
Available tags: `latest` and `development`
Versioned tags: `v0.8.3.4-ls59` and `600ef3ab-ls62`
Updates: `regular and timely application updates`
Configuration files for Bazarr are stored in `/config`.
> For more info on how to configure the images, info about their used tags and their correlation to bazarr branches, visit their respective Docker Hub pages.
### Linux
- (Ubuntu / Debian) Install [GIT](http://git-scm.com/) with `apt-get install git-core python3-pip python3-distutils`
- (Fedora / CentOS) Install [GIT](http://git-scm.com/) with `yum install git python3-pip python3-distutils`
- (Raspbian and maybe other ARM based distro) Install `python3-dev` with `apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python3-libxml2 python3-lxml unrar-free ffmpeg libatlas-base-dev`
1. Upgrade Python to version 3.7 or greater.
2. 'cd' to the folder of your choosing.
3. Run `git clone https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr.git`.
4. Install Python requirements using `pip install -r requirements.txt`
> (Raspbian) Don't worry about `lxml` not being installed at this step, you have installed the module through `apt-get` anyway.
5. You can now start bazarr via `python bazarr.py` to start bazarr.
6. Open your browser and go to `http://localhost:6767/`
### MacOS
bazarr requires Python 3.7 or greater (**system Python 2.7.10 not supported**) and can be run from source. This will use *git* as the updater, so make sure that it's installed.
How To Install Bazarr on Mac OS 10.14 in Terminal
1. Install Homebrew `ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2 /dev/null`
2. Install pyenv `brew install pyenv-virtualenv`
3. Add Homebrew Directory To Path `export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"`
4. Install Python 3.7 `brew install python`
5. Add Python 3.7 Directory to Path `export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"`
6. Install virtualenv `pip install virtualenv`
7. Create A Python 3.7 Virtual Environment `virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python venv`
8. Activate The Virtual Environment `source venv/bin/activate`
9. Change Directory To Applications `cd /Applications`
10. Get Bazarr `git clone https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr.git`
11. Change Directory To bazarr `cd bazarr`
12. Install bazarr requirements `python -m pip install -r requirements.txt`
13. Run bazarr `Python bazarr.py`
To Run bazarr in future, open the Terminal, and Repeat steps 8, 9, 11, 13.
bazarr will run in this Terminal session. Closing the session will stop bazarr.
Access bazarr via browser at https://localhost:6767/
### FreeBSD
Instruction as provided by @Derkades: and fixes by @sindreruud
Disclaimer: I don't know how rc.d works so the script is pretty crappy and doesn't have start/stop/status functionality. It only starts the program on startup, which was enough for me.
1. Install the required software `pkg update && pkg install git python3 py3X-pip py3X-libxml2 libxslt py3X-sqlite3` where `py3X` must be replaced with the Python3 version you use for Bazarr.
2. `cd /usr/local/share`
3. Clone the repository using `git clone https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr.git` (this will download the files to `/usr/local/share`)
4. `cd bazarr`
5. Install Python requirements using `pip install -r requirements.txt`
> If you get this error message: `pip: Command not found`, you can refer to [#642](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/issues/642).
6. Check if it works `python3 bazarr.py`. You should see `BAZARR is started and waiting for request on`
### Synology
See: [[Installation Synology]]

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
As-is, the LaunchAgent expects bazarr to be cloned or installed at `/Applications/bazarr`. If this is counter to other documentation I recommend amending the file contents.
You have to be running Python installed through Brew.
The LaunchAgent should be named `com.github.morpheus65535.bazarr.plist` - again, if you'd like something else, update the Label in the file itself as well.
The file is installed to `~/Library/LaunchAgents` and the service will start when the user logs into the system. After installation, the service can be started immediately by running launchctl load `~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.morpheus65535.bazarr.plist`. The service can be stopped by running the same command replacing load with unload.
Logs are written to `/usr/local/var/log/bazarr.log`.
Here's the file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

Logging-and-Log-Files.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
If you need help with Bazarr or want to report a problem it's best to start with a Debug log.
### How do you enable the debug log
`Settings` => `General`
### Where can you find the logs
You can find the location for your database and log file in the following location depending where and how you installed it.
**Windows Installation:** `%programdata%\Bazarr`
**Dockers: linuxserver/bazarr** `/config/db` and `/config/log`
**Dockers: hotio/bazarr** `/config/app/db` and `/config/app/log`
**Source and other Installation:** `data directory inside bazarr root directory`
### How and where do you provide the logs
1. Clear your logs and then try again to replicate your issue.
2. Paste your logs on one of the following site.
- <https://gist.github.com/>
- <https://hastebin.com/>
- <https://pastebin.com/>
3. Follow the step provided in [[Asking for help or report a problem]]

