faster implementation of item.chunks_contents_equal

This is about 10x faster than before, thanks to Ronny!

Author: @RonnyPfannschmidt in PR #5763
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Waldmann 2022-09-28 18:57:40 +02:00
parent 1274b56ad4
commit 57ca9f6e74
1 changed files with 27 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import stat
from collections import namedtuple
from libc.string cimport memcmp
from cpython.bytes cimport PyBytes_AsStringAndSize
from .constants import ITEM_KEYS, ARCHIVE_KEYS
from .helpers import StableDict
from .helpers import format_file_size
@ -719,33 +722,35 @@ class ItemDiff:
return chunks_contents_equal(chunk_iterator1, chunk_iterator2)
def chunks_contents_equal(chunks1, chunks2):
def chunks_contents_equal(chunks_a, chunks_b):
Compare chunk content and return True if they are identical.
The chunks must be given as chunk iterators (like returned by :meth:`.DownloadPipeline.fetch_many`).
bytes a, b
char * ap
char * bp
Py_ssize_t slicelen = 0
Py_ssize_t alen = 0
Py_ssize_t blen = 0
end = object()
alen = ai = 0
blen = bi = 0
while True:
if not alen - ai:
a = next(chunks1, end)
if a is end:
return not blen - bi and next(chunks2, end) is end
a = memoryview(a)
alen = len(a)
ai = 0
if not blen - bi:
b = next(chunks2, end)
if b is end:
return not alen - ai and next(chunks1, end) is end
b = memoryview(b)
blen = len(b)
bi = 0
slicelen = min(alen - ai, blen - bi)
if a[ai:ai + slicelen] != b[bi:bi + slicelen]:
if not alen:
a = next(chunks_a, None)
if a is None:
return not blen and next(chunks_b, None) is None
PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(a, &ap, &alen)
if not blen:
b = next(chunks_b, None)
if b is None:
return not alen and next(chunks_a, None) is None
PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(b, &bp, &blen)
slicelen = min(alen, blen)
if memcmp(ap, bp, slicelen) != 0:
return False
ai += slicelen
bi += slicelen
ap += slicelen
bp += slicelen
alen -= slicelen
blen -= slicelen