mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 22:24:13 +00:00
borg recreate: Re-create existing archives.
Use with caution: permanent data loss by specifying incorrect patterns is easily possible. Make a dry run to make sure you got everything right. borg recreate has many uses: - Can selectively remove files/dirs from old archives, e.g. to free space or purging picturarum biggus dickus from history - Recompress data - Rechunkify data, to have upgraded Attic / Borg 0.xx archives deduplicate with Borg 1.x archives. (Or to experiment with chunker-params for specific use cases It is interrupt- and resumable. Chunks are not freed on-the-fly. Rationale: Makes only sense when rechunkifying, but logic on which new chunks to free what input chunks is complicated and *very* delicate. Future TODOs: - Refactor tests using py.test fixtures -- would require porting ArchiverTestCase to py.test: many changes, this changeset is already borderline too large. - Possibly add a --target option to not replace the source archive -- with the target possibly in another Repo (better than "cp" due to full integrity checking, and deduplication at the target) - Detect and skip (unless --always-recompress) already recompressed chunks Fixes #787 #686 #630 #70 (and probably some I overlooked) Also see #757 and #770
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 918 additions and 31 deletions
@ -16,10 +16,12 @@ import sys
import time
from io import BytesIO
from . import xattr
from .compress import Compressor, COMPR_BUFFER
from .helpers import Error, uid2user, user2uid, gid2group, group2gid, \
parse_timestamp, to_localtime, format_time, format_timedelta, \
Manifest, Statistics, decode_dict, make_path_safe, StableDict, int_to_bigint, bigint_to_int, \
ProgressIndicatorPercent, ChunkIteratorFileWrapper, remove_surrogates, log_multi, DASHES, PatternMatcher, \
PathPrefixPattern, FnmatchPattern, open_item, file_status, format_file_size, consume
from .platform import acl_get, acl_set
from .chunker import Chunker
from .hashindex import ChunkIndex
@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ Number of files: {0.stats.nfiles}'''.format(
if self.show_progress:
self.stats.show_progress(item=item, dt=0.2)
if time.time() - self.last_checkpoint > self.checkpoint_interval:
if self.checkpoint_interval and time.time() - self.last_checkpoint > self.checkpoint_interval:
self.last_checkpoint = time.time()
@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ Number of files: {0.stats.nfiles}'''.format(
del self.manifest.archives[self.checkpoint_name]
self.cache.chunk_decref(self.id, self.stats)
def save(self, name=None, comment=None, timestamp=None):
def save(self, name=None, comment=None, timestamp=None, additional_metadata=None):
name = name or self.name
if name in self.manifest.archives:
raise self.AlreadyExists(name)
@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ Number of files: {0.stats.nfiles}'''.format(
self.end = timestamp
start = timestamp
end = timestamp # we only have 1 value
metadata = StableDict({
metadata = {
'version': 1,
'name': name,
'comment': comment,
@ -264,8 +266,9 @@ Number of files: {0.stats.nfiles}'''.format(
'time': start.isoformat(),
'time_end': end.isoformat(),
'chunker_params': self.chunker_params,
data = msgpack.packb(metadata, unicode_errors='surrogateescape')
metadata.update(additional_metadata or {})
data = msgpack.packb(StableDict(metadata), unicode_errors='surrogateescape')
self.id = self.key.id_hash(data)
self.cache.add_chunk(self.id, data, self.stats)
self.manifest.archives[name] = {'id': self.id, 'time': metadata['time']}
@ -456,6 +459,7 @@ Number of files: {0.stats.nfiles}'''.format(
self.cache.add_chunk(new_id, data, self.stats)
self.manifest.archives[self.name] = {'id': new_id, 'time': metadata[b'time']}
self.cache.chunk_decref(self.id, self.stats)
self.id = new_id
def rename(self, name):
if name in self.manifest.archives:
@ -923,3 +927,312 @@ class ArchiveChecker:
if self.repair:
class ArchiveRecreater:
AUTOCOMMIT_THRESHOLD = 512 * 1024 * 1024
"""Commit (compact segments) after this many (or 1 % of repository size, whichever is greater) bytes."""
