mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:33:47 +00:00
Improved remote store request pipelining.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 138 additions and 34 deletions
@ -23,6 +23,49 @@ have_lchmod = hasattr(os, 'lchmod')
linux = sys.platform == 'linux2'
class ItemIter(object):
def __init__(self, unpacker, filter):
self.unpacker = iter(unpacker)
self.filter = filter
self.stack = []
self._peek = None
self._peek_iter = None
global foo
foo = self
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
if self.stack:
return self.stack.pop(0)
self._peek = None
return self.get_next()
def get_next(self):
next = self.unpacker.next()
while self.filter and not self.filter(next):
next = self.unpacker.next()
return next
def peek(self):
while True:
while not self._peek or not self._peek_iter:
if len(self.stack) > 100:
raise StopIteration
self._peek = self.get_next()
if 'chunks' in self._peek:
self._peek_iter = iter(self._peek['chunks'])
self._peek_iter = None
return self._peek_iter.next()
except StopIteration:
self._peek = None
class Archive(object):
class DoesNotExist(Exception):
@ -82,12 +125,13 @@ class Archive(object):
def __repr__(self):
return 'Archive(%r)' % self.name
def iter_items(self):
def iter_items(self, filter=None):
unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker()
for id in self.metadata['items']:
unpacker.feed(self.key.decrypt(id, self.store.get(id)))
for item in unpacker:
yield item
iter = ItemIter(unpacker, filter)
for item in iter:
yield item, iter.peek
def add_item(self, item):
@ -164,7 +208,7 @@ class Archive(object):
return stats
def extract_item(self, item, dest=None, start_cb=None, restore_attrs=True):
def extract_item(self, item, dest=None, start_cb=None, restore_attrs=True, peek=None):
dest = dest or self.cwd
assert item['path'][0] not in ('/', '\\', ':')
path = os.path.join(dest, encode_filename(item['path']))
@ -193,7 +237,7 @@ class Archive(object):
fd = open(path, 'wb')
ids = [id for id, size, csize in item['chunks']]
for id, chunk in izip(ids, self.store.get_many(ids)):
for id, chunk in izip(ids, self.store.get_many(ids, peek)):
data = self.key.decrypt(id, chunk)
@ -244,7 +288,7 @@ class Archive(object):
# FIXME: We should really call futimes here (c extension required)
os.utime(path, (item['mtime'], item['mtime']))
def verify_file(self, item, start, result):
def verify_file(self, item, start, result, peek=None):
if not item['chunks']:
result(item, True)
@ -252,9 +296,10 @@ class Archive(object):
ids = [id for id, size, csize in item['chunks']]
for id, chunk in izip(ids, self.store.get_many(ids)):
for id, chunk in izip(ids, self.store.get_many(ids, peek)):
if chunk:
self.key.decrypt(id, chunk)
except Exception:
except Exception, e:
result(item, False)
result(item, True)
@ -163,14 +163,12 @@ class Archiver(object):
archive = Archive(store, key, manifest, args.archive.archive,
dirs = []
for item in archive.iter_items():
if exclude_path(item['path'], args.patterns):
for item, peek in archive.iter_items(lambda item: not exclude_path(item['path'], args.patterns)):
if stat.S_ISDIR(item['mode']):
archive.extract_item(item, args.dest, start_cb, restore_attrs=False)
archive.extract_item(item, args.dest, start_cb)
archive.extract_item(item, args.dest, start_cb, peek=peek)
if dirs and not item['path'].startswith(dirs[-1]['path']):
archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1), args.dest)
while dirs:
@ -193,7 +191,7 @@ class Archiver(object):
if args.src.archive:
tmap = {1: 'p', 2: 'c', 4: 'd', 6: 'b', 010: '-', 012: 'l', 014: 's'}
archive = Archive(store, key, manifest, args.src.archive)
for item in archive.iter_items():
for item, _ in archive.iter_items():
type = tmap.get(item['mode'] / 4096, '?')
