Implement exclusions using regular expressions

The existing option to exclude files and directories, “--exclude”, is
implemented using fnmatch[1]. fnmatch matches the slash (“/”) with “*”
and thus makes it impossible to write patterns where a directory with
a given name should be excluded at a specific depth in the directory
hierarchy, but not anywhere else. Consider this structure:


fnmatch incorrectly excludes “home/user/img/.thumbnails” with a pattern
of “home/*/.thumbnails” when the intention is to exclude “.thumbnails”
in all home directories while retaining directories with the same name
in all other locations.

With this change regular expressions are introduced as an additional
pattern syntax. The syntax is selected using a prefix on “--exclude”'s
value. “re:” is for regular expression and “fm:”, the default, selects
fnmatch. Selecting the syntax is necessary when regular expressions are
desired or when the desired fnmatch pattern starts with two alphanumeric
characters followed by a colon (i.e. “aa:something/*”). The exclusion
described above can be implemented as follows:

  --exclude 're:^home/[^/]+/\.thumbnails$'

The “--exclude-from” option permits loading exclusions from a text file
where the same prefixes can now be used, e.g. “re:\.tmp$”.

The documentation has been extended and now not only describes the two
pattern styles, but also the file format supported by “--exclude-from”.

This change has been discussed in issue #43 and in change request #497.


Signed-off-by: Michael Hanselmann <>
This commit is contained in:
Michael Hanselmann 2015-12-16 00:14:02 +01:00
parent 93c9c49250
commit 2bafece093
5 changed files with 278 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import traceback
from . import __version__
from .helpers import Error, location_validator, format_time, format_file_size, \
format_file_mode, ExcludePattern, IncludePattern, exclude_path, adjust_patterns, to_localtime, timestamp, \
format_file_mode, parse_pattern, IncludePattern, exclude_path, adjust_patterns, to_localtime, timestamp, \
get_cache_dir, get_keys_dir, prune_within, prune_split, unhexlify, \
Manifest, remove_surrogates, update_excludes, format_archive, check_extension_modules, Statistics, \
dir_is_tagged, bigint_to_int, ChunkerParams, CompressionSpec, is_slow_msgpack, yes, sysinfo, \
@ -598,17 +598,43 @@ class Archiver:
helptext = {}
helptext['patterns'] = textwrap.dedent('''
Exclude patterns use a variant of shell pattern syntax, with '*' matching any
number of characters, '?' matching any single character, '[...]' matching any
single character specified, including ranges, and '[!...]' matching any
character not specified. For the purpose of these patterns, the path
separator ('\\' for Windows and '/' on other systems) is not treated
specially. For a path to match a pattern, it must completely match from
start to end, or must match from the start to just before a path separator.
Except for the root path, paths will never end in the path separator when
matching is attempted. Thus, if a given pattern ends in a path separator, a
'*' is appended before matching is attempted. Patterns with wildcards should
be quoted to protect them from shell expansion.
Exclusion patterns support two separate styles, fnmatch and regular
expressions. If followed by a colon (':') the first two characters of
a pattern are used as a style selector. Explicit style selection is necessary
when regular expressions are desired or when the desired fnmatch pattern
starts with two alphanumeric characters followed by a colon (i.e.
`Fnmatch <>`_ patterns use
a variant of shell pattern syntax, with '*' matching any number of
characters, '?' matching any single character, '[...]' matching any single
character specified, including ranges, and '[!...]' matching any character
not specified. The style selector is `fm`. For the purpose of these patterns,
the path separator ('\\' for Windows and '/' on other systems) is not treated
specially. For a path to match a pattern, it must completely match from start
to end, or must match from the start to just before a path separator. Except
for the root path, paths will never end in the path separator when matching
is attempted. Thus, if a given pattern ends in a path separator, a '*' is
appended before matching is attempted.
Regular expressions similar to those found in Perl are supported with the
selection prefix `re:`. Unlike shell patterns regular expressions are not
required to match the complete path and any substring match is sufficient. It
is strongly recommended to anchor patterns to the start ('^'), to the end
('$') or both. Path separators ('\\' for Windows and '/' on other systems) in
paths are always normalized to a forward slash ('/') before applying
a pattern. The regular expression syntax is described in the `Python
documentation for the re module
Exclusions can be passed via the command line option `--exclude`. When used
from within a shell the patterns should be quoted to protect them from
The `--exclude-from` option permits loading exclusion patterns from a text
file with one pattern per line. Empty lines as well as lines starting with
the number sign ('#') are ignored. The optional style selector prefix is
also supported for patterns loaded from a file.
@ -624,6 +650,20 @@ class Archiver:
# The file '/home/user/cache/important' is *not* backed up:
$ borg create -e /home/user/cache/ backup / /home/user/cache/important
# The contents of directories in '/home' are not backed up when their name
# ends in '.tmp'
$ borg create --exclude 're:^/home/[^/]+\.tmp/' backup /
# Load exclusions from file
$ cat >exclude.txt <<EOF
# Comment line
$ borg create --exclude-from exclude.txt backup /
def do_help(self, parser, commands, args):
@ -812,7 +852,7 @@ class Archiver:
subparser.add_argument('--filter', dest='output_filter', metavar='STATUSCHARS',
help='only display items with the given status characters')
subparser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', dest='excludes',
type=ExcludePattern, action='append',
type=parse_pattern, action='append',
metavar="PATTERN", help='exclude paths matching PATTERN')
subparser.add_argument('--exclude-from', dest='exclude_files',
type=argparse.FileType('r'), action='append',
@ -882,7 +922,7 @@ class Archiver:
default=False, action='store_true',
help='do not actually change any files')
subparser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', dest='excludes',
type=ExcludePattern, action='append',
type=parse_pattern, action='append',
metavar="PATTERN", help='exclude paths matching PATTERN')
subparser.add_argument('--exclude-from', dest='exclude_files',
type=argparse.FileType('r'), action='append',