class FakeTargetArchive:
def __init__(self):
self.stats = Statistics()
class Interrupted(Exception):
def __init__(self, metadata=None):
self.metadata = metadata or {}
def is_temporary_archive(archive_name):
return archive_name.endswith('.recreate')
def __init__(self, repository, manifest, key, cache, matcher,
exclude_caches=False, exclude_if_present=None, keep_tag_files=False,
chunker_params=None, compression=None,
dry_run=False, stats=False, progress=False, file_status_printer=None):
self.repository = repository
self.key = key
self.manifest = manifest
self.cache = cache
self.matcher = matcher
self.exclude_caches = exclude_caches
self.exclude_if_present = exclude_if_present or []
self.keep_tag_files = keep_tag_files
self.chunker_params = chunker_params or CHUNKER_PARAMS
self.compression = compression or dict(name='none')
self.seen_chunks = set()
self.recompress = bool(compression)
compr_args = dict(buffer=COMPR_BUFFER)
key.compressor = Compressor(**compr_args)
self.autocommit_threshold = max(self.AUTOCOMMIT_THRESHOLD, self.cache.chunks_stored_size() / 100)
logger.debug("Autocommit threshold: %s", format_file_size(self.autocommit_threshold))
self.dry_run = dry_run
self.stats = stats
self.progress = progress
self.print_file_status = file_status_printer or (lambda *args: None)
self.interrupt = False
self.errors = False
def recreate(self, archive_name):
assert not self.is_temporary_archive(archive_name)
archive = self.open_archive(archive_name)
target, resume_from = self.create_target_or_resume(archive)
if self.exclude_if_present or self.exclude_caches:
if self.matcher.empty() and not self.recompress and not target.recreate_rechunkify:
logger.info("Skipping archive %s, nothing to do", archive_name)
return True
self.process_items(archive, target, resume_from)
except self.Interrupted as e:
return self.save(archive, target, completed=False, metadata=e.metadata)
return self.save(archive, target)
def process_items(self, archive, target, resume_from=None):
matcher = self.matcher
target_is_subset = not matcher.empty()
hardlink_masters = {} if target_is_subset else None
def item_is_hardlink_master(item):
return (target_is_subset and
stat.S_ISREG(item[b'mode']) and
item.get(b'hardlink_master', True) and
b'source' not in item and
not matcher.match(item[b'path']))
for item in archive.iter_items():
if item_is_hardlink_master(item):
# Re-visit all of these items in the archive even when fast-forwarding to rebuild hardlink_masters
hardlink_masters[item[b'path']] = (item.get(b'chunks'), None)
if resume_from:
# Fast forward to after the last processed file
if item[b'path'] == resume_from:
logger.info('Fast-forwarded to %s', remove_surrogates(item[b'path']))
resume_from = None
if not matcher.match(item[b'path']):
self.print_file_status('x', item[b'path'])
if target_is_subset and stat.S_ISREG(item[b'mode']) and item.get(b'source') in hardlink_masters:
# master of this hard link is outside the target subset
chunks, new_source = hardlink_masters[item[b'source']]
if new_source is None:
# First item to use this master, move the chunks
item[b'chunks'] = chunks
hardlink_masters[item[b'source']] = (None, item[b'path'])
del item[b'source']
# Master was already moved, only update this item's source
item[b'source'] = new_source
if self.dry_run:
self.print_file_status('-', item[b'path'])
self.process_item(archive, target, item)
except self.Interrupted:
if self.progress:
if self.progress:
def process_item(self, archive, target, item):
if b'chunks' in item:
item[b'chunks'] = self.process_chunks(archive, target, item)
target.stats.nfiles += 1
self.print_file_status(file_status(item[b'mode']), item[b'path'])
if self.interrupt:
raise self.Interrupted
def process_chunks(self, archive, target, item):
"""Return new chunk ID list for 'item'."""
if not self.recompress and not target.recreate_rechunkify:
for chunk_id, size, csize in item[b'chunks']:
self.cache.chunk_incref(chunk_id, target.stats)
return item[b'chunks']
new_chunks = self.process_partial_chunks(target)
chunk_iterator = self.create_chunk_iterator(archive, target, item)
consume(chunk_iterator, len(new_chunks))
for chunk in chunk_iterator:
chunk_id = self.key.id_hash(chunk)
if chunk_id in self.seen_chunks:
new_chunks.append(self.cache.chunk_incref(chunk_id, target.stats))
# TODO: detect / skip / --always-recompress
chunk_id, size, csize = self.cache.add_chunk(chunk_id, chunk, target.stats, overwrite=self.recompress)
new_chunks.append((chunk_id, size, csize))
if self.recompress:
# This tracks how many bytes are uncommitted but compactable, since we are recompressing
# existing chunks.
target.recreate_uncomitted_bytes += csize
if target.recreate_uncomitted_bytes >= self.autocommit_threshold:
# Issue commits to limit additional space usage when recompressing chunks
target.recreate_uncomitted_bytes = 0
if self.progress:
target.stats.show_progress(item=item, dt=0.2)
if self.interrupt:
raise self.Interrupted({
'recreate_partial_chunks': new_chunks,
return new_chunks
def create_chunk_iterator(self, archive, target, item):
"""Return iterator of chunks to store for 'item' from 'archive' in 'target'."""
chunk_iterator = archive.pipeline.fetch_many([chunk_id for chunk_id, _, _ in item[b'chunks']])
if target.recreate_rechunkify:
# The target.chunker will read the file contents through ChunkIteratorFileWrapper chunk-by-chunk
# (does not load the entire file into memory)
file = ChunkIteratorFileWrapper(chunk_iterator)
chunk_iterator = target.chunker.chunkify(file)
return chunk_iterator
def process_partial_chunks(self, target):
"""Return chunks from a previous run for archive 'target' (if any) or an empty list."""
if not target.recreate_partial_chunks:
return []
# No incref, create_target_or_resume already did that before to deleting the old target archive
# So just copy these over
partial_chunks = target.recreate_partial_chunks
target.recreate_partial_chunks = None
for chunk_id, size, csize in partial_chunks:
logger.debug('Copied %d chunks from a partially processed item', len(partial_chunks))
return partial_chunks
def save(self, archive, target, completed=True, metadata=None):
"""Save target archive. If completed, replace source. If not, save temporary with additional 'metadata' dict."""
if self.dry_run:
return completed
if completed:
timestamp = archive.ts.replace(tzinfo=None)
target.save(timestamp=timestamp, additional_metadata={
'cmdline': archive.metadata[b'cmdline'],
'recreate_cmdline': sys.argv,
archive.delete(Statistics(), progress=self.progress)
if self.stats:
target.end = datetime.utcnow()
additional_metadata = metadata or {}
'recreate_source_id': archive.id,
'recreate_args': sys.argv[1:],
target.save(name=archive.name + '.recreate', additional_metadata=additional_metadata)
logger.info('Run the same command again to resume.')