Performance-Tuning.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
We gathered some info from people that use Bazarr on a low powered device like a RaspberryPi or when you have your media stored in the cloud.
And when you got allot of missing Subtitles.
### Disable periodic scan for existing Subtitles.
`Settings` => `Scheduler` => `Disk Indexing`
Change the settings to Manually to Disable it.
This means that Bazarr won't scan your drive for existing subtitles and only knows about subtitles that Bazarr added !!!
### Reduce the frequency of searching for missing Subtitles.
`Settings` => `Scheduler` => `Search and Upgrade Subtitles`
If you got allot of missing/wanted subtitles change the search frequency to a bigger interval.
6 - 12/24 Hours could give better results.
> Change this option also if you often see in the logs something like:
> `Execution of job "Update movies list from Radarr (trigger: interval[0:05:00], next run at: 2019-08-04 11:23:44 CEST)" skipped: maximum number of running instances reached (1)`
### Enable Adaptive Searching.
`Settings` => `Subtitles` => `Performance / Optimization`
Enable `Adaptive Searching`
This setting reduces the searching frequency of specific media files after some time. This prevents searching every x hours for subtitles that may not exist at all for now. Adaptive searching should be (Always) enabled when you have many missing subtitles.
### Disable scan for embedded Subtitles.
`Settings` => `Subtitles` => `Performance / Optimization`
Disable `Use Embedded Subtitles`
Embedded subtitles are subtitles that are in the video container (mkv, mp4, etc)
Bazarr needs to look inside the video container to know which subtitles are in it this can be resource intensive for some low powered devices and also give you issues with API Limits if you store your media on the cloud.
> This does mean it will ignore the embedded subtitles and will search for matching subtitles but that uses less resources.
### Disable Search Enabled Providers Simultaneously.
Disable this option if you use a low performance device.
Example a RaspberryPi.
### Random small tweaks that can help with several issues.
- Set scanning to only monitored and unmonitor ended shows in Sonarr/Radarr.
And enable them later.
- Disable shows, movies that won't have subs ever in your preferred language some shows won't get subs ever. Keep in mind a lot of subs are user made. And some shows or movies are just not worth the time to create.
- More Providers
- Pay for anti-captha for the other providers that need it

Reverse-Proxy-Help.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
- [Using Nginx and /bazarr/ base url](#using-nginx-and-bazarr-base-url)
- [Using Apache 2.3.12 or greater and /bazarr/ base url](#using-apache-2312-or-greater-and-bazarr-base-url)
- [Dockers](#dockers)
### Using Nginx and /bazarr/ base url
location /bazarr/ {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
proxy_redirect off;
### Using Apache 2.3.12 or greater and /bazarr/ base url
> *Apache 2.3.12 or greater is required to support `AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode` which is required for Sonarr/Radarr config testing.*
<IfModule mod_ssl.c
<VirtualHost *:443
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
ServerName localhost
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
<Proxy *
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Satisfy Any
ProxyPass "/bazarr/ ""
ProxyPassReverse "/bazarr/" ""
### Dockers
Use the [Letsencrypt container](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/letsencrypt/), it has already pre-configured `.conf` files for subfolder and subdomain to make is easy.

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
## Using Apache 2.3.12 or greater and /bazarr/ base url:
*Apache 2.3.12 or greater is required to support `AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode` which is required for Sonarr/Radarr config testing.*
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
ServerName localhost
AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Satisfy Any
ProxyPass "/bazarr/ ""
ProxyPassReverse "/bazarr/" ""

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
## Using Nginx and /bazarr/ base url:
location /bazarr/ {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
proxy_redirect off;

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
## Start-Up
#### Listening IP address:
Should be the local IPv4 address of the computer running Bazarr.
>**Leave it as `` if you want to listen on every available IP address (recommended). If you are running inside a docker container, that's the recommended value.**
#### Listening port:
Should be an available TCP port on the computer running Bazarr. Default is 6767 and is the recommended value.
#### Base URL:
This option give your the opportunity to serve Bazarr in a sub-directory. Ex.: `` instead of the default ``
>Meanly used when you use a reverse proxy, if you don't use a reverse proxy or don't know what it is leave this empty !!!
#### Enable debug logging:
This option enable debug logging and should be enabled for a short period to facilitate debugging process.
#### Enable chmod:
This option, only available on *nix based operating system, give the possibility to set permission on subtitles file created by Bazarr.
#### Set subtitle file permissions to:
This field is used to specify the desired permission to be applied on subtitles file. You can take a look at Plex [Linux Permissions Guide](https://support.plex.tv/articles/200288596-linux-permissions-guide/) for reference or you can use the [Unix Permissions Calculator](http://permissions-calculator.org/).
#### Page size:
Give the opportunity to select how many items are showed on each page.
## Proxy settings
#### Proxy type:
Select the desired proxy type from HTTP(S), Socks4 or Socks5.
#### Hostname:
Enter here the hostname of your proxy.
#### Port:
Enter here the TCP port of your proxy.
#### Username:
Enter here the username (if required) to authenticate to your proxy.
#### Password:
Enter here the password (if required) to authenticate to your proxy.
#### Ignored addresses:
Enter here (if required), a list of comma separated hostname or IPv4 addresses to be excluded from going through the proxy.
## Security settings
#### Authentication:
Select the type of authentication process desired from basic (browser popup) or forms login. Be aware that basic auth is not secure if not used in conjonction with SSL (using a reverse proxy).
#### Username:
Enter here the username to access Bazarr.
#### Password:
Enter here the password to access Bazarr.
#### API Key:
Your API Key.
## Integration settings
#### Use Sonarr:
Enable this option to synchronize series and episodes from Sonarr.
#### Use Radarr:
Enable this option to synchronize movies from Radarr.
## Path Mappings for shows:
>**You should only use this section if Sonarr and Bazarr use a different path to access the same episode file (.mkv).**
>**(for example if you run Sonarr on a different device then Bazarr or have a Synology and mix packages with dockers.)**
>![animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006](images/animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006.gif)**IF YOU GOT THE SAME VALUES ON BOTH SIDES THEN YOU DON'T NEED IT !!!**
>**IT SHOULD ALSO BE REMOVED OR ELSE YOU WILL GET A ERROR.![animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006](images/animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006.gif)**
* Sonarr path to an episode: `/media/tv_shows/seriesX/seasonX/episodeX.mkv`
* Bazarr path for the same episode: `\\nas\tv\seriesX\seasonX\episodeX.mkv`
The common part of both path can be discarded and you should use those values:
* Path for Sonarr: `/media/tv_shows/`
* Path for Bazarr: `\\nas\tv\`
## Path Mappings for movies:
Same as previous one but for Radarr vs Bazarr.
## Post-processing
#### Use post-processing:
Enable the execution of a script or binary with arguments after the successful download of a subtitles file.
#### Post-processing command:
Enter in this field the script or binary path to execute with the desired arguments. Please be aware that double-quote could be necessary around arguments.
## Updates
#### Branch (only when running from source):
Select the desired branch from master or development. Be aware that running development branch could result in instabilities.
#### Automatic:
Install automatically new update when available and display a restart required banner under the menu bar.
## Analytics
#### Analytics
Send anonymous usage information, nothing that can identify you. This includes information on which providers you use, what languages you search for, Bazarr, Python, Sonarr, Radarr and what OS version you are using. We will use this information to prioritize features and bug fixes. Please, keep this enabled as this is the only way we have to better understand how you use Bazarr.

