Item implementation + tests

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Waldmann 2016-04-25 05:57:30 +02:00
parent b8303a38bf
commit c6f5989905
2 changed files with 235 additions and 0 deletions

borg/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
from .constants import ITEM_KEYS
from .helpers import safe_encode, safe_decode, StableDict
# we want str keys for this code
ITEM_KEYS = set(key.decode() for key in ITEM_KEYS)
class Item:
Item abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
- msgpack gives us a dict with bytes-typed keys - but we do not want to have the ugly
bytes-typed keys and the hard-to-type dict item access all over the place (like: item[b'keyname']),
so we define properties (and use it like: item.keyname)
- msgpack gives us byte-typed values for stuff that should be str, we need to decode/encode them here.
- we want to be safe against typos in keys and badly typed values, so we check them.
Items are created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
If an Item shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
def __init__(self, data_dict=None, **kw):
if data_dict is None:
data = kw
elif not isinstance(data_dict, dict):
raise TypeError("data_dict must be dict")
data = data_dict
# internally, we want an dict with only str-typed keys
_dict = {}
for k, v in data.items():
if isinstance(k, bytes):
k = k.decode()
elif not isinstance(k, str):
raise TypeError("dict keys must be str or bytes, not %r" % k)
_dict[k] = v
unknown_keys = set(_dict) - self.VALID_KEYS
if unknown_keys:
raise ValueError("dict contains unknown keys %s" % ','.join(unknown_keys))
self._dict = _dict
def as_dict(self):
"""return the internal dictionary"""
return self._dict # XXX use StableDict?
def _check_key(self, key):
"""make sure key is of type str and known"""
if not isinstance(key, str):
raise TypeError("key must be str")
if key not in self.VALID_KEYS:
raise ValueError("key '%s' unknown" % key)
return key
def __contains__(self, key):
"""do we have this key?"""
return self._check_key(key) in self._dict
def get(self, key, default=None):
"""get value for key, return default if key does not exist"""
return getattr(self, self._check_key(key), default)
def _make_property(key, value_type, value_type_name=None, encode=None, decode=None):
"""return a property that deals with self._dict[key]:
- sets the value (checking type and optionally encoding it)
- gets the value (optionally decoding it)
- deletes the entry from the internal dict
- creates reasonable docstring and exceptions / exception messages
assert isinstance(key, str)
if value_type_name is None:
value_type_name = value_type.__name__
doc = "%s (%s)" % (key, value_type_name)
type_error_msg = "%s value must be %s" % (key, value_type_name)
attr_error_msg = "attribute %s not found" % key
def _get(self):
value = self._dict[key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(attr_error_msg) from None
if decode is not None:
value = decode(value)
return value
def _set(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, value_type):
raise TypeError(type_error_msg)
if encode is not None:
value = encode(value)
self._dict[key] = value
def _del(self):
del self._dict[key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(attr_error_msg) from None
return property(_get, _set, _del, doc=doc)
# properties statically defined, so that IDEs can know their names:
path = _make_property('path', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
source = _make_property('source', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
user = _make_property('user', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
group = _make_property('group', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
acl_access = _make_property('acl_access', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
acl_default = _make_property('acl_default', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
acl_extended = _make_property('acl_extended', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
acl_nfs4 = _make_property('acl_nfs4', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
mode = _make_property('mode', int)
uid = _make_property('uid', int)
gid = _make_property('gid', int)
atime = _make_property('atime', int)
ctime = _make_property('ctime', int)
mtime = _make_property('mtime', int)
rdev = _make_property('rdev', int)
bsdflags = _make_property('bsdflags', int)
hardlink_master = _make_property('hardlink_master', bool)
chunks = _make_property('chunks', list)
xattrs = _make_property('xattrs', StableDict)

borg/testsuite/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import pytest
from ..item import Item
from ..helpers import StableDict
def test_item_empty():
item = Item()
assert item.as_dict() == {}
assert 'path' not in item
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
'invalid-key' in item
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
b'path' in item
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
42 in item
assert item.get('mode') is None
assert item.get('mode', 0o666) == 0o666
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
del item.path
def test_item_from_dict():
# does not matter whether we get str or bytes keys
item = Item({b'path': b'/a/b/c', b'mode': 0o666})
assert item.path == '/a/b/c'
assert item.mode == 0o666
assert 'path' in item
item = Item({'path': b'/a/b/c', 'mode': 0o666})
assert item.path == '/a/b/c'
assert item.mode == 0o666
assert 'mode' in item
def test_item_from_kw():
item = Item(path=b'/a/b/c', mode=0o666)
assert item.path == '/a/b/c'
assert item.mode == 0o666
def test_item_int_property():
item = Item()
item.mode = 0o666
assert item.mode == 0o666
assert item.as_dict() == {'mode': 0o666}
del item.mode
assert item.as_dict() == {}
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
item.mode = "invalid"
def test_item_se_str_property():
# start simple
item = Item()
item.path = '/a/b/c'
assert item.path == '/a/b/c'
assert item.as_dict() == {'path': b'/a/b/c'}
del item.path
assert item.as_dict() == {}
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
item.path = 42
# non-utf-8 path, needing surrogate-escaping for latin-1 u-umlaut
item = Item({'path': b'/a/\xfc/c'})
assert item.path == '/a/\udcfc/c' # getting a surrogate-escaped representation
assert item.as_dict() == {'path': b'/a/\xfc/c'}
del item.path
assert 'path' not in item
item.path = '/a/\udcfc/c' # setting using a surrogate-escaped representation
assert item.as_dict() == {'path': b'/a/\xfc/c'}
def test_item_list_property():
item = Item()
item.chunks = []
assert item.chunks == []
assert item.chunks == [0]
assert item.chunks == [0, 1]
assert item.as_dict() == {'chunks': [0, 1]}
def test_item_dict_property():
item = Item()
item.xattrs = StableDict()
assert item.xattrs == StableDict()
item.xattrs['foo'] = 'bar'
assert item.xattrs['foo'] == 'bar'
item.xattrs['bar'] = 'baz'
assert item.xattrs == StableDict({'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'baz'})
assert item.as_dict() == {'xattrs': {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': 'baz'}}