return completed
def matcher_add_tagged_dirs(self, archive):
"""Add excludes to the matcher created by exclude_cache and exclude_if_present."""
def exclude(dir, tag_item):
if self.keep_tag_files:
tagged_dirs.append(FnmatchPattern(dir + '/'))
matcher = self.matcher
tag_files = []
tagged_dirs = []
# build hardlink masters, but only for paths ending in CACHEDIR.TAG, so we can read hard-linked CACHEDIR.TAGs
cachedir_masters = {}
for item in archive.iter_items(
filter=lambda item: item[b'path'].endswith('CACHEDIR.TAG') or matcher.match(item[b'path'])):
if item[b'path'].endswith('CACHEDIR.TAG'):
cachedir_masters[item[b'path']] = item
if stat.S_ISREG(item[b'mode']):
dir, tag_file = os.path.split(item[b'path'])
if tag_file in self.exclude_if_present:
exclude(dir, item)
if self.exclude_caches and tag_file == 'CACHEDIR.TAG':
tag_contents = b'Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55'
if b'chunks' in item:
file = open_item(archive, item)
file = open_item(archive, cachedir_masters[item[b'source']])
if file.read(len(tag_contents)).startswith(tag_contents):
exclude(dir, item)
matcher.add(tag_files, True)
matcher.add(tagged_dirs, False)
def create_target_or_resume(self, archive):
"""Create new target archive or resume from temporary archive, if it exists. Return archive, resume from path"""
if self.dry_run:
return self.FakeTargetArchive(), None
target_name = archive.name + '.recreate'
resume = target_name in self.manifest.archives
target, resume_from = None, None
if resume:
target, resume_from = self.try_resume(archive, target_name)
if not target:
target = self.create_target_archive(target_name)
# If the archives use the same chunker params, then don't rechunkify
target.recreate_rechunkify = tuple(archive.metadata.get(b'chunker_params')) != self.chunker_params
return target, resume_from
def try_resume(self, archive, target_name):
"""Try to resume from temporary archive. Return (target archive, resume from path) if successful."""
logger.info('Found %s, will resume interrupted operation', target_name)
old_target = self.open_archive(target_name)
resume_id = old_target.metadata[b'recreate_source_id']
resume_args = [arg.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') for arg in old_target.metadata[b'recreate_args']]
if resume_id != archive.id:
logger.warning('Source archive changed, will discard %s and start over', target_name)
logger.warning('Saved fingerprint: %s', hexlify(resume_id).decode('ascii'))
logger.warning('Current fingerprint: %s', archive.fpr)
old_target.delete(Statistics(), progress=self.progress)
return None, None # can't resume
if resume_args != sys.argv[1:]:
logger.warning('Command line changed, this might lead to inconsistencies')
logger.warning('Saved: %s', repr(resume_args))
logger.warning('Current: %s', repr(sys.argv[1:]))
target = self.create_target_archive(target_name + '.temp')
logger.info('Replaying items from interrupted operation...')
item = None
for item in old_target.iter_items():
if b'chunks' in item:
for chunk in item[b'chunks']:
self.cache.chunk_incref(chunk[0], target.stats)
target.stats.nfiles += 1
if item:
resume_from = item[b'path']
resume_from = None
if self.progress:
target.recreate_partial_chunks = old_target.metadata.get(b'recreate_partial_chunks', [])
for chunk_id, _, _ in target.recreate_partial_chunks:
# incref now, otherwise old_target.delete() might delete these chunks
self.cache.chunk_incref(chunk_id, target.stats)
old_target.delete(Statistics(), progress=self.progress)
logger.info('Done replaying items')
return target, resume_from
def create_target_archive(self, name):
target = Archive(self.repository, self.key, self.manifest, name, create=True,
progress=self.progress, chunker_params=self.chunker_params, cache=self.cache,
target.recreate_partial_chunks = None
target.recreate_uncomitted_bytes = 0
return target
def open_archive(self, name, **kwargs):
return Archive(self.repository, self.key, self.manifest, name, cache=self.cache, **kwargs)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from .helpers import Error, location_validator, archivename_validator, format_ti
get_cache_dir, prune_within, prune_split, \
Manifest, remove_surrogates, update_excludes, format_archive, check_extension_modules, Statistics, \
dir_is_tagged, ChunkerParams, CompressionSpec, is_slow_msgpack, yes, sysinfo, \
EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_WARNING, EXIT_ERROR, log_multi, PatternMatcher, ItemFormatter
EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_WARNING, EXIT_ERROR, log_multi, PatternMatcher, ItemFormatter, DASHES
from .logger import create_logger, setup_logging
logger = create_logger()
from .compress import Compressor, COMPR_BUFFER
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ from .upgrader import AtticRepositoryUpgrader, BorgRepositoryUpgrader
from .repository import Repository
from .cache import Cache
from .key import key_creator, RepoKey, PassphraseKey
from .archive import Archive, ArchiveChecker, CHUNKER_PARAMS
from .archive import Archive, ArchiveChecker, ArchiveRecreater, CHUNKER_PARAMS
from .remote import RepositoryServer, RemoteRepository, cache_if_remote
has_lchflags = hasattr(os, 'lchflags')
@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ has_lchflags = hasattr(os, 'lchflags')
# default umask, overriden by --umask, defaults to read/write only for owner
DASHES = '-' * 78
def argument(args, str_or_bool):
"""If bool is passed, return it. If str is passed, retrieve named attribute from args."""