View File

@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ def load_excludes(fh):
whitespace is not stripped.
patterns = (line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in fh if not line.startswith('#'))
return [ExcludePattern(pattern) for pattern in patterns if pattern]
return [parse_pattern(pattern) for pattern in patterns if pattern]
def update_excludes(args):
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ def exclude_path(path, patterns):
for pattern in (patterns or []):
if pattern.match(path):
return isinstance(pattern, ExcludePattern)
return isinstance(pattern, (ExcludePattern, ExcludeRegex))
return False
@ -362,6 +362,44 @@ class ExcludePattern(PatternBase):
return (self.regex.match(path + os.path.sep) is not None)
class ExcludeRegex(PatternBase):
"""Regular expression to exclude.
def _prepare(self, pattern):
self.pattern = pattern
self.regex = re.compile(pattern)
def _match(self, path):
# Normalize path separators
if os.path.sep != '/':
path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
return ( is not None)
"fm": ExcludePattern,
"re": ExcludeRegex,
def parse_pattern(pattern):
"""Read pattern from string and return an instance of the appropriate implementation class.
if len(pattern) > 2 and pattern[2] == ":" and pattern[:2].isalnum():
(style, pattern) = (pattern[:2], pattern[3:])
cls = _PATTERN_STYLES.get(style, None)
if cls is None:
raise ValueError("Unknown pattern style: {}".format(style))
return cls(pattern)
def timestamp(s):
"""Convert a --timestamp=s argument to a datetime object"""