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
![Settings - Notifications](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/blob/master/screenshot/5-settings/settings-5-notifications.png?raw=true)
## Notification settings:
For each provider, you need to enable it (if desired) and, in the corresponding input field, provide a valid config string as described in Apprise [wiki](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki).

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
## Connection settings
#### Settings validation:
You have to click the "Test" button after filling in the other fields. You can't go further until the test is successful.
#### Use Radarr:
Enable this to use Radarr integration. Required if you want to get subtitles for your movies.
#### Hostname or IP address:
Enter the hostname or the IP address of the computer running your Radarr instance.
>**Be aware that when using Bazarr in docker, you cannot reach another container on the same Docker host using the loopback address (ex.: Loopback address refer to the Bazarr Docker container, not the Docker host.**
#### Listening port:
Enter the TCP port of your Radarr instance. Default is 8989.
#### Base URL:
Mainly used by those who expose Radarr behind a reverse proxy (ex.: /radarr). Don't forget the leading slash. In fact, it should look exactly the same as in Radarr settings.
Meanly used when you use a reverse proxy, if you don't use a reverse proxy or don't know what it is leave this empty !!!
#### SSL enabled:
Enable this if your Radarr instance is exposed trough SSL.
Not needed if you reach it with a local address.
#### API key:
Enter your Radarr API key here.
#### Download Only Monitored:
Automatic download of Subtitles will only happen for monitored episodes in Radarr.
## Synchronization
#### Full sync frequency:
Choose the frequency used for full refresh of subtitles available on disk.

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
## Connection settings
#### Settings validation:
You have to click the "Test" button after filling in the other fields. You can't go further until the test is successful.
#### Use Sonarr:
Enable this to use Sonarr integration. Required if you want to get subtitles for your series.
#### Hostname or IP address:
Enter the hostname or the IP address of the computer running your Sonarr instance.
>**Be aware that when using Bazarr in docker, you cannot reach another container on the same Docker host using the loopback address (ex.: Loopback address refer to the Bazarr Docker container, not the Docker host.**
#### Listening port:
Enter the TCP port of your Sonarr instance. Default is 8989.
#### Base URL:
Mainly used by those who expose Sonarr behind a reverse proxy (ex.: /sonarr). Don't forget the leading slash. In fact, it should look exactly the same as in Sonarr settings.
Meanly used when you use a reverse proxy, if you don't use a reverse proxy or don't know what it is leave this empty !!!
#### SSL enabled:
Enable this if your Sonarr instance is exposed trough SSL.
Not needed if you reach it with a local address.
#### API key:
Enter your Sonarr API key here.
#### Download Only Monitored:
Automatic download of Subtitles will only happen for monitored episodes in Sonarr.
## Synchronization
#### Full sync frequency:
Choose the frequency used for full refresh of subtitles available on disk.

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
![Settings - Subliminal](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/blob/master/screenshot/5-settings/settings-4-subliminal.png?raw=true)
## Subtitles options
### Use scene name when available:
Enable this if Sonarr or Radarr are renaming files for you. Scene name is the original filename before renaming. This is going to result in more accurate subtitles.
### Minimum score for episodes:
Select the minimal score (in percentage) required for a subtitles file to be downloaded.
### Minimum score for movies:
Select the minimal score (in percentage) required for a subtitles file to be downloaded.
### Use embedded subtitles:
When disabled, this option force Bazarr to not take care of embedded subtitles when deciding if a language is missing.
### Download only monitored:
If enabled, subtitles are searched only for episodes or movies monitored in Sonarr/Radarr.
### Adaptive searching:
When enabled, this option enable search on a weekly basis for episodes or movies that are unsuccessful after 4 weeks.
## Subtitles providers
### Enabled providers:
Select the subtitles providers you would like to enable.
## Providers authentication (optional)
### Username:
Enter here the username for providers requiring authentication.
### Password:
Enter here the password for providers requiring authentication.
## Subtitles languages
### Single language:
Enable this if your want to use only one language. Be aware the language code (ex.: en) is not going to be included in the subtitles file name when enabling this.
### Enabled languages:
Select the languages you want to be able to use in Bazarr. This doesn't add any required languages to series or movies, it just filter out the language list everywhere in the UI to have a more readable drop-down.
## Series default settings
### Default enabled:
Enable the automatic selection of desired languages for new series added after the activation of this option.
### Languages:
Select the languages to be added to required languages for new series.
### Hearing-impaired:
Enable this to require hearing-impaired subtitles instead of standard one.
## Movies default settings
Same as the one for series.