@ -402,7 +400,7 @@ class Archiver:
filter=lambda item: item_is_hardlink_master(item) or matcher.match(item[b'path'])):
orig_path = item[b'path']
if item_is_hardlink_master(item):
hardlink_masters[orig_path] = (item.get(b'chunks'), item.get(b'source'))
hardlink_masters[orig_path] = (item.get(b'chunks'), None)
if not matcher.match(item[b'path']):
if strip_components:
@ -823,6 +821,50 @@ class Archiver:
print("warning: %s" % e)
return self.exit_code
@with_repository(cache=True, exclusive=True)
def do_recreate(self, args, repository, manifest, key, cache):
"""Re-create archives"""
def interrupt(signal_num, stack_frame):
if recreater.interrupt:
print("Received signal, again. I'm not deaf.\n", file=sys.stderr)
print("Received signal, will exit cleanly.\n", file=sys.stderr)
recreater.interrupt = True
matcher, include_patterns = self.build_matcher(args.excludes, args.paths)
self.output_list = args.output_list
self.output_filter = args.output_filter
recreater = ArchiveRecreater(repository, manifest, key, cache, matcher,
exclude_caches=args.exclude_caches, exclude_if_present=args.exclude_if_present,
compression=args.compression, chunker_params=args.chunker_params,
progress=args.progress, stats=args.stats,
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, interrupt)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, interrupt)
if args.location.archive:
name = args.location.archive
if recreater.is_temporary_archive(name):
self.print_error('Refusing to work on temporary archive of prior recreate: %s', name)
return self.exit_code
for archive in manifest.list_archive_infos(sort_by='ts'):
name = archive.name
if recreater.is_temporary_archive(name):
print('Processing', name)
if not recreater.recreate(name):
return self.exit_code
def do_debug_dump_archive_items(self, args, repository, manifest, key):
"""dump (decrypted, decompressed) archive items metadata (not: data)"""
@ -1645,6 +1687,100 @@ class Archiver:
help='path to the repository to be upgraded')
recreate_epilog = textwrap.dedent("""
Recreate the contents of existing archives.
--exclude, --exclude-from and PATH have the exact same semantics
as in "borg create". If a PATH is specified the resulting archive
will only contain files under PATH.
--compression: all chunks seen will be stored using the given method.
Due to how Borg stores compressed size information this might display
incorrect information for archives that were not rewritten at the same time.
There is no risk of data loss by this.
--chunker-params will re-chunk all files in the archive, this can be
used to have upgraded Borg 0.xx or Attic archives deduplicate with
Borg 1.x archives.
borg recreate is signal safe. Send either SIGINT (Ctrl-C on most terminals) or
SIGTERM to request termination.
Use the *exact same* command line to resume the operation later - changing excludes
or paths will lead to inconsistencies (changed excludes will only apply to newly
processed files/dirs). Changing compression leads to incorrect size information
(which does not cause any data loss, but can be misleading).
Changing chunker params between invocations might lead to data loss.
Permanent data loss by specifying incorrect patterns or PATHS is possible.
When in doubt, use "--dry-run --verbose --list" to see how patterns/PATHS are
The archive being recreated is only removed after the operation completes. The
archive that is built during the operation exists at the same time at
"<ARCHIVE>.recreate". The new archive will have a different archive ID.
When rechunking space usage can be substantial, expect at least the entire
deduplicated size of the archives using the older chunker params.
When recompressing approximately 1 % of the repository size or 512 MB
(whichever is greater) of additional space is used.
subparser = subparsers.add_parser('recreate', parents=[common_parser], add_help=False,
subparser.add_argument('--list', dest='output_list',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='output verbose list of items (files, dirs, ...)')
subparser.add_argument('--filter', dest='output_filter', metavar='STATUSCHARS',
help='only display items with the given status characters')
subparser.add_argument('-p', '--progress', dest='progress',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='show progress display while rewriting archives')
subparser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', dest='dry_run',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='do not change anything')
subparser.add_argument('-s', '--stats', dest='stats',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='print statistics at end')
subparser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', dest='excludes',
type=parse_pattern, action='append',
metavar="PATTERN", help='exclude paths matching PATTERN')
subparser.add_argument('--exclude-from', dest='exclude_files',
type=argparse.FileType('r'), action='append',
metavar='EXCLUDEFILE', help='read exclude patterns from EXCLUDEFILE, one per line')
subparser.add_argument('--exclude-caches', dest='exclude_caches',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='exclude directories that contain a CACHEDIR.TAG file ('
subparser.add_argument('--exclude-if-present', dest='exclude_if_present',
metavar='FILENAME', action='append', type=str,
help='exclude directories that contain the specified file')
subparser.add_argument('--keep-tag-files', dest='keep_tag_files',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='keep tag files of excluded caches/directories')
archive_group.add_argument('-C', '--compression', dest='compression',
type=CompressionSpec, default=None, metavar='COMPRESSION',
help='select compression algorithm (and level):\n'
'none == no compression (default),\n'
'lz4 == lz4,\n'
'zlib == zlib (default level 6),\n'
'zlib,0 .. zlib,9 == zlib (with level 0..9),\n'
'lzma == lzma (default level 6),\n'
'lzma,0 .. lzma,9 == lzma (with level 0..9).')
subparser.add_argument('--chunker-params', dest='chunker_params',
type=ChunkerParams, default=None,
help='specify the chunker parameters (or "default").')
