support common options

This commit is contained in:
Marian Beermann 2017-05-14 17:49:08 +02:00
parent 00e76f77fc
commit d5edb011f0
4 changed files with 164 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ deduplicating and encrypting backup tool
borg <command> [options] [arguments]
borg [common options] <command> [options] [arguments]

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@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ class build_usage(Command):
"command_": command.replace(' ', '_'),
"underline": '-' * len('borg ' + command)}
doc.write(".. _borg_{command_}:\n\n".format(**params))
doc.write("borg {command}\n{underline}\n::\n\n borg {command}".format(**params))
doc.write("borg {command}\n{underline}\n::\n\n borg [common options] {command}".format(**params))
self.write_usage(parser, doc)
epilog = parser.epilog
parser.epilog = None
@ -402,10 +402,10 @@ class build_man(Command):
if is_intermediary:
subparsers = [action for action in parser._actions if 'SubParsersAction' in str(action.__class__)][0]
for subcommand in subparsers.choices:
write('| borg', command, subcommand, '...')
write('| borg', '[common options]', command, subcommand, '...')
self.see_also.setdefault(command, []).append('%s-%s' % (command, subcommand))
write('borg', command, end='')
write('borg', '[common options]', command, end='')
self.write_usage(write, parser)

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@ -1881,58 +1881,166 @@ class Archiver:
epilog = [line for line in epilog if not line.startswith('.. man')]
return '\n'.join(epilog)
common_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, prog=self.prog)
class CommonOptions:
Support class to allow specifying common options directly after the top-level command.
common_group = common_parser.add_argument_group('Common options')
common_group.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='show this help message and exit')
common_group.add_argument('--critical', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='critical', default='warning',
help='work on log level CRITICAL')
common_group.add_argument('--error', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='error', default='warning',
help='work on log level ERROR')
common_group.add_argument('--warning', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='warning', default='warning',
help='work on log level WARNING (default)')
common_group.add_argument('--info', '-v', '--verbose', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='info', default='warning',
help='work on log level INFO')
common_group.add_argument('--debug', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='debug', default='warning',
help='enable debug output, work on log level DEBUG')
common_group.add_argument('--debug-topic', dest='debug_topics',
action='append', metavar='TOPIC', default=[],
help='enable TOPIC debugging (can be specified multiple times). '
'The logger path is borg.debug.<TOPIC> if TOPIC is not fully qualified.')
common_group.add_argument('-p', '--progress', dest='progress', action='store_true',
help='show progress information')
common_group.add_argument('--log-json', dest='log_json', action='store_true',
help='Output one JSON object per log line instead of formatted text.')
common_group.add_argument('--lock-wait', dest='lock_wait', type=int, metavar='N', default=1,
help='wait for the lock, but max. N seconds (default: %(default)d).')
common_group.add_argument('--show-version', dest='show_version', action='store_true', default=False,
help='show/log the borg version')
common_group.add_argument('--show-rc', dest='show_rc', action='store_true', default=False,
help='show/log the return code (rc)')
common_group.add_argument('--no-files-cache', dest='cache_files', action='store_false',
help='do not load/update the file metadata cache used to detect unchanged files')
common_group.add_argument('--umask', dest='umask', type=lambda s: int(s, 8), default=UMASK_DEFAULT, metavar='M',
help='set umask to M (local and remote, default: %(default)04o)')
common_group.add_argument('--remote-path', dest='remote_path', metavar='PATH',
help='use PATH as borg executable on the remote (default: "borg")')
common_group.add_argument('--remote-ratelimit', dest='remote_ratelimit', type=int, metavar='rate',
help='set remote network upload rate limit in kiByte/s (default: 0=unlimited)')
common_group.add_argument('--consider-part-files', dest='consider_part_files',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='treat part files like normal files (e.g. to list/extract them)')
Normally options can only be specified on the parser defining them, which means
that generally speaking *all* options go after all sub-commands. This is annoying
for common options in scripts, e.g. --remote-path or logging options.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=self.prog, description='Borg - Deduplicated Backups')
This class allows adding the same set of options to both the top-level parser
and the final sub-command parsers (but not intermediary sub-commands, at least for now).
It does so by giving every option's target name ("dest") a suffix indicating it's level
-- no two options in the parser hierarchy can have the same target --
then, after parsing the command line, multiple definitions are resolved.
Defaults are handled by only setting them on the top-level parser and setting
a sentinel object in all sub-parsers, which then allows to discern which parser
supplied the option.
# From lowest precedence to highest precedence:
# An option specified on the parser belonging to index 0 is overridden if the
# same option is specified on any parser with a higher index.
SUFFIX_PRECEDENCE = ('_maincommand', '_subcommand')
def __init__(self):
from collections import defaultdict
# Maps suffixes to sets of target names.
# E.g. common_options["_subcommand"] = {..., "log_level", ...}
self.common_options = defaultdict(defaultdict)
self.append_options = set()
self.default_sentinel = object()
def add_common_group(self, parser, suffix='_subcommand', provide_defaults=False):
Add common options to *parser*.
*provide_defaults* must only be True exactly once in a parser hierarchy,
at the top level, and False on all lower levels. The default is chosen
*suffix* indicates the suffix to use internally. It also indicates
which precedence the *parser* has for common options. See SUFFIX_PRECEDENCE.
assert suffix in self.SUFFIX_PRECEDENCE
def add_argument(*args, **kwargs):
if 'dest' in kwargs:
is_append = kwargs.get('action') == 'append'
if is_append:
