mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 10:39:50 +00:00
remove AEAD ciphers AES-OCB and CHACHA20-POLY1305, fixes #6472
not used in 1.2.x, we'll start using them in 1.3.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 3 additions and 345 deletions
@ -23,14 +23,3 @@ void HMAC_CTX_free(HMAC_CTX *ctx)
const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_ocb(void){ /* dummy, so that code compiles */
return NULL;
const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_chacha20_poly1305(void){ /* dummy, so that code compiles */
return NULL;
@ -10,12 +10,6 @@ void HMAC_CTX_free(HMAC_CTX *ctx);
const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_ocb(void); /* dummy, so that code compiles */
const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_chacha20_poly1305(void); /* dummy, so that code compiles */
@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ cdef extern from "openssl/evp.h":
const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_ctr()
const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_ocb()
const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_chacha20_poly1305()
@ -77,9 +75,6 @@ cdef extern from "openssl/evp.h":
int EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *out, int *outl)
int EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, int type, int arg, void *ptr)
const EVP_MD *EVP_sha256() nogil
@ -112,9 +107,6 @@ cdef extern from "_crypto_helpers.h":
void HMAC_CTX_free(HMAC_CTX *a)
const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_aes_256_ocb() # dummy
const EVP_CIPHER *EVP_chacha20_poly1305() # dummy
@ -132,7 +124,7 @@ long_to_bytes = lambda x: _long.pack(x)
def num_cipher_blocks(length, blocksize=16):
"""Return the number of cipher blocks required to encrypt/decrypt <length> bytes of data.
For a precise computation, <blocksize> must be the used cipher's block size (AES: 16, CHACHA20: 64).
For a precise computation, <blocksize> must be the used cipher's block size (AES: 16).
For a safe-upper-boundary computation, <blocksize> must be the MINIMUM of the block sizes (in
bytes) of ALL supported ciphers. This can be used to adjust a counter if the used cipher is not
@ -444,234 +436,6 @@ cdef class AES256_CTR_BLAKE2b(AES256_CTR_BASE):
ctypedef const EVP_CIPHER * (* CIPHER)()
cdef class _AEAD_BASE:
# Layout: HEADER + MAC 16 + IV 12 + CT
cdef CIPHER cipher
cdef EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx
cdef unsigned char *enc_key
cdef int cipher_blk_len
cdef int iv_len
cdef int aad_offset
cdef int header_len
cdef int mac_len
cdef unsigned char iv[12]
cdef long long blocks
def requirements_check(cls):
"""check whether library requirements for this ciphersuite are satisfied"""
raise NotImplemented # override / implement in child class
def __init__(self, mac_key, enc_key, iv=None, header_len=1, aad_offset=1):
assert mac_key is None
assert isinstance(enc_key, bytes) and len(enc_key) == 32
self.iv_len = sizeof(self.iv)
self.header_len = 1
assert aad_offset <= header_len
self.aad_offset = aad_offset
self.header_len = header_len
self.mac_len = 16
self.enc_key = enc_key
if iv is not None:
self.blocks = -1 # make sure set_iv is called before encrypt
def __cinit__(self, mac_key, enc_key, iv=None, header_len=1, aad_offset=1):
self.ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new()
def __dealloc__(self):
def encrypt(self, data, header=b'', iv=None):
encrypt data, compute mac over aad + iv + cdata, prepend header.
aad_offset is the offset into the header where aad starts.
if iv is not None:
assert self.blocks == 0, 'iv needs to be set before encrypt is called'
# AES-GCM, AES-OCB, CHACHA20 ciphers all add a internal 32bit counter to the 96bit (12Byte)
# IV we provide, thus we must not encrypt more than 2^32 cipher blocks with same IV).
block_count = self.block_count(len(data))
if block_count > 2**32:
raise ValueError('too much data, would overflow internal 32bit counter')
cdef int ilen = len(data)
cdef int hlen = len(header)
assert hlen == self.header_len
cdef int aoffset = self.aad_offset
cdef int alen = hlen - aoffset
cdef unsigned char *odata = <unsigned char *>PyMem_Malloc(hlen + self.mac_len + self.iv_len +
ilen + self.cipher_blk_len)
if not odata:
raise MemoryError
cdef int olen
cdef int offset
cdef Py_buffer idata = ro_buffer(data)
cdef Py_buffer hdata = ro_buffer(header)
offset = 0
for i in range(hlen):
odata[offset+i] = header[i]
offset += hlen
offset += self.mac_len
self.store_iv(odata+offset, self.iv)
rc = EVP_EncryptInit_ex(self.ctx, self.cipher(), NULL, NULL, NULL)
if not rc:
raise CryptoError('EVP_EncryptInit_ex failed')
if not EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(self.ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_IVLEN, self.iv_len, NULL):
raise CryptoError('EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl SET IVLEN failed')
rc = EVP_EncryptInit_ex(self.ctx, NULL, NULL, self.enc_key, self.iv)
if not rc:
raise CryptoError('EVP_EncryptInit_ex failed')
rc = EVP_EncryptUpdate(self.ctx, NULL, &olen, <const unsigned char*> hdata.buf+aoffset, alen)
if not rc:
raise CryptoError('EVP_EncryptUpdate failed')
if not EVP_EncryptUpdate(self.ctx, NULL, &olen, odata+offset, self.iv_len):
raise CryptoError('EVP_EncryptUpdate failed')
offset += self.iv_len
rc = EVP_EncryptUpdate(self.ctx, odata+offset, &olen, <const unsigned char*> idata.buf, ilen)
if not rc:
raise CryptoError('EVP_EncryptUpdate failed')
offset += olen
rc = EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(self.ctx, odata+offset, &olen)
if not rc:
raise CryptoError('EVP_EncryptFinal_ex failed')
offset += olen
if not EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(self.ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_GET_TAG, self.mac_len, odata+hlen):
raise CryptoError('EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl GET TAG failed')
self.blocks = block_count
return odata[:offset]
def decrypt(self, envelope):
authenticate aad + iv + cdata, decrypt cdata, ignore header bytes up to aad_offset.