subparser.add_argument('location', metavar='REPOSITORY_OR_ARCHIVE', nargs='?', default='',
help='repository/archive to recreate')
subparser.add_argument('paths', metavar='PATH', nargs='*', type=str,
help='paths to recreate; patterns are supported')
subparser = subparsers.add_parser('help', parents=[common_parser], add_help=False,
description='Extra help')
subparser.add_argument('--epilog-only', dest='epilog_only',
@ -108,6 +108,11 @@ Chunk index: {0.total_unique_chunks:20d} {0.total_chunks:20d}"""
stats[field] = format_file_size(stats[field])
return Summary(**stats)
def chunks_stored_size(self):
Summary = namedtuple('Summary', ['total_size', 'total_csize', 'unique_size', 'unique_csize', 'total_unique_chunks', 'total_chunks'])
stats = Summary(*self.chunks.summarize())
return stats.unique_csize
def create(self):
"""Create a new empty cache at `self.path`
@ -358,16 +363,17 @@ Chunk index: {0.total_unique_chunks:20d} {0.total_chunks:20d}"""
self.do_cache = os.path.isdir(archive_path)
self.chunks = create_master_idx(self.chunks)
def add_chunk(self, id, data, stats):
def add_chunk(self, id, data, stats, overwrite=False):
if not self.txn_active:
size = len(data)
if self.seen_chunk(id, size):
refcount = self.seen_chunk(id, size)
if refcount and not overwrite:
return self.chunk_incref(id, stats)
data = self.key.encrypt(data)
csize = len(data)
self.repository.put(id, data, wait=False)
self.chunks[id] = (1, size, csize)
self.chunks[id] = (refcount + 1, size, csize)
stats.update(size, csize, True)
return id, size, csize
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import argparse
from binascii import hexlify
from collections import namedtuple
from collections import namedtuple, deque
from functools import wraps, partial
import grp
import hashlib
from itertools import islice
import os
import stat
import textwrap
@ -15,8 +16,8 @@ from string import Formatter
import platform
import time
import unicodedata
import logging
from .logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ EXIT_SUCCESS = 0 # everything done, no problems
EXIT_WARNING = 1 # reached normal end of operation, but there were issues
EXIT_ERROR = 2 # terminated abruptly, did not reach end of operation
DASHES = '-' * 78
class Error(Exception):
"""Error base class"""
@ -491,6 +494,9 @@ def timestamp(s):
def ChunkerParams(s):
if s.strip().lower() == "default":
from .archive import CHUNKER_PARAMS
chunk_min, chunk_max, chunk_mask, window_size = s.split(',')
if int(chunk_max) > 23:
# do not go beyond 2**23 (8MB) chunk size now,
@ -1272,3 +1278,74 @@ class ItemFormatter:
def time(self, key, item):
return safe_timestamp(item.get(key) or item[b'mtime'])
class ChunkIteratorFileWrapper:
"""File-like wrapper for chunk iterators"""
def __init__(self, chunk_iterator):
self.chunk_iterator = chunk_iterator
self.chunk_offset = 0
self.chunk = b''
self.exhausted = False
def _refill(self):
remaining = len(self.chunk) - self.chunk_offset
if not remaining:
self.chunk = memoryview(next(self.chunk_iterator))
except StopIteration:
self.exhausted = True
return 0 # EOF
self.chunk_offset = 0
remaining = len(self.chunk)
return remaining
def _read(self, nbytes):
if not nbytes:
return b''
remaining = self._refill()
will_read = min(remaining, nbytes)
self.chunk_offset += will_read
return self.chunk[self.chunk_offset - will_read:self.chunk_offset]
def read(self, nbytes):
parts = []
while nbytes and not self.exhausted:
read_data = self._read(nbytes)
nbytes -= len(read_data)
return b''.join(parts)
def open_item(archive, item):
"""Return file-like object for archived item (with chunks)."""
chunk_iterator = archive.pipeline.fetch_many([c[0] for c in item[b'chunks']])
return ChunkIteratorFileWrapper(chunk_iterator)
def file_status(mode):
if stat.S_ISREG(mode):
return 'A'
elif stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
return 'd'
elif stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
return 'b'
elif stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
return 'c'
elif stat.S_ISLNK(mode):
return 's'
elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
return 'f'
return '?'
def consume(iterator, n=None):
"""Advance the iterator n-steps ahead. If n is none, consume entirely."""