assert kwargs['default'] == [], 'The default is explicitly constructed as an empty list in resolve()'
self.common_options.setdefault(suffix, set()).add(kwargs['dest'])
kwargs['dest'] += suffix
if not provide_defaults and 'default' in kwargs:
# Interpolate help now, in case the %(default)d (or so) is mentioned,
# to avoid producing incorrect help output.
# Assumption: Interpolated output can safely be interpolated again,
# which should always be the case.
# Note: We control all inputs.
kwargs['help'] = kwargs['help'] % kwargs
if not is_append:
kwargs['default'] = self.default_sentinel
common_group.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
common_group = parser.add_argument_group('Common options')
add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='show this help message and exit')
add_argument('--critical', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='critical', default='warning',
help='work on log level CRITICAL')
add_argument('--error', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='error', default='warning',
help='work on log level ERROR')
add_argument('--warning', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='warning', default='warning',
help='work on log level WARNING (default)')
add_argument('--info', '-v', '--verbose', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='info', default='warning',
help='work on log level INFO')
add_argument('--debug', dest='log_level',
action='store_const', const='debug', default='warning',
help='enable debug output, work on log level DEBUG')
add_argument('--debug-topic', dest='debug_topics',
action='append', metavar='TOPIC', default=[],
help='enable TOPIC debugging (can be specified multiple times). '
'The logger path is borg.debug.<TOPIC> if TOPIC is not fully qualified.')
add_argument('-p', '--progress', dest='progress', action='store_true',
help='show progress information')
add_argument('--log-json', dest='log_json', action='store_true',
help='Output one JSON object per log line instead of formatted text.')
add_argument('--lock-wait', dest='lock_wait', type=int, metavar='N', default=1,
help='wait for the lock, but max. N seconds (default: %(default)d).')
add_argument('--show-version', dest='show_version', action='store_true', default=False,
help='show/log the borg version')
add_argument('--show-rc', dest='show_rc', action='store_true', default=False,
help='show/log the return code (rc)')
add_argument('--no-files-cache', dest='cache_files', action='store_false',
help='do not load/update the file metadata cache used to detect unchanged files')
add_argument('--umask', dest='umask', type=lambda s: int(s, 8), default=UMASK_DEFAULT, metavar='M',
help='set umask to M (local and remote, default: %(default)04o)')
add_argument('--remote-path', dest='remote_path', metavar='PATH',
help='use PATH as borg executable on the remote (default: "borg")')
add_argument('--remote-ratelimit', dest='remote_ratelimit', type=int, metavar='rate',
help='set remote network upload rate limit in kiByte/s (default: 0=unlimited)')
add_argument('--consider-part-files', dest='consider_part_files',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='treat part files like normal files (e.g. to list/extract them)')
def resolve(self, args: argparse.Namespace): # Namespace has "in" but otherwise is not like a dict.
Resolve the multiple definitions of each common option to the final value.
for suffix in self.SUFFIX_PRECEDENCE:
# From highest level to lowest level, so the "most-specific" option wins, e.g.
# "borg --debug create --info" shall result in --info being effective.
for dest in self.common_options.get(suffix, []):
# map_from is this suffix' option name, e.g. log_level_subcommand
# map_to is the target name, e.g. log_level
map_from = dest + suffix
map_to = dest
# Retrieve value; depending on the action it may not exist, but usually does
# (store_const/store_true/store_false), either because the action implied a default
# or a default is explicitly supplied.
# Note that defaults on lower levels are replaced with default_sentinel.
# Only the top level has defaults.
value = getattr(args, map_from, self.default_sentinel)
if value is not self.default_sentinel:
# value was indeed specified on this level. Transfer value to target,
# and un-clobber the args (for tidiness - you *cannot* use the suffixed
# names for other purposes, obviously).
setattr(args, map_to, value)
delattr(args, map_from)
# Options with an "append" action need some special treatment. Instead of
# overriding values, all specified values are merged together.
for dest in self.append_options:
option_value = []
for suffix in self.SUFFIX_PRECEDENCE:
# Find values of this suffix, if any, and add them to the final list
values = getattr(args, dest + suffix, [])
setattr(args, dest, option_value)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=self.prog, description='Borg - Deduplicated Backups',
parser.common_options = CommonOptions()
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__,
help='show version number and exit')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='required arguments', metavar='<command>')
parser.common_options.add_common_group(parser, '_maincommand', provide_defaults=True)
common_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, prog=self.prog)
# some empty defaults for all subparsers
common_parser.set_defaults(paths=[], patterns=[])
parser.common_options.add_common_group(common_parser, '_subcommand')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='required arguments', metavar='<command>')
serve_epilog = process_epilog("""
This command starts a repository server process. This command is usually not used manually.
@ -3358,6 +3466,7 @@ class Archiver:
args = self.preprocess_args(args)
parser = self.build_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(args or ['-h'])
# This works around
func = getattr(args, 'func', None) or getattr(args, 'fallback_func')
if func == self.do_create and not args.paths:

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@ -1680,6 +1680,12 @@ class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
assert log_message['name'].startswith('borg.')
assert isinstance(log_message['message'], str)
def test_common_options(self):
self.cmd('init', '--encryption=repokey', self.repository_location)
log = self.cmd('--debug', 'create', self.repository_location + '::test', 'input')
assert 'security: read previous_location' in log
def _get_sizes(self, compression, compressible, size=10000):
if compressible:
contents = b'X' * size