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2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
import argparse
2017-05-01 15:02:10 +00:00
import fnmatch
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
import os.path
import re
import sys
import unicodedata
from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
from . import shellpattern
from .helpers import clean_lines
def parse_patternfile_line(line, roots, ie_commands, fallback):
"""Parse a pattern-file line and act depending on which command it represents."""
ie_command = parse_inclexcl_command(line, fallback=fallback)
if ie_command.cmd is IECommand.RootPath:
elif ie_command.cmd is IECommand.PatternStyle:
fallback = ie_command.val
# it is some kind of include/exclude command
return fallback
def load_pattern_file(fileobj, roots, ie_commands, fallback=None):
if fallback is None:
fallback = ShellPattern # ShellPattern is defined later in this module
for line in clean_lines(fileobj):
fallback = parse_patternfile_line(line, roots, ie_commands, fallback)
def load_exclude_file(fileobj, patterns):
for patternstr in clean_lines(fileobj):
class ArgparsePatternAction(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, nargs=1, **kw):
super().__init__(nargs=nargs, **kw)
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
parse_patternfile_line(values[0], args.paths, args.patterns, ShellPattern)
class ArgparsePatternFileAction(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, nargs=1, **kw):
super().__init__(nargs=nargs, **kw)
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
"""Load and parse patterns from a file.
Lines empty or starting with '#' after stripping whitespace on both line ends are ignored.
filename = values[0]
with open(filename) as f:
self.parse(f, args)
def parse(self, fobj, args):
load_pattern_file(fobj, args.paths, args.patterns)
class ArgparseExcludeFileAction(ArgparsePatternFileAction):
def parse(self, fobj, args):
load_exclude_file(fobj, args.patterns)
class PatternMatcher:
"""Represents a collection of pattern objects to match paths against.
*fallback* is a boolean value that *match()* returns if no matching patterns are found.
def __init__(self, fallback=None):
self._items = []
# Value to return from match function when none of the patterns match.
self.fallback = fallback
# optimizations
self._path_full_patterns = {} # full path -> return value
# indicates whether the last match() call ended on a pattern for which
# we should recurse into any matching folder. Will be set to True or
# False when calling match().
self.recurse_dir = None
# whether to recurse into directories when no match is found
# TODO: allow modification as a config option?
self.recurse_dir_default = True
self.include_patterns = []
# TODO: move this info to parse_inclexcl_command and store in PatternBase subclass?
self.is_include_cmd = {
IECommand.Exclude: False,
IECommand.ExcludeNoRecurse: False,
IECommand.Include: True
def empty(self):
return not len(self._items) and not len(self._path_full_patterns)
def _add(self, pattern, cmd):
"""*cmd* is an IECommand value.
if isinstance(pattern, PathFullPattern):
key = pattern.pattern # full, normalized path
self._path_full_patterns[key] = cmd
self._items.append((pattern, cmd))
def add(self, patterns, cmd):
"""Add list of patterns to internal list. *cmd* indicates whether the
pattern is an include/exclude pattern, and whether recursion should be
done on excluded folders.
for pattern in patterns:
self._add(pattern, cmd)
def add_includepaths(self, include_paths):
"""Used to add inclusion-paths from args.paths (from commandline).
include_patterns = [parse_pattern(p, PathPrefixPattern) for p in include_paths]
self.add(include_patterns, IECommand.Include)
self.fallback = not include_patterns
self.include_patterns = include_patterns
def get_unmatched_include_patterns(self):
"Note that this only returns patterns added via *add_includepaths*."
return [p for p in self.include_patterns if p.match_count == 0]
def add_inclexcl(self, patterns):
"""Add list of patterns (of type CmdTuple) to internal list.
for pattern, cmd in patterns:
self._add(pattern, cmd)
def match(self, path):
"""Return True or False depending on whether *path* is matched.
If no match is found among the patterns in this matcher, then the value
in self.fallback is returned (defaults to None).
path = normalize_path(path)
# do a fast lookup for full path matches (note: we do not count such matches):
non_existent = object()
value = self._path_full_patterns.get(path, non_existent)
if value is not non_existent:
# we have a full path match!
self.recurse_dir = command_recurses_dir(value)
return self.is_include_cmd[value]
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
# this is the slow way, if we have many patterns in self._items:
for (pattern, cmd) in self._items:
if pattern.match(path, normalize=False):
self.recurse_dir = pattern.recurse_dir
return self.is_include_cmd[cmd]
# by default we will recurse if there is no match
self.recurse_dir = self.recurse_dir_default
return self.fallback
def normalize_path(path):
"""normalize paths for MacOS (but do nothing on other platforms)"""
# HFS+ converts paths to a canonical form, so users shouldn't be required to enter an exact match.
# Windows and Unix filesystems allow different forms, so users always have to enter an exact match.
return unicodedata.normalize('NFD', path) if sys.platform == 'darwin' else path
class PatternBase:
"""Shared logic for inclusion/exclusion patterns.
PREFIX = NotImplemented
def __init__(self, pattern, recurse_dir=False):
self.pattern_orig = pattern
self.match_count = 0
pattern = normalize_path(pattern)
self.recurse_dir = recurse_dir
def match(self, path, normalize=True):
"""Return a boolean indicating whether *path* is matched by this pattern.