# Use functions that consume iterators at C speed.
if n is None:
# feed the entire iterator into a zero-length deque
deque(iterator, maxlen=0)
# advance to the empty slice starting at position n
next(islice(iterator, n, n), None)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from binascii import hexlify
from configparser import ConfigParser
import errno
import os
import inspect
from io import StringIO
import random
import stat
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ from hashlib import sha256
import pytest
from .. import xattr
from ..archive import Archive, ChunkBuffer, CHUNK_MAX_EXP
from ..archive import Archive, ChunkBuffer, ArchiveRecreater, CHUNK_MAX_EXP
from ..archiver import Archiver
from ..cache import Cache
from ..crypto import bytes_to_long, num_aes_blocks
@ -235,9 +236,6 @@ class ArchiverTestCaseBase(BaseTestCase):
def create_src_archive(self, name):
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::' + name, src_dir)
class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
def create_regular_file(self, name, size=0, contents=None):
filename = os.path.join(self.input_path, name)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)):
@ -295,6 +293,8 @@ class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
have_root = False
return have_root
class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
def test_basic_functionality(self):
have_root = self.create_test_files()
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
@ -637,29 +637,56 @@ class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
self.cmd("extract", self.repository_location + "::test", "fm:input/file1", "fm:*file33*", "input/file2")
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir("output/input")), ["file1", "file2", "file333"])
def test_exclude_caches(self):
def _create_test_caches(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.create_regular_file('file1', size=1024 * 80)
self.create_regular_file('cache1/CACHEDIR.TAG', contents=b'Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55 extra stuff')
self.create_regular_file('cache2/CACHEDIR.TAG', contents=b'invalid signature')
self.cmd('create', '--exclude-caches', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
os.link('input/cache1/CACHEDIR.TAG', 'input/cache3/CACHEDIR.TAG')
def _assert_test_caches(self):
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['cache2', 'file1'])
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input/cache2')), ['CACHEDIR.TAG'])
def test_exclude_tagged(self):
def test_exclude_caches(self):
self.cmd('create', '--exclude-caches', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
def test_recreate_exclude_caches(self):
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
self.cmd('recreate', '--exclude-caches', self.repository_location + '::test')
def _create_test_tagged(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.create_regular_file('file1', size=1024 * 80)
self.cmd('create', '--exclude-if-present', '.NOBACKUP', '--exclude-if-present', '00-NOBACKUP', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
def _assert_test_tagged(self):
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file1', 'tagged3'])
def test_exclude_keep_tagged(self):
def test_exclude_tagged(self):
self.cmd('create', '--exclude-if-present', '.NOBACKUP', '--exclude-if-present', '00-NOBACKUP', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
def test_recreate_exclude_tagged(self):
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
self.cmd('recreate', '--exclude-if-present', '.NOBACKUP', '--exclude-if-present', '00-NOBACKUP',
self.repository_location + '::test')
def _create_test_keep_tagged(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.create_regular_file('file0', size=1024)
@ -672,8 +699,8 @@ class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
self.create_regular_file('taggedall/CACHEDIR.TAG', contents=b'Signature: 8a477f597d28d172789f06886806bc55 extra stuff')
self.create_regular_file('taggedall/file4', size=1024)
self.cmd('create', '--exclude-if-present', '.NOBACKUP1', '--exclude-if-present', '.NOBACKUP2',
'--exclude-caches', '--keep-tag-files', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
def _assert_test_keep_tagged(self):
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.assert_equal(sorted(os.listdir('output/input')), ['file0', 'tagged1', 'tagged2', 'tagged3', 'taggedall'])
@ -683,6 +710,19 @@ class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
def test_exclude_keep_tagged(self):
self.cmd('create', '--exclude-if-present', '.NOBACKUP1', '--exclude-if-present', '.NOBACKUP2',
'--exclude-caches', '--keep-tag-files', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
def test_recreate_exclude_keep_tagged(self):
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
self.cmd('recreate', '--exclude-if-present', '.NOBACKUP1', '--exclude-if-present', '.NOBACKUP2',
'--exclude-caches', '--keep-tag-files', self.repository_location + '::test')
def test_path_normalization(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.create_regular_file('dir1/dir2/file', size=1024 * 80)
@ -880,6 +920,13 @@ class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
self.assert_in("U input/file1", output)
self.assert_in("x input/file2", output)
def test_create_delete_inbetween(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test1', 'input')
self.cmd('delete', self.repository_location + '::test1')
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test2', 'input')
def test_create_topical(self):
now = time.time()
self.create_regular_file('file1', size=1024 * 80)
@ -1149,6 +1196,176 @@ class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location, exit_code=1)
assert not os.path.exists(self.repository_location)
def test_recreate_basic(self):
self.create_regular_file('dir2/file3', size=1024 * 80)
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
archive = self.repository_location + '::test0'
self.cmd('create', archive, 'input')
self.cmd('recreate', archive, 'input/dir2', '-e', 'input/dir2/file3')
listing = self.cmd('list', '--short', archive)
assert 'file1' not in listing
assert 'dir2/file2' in listing
assert 'dir2/file3' not in listing
def test_recreate_subtree_hardlinks(self):
# This is essentially the same problem set as in test_extract_hardlinks
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test2', 'input')
self.cmd('recreate', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input/dir1')