View File

@ -489,6 +489,79 @@ class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
self.cmd('extract', '--exclude-from=' + self.exclude_file_path, self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file1', 'file3'])
def test_extract_include_exclude_regex(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.create_regular_file('file1', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('file2', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('file3', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('file4', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('file333', size=1024 * 80)
# Create with regular expression exclusion for file4
self.cmd('create', '--exclude=re:input/file4$', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'file333'])
# Extract with regular expression exclusion
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', '--exclude=re:file3+', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file1', 'file2'])
# Combine --exclude with fnmatch and regular expression
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', '--exclude=input/file2', '--exclude=re:file[01]', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file3', 'file333'])
# Combine --exclude-from and regular expression exclusion
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', '--exclude-from=' + self.exclude_file_path, '--exclude=re:file1',
'--exclude=re:file(\\d)\\1\\1$', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file3'])
def test_extract_include_exclude_regex_from_file(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.create_regular_file('file1', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('file2', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('file3', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('file4', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('file333', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('aa:something', size=1024 * 80)
# Create while excluding using mixed pattern styles
with open(self.exclude_file_path, 'wb') as fd:
self.cmd('create', '--exclude-from=' + self.exclude_file_path, self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file1', 'file2', 'file3', 'file333'])
# Exclude using regular expression
with open(self.exclude_file_path, 'wb') as fd:
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', '--exclude-from=' + self.exclude_file_path, self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file1', 'file2'])
# Mixed exclude pattern styles
with open(self.exclude_file_path, 'wb') as fd:
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', '--exclude-from=' + self.exclude_file_path, self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file3'])
def test_exclude_caches(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.create_regular_file('file1', size=1024 * 80)