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
## Subtitles options
#### Search for missing Subtitles frequency (in hours):
Search interval.
set it to a bigger interval if you got a big/huge library.
#### Use scene name when available:
Enable this if Sonarr or Radarr are renaming files for you. Scene name is the original filename before renaming. This is going to result in more accurate subtitles.
#### Minimum score for episodes:
Select the minimal score (in percentage) required for a subtitles file to be downloaded.
*Are your subs often out of sync raise the score!*
#### Minimum score for movies:
Select the minimal score (in percentage) required for a subtitles file to be downloaded.
*Are your subs often out of sync raise the score!*
#### Subtitle Folder:
Choose the location where you want that your subtitles will be stored, `Alongside Media File` is the recommended value.
#### Upgrade Previously Downloaded Subtitles:
Upgrade Previously Downloaded Subtitles.
#### Upgrade Frequency (In Hours):
Schedule a task to upgrade Subtitles previously downloaded by Bazarr.
#### Number of days to go back in history to upgrade Subtitles (up to 30):
Number of days to go back in history to upgrade Subtitles (up to 30).
#### Upgrade Manually Downloaded Subtitles:
Enable or disable upgrade of manually searched and downloaded Subtitles.
#### Use embedded subtitles:
When disabled, this option force Bazarr to not take care of embedded subtitles when deciding if a language is missing.
#### Ignore Embedded PGS Subtitles:
Ignores PGS Subtitles in Embedded Subtitles detection. Only relevant if 'Use embedded Subtitles' is enabled.
#### Adaptive searching:
When enabled, Bazarr will search less frequently to limit call to providers.
this option enables search on a weekly basis for episodes or movies that are unsuccessful after 4 weeks.
#### Search Enabled Providers Simultaneously:
Search multiple providers at once (Don't choose this on low powered devices)
#### Encode Subtitles To UTF8:
Re-encode downloaded Subtitles to UTF8. Should be left enabled in most case.
## Anti-Captcha Options
>***Some providers require a Anti-Captcha when using their API.***
Choose the Anti-Captcha provider you want to use. and add the needed credentials.
>We recommend Anti-Captcha.
## Subtitles providers
Select the subtitles providers you would like to enable.
Hover over the question mark to see which language they support. it's best to select multiple providers and create/use a account with them especially when you got allot of wanted subtitles.
If possible don't forget to support them for their free service*
#### Enabled providers:
Select the subtitles providers you would like to enable.
#### Subtitles languages
#### Single Language:
We don't recommend enabling this option unless absolutely required (ie: media player not supporting language code in subtitles filename).
Be aware the language code (ex.: en) is not going to be included in the subtitles file name when enabling this.
**Recommended value is off**
#### Enabled languages:
Select the languages you want to be able to use in Bazarr. This doesn't add any required languages to series or movies, it just filter out the language list everywhere in the UI to have a more readable drop-down.
## Series default settings
#### Default enabled:
Enable the automatic selection of desired languages for new series added **after** the activation of this option.
#### Languages:
Select the languages to be added to required languages for new series.
#### Hearing-impaired:
Enable this to require hearing-impaired subtitles instead of standard one.
#### Forced:
Forced subtitle is the subtitle appearing on screen when the characters speak a foreign or alien language, or there is a sign, location, or other text in a scene.
- Like Drakhari in Game of Thrones.
- Star Trek when some speaks Klingon.
- False: Search for normal subtitles.
- True: Search for only forced subtitles. (keep in mind that forced sub aren't available in every languages and are hard to find).
- Both: Search for normal subtitles and for forced subtitles.
## Movies default settings
Same as the one for series.

