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.. include::
.. highlight:: bash
.. _development:
This chapter will get you started with Borg development.
Borg is written in Python (with a little bit of Cython and C for
the performance critical parts).
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
... are welcome!
Some guidance for contributors:
- Discuss changes on the GitHub issue tracker, on IRC or on the mailing list.
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
- Make your PRs on the ``master`` branch (see `Branching Model`_ for details).
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
- Do clean changesets:
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
- Focus on some topic, resist changing anything else.
- Do not do style changes mixed with functional changes.
- Try to avoid refactorings mixed with functional changes.
- If you need to fix something after commit/push:
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
- If there are ongoing reviews: do a fixup commit you can
squash into the bad commit later.
- If there are no ongoing reviews or you did not push the
bad commit yet: amend the commit to include your fix or
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
merge the fixup commit before pushing.
- Have a nice, clear, typo-free commit comment.
- If you fixed an issue, refer to it in your commit comment.
- Follow the style guide (see below).
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
- If you write new code, please add tests and docs for it.
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
- Run the tests, fix any issues that come up.
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
- Make a pull request on GitHub.
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
- Wait for review by other developers.
2016-09-03 19:05:16 +00:00
2017-02-13 21:32:12 +00:00
Branching model
Borg development happens on the ``master`` branch and uses GitHub pull
requests (if you don't have GitHub or don't want to use it you can
send smaller patches via the borgbackup mailing list to the maintainers).
2017-02-13 21:32:12 +00:00
Stable releases are maintained on maintenance branches named ``x.y-maint``, eg.
the maintenance branch of the 1.2.x series is ``1.2-maint``.
2017-02-13 21:32:12 +00:00
Most PRs should be filed against the ``master`` branch. Only if an
2017-02-13 21:32:12 +00:00
issue affects **only** a particular maintenance branch a PR should be
filed against it directly.
2017-02-13 21:32:12 +00:00
While discussing / reviewing a PR it will be decided whether the
change should be applied to maintenance branches. Each maintenance
2017-02-13 21:32:12 +00:00
branch has a corresponding *backport/x.y-maint* label, which will then
be applied.
Changes that are typically considered for backporting:
- Data loss, corruption and inaccessibility fixes.
- Security fixes.
- Forward-compatibility improvements.
- Documentation corrections.
2017-02-13 21:32:12 +00:00
.. rubric:: Maintainer part
From time to time a maintainer will backport the changes for a
maintenance branch, typically before a release or if enough changes
were collected:
1. Notify others that you're doing this to avoid duplicate work.
2. Branch a backporting branch off the maintenance branch.
3. Cherry pick and backport the changes from each labelled PR, remove
the label for each PR you've backported.
2017-03-10 22:12:45 +00:00
To preserve authorship metadata, do not follow the ``git cherry-pick``
instructions to use ``git commit`` after resolving conflicts. Instead,
stage conflict resolutions and run ``git cherry-pick --continue``,
much like using ``git rebase``.
To avoid merge issues (a cherry pick is a form of merge), use
these options (similar to the ``git merge`` options used previously,
the ``-x`` option adds a reference to the original commit)::
git cherry-pick --strategy recursive -X rename-threshold=5% -x
2017-02-13 21:32:12 +00:00
4. Make a PR of the backporting branch against the maintenance branch
2017-03-10 22:12:45 +00:00
for backport review. Mention the backported PRs in this PR, e.g.:
2017-02-13 21:32:12 +00:00
Includes changes from #2055 #2057 #2381
This way GitHub will automatically show in these PRs where they
were backported.
.. rubric:: Historic model
Previously (until release 1.0.10) Borg used a `"merge upwards"
<>`_ model where
most minor changes and fixes where committed to a maintenance branch
(eg. 1.0-maint), and the maintenance branch(es) were regularly merged
back into the main development branch. This became more and more
troublesome due to merges growing more conflict-heavy and error-prone.
