2016-07-05 21:30:08 +00:00
.. IMPORTANT : this file is auto - generated from borg ' s built - in help , do not edit !
2015-11-13 15:42:16 +00:00
.. _borg_list :
borg list
2017-06-06 22:44:53 +00:00
.. code - block :: none
2015-11-13 15:42:16 +00:00
2017-06-06 22:44:53 +00:00
borg [ common options ] list [ options ] REPOSITORY_OR_ARCHIVE PATH
2016-04-09 23:28:18 +00:00
2017-06-20 13:22:24 +00:00
.. only :: html
.. class :: borg - options - table
| ** positional arguments ** |
| | `` REPOSITORY_OR_ARCHIVE `` | repository / archive to list contents of |
| | `` PATH `` | paths to list ; patterns are supported |
| ** optional arguments ** |
| | `` -- short `` | only print file / directory names , nothing else |
| | `` -- format `` , `` -- list - format `` | specify format for file listing ( default : " { mode} { user:6} { group:6} { size:8d} { isomtime} { path} { extra} { NL} " ) |
| | `` -- json `` | Only valid for listing repository contents . Format output as JSON . The form of `` -- format `` is ignored , but keys used in it are added to the JSON output . Some keys are always present . Note : JSON can only represent text . A " barchive " key is therefore not available . |
| | `` -- json - lines `` | Only valid for listing archive contents . Format output as JSON Lines . The form of `` -- format `` is ignored , but keys used in it are added to the JSON output . Some keys are always present . Note : JSON can only represent text . A " bpath " key is therefore not available . |
| .. class :: borg - common - opt - ref |
| |
| : ref : `common_options` |
| ** filters ** |
| | `` - P `` , `` -- prefix `` | only consider archive names starting with this prefix . |
| | `` - a `` , `` -- glob - archives `` | only consider archive names matching the glob . sh : rules apply , see " borg help patterns " . `` -- prefix `` and `` -- glob - archives `` are mutually exclusive . |
| | `` -- sort - by `` | Comma - separated list of sorting keys ; valid keys are : timestamp , name , id ; default is : timestamp |
| | `` -- first N `` | consider first N archives after other filters were applied |
| | `` -- last N `` | consider last N archives after other filters were applied |
| ** Exclusion options ** |
| | `` - e PATTERN `` , `` -- exclude PATTERN `` | exclude paths matching PATTERN |
| | `` -- exclude - from EXCLUDEFILE `` | read exclude patterns from EXCLUDEFILE , one per line |
| | `` -- exclude - caches `` | exclude directories that contain a CACHEDIR . TAG file ( http :// www . brynosaurus . com / cachedir / spec . html ) |
| | `` -- exclude - if - present NAME `` | exclude directories that are tagged by containing a filesystem object with the given NAME |
| | `` -- keep - exclude - tags `` , `` -- keep - tag - files `` | if tag objects are specified with `` -- exclude - if - present `` , don ' t omit the tag objects themselves from the backup archive |
| | `` -- pattern PATTERN `` | experimental : include / exclude paths matching PATTERN |
| | `` -- patterns - from PATTERNFILE `` | experimental : read include / exclude patterns from PATTERNFILE , one per line |
.. raw :: html
< script type = 'text/javascript' >
2017-06-20 13:48:30 +00:00
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
2017-06-20 13:22:24 +00:00
$ ( '.borg-options-table colgroup' ) . remove ();
</ script >
.. only :: latex
repository / archive to list contents of
paths to list ; patterns are supported
optional arguments
-- short only print file / directory names , nothing else
-- format , -- list - format specify format for file listing ( default : " { mode} { user:6} { group:6} { size:8d} { isomtime} { path} { extra} { NL} " )
-- json Only valid for listing repository contents . Format output as JSON . The form of `` -- format `` is ignored , but keys used in it are added to the JSON output . Some keys are always present . Note : JSON can only represent text . A " barchive " key is therefore not available .
-- json - lines Only valid for listing archive contents . Format output as JSON Lines . The form of `` -- format `` is ignored , but keys used in it are added to the JSON output . Some keys are always present . Note : JSON can only represent text . A " bpath " key is therefore not available .
: ref : `common_options`
- P , -- prefix only consider archive names starting with this prefix .
- a , -- glob - archives only consider archive names matching the glob . sh : rules apply , see " borg help patterns " . `` -- prefix `` and `` -- glob - archives `` are mutually exclusive .
-- sort - by Comma - separated list of sorting keys ; valid keys are : timestamp , name , id ; default is : timestamp
-- first N consider first N archives after other filters were applied
-- last N consider last N archives after other filters were applied
Exclusion options
- e PATTERN , -- exclude PATTERN exclude paths matching PATTERN
-- exclude - from EXCLUDEFILE read exclude patterns from EXCLUDEFILE , one per line
-- exclude - caches exclude directories that contain a CACHEDIR . TAG file ( http :// www . brynosaurus . com / cachedir / spec . html )
-- exclude - if - present NAME exclude directories that are tagged by containing a filesystem object with the given NAME
-- keep - exclude - tags , -- keep - tag - files if tag objects are specified with `` -- exclude - if - present `` , don ' t omit the tag objects themselves from the backup archive
-- pattern PATTERN experimental : include / exclude paths matching PATTERN
-- patterns - from PATTERNFILE experimental : read include / exclude patterns from PATTERNFILE , one per line
2017-06-20 09:49:26 +00:00
2017-03-26 23:45:45 +00:00
2015-11-13 15:42:16 +00:00
This command lists the contents of a repository or an archive .
2016-03-18 11:17:57 +00:00
See the " borg help patterns " command for more help on exclude patterns .
2017-03-26 23:45:45 +00:00
.. man NOTES
2017-06-17 10:28:42 +00:00
The following keys are available for `` -- format `` :
2017-02-05 20:32:24 +00:00
2017-06-18 00:10:10 +00:00
- NEWLINE : OS dependent line separator
- NL : alias of NEWLINE
- NUL : NUL character for creating print0 / xargs - 0 like output , see barchive / bpath
- CR
- LF
2016-06-21 13:18:19 +00:00
2017-02-05 20:32:24 +00:00
Keys for listing repository archives :
2017-06-18 00:10:10 +00:00
- archive , name : archive name interpreted as text ( might be missing non - text characters , see barchive )
- barchive : verbatim archive name , can contain any character except NUL
- time : time of creation of the archive
- id : internal ID of the archive
2016-03-18 11:17:57 +00:00
2017-02-05 20:32:24 +00:00
Keys for listing archive files :
2017-06-18 00:10:10 +00:00
- type
- mode
- uid
- gid
- user
- group
- path : path interpreted as text ( might be missing non - text characters , see bpath )
- bpath : verbatim POSIX path , can contain any character except NUL
- source : link target for links ( identical to linktarget )
- linktarget
- flags
- size
- csize : compressed size
- dsize : deduplicated size
- dcsize : deduplicated compressed size
- num_chunks : number of chunks in this file
- unique_chunks : number of unique chunks in this file
- mtime
- ctime
- atime
- isomtime
- isoctime
- isoatime
- md5
- sha1
- sha224
- sha256
- sha384
- sha512
- archiveid
- archivename
- extra : prepends { source } with " -> " for soft links and " link to " for hard links
- health : either " healthy " ( file ok ) or " broken " ( if file has all - zero replacement chunks )