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', self.repository_location + '::test')
assert os.stat('input/dir1/hardlink').st_nlink == 2
assert os.stat('input/dir1/subdir/hardlink').st_nlink == 2
assert os.stat('input/dir1/aaaa').st_nlink == 2
assert os.stat('input/dir1/source2').st_nlink == 2
with changedir('output'):
self.cmd('extract', self.repository_location + '::test2')
assert os.stat('input/dir1/hardlink').st_nlink == 4
def test_recreate_rechunkify(self):
with open(os.path.join(self.input_path, 'large_file'), 'wb') as fd:
fd.write(b'a' * 250)
fd.write(b'b' * 250)
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('create', '--chunker-params', '7,9,8,128', self.repository_location + '::test1', 'input')
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test2', 'input', '--no-files-cache')
list = self.cmd('list', self.repository_location + '::test1', 'input/large_file',
'--format', '{num_chunks} {unique_chunks}')
num_chunks, unique_chunks = map(int, list.split(' '))
# test1 and test2 do not deduplicate
assert num_chunks == unique_chunks
self.cmd('recreate', self.repository_location, '--chunker-params', 'default')
# test1 and test2 do deduplicate after recreate
assert not int(self.cmd('list', self.repository_location + '::test1', 'input/large_file',
'--format', '{unique_chunks}'))
def test_recreate_recompress(self):
self.create_regular_file('compressible', size=10000)
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
list = self.cmd('list', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input/compressible',
'--format', '{size} {csize}')
size, csize = map(int, list.split(' '))
assert csize >= size
self.cmd('recreate', self.repository_location, '-C', 'lz4')
list = self.cmd('list', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input/compressible',
'--format', '{size} {csize}')
size, csize = map(int, list.split(' '))
assert csize < size
def test_recreate_dry_run(self):
self.create_regular_file('compressible', size=10000)
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
archives_before = self.cmd('list', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.cmd('recreate', self.repository_location, '-n', '-e', 'input/compressible')
archives_after = self.cmd('list', self.repository_location + '::test')
assert archives_after == archives_before
def _recreate_interrupt_patch(self, interrupt_after_n_1_files):
def interrupt(self, *args):
if interrupt_after_n_1_files:
self.interrupt = True
pi_save(self, *args)
raise ArchiveRecreater.Interrupted
def process_item_patch(*args):
return pi_call.pop(0)(*args)
pi_save = ArchiveRecreater.process_item
pi_call = [pi_save] * interrupt_after_n_1_files + [interrupt]
return process_item_patch
def _test_recreate_interrupt(self, change_args, interrupt_early):
self.create_regular_file('dir2/abcdef', size=1024 * 80)
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
process_files = 1
if interrupt_early:
process_files = 0
with patch.object(ArchiveRecreater, 'process_item', self._recreate_interrupt_patch(process_files)):
self.cmd('recreate', '-sv', '--list', self.repository_location, 'input/dir2')
assert 'test.recreate' in self.cmd('list', self.repository_location)
if change_args:
with patch.object(sys, 'argv', sys.argv + ['non-forking tests don\'t use sys.argv']):
output = self.cmd('recreate', '-sv', '--list', '-pC', 'lz4', self.repository_location, 'input/dir2')
output = self.cmd('recreate', '-sv', '--list', self.repository_location, 'input/dir2')
assert 'Found test.recreate, will resume' in output
assert change_args == ('Command line changed' in output)
if not interrupt_early:
assert 'Fast-forwarded to input/dir2/abcdef' in output
assert 'A input/dir2/abcdef' not in output
assert 'A input/dir2/file2' in output
archives = self.cmd('list', self.repository_location)
assert 'test.recreate' not in archives
assert 'test' in archives
files = self.cmd('list', self.repository_location + '::test')
assert 'dir2/file2' in files
assert 'dir2/abcdef' in files
assert 'file1' not in files
def test_recreate_interrupt(self):
self._test_recreate_interrupt(False, True)
def test_recreate_interrupt2(self):
self._test_recreate_interrupt(True, False)
def _test_recreate_chunker_interrupt_patch(self):
real_add_chunk = Cache.add_chunk
def add_chunk(*args, **kwargs):
frame = inspect.stack()[2]
caller_self = frame[0].f_locals['self']
caller_self.interrupt = True
del frame
return real_add_chunk(*args, **kwargs)
return add_chunk
def test_recreate_rechunkify_interrupt(self):
self.create_regular_file('file1', size=1024 * 80)
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
archive_before = self.cmd('list', self.repository_location + '::test', '--format', '{sha512}')
with patch.object(Cache, 'add_chunk', self._test_recreate_chunker_interrupt_patch()):
self.cmd('recreate', '-p', '--chunker-params', '16,18,17,4095', self.repository_location)
assert 'test.recreate' in self.cmd('list', self.repository_location)
output = self.cmd('recreate', '-svp', '--debug', '--chunker-params', '16,18,17,4095', self.repository_location)
assert 'Found test.recreate, will resume' in output
assert 'Copied 1 chunks from a partially processed item' in output
archive_after = self.cmd('list', self.repository_location + '::test', '--format', '{sha512}')
assert archive_after == archive_before
def test_recreate_changed_source(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
with patch.object(ArchiveRecreater, 'process_item', self._recreate_interrupt_patch(1)):
self.cmd('recreate', self.repository_location, 'input/dir2')
assert 'test.recreate' in self.cmd('list', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('delete', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
output = self.cmd('recreate', self.repository_location, 'input/dir2')
assert 'Source archive changed, will discard test.recreate and start over' in output
def test_recreate_refuses_temporary(self):
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('recreate', self.repository_location + '::cba.recreate', exit_code=2)
def test_recreate_skips_nothing_to_do(self):
self.create_regular_file('file1', size=1024 * 80)
self.cmd('init', self.repository_location)
self.cmd('create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
info_before = self.cmd('info', self.repository_location + '::test')
self.cmd('recreate', self.repository_location, '--chunker-params', 'default')
info_after = self.cmd('info', self.repository_location + '::test')
assert info_before == info_after # includes archive ID