How to submit a pull request
In order to contribute to Borg, you will need to fork the ``borgbackup/borg``
main repository to your own Github repository. Then clone your Github repository
to your local machine. The instructions for forking and cloning a repository
can be found there:
`<>`_ .
To work on your contribution, you first need to decide which branch your pull
request should be against. Often, this might be master branch (esp. for big /
risky contributions), but it could be also a maintenance branch like e.g.
1.4-maint (esp. for small fixes that should go into next maintenance release,
e.g. 1.4.x).
Start by checking out the appropriate branch:
2024-01-14 16:27:21 +00:00
git checkout master
It is best practice for a developer to keep local ``master`` branch as an
uptodate copy of the upstream ``master`` branch and always do own work in a
separate feature or bugfix branch.
This is useful to be able to rebase own branches onto the upstream branches
they were branched from, if necessary.
This also applies to other upstream branches (like e.g. ``1.4-maint``), not
only to ``master``.
Thus, create a new branch now:
2024-01-14 16:27:21 +00:00
git checkout -b MYCONTRIB-master # choose an appropriate own branch name
Now, work on your contribution in that branch. Use these git commands:
2024-01-14 16:27:21 +00:00
git status # is there anything that needs to be added?
git add ... # if so, add it
git commit # finally, commit it. use a descriptive comment.
Then push the changes to your Github repository:
2024-01-14 16:27:21 +00:00
git push --set-upstream origin MYCONTRIB-master
Finally, make a pull request on ``borgbackup/borg`` Github repository against
the appropriate branch (e.g. ``master``) so that your changes can be reviewed.
What to do if work was accidentally started in wrong branch
If you accidentally worked in ``master`` branch, check out the ``master``
branch and make sure there are no uncommitted changes. Then, create a feature
branch from that, so that your contribution is in a feature branch.
git checkout master
git checkout -b MYCONTRIB-master
Next, check out the ``master`` branch again. Find the commit hash of the last
commit that was made before you started working on your contribution and perform
a hard reset.
2024-01-14 16:27:21 +00:00
git checkout master
git log
git reset --hard THATHASH
Then, update the local ``master`` branch with changes made in the upstream
2024-01-14 16:27:21 +00:00
git pull borg master
Rebase feature branch onto updated master branch
After updating the local ``master`` branch from upstream, the feature branch
can be checked out and rebased onto (the now uptodate) ``master`` branch.
2024-01-14 16:27:21 +00:00
git checkout MYCONTRIB-master
git rebase -i master
Next, check if there are any commits that exist in the feature branch
but not in the ``master`` branch and vice versa. If there are no
conflicts or after resolving them, push your changes to your Github repository.
2024-01-14 16:27:21 +00:00
git log
git diff master
git push -f
Code and issues
Code is stored on GitHub, in the `Borgbackup organization
2016-09-14 00:59:52 +00:00
<>`_. `Issues
<>`_ and `pull requests
<>`_ should be sent there as
well. See also the :ref:`support` section for more details.
2022-07-06 13:32:50 +00:00
Style guide / Automated Code Formatting
We use `black`_ for automatically formatting the code.
If you work on the code, it is recommended that you run black **before each commit**
(so that new code is always using the desired formatting and no additional commits
are required to fix the formatting).
pip install -r requirements.d/codestyle.txt # everybody use same black version
black --check . # only check, don't change
black . # reformat the code
The CI workflows will check the code formatting and will fail if it is not formatted correctly.
When (mass-)reformatting existing code, we need to avoid ruining `git blame`, so please
follow their `guide about avoiding ruining git blame`_:
.. _black:
.. _guide about avoiding ruining git blame:
2016-07-27 21:54:15 +00:00
Continuous Integration
2023-07-04 18:11:26 +00:00
All pull requests go through `GitHub Actions`_, which runs the tests on misc.
Python versions and on misc. platforms as well as some additional checks.