View File

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import msgpack
import msgpack.fallback
from ..helpers import adjust_patterns, exclude_path, Location, format_file_size, format_timedelta, IncludePattern, ExcludePattern, make_path_safe, \
prune_within, prune_split, get_cache_dir, Statistics, is_slow_msgpack, yes, \
prune_within, prune_split, get_cache_dir, Statistics, is_slow_msgpack, yes, ExcludeRegex, \
StableDict, int_to_bigint, bigint_to_int, parse_timestamp, CompressionSpec, ChunkerParams, \
ProgressIndicatorPercent, ProgressIndicatorEndless, load_excludes
ProgressIndicatorPercent, ProgressIndicatorEndless, load_excludes, parse_pattern
from . import BaseTestCase, environment_variable, FakeInputs
@ -160,6 +160,15 @@ class FormatTimedeltaTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def check_patterns(files, paths, excludes, expected):
"""Utility for testing exclusion patterns.
patterns = adjust_patterns(paths, excludes)
included = [path for path in files if not exclude_path(path, patterns)]
assert included == (files if expected is None else expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("paths, excludes, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], [], None),
@ -184,10 +193,44 @@ def test_patterns(paths, excludes, expected):
'/var/log/messages', '/var/log/dmesg',
patterns = adjust_patterns(paths, [ExcludePattern(p) for p in excludes])
included = [path for path in files if not exclude_path(path, patterns)]
check_patterns(files, paths, [ExcludePattern(p) for p in excludes], expected)
assert included == (files if expected is None else expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("paths, excludes, expected", [
# "None" means all files, i.e. none excluded
([], [], None),
(['/'], [], None),
(['/'], ['.*'], []),
(['/'], ['^/'], []),
(['/'], ['^abc$'], None),
(['/'], ['^(?!/home/)'],
['/home/user/.profile', '/home/user/.bashrc', '/home/user2/.profile',
def test_patterns_regex(paths, excludes, expected):
files = [
'/srv/data', '/foo/bar', '/home',
'/home/user/.profile', '/home/user/.bashrc',
'/home/user2/.profile', '/home/user2/public_html/index.html',
'/opt/log/messages.txt', '/opt/log/dmesg.txt',
patterns = []
for i in excludes:
pat = ExcludeRegex(i)
assert str(pat) == i
assert pat.pattern == i
check_patterns(files, paths, patterns, expected)
def test_regex_pattern():
# The forward slash must match the platform-specific path separator
assert ExcludeRegex("^/$").match("/")
assert ExcludeRegex("^/$").match(os.path.sep)
assert not ExcludeRegex(r"^\\$").match("/")
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform in ('darwin',), reason='all but OS X test')
@ -196,31 +239,40 @@ class PatternNonAsciiTestCase(BaseTestCase):
i = IncludePattern(pattern)
e = ExcludePattern(pattern)
er = ExcludeRegex("^{}/foo$".format(pattern))
assert i.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert not i.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
assert e.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert not e.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
assert er.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert not er.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
def testDecomposedUnicode(self):
i = IncludePattern(pattern)
e = ExcludePattern(pattern)
er = ExcludeRegex("^{}/foo$".format(pattern))
assert not i.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert i.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
assert not e.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert e.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
assert not er.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert er.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
def testInvalidUnicode(self):
pattern = str(b'ba\x80', 'latin1')
i = IncludePattern(pattern)
e = ExcludePattern(pattern)
er = ExcludeRegex("^{}/foo$".format(pattern))
assert not i.match("ba/foo")
assert i.match(str(b"ba\x80/foo", 'latin1'))
assert not e.match("ba/foo")
assert e.match(str(b"ba\x80/foo", 'latin1'))
assert not er.match("ba/foo")
assert er.match(str(b"ba\x80/foo", 'latin1'))
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform not in ('darwin',), reason='OS X test')
@ -229,31 +281,40 @@ class OSXPatternNormalizationTestCase(BaseTestCase):
i = IncludePattern(pattern)
e = ExcludePattern(pattern)
er = ExcludeRegex("^{}/foo$".format(pattern))
assert i.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert i.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
assert e.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert e.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
assert er.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert er.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
def testDecomposedUnicode(self):
i = IncludePattern(pattern)
e = ExcludePattern(pattern)
er = ExcludeRegex("^{}/foo$".format(pattern))
assert i.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert i.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
assert e.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert e.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
assert er.match("b\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}/foo")
assert er.match("ba\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}/foo")
def testInvalidUnicode(self):
pattern = str(b'ba\x80', 'latin1')
i = IncludePattern(pattern)
e = ExcludePattern(pattern)
er = ExcludeRegex("^{}/foo$".format(pattern))
assert not i.match("ba/foo")
assert i.match(str(b"ba\x80/foo", 'latin1'))
assert not e.match("ba/foo")
assert e.match(str(b"ba\x80/foo", 'latin1'))
assert not er.match("ba/foo")
assert er.match(str(b"ba\x80/foo", 'latin1'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("lines, expected", [
@ -271,6 +332,17 @@ class OSXPatternNormalizationTestCase(BaseTestCase):
"# EOF"],
["/more/data", "/home"]),
(["re:.*"], []),
(["re:\s"], ["/data/something00.txt", "/more/data", "/home"]),
([r"re:(.)(\1)"], ["/more/data", "/home", "/whitespace/at/end of filename \t "]),
(["", "", "",
"# This is a test with mixed pattern styles",
# Case-insensitive pattern
def test_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines, expected):
files = [
@ -291,6 +363,35 @@ def test_patterns_from_file(tmpdir, lines, expected):
assert evaluate(str(exclfile)) == (files if expected is None else expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern, cls", [
("", ExcludePattern),
# Default style
("*", ExcludePattern),
("/data/*", ExcludePattern),
# fnmatch style
("fm:", ExcludePattern),
("fm:*", ExcludePattern),
("fm:/data/*", ExcludePattern),
("fm:fm:/data/*", ExcludePattern),
# Regular expression
("re:", ExcludeRegex),
("re:.*", ExcludeRegex),
("re:^/something/", ExcludeRegex),
("re:re:^/something/", ExcludeRegex),
def test_parse_pattern(pattern, cls):
assert isinstance(parse_pattern(pattern), cls)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("pattern", ["aa:", "fo:*", "00:", "x1:abc"])
def test_parse_pattern_error(pattern):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_compression_specs():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):

View File

@ -231,6 +231,11 @@ Examples
~/src \
--exclude '*.pyc'
# Backup home directories excluding image thumbnails (i.e. only
# /home/*/.thumbnails is excluded, not /home/*/*/.thumbnails)
$ borg create /mnt/backup::my-files /home \
--exclude 're:^/home/[^/]+/\.thumbnails/'
# Backup the root filesystem into an archive named "root-YYYY-MM-DD"
# use zlib compression (good, but slow) - default is no compression
NAME="root-`date +%Y-%m-%d`"