mode = format_file_mode(item['mode'])
size = 0
@ -234,11 +232,9 @@ class Archiver(object):
self.print_error('%s: verification failed' % item['path'])
for item in archive.iter_items():
if exclude_path(item['path'], args.patterns):
for item, peek in archive.iter_items(lambda item: not exclude_path(item['path'], args.patterns)):
if stat.S_ISREG(item['mode']) and 'chunks' in item:
archive.verify_file(item, start_cb, result_cb)
archive.verify_file(item, start_cb, result_cb, peek=peek)
return self.exit_code
def do_info(self, args):
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import sys
import getpass
from .store import Store
from .lrucache import LRUCache
BUFSIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024
@ -71,11 +72,20 @@ class RemoteStore(object):
self.name = name
def __init__(self, location, create=False):
self.cache = LRUCache(200)
self.to_send = ''
self.extra = {}
self.pending_cache = {}
self.unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker()
self.msgid = 0
self.received_msgid = 0
args = ['ssh', '-p', str(location.port), '%s@%s' % (location.user or getpass.getuser(), location.host), 'darc', 'serve']
self.p = Popen(args, bufsize=0, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
self.stdin_fd = self.p.stdin.fileno()
self.stdout_fd = self.p.stdout.fileno()
self.r_fds = [self.stdout_fd]
self.x_fds = [self.stdin_fd, self.stdout_fd]
version = self.call('negotiate', (1,))
if version != 1:
raise Exception('Server insisted on using unsupported protocol version %d' % version)
@ -86,33 +96,86 @@ class RemoteStore(object):
def _read(self, msgids):
def _read(self):
data = os.read(self.stdout_fd, BUFSIZE)
if not data:
raise Exception('EOF')
to_yield = []
for type, msgid, error, res in self.unpacker:
self.received_msgid = msgid
if error:
raise self.RPCError(error)
if msgid in msgids:
if msgid in self.pending_cache:
args = self.pending_cache.pop(msgid)
self.cache[args] = msgid, res
print 'unknown response'
for args in self.extra.pop(msgid, []):
for res in to_yield:
yield res
def call(self, cmd, args, wait=True):
for res in self.call_multi(cmd, [args], wait=wait):
return res
def call_multi(self, cmd, argsv, wait=True):
msgids = set()
def gen_request(self, cmd, argsv):
data = []
m = self.received_msgid
for args in argsv:
if select.select([self.stdout_fd], [], [], 0)[0]:
for res in self._read(msgids):
yield res
if not args in self.cache:
self.msgid += 1
msgid = self.msgid
self.p.stdin.write(msgpack.packb((1, msgid, cmd, args)))
while msgids and wait:
for res in self._read(msgids):
self.pending_cache[msgid] = args
self.cache[args] = msgid, None
data.append(msgpack.packb((1, msgid, cmd, args)))
msgid, resp = self.cache[args]
m = max(m, msgid)
self.extra.setdefault(m, []).append(args)
return ''.join(data)
def gen_cache_requests(self, cmd, peek):
data = []
while True:
args = (peek()[0],)
except StopIteration:
if args in self.cache:
self.msgid += 1
msgid = self.msgid
self.pending_cache[msgid] = args
self.cache[args] = msgid, None
data.append(msgpack.packb((1, msgid, cmd, args)))
return ''.join(data)
def call_multi(self, cmd, argsv, wait=True, peek=None):
w_fds = [self.stdin_fd]
left = len(argsv)
data = self.gen_request(cmd, argsv)
self.to_send += data
for args in self.extra.pop(self.received_msgid, []):
left -= 1
yield self.cache[args][1]
while left:
r, w, x = select.select(self.r_fds, w_fds, self.x_fds, 1)
if x:
raise Exception('FD exception occured')
if r:
for res in self._read():
left -= 1
yield res
if w:
if not self.to_send and peek:
self.to_send = self.gen_cache_requests(cmd, peek)
if self.to_send:
n = os.write(self.stdin_fd, self.to_send)
assert n > 0
self.to_send = self.to_send[n:]
w_fds = []
def commit(self, *args):
self.call('commit', args)
@ -128,8 +191,8 @@ class RemoteStore(object):
raise self.DoesNotExist
def get_many(self, ids):
return self.call_multi('get', [(id, ) for id in ids])
def get_many(self, ids, peek=None):
return self.call_multi('get', [(id, ) for id in ids], peek=peek)
def put(self, id, data, wait=True):
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class Store(object):
except KeyError:
raise self.DoesNotExist
def get_many(self, ids):
def get_many(self, ids, peek=None):
for id in ids:
yield self.get(id)
Add table
Reference in a new issue