2016-07-27 21:54:15 +00:00
.. _GitHub Actions:
2016-07-27 21:54:15 +00:00
Output and Logging
When writing logger calls, always use correct log level (debug only for
debugging, info for informative messages, warning for warnings, error for
errors, critical for critical errors/states).
When directly talking to the user (e.g. Y/N questions), do not use logging,
but directly output to stderr (not: stdout, it could be connected to a pipe).
To control the amount and kinds of messages output emitted at info level, use
flags like ``--stats`` or ``--list``, then create a topic logger for messages
controlled by that flag. See ``_setup_implied_logging()`` in
``borg/`` for the entry point to topic logging.
Building a development environment
2021-01-22 22:12:52 +00:00
First, just install borg into a virtual env :ref:`as described before <git-installation>`.
To install some additional packages needed for running the tests, activate your
virtual env and run::
pip install -r requirements.d/development.txt
This project utilizes pre-commit to format and lint code before it is committed.
Although pre-commit is installed when running the command above, the pre-commit hooks
will have to be installed separately. Run this command to install the pre-commit hooks::
pre-commit install
Running the tests
The tests are in the borg/testsuite package.
2015-08-20 21:39:40 +00:00
To run all the tests, you need to have fakeroot installed. If you do not have
fakeroot, you still will be able to run most tests, just leave away the
`fakeroot -u` from the given command lines.
To run the test suite use the following command::
fakeroot -u tox # run all tests
Some more advanced examples::
# verify a changed tox.ini (run this after any change to tox.ini):
fakeroot -u tox --recreate
2022-02-25 23:13:19 +00:00
fakeroot -u tox -e py39 # run all tests, but only on python 3.9
fakeroot -u tox borg.testsuite.locking # only run 1 test module
fakeroot -u tox borg.testsuite.locking -- -k '"not Timer"' # exclude some tests
fakeroot -u tox borg.testsuite -- -v # verbose py.test
Important notes:
2016-02-01 02:22:02 +00:00
- When using ``--`` to give options to py.test, you MUST also give ``borg.testsuite[.module]``.
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
Running the tests (using the pypi package)
Since borg 1.4, it is also possible to run the tests without a development
environment, using the borgbackup dist package (downloaded from or
github releases page)::
# optional: create and use a virtual env:
python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
# install packages
pip install borgbackup
pip install pytest pytest-benchmark
# method A: use a pytest.ini
cat >pytest.ini <<<EOF
python_files = testsuite/*.py
markers = allow_cache_wipe
addopts = -rs --benchmark-skip
pytest --pyargs borg.testsuite
# method B: give the options via the cmdline (each time you invoke the tests):
pytest -rs --benchmark-skip -o 'python_files=testsuite/*.py' -o 'markers=allow_cache_wipe' --pyargs borg.testsuite
Adding a compression algorithm
If you want to add a new compression algorithm, please refer to :issue:`1633`
and leave a post there in order to discuss about the proposal.
Generated files
Usage documentation (found in ``docs/usage/``) and man pages
(``docs/man/``) are generated automatically from the command line
parsers declared in the program and their documentation, which is
embedded in the program (see These are committed to git
for easier use by packagers downstream.
When a command is added, a command line flag changed, added or removed,
the usage docs need to be rebuilt as well::
python build_usage
python build_man
However, we prefer to do this as part of our :ref:`releasing`
preparations, so it is generally not necessary to update these when
submitting patches that change something about the command line.
Building the docs with Sphinx
The documentation (in reStructuredText format, .rst) is in docs/.
2017-06-17 23:31:32 +00:00
To build the html version of it, you need to have Sphinx installed
(in your Borg virtualenv with Python 3)::
2017-06-17 23:31:32 +00:00
pip install -r requirements.d/docs.txt
Now run::
cd docs/
make html
Then point a web browser at docs/_build/html/index.html.
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
2017-06-17 23:31:32 +00:00
The website is updated automatically by ReadTheDocs through GitHub web hooks on the
main repository.