# AES-GCM, AES-OCB, CHACHA20 ciphers all add a internal 32bit counter to the 96bit (12Byte)
# IV we provide, thus we must not decrypt more than 2^32 cipher blocks with same IV):
approx_block_count = self.block_count(len(envelope)) # sloppy, but good enough for borg
if approx_block_count > 2**32:
raise ValueError('too much data, would overflow internal 32bit counter')
cdef int ilen = len(envelope)
cdef int hlen = self.header_len
assert hlen == self.header_len
cdef int aoffset = self.aad_offset
cdef int alen = hlen - aoffset
cdef unsigned char *odata = <unsigned char *>PyMem_Malloc(ilen + self.cipher_blk_len)
if not odata:
raise MemoryError
cdef int olen
cdef int offset
cdef Py_buffer idata = ro_buffer(envelope)
if not EVP_DecryptInit_ex(self.ctx, self.cipher(), NULL, NULL, NULL):
raise CryptoError('EVP_DecryptInit_ex failed')
iv = self.fetch_iv(<unsigned char *> idata.buf+hlen+self.mac_len)
if not EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(self.ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_IVLEN, self.iv_len, NULL):
raise CryptoError('EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl SET IVLEN failed')
if not EVP_DecryptInit_ex(self.ctx, NULL, NULL, self.enc_key, iv):
raise CryptoError('EVP_DecryptInit_ex failed')
if not EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(self.ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_TAG, self.mac_len, <unsigned char *> idata.buf+hlen):
raise CryptoError('EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl SET TAG failed')
rc = EVP_DecryptUpdate(self.ctx, NULL, &olen, <const unsigned char*> idata.buf+aoffset, alen)
if not rc:
raise CryptoError('EVP_DecryptUpdate failed')
if not EVP_DecryptUpdate(self.ctx, NULL, &olen,
<const unsigned char*> idata.buf+hlen+self.mac_len, self.iv_len):
raise CryptoError('EVP_DecryptUpdate failed')
offset = 0
rc = EVP_DecryptUpdate(self.ctx, odata+offset, &olen,
<const unsigned char*> idata.buf+hlen+self.mac_len+self.iv_len,
if not rc:
raise CryptoError('EVP_DecryptUpdate failed')
offset += olen
rc = EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(self.ctx, odata+offset, &olen)
if rc <= 0:
# a failure here means corrupted or tampered tag (mac) or data.
raise IntegrityError('Authentication / EVP_DecryptFinal_ex failed')
offset += olen
self.blocks = self.block_count(offset)
return odata[:offset]
def block_count(self, length):
return num_cipher_blocks(length, self.cipher_blk_len)
def set_iv(self, iv):
# set_iv needs to be called before each encrypt() call,
# because encrypt does a full initialisation of the cipher context.
if isinstance(iv, int):
iv = iv.to_bytes(self.iv_len, byteorder='big')
assert isinstance(iv, bytes) and len(iv) == self.iv_len
for i in range(self.iv_len):
self.iv[i] = iv[i]
self.blocks = 0 # number of cipher blocks encrypted with this IV
def next_iv(self):