Settings.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
- [General](#general)
- [Sonarr](#sonarr)
- [Radarr](#radarr)
- [Subtitles](#subtitles)
- [Languages](#languages)
- [Providers](#providers)
- [Notifications](notifications)
- [Scheduler](#scheduler)
### General
#### Host
##### Bind Address
Valid IP4 address or '' for all interfaces
> **Leave it as `` if you want to listen on every available IP address (recommended). If you are running inside a docker container, that's the recommended value.**
##### Port Number
Should be an available TCP port on the computer running Bazarr. Default is 6767 and it is the recommended value.
##### URL Base
This option gives you the opportunity to serve Bazarr in a sub-directory. Ex.: `` instead of the default ``
Mainly used when you use a reverse proxy, if you don't use a reverse proxy or don't know what it is leave this empty!!!
#### Security
##### Authentication
Select the type of authentication process desired from basic (browser popup) or forms login. Be aware that basic auth is not secure if not used in conjunction with SSL (using a reverse proxy).
##### Username
Enter here the username to access Bazarr.
##### Password
Enter here the password to access Bazarr.
##### API Key
Your API Key.
#### Proxy
##### Type
Select the desired proxy type from HTTP(S), Socks4 or Socks5.
##### Hostname
Enter here the hostname of your proxy.
##### Port
Enter here the TCP port of your proxy.
##### Username
Enter here the username (if required) to authenticate to your proxy.
##### Password
Enter here the password (if required) to authenticate to your proxy.
##### Ignored addresses
Enter here (if required), a list of comma separated hostnames or IPv4 addresses to be excluded from going through the proxy.
#### UI
Self explanatory.
#### Logging
This option enables debug logging and should be enabled for a short period to facilitate debugging process.
#### Analytics
Send anonymous usage information, nothing that can identify you. This includes information on which providers you use, what languages you search for, Bazarr, Python, Sonarr, Radarr and what OS version you are using. We will use this information to prioritize features and bug fixes. Please, keep this enabled as this is the only way we have to better understand how you use Bazarr.
### Sonarr
#### Host
##### Hostname or IP address
Enter the hostname or the IP address of the computer running your Sonarr instance.
> **Be aware that when using Bazarr in docker, you cannot reach another container on the same Docker host using the loopback address (ex.: or localhost). Loopback address refer to the Bazarr Docker container, not the Docker host.**
##### Port Number
Enter the TCP port of your Sonarr instance. Default is 8989.
##### URL Base
Mainly used by those who expose Sonarr behind a reverse proxy (ex.: /sonarr). Don't forget the leading slash. In fact, it should look exactly the same as in Sonarr settings. Mainly used when you use a reverse proxy.
> **If you don't use a reverse proxy or don't know what it is leave this empty !!!**
##### SSL enabled
Enable this if your Sonarr instance is exposed trough SSL.
> **Not needed if you reach it with a local IP address.**
##### API key
Enter your Sonarr API key here.
> Click the `Test` button after filling in all the fields. Make sure the test is successful before you proceed.
#### Options
##### Minimum Score
Select the minimal score (in percentage) required for a subtitles file to be downloaded. *Are your subs often out of sync? Raise the score!*
##### Download Only Monitored
Automatic download of Subtitles will only happen for monitored shows/episodes in Sonarr.
##### Exluded Tags
Episodes from series with those tags (case sensitive) in Sonarr will be excluded from automatic download of Subtitles.
In Sonarr you add a custom made tag to a show, in this case the shows with these tags will be ignored by Bazarr. examples: `dutch`, `anime`
##### Excluded Series Types
Episodes from series with those types in Sonarr will be excluded from automatic download of Subtitles.
Options: Standard, Anime, Daily
#### Path Mappings
**You should only use this section if Sonarr and Bazarr use a different path to access the same episode file (.mkv).**
**(for example if you run Sonarr on a different device then Bazarr or have a Synology and mix packages with Docker.)**
> ![animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006](images/animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006.gif)
> ![animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006](images/animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006.gif)
Click on `Add` and you will get a popup window
* Browse or type the path for Sonarr: `/media/tv_shows/seriesX/`
* Browse or type the path for Bazarr: `\\nas\tv\seriesX\
The common part of both path can be discarded and you should use those values:
* Path for Sonarr: `/media/tv_shows/`
* Path for Bazarr: `\\nas\tv\`
> *If everything runs on Docker you normally don't need to use this. Except if you have messed up path mappings and then it would be smarter to fix those first to have consistency and well planned paths.*
### Radarr
The same setup as you did for Sonarr except for the default Port Numbert: 7878
### Subtitles
#### Subtitles Options
##### Subtitle Folder
Choose the location where you want your subtitles to be stored, `Alongside Media File` is the recommended value.
##### Upgrade Previously Downloaded Subtitles
Schedule a task to upgrade Subtitles previously downloaded by Bazarr.
##### Number of days to go back in history to upgrade subtitles (up to 30)
Number of days to go back in history to upgrade Subtitles (up to 30).
##### Upgrade Manually Downloaded Subtitles
Enable or disable the upgrade of manually searched and downloaded subtitles.
#### Anti-Captcha Options
Choose the Anti-Captcha provider you want to use. and add the necessary credentials.
> We recommend [Anti-Captcha.com](https://anti-captcha.com/).
**Some providers require a Anti-Captcha when using their API.**
#### Performance / Optimization
##### Adaptive Searching
When enabled, Bazarr will search less frequently to limit API calls to providers.
This option enables search on a weekly basis for episodes or movies that are unsuccessful after 4 weeks.
##### Search Enabled Providers Simultaneously
Search multiple providers at once (Don't choose this on low powered devices)
##### Use Embedded Subtitles
When disabled, this option forces Bazarr to not take care of embedded subtitles when deciding if a language is missing.
When enabled you several extra options
##### Ignore Embedded PGS Subtitles
When enabled it Ignores PGS Subtitles in `Embedded Subtitles` detection. Only relevant if `Use embedded Subtitles` is enabled.
##### Show Only Desired Languages
When enabled it hides embedded subtitles for languages that are not wanted.
#### Post-Processing
##### Encode Subtitles To UTF8
Re-encode downloaded Subtitles to UTF8. Should be left enabled in most cases.
##### Enable CHMOD
This option,it is only available on *nix based operating systems, gives the possibility to set permissions on subtitle files created by Bazarr.
##### Subtitles synchronization
Enable the subtitles synchronization after downloading a subtitles.
##### Subtitles synchronization score threshold for series
Only synchronize the subtitles if the score is below your chosen score.
##### Subtitles synchronization score threshold for movies
Only synchronize the subtitles if the score is below your chosen score.
#### Use Custom Post-Processing
##### Use Custom Post-Processing
Enable the post-processing execution after downloading a subtitles.
##### Post-processing score threshold for series
Only runs Post-processing if the score is below your chosen score.
##### Post-processing score threshold for movies
Only runs Post-processing if the score is below your chosen score.
##### Post-processing command
Enter in this field the script or binary path to execute with the desired arguments. Please be aware that double-quote could be necessary around arguments.
### Languages
#### Subtitles Languages
##### Single Language
We don't recommend enabling this option unless absolutely required (ie: media player not supporting language code in subtitles filename). Be aware the language code (ex.: en) is not going to be included in the subtitles file name when enabling this.
> **Recommended value is off**
##### Enabled Languages
Select the languages you want to be able to use in Bazarr. This doesn't add any required languages to series or movies, it just filter out the language list everywhere in the UI to have a more readable drop-down.
#### Default Settings
##### Series Default Setting
Enable the automatic selection of desired languages for new series added **after** the activation of this option.
###### Languages
Select the languages to be added to required languages for new series.
###### Hearing-impaired
Enable this to require hearing-impaired subtitles instead of standard one.
##### Forced
Forced subtitles are the subtitles appearing on screen when the characters speak a foreign or alien language, or there is a sign, location, or other text in the scene.
- Like Dothraki in Game of Thrones.
- Star Trek when someone speaks Klingon.
- False: Search for normal subtitles.
- True: Search for only forced subtitles. (keep in mind that forced subs aren't available in every languages and are hard to find).
- Both: Search for normal subtitles and forced subtitles.
##### Movies Default Setting
Same as for series.
### Providers
Select the subtitles providers you would like to enable. It is best to select multiple providers and create/use a account with them especially when you have a lot of wanted subtitles.
Some subtitle providers requires a extra paid Anti-Captcha Service.
> ***If possible don't forget to support them for their free service***
### Notifications
For each notification provider, you need to enable (if desired) and, in the corresponding input field, provide a valid config string as described in Apprise [wiki](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki).
### Scheduler
#### Sonarr/Radarr Sync
##### Update Series list from Sonarr
How often to sync with Sonarr for new Series
##### Update Episodes list from Sonarr
How often to sync with Sonarr for new Episodes
##### Update Movies list from Radarr
How often to sync with Radarr for new Movies
#### Disk Indexing
##### Update all Episode Subtitles from disk
How often should Bazarr Update all Episodes Subtitles from disk
- Daily
- Weekly
- Manually
###### Day of the week
Which day of the week
###### Hour of the day
Which hour of the day
##### Update all Movie Subtitles from disk
Same as series
#### Search and Upgrade Subtitles
##### Search for Missing Series Subtitles
How often should Bazarr Search for Missing Series Subtitles
##### Search for Missing Movies Subtitles
How often should Bazarr Search for Missing Movies Subtitles
##### Upgrade previously downloaded Subtitles
How often should Bazarr upgrade previously downloaded Subtitles