If normalize is True (default), the path will get normalized using normalize_path(),
otherwise it is assumed that it already is normalized using that function.
if normalize:
path = normalize_path(path)
matches = self._match(path)
if matches:
self.match_count += 1
return matches
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (type(self), self.pattern)
def __str__(self):
return self.pattern_orig
def _prepare(self, pattern):
"Should set the value of self.pattern"
raise NotImplementedError
def _match(self, path):
raise NotImplementedError
class PathFullPattern(PatternBase):
"""Full match of a path."""
PREFIX = "pf"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
self.pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern)
def _match(self, path):
return path == self.pattern
# For PathPrefixPattern, FnmatchPattern and ShellPattern, we require that the pattern either match the whole path
# or an initial segment of the path up to but not including a path separator. To unify the two cases, we add a path
# separator to the end of the path before matching.
class PathPrefixPattern(PatternBase):
"""Literal files or directories listed on the command line
for some operations (e.g. extract, but not create).
If a directory is specified, all paths that start with that
path match as well. A trailing slash makes no difference.
PREFIX = "pp"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
self.pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep
def _match(self, path):
return (path + os.path.sep).startswith(self.pattern)
class FnmatchPattern(PatternBase):
"""Shell glob patterns to exclude. A trailing slash means to
exclude the contents of a directory, but not the directory itself.
PREFIX = "fm"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
if pattern.endswith(os.path.sep):
pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep + '*' + os.path.sep
pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern) + os.path.sep + '*'
self.pattern = pattern
# fnmatch and re.match both cache compiled regular expressions.
# Nevertheless, this is about 10 times faster.
2017-05-01 15:02:10 +00:00
self.regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(self.pattern))
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def _match(self, path):
return (self.regex.match(path + os.path.sep) is not None)
class ShellPattern(PatternBase):
"""Shell glob patterns to exclude. A trailing slash means to
exclude the contents of a directory, but not the directory itself.
PREFIX = "sh"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
sep = os.path.sep
if pattern.endswith(sep):
pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern).rstrip(sep) + sep + "**" + sep + "*" + sep
pattern = os.path.normpath(pattern) + sep + "**" + sep + "*"
self.pattern = pattern
self.regex = re.compile(shellpattern.translate(self.pattern))
def _match(self, path):
return (self.regex.match(path + os.path.sep) is not None)
class RegexPattern(PatternBase):
"""Regular expression to exclude.
PREFIX = "re"
def _prepare(self, pattern):
self.pattern = pattern
self.regex = re.compile(pattern)
def _match(self, path):
# Normalize path separators
if os.path.sep != '/':
path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
return ( is not None)
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
CmdTuple = namedtuple('CmdTuple', 'val cmd')
class IECommand(Enum):
"""A command that an InclExcl file line can represent.
RootPath = 1
PatternStyle = 2
Include = 3
Exclude = 4
ExcludeNoRecurse = 5
def command_recurses_dir(cmd):
# TODO?: raise error or return None if *cmd* is RootPath or PatternStyle
return cmd not in [IECommand.ExcludeNoRecurse]
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def get_pattern_class(prefix):
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Unknown pattern style: {}".format(prefix)) from None
def parse_pattern(pattern, fallback=FnmatchPattern, recurse_dir=True):
"""Read pattern from string and return an instance of the appropriate implementation class.
if len(pattern) > 2 and pattern[2] == ":" and pattern[:2].isalnum():
(style, pattern) = (pattern[:2], pattern[3:])
cls = get_pattern_class(style)
cls = fallback
return cls(pattern, recurse_dir)
def parse_exclude_pattern(pattern_str, fallback=FnmatchPattern):
"""Read pattern from string and return an instance of the appropriate implementation class.
epattern_obj = parse_pattern(pattern_str, fallback, recurse_dir=False)
return CmdTuple(epattern_obj, IECommand.ExcludeNoRecurse)
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
def parse_inclexcl_command(cmd_line_str, fallback=ShellPattern):
"""Read a --patterns-from command from string and return a CmdTuple object."""
cmd_prefix_map = {
'-': IECommand.Exclude,
'!': IECommand.ExcludeNoRecurse,
'+': IECommand.Include,
'R': IECommand.RootPath,
'r': IECommand.RootPath,
'P': IECommand.PatternStyle,
'p': IECommand.PatternStyle,
cmd = cmd_prefix_map[cmd_line_str[0]]
# remaining text on command-line following the command character
remainder_str = cmd_line_str[1:].lstrip()
if not remainder_str:
raise ValueError("Missing pattern/information!")
except (IndexError, KeyError, ValueError):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Unable to parse pattern/command: {}".format(cmd_line_str))
if cmd is IECommand.RootPath:
# TODO: validate string?
val = remainder_str
elif cmd is IECommand.PatternStyle:
# then remainder_str is something like 're' or 'sh'
val = get_pattern_class(remainder_str)
except ValueError:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Invalid pattern style: {}".format(remainder_str))
# determine recurse_dir based on command type
recurse_dir = command_recurses_dir(cmd)
2017-05-01 14:58:29 +00:00
val = parse_pattern(remainder_str, fallback, recurse_dir)
return CmdTuple(val, cmd)