borg benchmark crud command, fixes #1788

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Waldmann 2017-02-26 07:17:23 +01:00
parent 7c9c4b61d7
commit 9f3a970cec
1 changed files with 132 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import logging
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import signal
import stat
import subprocess
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import textwrap
import time
import traceback
from binascii import unhexlify
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from itertools import zip_longest
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ from .helpers import basic_json_data, json_print
from .item import Item
from .key import key_creator, tam_required_file, tam_required, RepoKey, PassphraseKey
from .keymanager import KeyManager
from .platform import get_flags, umount, get_process_id
from .platform import get_flags, umount, get_process_id, SyncFile
from .remote import RepositoryServer, RemoteRepository, cache_if_remote
from .repository import Repository, LIST_SCAN_LIMIT
from .selftest import selftest
@ -322,6 +324,72 @@ class Archiver:'Key updated')
def do_benchmark_crud(self, args):
def measurement_run(repo, path):
archive = repo + '::borg-benchmark-crud'
compression = '--compression=none'
# measure create perf (without files cache to always have it chunking)
t_start = time.monotonic()
rc = self.do_create(self.parse_args(['create', compression, '--no-files-cache', archive + '1', path]))
t_end = time.monotonic()
dt_create = t_end - t_start
assert rc == 0
# now build files cache
rc1 = self.do_create(self.parse_args(['create', compression, archive + '2', path]))
rc2 = self.do_delete(self.parse_args(['delete', archive + '2']))
assert rc1 == rc2 == 0
# measure a no-change update (archive1 is still present)
t_start = time.monotonic()
rc1 = self.do_create(self.parse_args(['create', compression, archive + '3', path]))
t_end = time.monotonic()
dt_update = t_end - t_start
rc2 = self.do_delete(self.parse_args(['delete', archive + '3']))
assert rc1 == rc2 == 0
# measure extraction (dry-run: without writing result to disk)
t_start = time.monotonic()
rc = self.do_extract(self.parse_args(['extract', '--dry-run', archive + '1']))
t_end = time.monotonic()
dt_extract = t_end - t_start
assert rc == 0
# measure archive deletion (of LAST present archive with the data)
t_start = time.monotonic()
rc = self.do_delete(self.parse_args(['delete', archive + '1']))
t_end = time.monotonic()
dt_delete = t_end - t_start
assert rc == 0
return dt_create, dt_update, dt_extract, dt_delete
def test_files(path, count, size, random):
path = os.path.join(path, 'borg-test-data')
for i in range(count):
fname = os.path.join(path, 'file_%d' % i)
data = b'\0' * size if not random else os.urandom(size)
with SyncFile(fname, binary=True) as fd: # used for posix_fadvise's sake
yield path
for msg, count, size, random in [
('Z-BIG', 10, 100000000, False),
('R-BIG', 10, 100000000, True),
('Z-MEDIUM', 1000, 1000000, False),
('R-MEDIUM', 1000, 1000000, True),
('Z-SMALL', 10000, 10000, False),
('R-SMALL', 10000, 10000, True),
with test_files(args.path, count, size, random) as path:
dt_create, dt_update, dt_extract, dt_delete = measurement_run(args.location.canonical_path(), path)
total_size_MB = count * size / 1e06
file_size_formatted = format_file_size(size)
content = 'random' if random else 'all-zero'
fmt = '%s-%-10s %9.2f MB/s (%d * %s %s files: %.2fs)'
print(fmt % ('C', msg, total_size_MB / dt_create, count, file_size_formatted, content, dt_create))
print(fmt % ('R', msg, total_size_MB / dt_extract, count, file_size_formatted, content, dt_extract))
print(fmt % ('U', msg, total_size_MB / dt_update, count, file_size_formatted, content, dt_update))
print(fmt % ('D', msg, total_size_MB / dt_delete, count, file_size_formatted, content, dt_delete))
@with_repository(fake='dry_run', exclusive=True)
def do_create(self, args, repository, manifest=None, key=None):
"""Create new archive"""
@ -3141,6 +3209,69 @@ class Archiver:
subparser.add_argument('ids', metavar='IDs', nargs='+', type=str,
help='hex object ID(s) to show refcounts for')
benchmark_epilog = process_epilog("These commands do various benchmarks.")
subparser = subparsers.add_parser('benchmark', parents=[common_parser], add_help=False,
description='benchmark command',
help='benchmark command')
benchmark_parsers = subparser.add_subparsers(title='required arguments', metavar='<command>')
subparser.set_defaults(fallback_func=functools.partial(self.do_subcommand_help, subparser))
bench_crud_epilog = process_epilog("""
This command benchmarks borg CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations.
It creates input data below the given PATH and backups this data into the given REPO.
The REPO must already exist (it could be a fresh empty repo or an existing repo, the
command will create / read / update / delete some archives named borg-test-data* there.
Make sure you have free space there, you'll need about 1GB each (+ overhead).
If your repository is encrypted and borg needs a passphrase to unlock the key, use:
BORG_PASSPHRASE=mysecret borg benchmark crud REPO PATH
Measurements are done with different input file sizes and counts.
The file contents are very artificial (either all zero or all random),
thus the measurement results do not necessarily reflect performance with real data.
Also, due to the kind of content used, no compression is used in these benchmarks.
C- == borg create (1st archive creation, no compression, do not use files cache)
C-Z- == all-zero files. full dedup, this is primarily measuring reader/chunker/hasher.
C-R- == random files. no dedup, measuring throughput through all processing stages.
R- == borg extract (extract archive, dry-run, do everything, but do not write files to disk)
R-Z- == all zero files. Measuring heavily duplicated files.
R-R- == random files. No duplication here, measuring throughput through all processing
stages, except writing to disk.
U- == borg create (2nd archive creation of unchanged input files, measure files cache speed)
The throughput value is kind of virtual here, it does not actually read the file.
U-Z- == needs to check the 2 all-zero chunks' existence in the repo.
U-R- == needs to check existence of a lot of different chunks in the repo.
D- == borg delete archive (delete last remaining archive, measure deletion + compaction)
D-Z- == few chunks to delete / few segments to compact/remove.
D-R- == many chunks to delete / many segments to compact/remove.
Please note that there might be quite some variance in these measurements.
Try multiple measurements and having a otherwise idle machine (and network, if you use it).
subparser = benchmark_parsers.add_parser('crud', parents=[common_parser], add_help=False,
help='benchmarks borg CRUD (create, extract, update, delete).')
subparser.add_argument('location', metavar='REPO',
help='repo to use for benchmark (must exist)')
subparser.add_argument('path', metavar='PATH', help='path were to create benchmark input data')
return parser