Setup-Guide.md Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
After installation and starting up, you open a browser and go to http://ip_where_installed:6767
Before it works you need to add info for Sonarr and/or Radarr.
### Sonarr
`Settings` => `Sonarr`
#### Host
##### Hostname or IP address
Enter the hostname or the IP address of the computer running your Sonarr instance.
**Be aware that when using Bazarr in docker, you cannot reach another container on the same Docker host using the loopback address (ex.: or localhost). Loopback address refer to the Bazarr Docker container, not the Docker host.**
##### Port Number
Enter the TCP port of your Sonarr instance. Default is 8989.
##### URL Base
Mainly used by those who expose Sonarr behind a reverse proxy (ex.: /sonarr). Don't forget the leading slash. In fact, it should look exactly the same as in Sonarr settings. Meanly used when you use a reverse proxy.
**If you don't use a reverse proxy or don't know what it is leave this empty !!!**
##### SSL enabled
Enable this if your Sonarr instance is exposed trough SSL.
**Not needed if you reach it with a local IP address.**
##### API key
Enter your Sonarr API key here.
> Click the `Test` button after filling in all the fields. Make sure the test is successful before you proceed.
#### Options
##### Minimum Score
Select the minimum score (in percentage) required for a subtitles file to be downloaded. *Are your subs often out of sync? Raise the score!*
##### Download Only Monitored
Automatic download of Subtitles will only happen for monitored shows/episodes in Sonarr.
##### Exluded Tags
Episodes from series with those tags (case sensitive) in Sonarr will be excluded from automatic download of Subtitles.
In Sonarr you add a custom tag to a show, in this case the shows with these tags will be ignored by Bazarr. examples: `dutch`, `anime`
##### Excluded Series Types
Episodes from series with these types in Sonarr will be excluded from automatic download of Subtitles.
Options: Standard, Anime, Daily
#### Path Mappings
You should only use this section if Sonarr and Bazarr use a different path to access the same episode file (.mkv).
(for example if you run Sonarr on a different device then Bazarr or have a Synology and mix packages with Docker.)
> ![animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006](images/animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006.gif)
> ![animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006](images/animated-exclamation-mark-image-0006.gif)
Click on `Add` and you will get a popup window
* Browse or type the path for Sonarr: `/media/tv_shows/seriesX/`
* Browse or type the path for Bazarr: `\\nas\tv\seriesX\`
The common part of both path can be discarded and you should use those values:
* Path for Sonarr: `/media/tv_shows/`
* Path for Bazarr: `\\nas\tv\`
> *If everything runs on Docker you normally don't need to use this except if you got messed up paths and then it would be smarter to fix those first to have consistent and well planned paths.*
### Radarr
The same setup as you did for Sonarr except for the default Port Number: 7878
### Languages
`Settings`=> `Languages`
#### Subtitles Languages
##### Single Language
We don't recommend enabling this option unless absolutely required (ie: media player not supporting language code in subtitles filename). Be aware the language code (ex.: en) is not going to be included in the subtitles file name when enabling this.
> **Recommended value is off**
##### Enabled Languages
Select the languages you want to be able to use in Bazarr. This doesn't add any required languages to series or movies, it just filter out the language list everywhere in the UI to have a more readable drop-down.
#### Default Settings
##### Series Default Setting
Enable the automatic selection of desired languages for new series added **after** the activation of this option.
###### Languages
Select the languages to be added to required languages for new series.
###### Hearing-impaired
Enable this to require hearing-impaired subtitles instead of standard ones.
##### Forced
Forced subtitle is the subtitle appearing on screen when the characters speak a foreign or alien language, or there is a sign, location, or other text in a scene.
- Like Dothraki in Game of Thrones.
- Star Trek when someone speaks Klingon.
- False: Search for normal subtitles.
- True: Search for only forced subtitles. (keep in mind that forced subs aren't available in every languages and are hard to find).
- Both: Search for normal subtitles and for forced subtitles.
##### Movies Default Setting
Same as for series.
### Providers
Select the subtitles providers you would like to enable. it is best to select multiple providers and create/use a account with them especially when you got allot of wanted subtitles.
Some subtitle providers requires a extra paid Anti-Captcha Service.
> ***If possible don't forget to support them for their free service***
Now wait till Bazarr gets all the info needed from Sonarr/Radarr.
> **And don't forget [[First time installation configuration]] !!!**
If you still have questions please check the [Troubleshooting](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki#troubleshooting) section in the wiki.
For more info about the other settings check the [[Settings]] wiki.