Using Vagrant
2015-11-07 14:17:40 +00:00
We use Vagrant for the automated creation of testing environments and borgbackup
standalone binaries for various platforms.
For better security, there is no automatic sync in the VM to host direction.
The plugin `vagrant-scp` is useful to copy stuff from the VMs to the host.
The "windows10" box requires the `reload` plugin (``vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload``).
2016-02-01 02:22:02 +00:00
# To create and provision the VM:
vagrant up OS
# same, but use 6 VM cpus and 12 workers for pytest:
VMCPUS=6 XDISTN=12 vagrant up OS
2016-02-01 02:22:02 +00:00
# To create an ssh session to the VM:
2016-05-01 18:18:17 +00:00
vagrant ssh OS
# To execute a command via ssh in the VM:
vagrant ssh OS -c "command args"
2016-02-01 02:22:02 +00:00
# To shut down the VM:
vagrant halt OS
# To shut down and destroy the VM:
vagrant destroy OS
# To copy files from the VM (in this case, the generated binary):
vagrant scp OS:/vagrant/borg/borg.exe .
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
Creating standalone binaries
Make sure you have everything built and installed (including fuse stuff).
When using the Vagrant VMs, pyinstaller will already be installed.
With virtual env activated::
2016-02-01 02:22:02 +00:00
pip install pyinstaller # or git checkout master
pyinstaller -F -n borg-PLATFORM borg/
for file in dist/borg-*; do gpg --armor --detach-sign $file; done
If you encounter issues, see also our `Vagrantfile` for details.
.. note:: Standalone binaries built with pyinstaller are supposed to
work on same OS, same architecture (x86 32bit, amd64 64bit)
without external dependencies.
.. _releasing:
2016-11-13 15:07:01 +00:00
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
Creating a new release
2015-10-07 13:53:19 +00:00
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
- Make sure all issues for this milestone are closed or moved to the
next milestone.
- Check if there are any pending fixes for security issues.
- Find and fix any low hanging fruit left on the issue tracker.
- Check that GitHub Actions CI is happy.
- Update ``CHANGES.rst``, based on ``git log $PREVIOUS_RELEASE..``.
- Check version number of upcoming release in ``CHANGES.rst``.
- Render ``CHANGES.rst`` via ``make html`` and check for markup errors.
- Verify that ```` and ```` are complete.
- ``python build_usage ; python build_man`` and commit.
- Tag the release::
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
git tag -s -m "tagged/signed release X.Y.Z" X.Y.Z
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
- Create a clean repo and use it for the following steps::
git clone borg borg-clean
This makes sure no uncommitted files get into the release archive.
It will also reveal uncommitted required files.
Moreover, it makes sure the vagrant machines only get committed files and
do a fresh start based on that.
- Run tox and/or binary builds on all supported platforms via vagrant,
check for test failures.
- Create sdist, sign it, upload release to (test) PyPi:
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
scripts/sdist-sign X.Y.Z
scripts/upload-pypi X.Y.Z test
scripts/upload-pypi X.Y.Z
2022-07-04 22:38:37 +00:00
Note: the signature is not uploaded to PyPi any more, but we upload it to
github releases.
- Put binaries into dist/borg-OSNAME and sign them:
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
scripts/sign-binaries 201912312359
2022-07-04 22:38:37 +00:00
- Close the release milestone on GitHub.
- `Update
<>`_ with the
new version number and release date.
- Announce on:
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
- Mailing list.
- Twitter.
- IRC channel (change ``/topic``).
2015-09-19 19:35:02 +00:00
- Create a GitHub release, include:
2016-01-12 22:49:19 +00:00
* pypi dist package and signature
* Standalone binaries (see above for how to create them).
2016-01-12 22:49:19 +00:00
2023-07-04 21:56:29 +00:00
+ For macOS, document the macFUSE version in the README of the binaries.
macFUSE uses a kernel extension that needs to be compatible with the
code contained in the binary.
* A link to ``CHANGES.rst``.