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2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
import argparse
import io
import os.path
import sys
import pytest
from ..patterns import PathFullPattern, PathPrefixPattern, FnmatchPattern, ShellPattern, RegexPattern
from ..patterns import load_exclude_file, load_pattern_file
from ..patterns import parse_pattern, PatternMatcher
from ..patterns import get_regex_from_pattern
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def check_patterns(files, pattern, expected):
"""Utility for testing patterns."""
assert all([f == os.path.normpath(f) for f in files]), "Pattern matchers expect normalized input paths"
matched = [f for f in files if pattern.match(f)]
assert matched == (files if expected is None else expected)
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("/", []),
("/home", ["home"]),
("/home///", ["home"]),
("/./home", ["home"]),
("/home/user", ["home/user"]),
("/home/user2", ["home/user2"]),
("/home/user/.bashrc", ["home/user/.bashrc"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def test_patterns_full(pattern, expected):
files = ["home", "home/user", "home/user2", "home/user/.bashrc"]
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
check_patterns(files, PathFullPattern(pattern), expected)
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("", []),
("relative", []),
("relative/path/", ["relative/path"]),
("relative/path", ["relative/path"]),
def test_patterns_full_relative(pattern, expected):
files = ["relative/path", "relative/path2"]
check_patterns(files, PathFullPattern(pattern), expected)
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("/", None),
("/./", None),
("", []),
("/home/u", []),
("/home/user", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc"]),
("/etc", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("///etc//////", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/srv", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def test_patterns_prefix(pattern, expected):
files = [
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
check_patterns(files, PathPrefixPattern(pattern), expected)
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("", []),
("foo", []),
("relative", ["relative/path1", "relative/two"]),
("more", ["more/relative"]),
def test_patterns_prefix_relative(pattern, expected):
files = ["relative/path1", "relative/two", "more/relative"]
check_patterns(files, PathPrefixPattern(pattern), expected)
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("/*", None),
("/./*", None),
("*", None),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
("/home/u", []),
("/home/user/*", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc"]),
("/etc/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("*/.pr????e", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user2/.profile"]),
("///etc//////*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2/*", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/srv*", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg"]),
("/home/*/.thumbnails", ["home/foo/.thumbnails", "home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def test_patterns_fnmatch(pattern, expected):
files = [
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
check_patterns(files, FnmatchPattern(pattern), expected)
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("*", None),
("**/*", None),
("/**/*", None),
("/./*", None),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
("/home/u", []),
("/home/user/*", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user/.bashrc"]),
("/etc/*/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/etc/**/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/etc/**/*/*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
("*/.pr????e", []),
("**/.pr????e", ["home/user/.profile", "home/user2/.profile"]),
("///etc//////*", ["etc/server/config", "etc/server/hosts"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2/", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/./home//..//home/user2/**/*", ["home/user2/.profile", "home/user2/public_html/index.html"]),
("/srv*/", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg", "srv2/blafasel"]),
("/srv*", ["srv", "srv/messages", "srv/dmesg", "srv2", "srv2/blafasel"]),
("/srv/*", ["srv/messages", "srv/dmesg"]),
("/srv2/**", ["srv2", "srv2/blafasel"]),
("/srv2/**/", ["srv2/blafasel"]),
("/home/*/.thumbnails", ["home/foo/.thumbnails"]),
("/home/*/*/.thumbnails", ["home/foo/bar/.thumbnails"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def test_patterns_shell(pattern, expected):
files = [
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
check_patterns(files, ShellPattern(pattern), expected)