# call this after encrypt() to get the next iv (int) for the next encrypt() call
# AES-GCM, AES-OCB, CHACHA20 ciphers all add a internal 32bit counter to the 96bit
# (12 byte) IV we provide, thus we only need to increment the IV by 1.
iv = int.from_bytes(self.iv[:self.iv_len], byteorder='big')
return iv + 1
cdef fetch_iv(self, unsigned char * iv_in):
return iv_in[0:self.iv_len]
cdef store_iv(self, unsigned char * iv_out, unsigned char * iv):
cdef int i
for i in range(self.iv_len):
iv_out[i] = iv[i]
def extract_iv(self, envelope):
offset = self.header_len + self.mac_len
return bytes_to_long(envelope[offset:offset+self.iv_len])
cdef class _AES_BASE(_AEAD_BASE):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cipher_blk_len = 16
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
cdef class _CHACHA_BASE(_AEAD_BASE):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cipher_blk_len = 64
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
cdef class AES256_OCB(_AES_BASE):
def requirements_check(cls):
if openssl10:
raise ValueError('AES OCB requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0. Detected: OpenSSL %08x' % OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER)
def __init__(self, mac_key, enc_key, iv=None, header_len=1, aad_offset=1):
self.cipher = EVP_aes_256_ocb
super().__init__(mac_key, enc_key, iv=iv, header_len=header_len, aad_offset=aad_offset)
cdef class CHACHA20_POLY1305(_CHACHA_BASE):
def requirements_check(cls):
if openssl10:
raise ValueError('CHACHA20-POLY1305 requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0. Detected: OpenSSL %08x' % OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER)
def __init__(self, mac_key, enc_key, iv=None, header_len=1, aad_offset=1):
self.cipher = EVP_chacha20_poly1305
super().__init__(mac_key, enc_key, iv=iv, header_len=header_len, aad_offset=aad_offset)
cdef class AES:
"""A thin wrapper around the OpenSSL EVP cipher API - for legacy code, like key file encryption"""
cdef CIPHER cipher
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ SELFTEST_CASES = [
class SelfTestResult(TestResult):
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
from binascii import hexlify
from ..crypto.low_level import AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256, AES256_OCB, CHACHA20_POLY1305, UNENCRYPTED, \
IntegrityError, openssl10
from ..crypto.low_level import AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256, UNENCRYPTED, IntegrityError
from ..crypto.low_level import bytes_to_long, bytes_to_int, long_to_bytes
from ..crypto.low_level import hkdf_hmac_sha512
@ -89,94 +88,6 @@ class CryptoTestCase(BaseTestCase):
lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
def test_AE(self):
# used in legacy-like layout (1 type byte, no aad)
mac_key = None
enc_key = b'X' * 32
iv = 0
data = b'foo' * 10
header = b'\x23'
tests = [
# (ciphersuite class, exp_mac, exp_cdata)
if not openssl10:
tests += [
b'877ce46d2f62dee54699cebc3ba41d9ab613f7c486778c1b3636664b1493', ),
b'a093e4b0387526f085d3c40cca84a35230a5c0dd766453b77ba38bcff775', )
for cs_cls, exp_mac, exp_cdata in tests:
# print(repr(cs_cls))
# encrypt/mac
cs = cs_cls(mac_key, enc_key, iv, header_len=1, aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata = cs.encrypt(data, header=header)
hdr = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[0:1]
mac = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[1:17]
iv = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[17:29]
cdata = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[29:]
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b'23')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(mac), exp_mac)
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b'000000000000000000000000')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(cdata), exp_cdata)
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 1)
# auth/decrypt
cs = cs_cls(mac_key, enc_key, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
pdata = cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata)
self.assert_equal(data, pdata)
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 1)
# auth-failure due to corruption (corrupted data)
cs = cs_cls(mac_key, enc_key, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:29] + b'\0' + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[30:]
lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
def test_AEAD(self):
# test with aad
mac_key = None
enc_key = b'X' * 32
iv = 0
data = b'foo' * 10
header = b'\x12\x34\x56'
tests = [
# (ciphersuite class, exp_mac, exp_cdata)
if not openssl10:
tests += [
b'877ce46d2f62dee54699cebc3ba41d9ab613f7c486778c1b3636664b1493', ),
b'a093e4b0387526f085d3c40cca84a35230a5c0dd766453b77ba38bcff775', )
for cs_cls, exp_mac, exp_cdata in tests:
# print(repr(cs_cls))
# encrypt/mac
cs = cs_cls(mac_key, enc_key, iv, header_len=3, aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata = cs.encrypt(data, header=header)
hdr = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[0:3]
mac = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[3:19]
iv = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[19:31]
cdata = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[31:]
self.assert_equal(hexlify(hdr), b'123456')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(mac), exp_mac)
self.assert_equal(hexlify(iv), b'000000000000000000000000')
self.assert_equal(hexlify(cdata), exp_cdata)
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 1)
# auth/decrypt
cs = cs_cls(mac_key, enc_key, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
pdata = cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata)
self.assert_equal(data, pdata)
self.assert_equal(cs.next_iv(), 1)
# auth-failure due to corruption (corrupted aad)
cs = cs_cls(mac_key, enc_key, header_len=len(header), aad_offset=1)
hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted = hdr_mac_iv_cdata[:1] + b'\0' + hdr_mac_iv_cdata[2:]
lambda: cs.decrypt(hdr_mac_iv_cdata_corrupted))
# These test vectors come from https://www.kullo.net/blog/hkdf-sha-512-test-vectors/
# who claims to have verified these against independent Python and C++ implementations.
Add table
Reference in a new issue