@unittest.skipUnless('binary' in BORG_EXES, 'no borg.exe available')
class ArchiverTestCaseBinary(ArchiverTestCase):
@ -1159,6 +1376,18 @@ class ArchiverTestCaseBinary(ArchiverTestCase):
def test_init_interrupt(self):
@unittest.skip('patches objects')
def test_recreate_rechunkify_interrupt(self):
@unittest.skip('patches objects')
def test_recreate_interrupt(self):
@unittest.skip('patches objects')
def test_recreate_changed_source(self):
class ArchiverCheckTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
@ -1274,9 +1503,6 @@ class RemoteArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCase):
class DiffArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
create_test_files = ArchiverTestCase.create_test_files
create_regular_file = ArchiverTestCase.create_regular_file
def test_basic_functionality(self):
# Initialize test folder
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from ..helpers import Location, format_file_size, format_timedelta, make_path_sa
StableDict, int_to_bigint, bigint_to_int, parse_timestamp, CompressionSpec, ChunkerParams, \
ProgressIndicatorPercent, ProgressIndicatorEndless, load_excludes, parse_pattern, \
PatternMatcher, RegexPattern, PathPrefixPattern, FnmatchPattern, ShellPattern, partial_format
PatternMatcher, RegexPattern, PathPrefixPattern, FnmatchPattern, ShellPattern, partial_format, ChunkIteratorFileWrapper
from . import BaseTestCase, environment_variable, FakeInputs
@ -899,3 +899,14 @@ def test_partial_format():
assert partial_format('{unknown_key}', {}) == '{unknown_key}'
assert partial_format('{key}{{escaped_key}}', {}) == '{key}{{escaped_key}}'
assert partial_format('{{escaped_key}}', {'escaped_key': 1234}) == '{{escaped_key}}'
def test_chunk_file_wrapper():
cfw = ChunkIteratorFileWrapper(iter([b'abc', b'def']))
assert cfw.read(2) == b'ab'
assert cfw.read(50) == b'cdef'
assert cfw.exhausted
cfw = ChunkIteratorFileWrapper(iter([]))
assert cfw.read(2) == b''
assert cfw.exhausted
@ -628,6 +628,26 @@ Examples
no key file found for repository
.. include:: usage/recreate.rst.inc
# Make old (Attic / Borg 0.xx) archives deduplicate with Borg 1.x archives
# Archives created with Borg 1.1+ and the default chunker params are skipped (archive ID stays the same)
$ borg recreate /mnt/backup --chunker-params default --progress
# Create a backup with little but fast compression
$ borg create /mnt/backup::archive /some/files --compression lz4
# Then compress it - this might take longer, but the backup has already completed, so no inconsistencies
# from a long-running backup job.
$ borg recreate /mnt/backup::archive --compression zlib,9
# Remove unwanted files from all archives in a repository
$ borg recreate /mnt/backup -e /home/icke/Pictures/drunk_photos
Miscellaneous Help
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
.. _borg_recreate:
borg recreate
usage: borg recreate [-h] [-v] [--debug] [--lock-wait N] [--show-version]
[--show-rc] [--no-files-cache] [--umask M]
[--remote-path PATH] [--list] [--filter STATUSCHARS] [-p]
[-n] [-s] [-e PATTERN] [--exclude-from EXCLUDEFILE]
[--exclude-caches] [--exclude-if-present FILENAME]
[--keep-tag-files] [-C COMPRESSION]
Re-create archives
positional arguments:
repository/archive to recreate
PATH paths to recreate; patterns are supported
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose, --info
enable informative (verbose) output, work on log level
--debug enable debug output, work on log level DEBUG
--lock-wait N wait for the lock, but max. N seconds (default: 1).
--show-version show/log the borg version
--show-rc show/log the return code (rc)
--no-files-cache do not load/update the file metadata cache used to
detect unchanged files
--umask M set umask to M (local and remote, default: 0077)
--remote-path PATH set remote path to executable (default: "borg")
--list output verbose list of items (files, dirs, ...)
--filter STATUSCHARS only display items with the given status characters
-p, --progress show progress display while rewriting archives
-n, --dry-run do not change anything
-s, --stats print statistics at end
-e PATTERN, --exclude PATTERN
exclude paths matching PATTERN
--exclude-from EXCLUDEFILE
read exclude patterns from EXCLUDEFILE, one per line
--exclude-caches exclude directories that contain a CACHEDIR.TAG file
--exclude-if-present FILENAME
exclude directories that contain the specified file
--keep-tag-files keep tag files of excluded caches/directories
select compression algorithm (and level): none == no
compression (default), lz4 == lz4, zlib == zlib
(default level 6), zlib,0 .. zlib,9 == zlib (with
level 0..9), lzma == lzma (default level 6), lzma,0 ..
lzma,9 == lzma (with level 0..9).
specify the chunker parameters (or "default").
Recreate the contents of existing archives.
--exclude, --exclude-from and PATH have the exact same semantics
as in "borg create". If a PATH is specified the resulting archive
will only contain files under PATH.
--compression: all chunks seen will be stored using the given method.
Due to how Borg stores compressed size information this might display
incorrect information for archives that were not rewritten at the same time.
There is no risk of data loss by this.
--chunker-params will re-chunk all files in the archive, this can be
used to have upgraded Borg 0.xx or Attic archives deduplicate with
Borg 1.x archives.
borg recreate is signal safe. Send either SIGINT (Ctrl-C on most terminals) or
SIGTERM to request termination.
Use the *exact same* command line to resume the operation later - changing excludes
or paths will lead to inconsistencies (changed excludes will only apply to newly
processed files/dirs). Changing compression leads to incorrect size information
(which does not cause any data loss, but can be misleading).
Changing chunker params between invocations might lead to data loss.
Permanent data loss by specifying incorrect patterns or PATHS is possible.
When in doubt, use "--dry-run --verbose --list" to see how patterns/PATHS are
The archive being recreated is only removed after the operation completes. The
archive that is built during the operation exists at the same time at
"<ARCHIVE>.recreate". The new archive will have a different archive ID.
When rechunking space usage can be substantial, expect at least the entire
deduplicated size of the archives using the older chunker params.
When recompressing approximately 1 % of the repository size or 512 MB
(whichever is greater) of additional space is used.
Add table
Reference in a new issue