"pattern, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. all match the given pattern
("", None),
(".*", None),
("^/", None),
("^abc$", []),
("^[^/]", []),
def test_patterns_regex(pattern, expected):
files = [
obj = RegexPattern(pattern)
assert str(obj) == pattern
assert obj.pattern == pattern
check_patterns(files, obj, expected)
def test_regex_pattern():
# The forward slash must match the platform-specific path separator
assert RegexPattern("^/$").match("/")
assert RegexPattern("^/$").match(os.path.sep)
assert not RegexPattern(r"^\\$").match("/")
def use_normalized_unicode():
return sys.platform in ("darwin",)
def _make_test_patterns(pattern):
return [
2022-02-27 18:31:33 +00:00
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern", _make_test_patterns("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}"))
def test_composed_unicode_pattern(pattern):
assert pattern.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert pattern.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo") == use_normalized_unicode()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern", _make_test_patterns("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}"))
def test_decomposed_unicode_pattern(pattern):
assert pattern.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo") == use_normalized_unicode()
assert pattern.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern", _make_test_patterns(str(b"ba\x80", "latin1")))
def test_invalid_unicode_pattern(pattern):
assert not pattern.match("ba/foo")
assert pattern.match(str(b"ba\x80/foo", "latin1"))
"lines, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], None),
(["# Comment only"], None),
(["*"], []),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
"# Comment",
" *whitespace* ",
# Whitespace before comment
" #/ws*",
# Empty line
"# EOF",
["more/data", "home", " #/wsfoobar"],
([r"re:.*"], []),
([r"re:\s"], ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home"]),
([r"re:(.)(\1)"], ["more/data", "home", "\tstart/whitespace", "whitespace/end\t"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
"# This is a test with mixed pattern styles",
# Case-insensitive pattern
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
([r" re:^\s "], ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home", "whitespace/end\t"]),
([r" re:\s$ "], ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home", " #/wsfoobar", "\tstart/whitespace"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
(["pp:./"], None),
# leading slash is removed
(["pp:/"], []),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
(["pp:aaabbb"], None),
(["pp:/data", "pp: #/", "pp:\tstart", "pp:/whitespace"], ["more/data", "home"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
["/nomatch", "/more/*"],
["data/something00.txt", "home", " #/wsfoobar", "\tstart/whitespace", "whitespace/end\t"],
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
# the order of exclude patterns shouldn't matter
["/more/*", "/nomatch"],
["data/something00.txt", "home", " #/wsfoobar", "\tstart/whitespace", "whitespace/end\t"],
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def test_exclude_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines, expected):
files = ["data/something00.txt", "more/data", "home", " #/wsfoobar", "\tstart/whitespace", "whitespace/end\t"]
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def evaluate(filename):
patterns = []
2022-02-27 18:31:33 +00:00
load_exclude_file(open(filename), patterns)
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
matcher = PatternMatcher(fallback=True)
return [path for path in files if matcher.match(path)]
exclfile = tmpdir.join("exclude.txt")
with"wt") as fh:
assert evaluate(str(exclfile)) == (files if expected is None else expected)
"lines, expected_roots, expected_numpatterns",
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], [], 0),
(["# Comment only"], [], 0),
(["- *"], [], 1),
(["+fm:*/something00.txt", "-/data"], [], 2),
(["R /"], ["/"], 0),
(["R /", "# comment"], ["/"], 0),
(["# comment", "- /data", "R /home"], ["/home"], 1),
def test_load_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines, expected_roots, expected_numpatterns):
def evaluate(filename):
roots = []
inclexclpatterns = []
2022-02-27 18:31:33 +00:00
load_pattern_file(open(filename), roots, inclexclpatterns)
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
return roots, len(inclexclpatterns)
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
patternfile = tmpdir.join("patterns.txt")
with"wt") as fh:
roots, numpatterns = evaluate(str(patternfile))
assert roots == expected_roots
assert numpatterns == expected_numpatterns
def test_switch_patterns_style():
patterns = """\
p fm
P re
P pp
p fm
p sh
pattern_file = io.StringIO(patterns)
roots, patterns = [], []
