Update installation.rst

please test on fresh installation.
This commit is contained in:
Per Guth 2015-06-15 13:09:39 +02:00
parent 9880ac7ba8
commit 1dc00e7937
1 changed files with 26 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -78,3 +78,29 @@ Some of the steps detailled below might be useful also for non-git installs.
# optional: run all the tests, on all supported Python versions
fakeroot -u tox
Korora / Fedora 21 installation (from git)
Note: this uses latest, unreleased development code from git.
While we try not to break master, there are no guarantees on anything.
Some of the steps detailled below might be useful also for non-git installs.
.. parsed-literal::
sudo dnf install libacl-devel
# get |project_name| from github, install it
git clone |git_url|
virtualenv --python=python3 borg-env
source borg-env/bin/activate
# install borg + dependencies into virtualenv
pip install cython # compile .pyx -> .c
pip install tox pytest # optional, for running unit tests
pip install sphinx # optional, to build the docs
cd borg
pip install -e . # in-place editable mode
# optional: run all the tests, on all supported Python versions
fakeroot -u tox