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
## Be aware that this is provided as-is without any support from the team.
It is assumed that you've followed the installation instructions described here: https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Running-from-Source.
This is an init upstart file. It assumes you've installed Bazarr in:
You have to create a bazarr.conf file in /etc/init/ (sudo nano /etc/init/bazarr.conf) that would contain the following text:
description "Upstart Script to run Bazarr as a service on Ubuntu/Debian based systems, as well as others"
author "A Bazarr User"
#Set user and group for the process if desired
#setuid myUserID
#setgid myGroupID
#start after all services come up
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
# Automatically restart process if crashed
# Make sure script is started with system locale
if [ -r /etc/default/locale ]; then
. /etc/default/locale
export LANG
exec python /opt/bazarr/bazarr.py
end script
Tested on linux mint 17.2 XFCE (Ubuntu 14.04) / python 2.7.12

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
## Installing Bazarr as a Windows Service
Prior to doing those step, you first need to install Bazarr: https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Running-from-Source
1. Download the latest NSSM from [https://nssm.cc/download](https://nssm.cc/download). It is recommended to grab the prerelease due to a slight issue with the Windows 10 Creators Update.
2. Either place the downloaded NSSM binary in `C:\Windows\System32`, or add it to your `PATH`. This is to allow you to use NSSM from any location.
3. Run `cmd` as an Administrator and use the command `nssm install bazarr`
4. A GUI should pop up. Use the following configuration
* Path: Should be the location to your Python 3.8 executable. Example: `C:\Python38\python.exe`
* Startup Directory: Should be the location of your `Python38` folder. Example: `C:\Python38`
* Arguments: Should be the location of your `bazarr.py` file. Example: `C:\bazarr\bazarr.py`
* Please note that running Bazarr from the `Program Files` or `Program Files (x86)` directories may cause issues.
5. Under `Process Tab`, make sure to uncheck `Console Windows`.
6. Click the `Install Service` button
7. Use the command `nssm start bazarr` to initiate bazarr. It should autostart going forward.
`nssm edit bazarr` will open up the GUI for further edits.
`nssm restart bazarr` will restart bazarr.
`nssm stop bazarr` will stop bazarr.
`nssm remove bazarr` will remove the Windows Service.
* Note that this guide will work in essence for any Python script, and you can use NSSM to run most things as Windows Services through some tweaking of this overall config.

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
## Start-Up
#### 1 - Listening IP address:
Should be the local IPv4 address of the computer running Bazarr. **Leave it as `` if you want to listen on every available IP address (recommended). If you are running inside a docker container, that's the recommended value.**
#### 2 - Listening port:
Should be an available TCP port on the computer running Bazarr. Default is 6767 and is the recommended value.
#### 3 - Base URL:
This option give your the opportunity to serve Bazarr in a sub-directory. Ex.: `` instead of the default ``
Meanly used when you use a reverse proxy, if you don't use a reverse proxy or don't know what it is leave this empty !!!
## Path Mappings for shows:
**You should only use this section if Sonarr and Bazarr use a different path to access the same episode file (.mkv).**
**(for example if you run Sonarr on a different device then Bazarr or have a Synology and mix packages with dockers.)**
* Sonarr path to an episode: `/media/tv_shows/seriesX/seasonX/episodeX.mkv`
* Bazarr path for the same episode: `\\nas\tv\seriesX\seasonX\episodeX.mkv`
The common part of both path can be discarded and you should use those values:
* Path for Sonarr: `/media/tv_shows/`
* Path for Bazarr: `\\nas\tv\`
## Path Mappings for movies:
Same as previous one but for Radarr vs Bazarr.

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
## Connection settings
### Settings validation:
You have to click the "Test" button after filling in the other fields. You can't go further until the test is successful.
### Use Radarr:
Enable this to use Radarr integration. Required if you want to get subtitles for your movies.
### Hostname or IP address:
Enter the hostname or the IP address of the computer running your Radarr instance. **Be aware that when using Bazarr in docker, you cannot reach another container on the same Docker host using the loopback address (ex.: Loopback address refer to the Bazarr Docker container, not the Docker host.**
### Listening port:
Enter the TCP port of your Radarr instance. Default is 8989.
### Base URL:
Mainly used by those who expose Radarr behind a reverse proxy (ex.: /radarr). Don't forget the leading slash. In fact, it should look exactly the same as in Radarr settings.
Meanly used when you use a reverse proxy, if you don't use a reverse proxy or don't know what it is leave this empty !!!
### SSL enabled:
Enable this if your Radarr instance is exposed trough SSL.
Not needed if you reach it with a local address.
### API key:
Enter your Radarr API key here.

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
## Connection settings
### Settings validation:
You have to click the "Test" button after filling in the other fields. You can't go further until the test is successful.
### Use Sonarr:
Enable this to use Sonarr integration. Required if you want to get subtitles for your series.
### Hostname or IP address:
Enter the hostname or the IP address of the computer running your Sonarr instance. **Be aware that when using Bazarr in docker, you cannot reach another container on the same Docker host using the loopback address (ex.: Loopback address refer to the Bazarr Docker container, not the Docker host.**
### Listening port:
Enter the TCP port of your Sonarr instance. Default is 8989.
### Base URL:
Mainly used by those who expose Sonarr behind a reverse proxy (ex.: /sonarr). Don't forget the leading slash. In fact, it should look exactly the same as in Sonarr settings.
Meanly used when you use a reverse proxy, if you don't use a reverse proxy or don't know what it is leave this empty !!!
### SSL enabled:
Enable this if your Sonarr instance is exposed trough SSL.
Not needed if you reach it with a local address.
### API key:
Enter your Sonarr API key here.