load_pattern_file(pattern_file, roots, patterns)
assert len(patterns) == 6
assert isinstance(patterns[0].val, ShellPattern)
assert isinstance(patterns[1].val, FnmatchPattern)
assert isinstance(patterns[2].val, RegexPattern)
assert isinstance(patterns[3].val, RegexPattern)
assert isinstance(patterns[4].val, PathPrefixPattern)
assert isinstance(patterns[5].val, ShellPattern)
"lines", [(["X /data"]), (["/data"])] # illegal pattern type prefix # need a pattern type prefix
def test_load_invalid_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines):
patternfile = tmpdir.join("patterns.txt")
with"wt") as fh:
filename = str(patternfile)
with pytest.raises(argparse.ArgumentTypeError):
roots = []
inclexclpatterns = []
2022-02-27 18:31:33 +00:00
load_pattern_file(open(filename), roots, inclexclpatterns)
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
"lines, expected",
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], None),
(["# Comment only"], None),
(["- *"], []),
# default match type is sh: for patterns -> * doesn't match a /
["data", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"],
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
["data", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"],
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
(["-fm:*/something0?.txt"], ["data", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"]),
(["+/*/something0?.txt", "-/data"], ["data/something00.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"]),
(["+fm:*/something00.txt", "-/data"], ["data/something00.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t", "home/other"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
# include /home/leo and exclude the rest of /home:
["+/home/leo", "-/home/*"],
["data", "data/something00.txt", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t"],
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
# wrong order, /home/leo is already excluded by -/home/*:
(["-/home/*", "+/home/leo"], ["data", "data/something00.txt", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home"]),
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
["+fm:/home/leo", "-/home/"],
["data", "data/something00.txt", "data/subdir/something01.txt", "home", "home/leo", "home/leo/t"],
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def test_inclexcl_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines, expected):
files = [
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def evaluate(filename):
matcher = PatternMatcher(fallback=True)
roots = []
inclexclpatterns = []
2022-02-27 18:31:33 +00:00
load_pattern_file(open(filename), roots, inclexclpatterns)
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
return [path for path in files if matcher.match(path)]
patternfile = tmpdir.join("patterns.txt")
with"wt") as fh:
assert evaluate(str(patternfile)) == (files if expected is None else expected)
"pattern, cls",
("", FnmatchPattern),
# Default style
("*", FnmatchPattern),
("/data/*", FnmatchPattern),
# fnmatch style
("fm:", FnmatchPattern),
("fm:*", FnmatchPattern),
("fm:/data/*", FnmatchPattern),
("fm:fm:/data/*", FnmatchPattern),
# Regular expression
("re:", RegexPattern),
("re:.*", RegexPattern),
("re:^/something/", RegexPattern),
("re:re:^/something/", RegexPattern),
# Path prefix
("pp:", PathPrefixPattern),
("pp:/", PathPrefixPattern),
("pp:/data/", PathPrefixPattern),
("pp:pp:/data/", PathPrefixPattern),
# Shell-pattern style
("sh:", ShellPattern),
("sh:*", ShellPattern),
("sh:/data/*", ShellPattern),
("sh:sh:/data/*", ShellPattern),
def test_parse_pattern(pattern, cls):
assert isinstance(parse_pattern(pattern), cls)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern", ["aa:", "fo:*", "00:", "x1:abc"])
def test_parse_pattern_error(pattern):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_pattern_matcher():
pm = PatternMatcher()
assert pm.fallback is None
for i in ["", "foo", "bar"]:
assert pm.match(i) is None
# add extra entries to aid in testing
for target in ["A", "B", "Empty", "FileNotFound"]:
pm.is_include_cmd[target] = target
pm.add([RegexPattern("^a")], "A")
pm.add([RegexPattern("^b"), RegexPattern("^z")], "B")
pm.add([RegexPattern("^$")], "Empty")
pm.fallback = "FileNotFound"
assert pm.match("") == "Empty"
assert pm.match("aaa") == "A"
assert pm.match("bbb") == "B"
assert pm.match("ccc") == "FileNotFound"
assert pm.match("xyz") == "FileNotFound"
assert pm.match("z") == "B"
assert PatternMatcher(fallback="hey!").fallback == "hey!"
"pattern, regex",
("", r"foo\.bar"), # default is id:
("", r"foo\.bar"),
("id:foo?", r"foo\?"),
("", r""),
("re:.*(fooo?|bar|baz).*", r".*(fooo?|bar|baz).*"),
("sh:foo.*", r"foo\.[^\/]*"),
def test_regex_from_pattern(pattern, regex):
assert get_regex_from_pattern(pattern) == regex