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
![Wizard - Subliminal](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/blob/master/screenshot/0-wizard/wizard-2-subliminal.png?raw=true)
## Subtitles providers
### Enabled providers:
Select the subtitles providers you would like to enable.
## Subtitles languages
### Single language:
Enable this if your want to use only one language. Be aware the language code (ex.: en) is not going to be included in the subtitles file name when enabling this.
### Enabled languages:
Select the languages you want to be able to use in Bazarr. This doesn't add any required languages to series or movies, it just filter out the language list everywhere in the UI to have a more readable drop-down.
## Series default settings
### Default enabled:
Enable the automatic selection of desired languages for new series added after the activation of this option.
### Languages:
Select the languages to be added to required languages for new series.
### Hearing-impaired:
Enable this to require hearing-impaired subtitles instead of standard one.
## Movies default settings
Same as the one for series.

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
## Subtitles options
### Subtitle Folder:
Choose the location where you want that your subtitles will be stored, `Alongside Media File` is the recommended value.
## Use Embendded Subtitles:
Use Embedded Subtitles in media files when determining missing ones.
### Subtitles providers
Select the subtitles providers you would like to enable.
Hover over the question mark to see which language they support. it's best to select multiple providers and create/use a account with them especially when you got allot of wanted subtitles.
If possible don't forget to support them for their free service*
## Subtitles languages
### Single Language:
We don't recommend enabling this option unless absolutely required (ie: media player not supporting language code in subtitles filename).
Be aware the language code (ex.: en) is not going to be included in the subtitles file name when enabling this.
**Recommended value is off**
### Enabled languages:
Select the languages you want to be able to use in Bazarr. This doesn't add any required languages to series or movies, it just filter out the language list everywhere in the UI to have a more readable drop-down.
## Series default settings
### Default enabled:
Enable the automatic selection of desired languages for new series added **after** the activation of this option.
### Languages:
Select the languages to be added to required languages for new series.
### Hearing-impaired:
Enable this to require hearing-impaired subtitles instead of standard one.
### Forced:
Forced subtitle is the subtitle appearing on screen when the characters speak a foreign or alien language, or there is a sign, location, or other text in a scene.
- Like Drakhari in Game of Thrones.
- Star Trek when some speaks Klingon.
- False: Search for normal subtitles.
- True: Search for only forced subtitles. (keep in mind that forced subs aren't available in every languages and are some time hard to find).
- Both: Search for normal subtitles and forced subtitles.
## Movies default settings
Same as the one for series.

@ -1,52 +1,41 @@
**Getting Started**
* Installation
* [Windows](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Windows)
* [Docker](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Docker)
* [MacOS](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-MacOS)
* [Running from source](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Running-from-Source)
* [FreeBSD](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-FreeBSD)
* [Synology](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Installation-Synology)
* Autostart on Linux
* [Systemd](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/systemd-service-file-for-Debian-Ubuntu)
* [Upstart](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Upstart-script-for-Debian-Ubuntu)
* Autostart on Windows
* [NSSM](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Using-NSSM-on-Windows)
* Autostart on MacOS
* [LaunchAgent](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/LaunchAgent-on-MacOS)
* Reverse Proxy
* [Nginx](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Reverse-proxy-Nginx)
* [Apache](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Reverse-proxy-Apache)
* [[Installation]]
* [[Setup Guide]]
* [[Autostart on Linux-Windows-MacOS-FreeBSD]]
* Wizard
* [General](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Wizard-General)
* [Subtitles](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Wizard-Subtitles)
* [Sonarr](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Wizard-Sonarr)
* [Radarr](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Wizard-Radarr)
* [[Asking for help or report a problem]]
* [[Logging and Log Files]]
* [[FAQ]]
* Settings
* [General](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-General)
* [Sonarr](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-Sonarr)
* [Radarr](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-Radarr)
* [Subtitles](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-Subtitles)
* [Notifications](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/Settings-Notifications)
* FAQ's & More
* [FAQ-Common-Problems](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ-Common-Problems)
* [First time installation
and configuration](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/First-time-installation-configuration)
* [Performance Tuning](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ-Performance-Tuning)
* [DB/Log Location](/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ-Log-Location)
* [This path doesn't seems to be valid](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ#this-path-doesnt-seems-to-be-valid)
* [Why (or) do I need the Anti-Captcha](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ#why-or-do-i-need-the-anti-captcha)
* [Why doesn't Bazarr find any subtitles](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ#why-doesnt-it-find-any-subtitles)
* [What are Forced Subtitles](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ#what-are-forced-subtitles)
* [What are Embedded Subtitles](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ#what-are-embedded-subtitles)
* [How do I reset my password](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ#how-do-i-reset-my-password)
* [Which external subtitles does Bazarr recognize](https://github.com/morpheus65535/bazarr/wiki/FAQ#which-external-subtitles-does-bazarr-recognize)
**Additional Configuration**
* [[Settings]]
* [[Performance Tuning]]
* [[First time installation configuration]]
* [[Reverse Proxy Help]]
* [[Installation-Synology]]
* [Scripts](https://github.com/TRaSH-/Tutorials-FAQ/tree/master/Bazarr)
* Series
* Movies
* History
* Wanted
* System

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