diff_cmd converted

This commit is contained in:
bigtedde 2023-07-04 17:15:15 -05:00
parent 99bf56cfcd
commit dfaea063a5
1 changed files with 263 additions and 281 deletions

View File

@ -2,321 +2,303 @@ import json
import os
import stat
import time
import unittest
from ...constants import * # NOQA
from .. import are_symlinks_supported, are_hardlinks_supported
from ..platform import is_win32, is_darwin
from . import ArchiverTestCaseBase, RemoteArchiverTestCaseBase, ArchiverTestCaseBinaryBase, RK_ENCRYPTION, BORG_EXES
from . import cmd, create_regular_file, RK_ENCRYPTION, assert_line_exists
class ArchiverTestCase(ArchiverTestCaseBase):
def test_basic_functionality(self):
# Setup files for the first snapshot
self.create_regular_file("empty", size=0)
self.create_regular_file("file_unchanged", size=128)
self.create_regular_file("file_removed", size=256)
self.create_regular_file("file_removed2", size=512)
self.create_regular_file("file_replaced", size=1024)
os.chmod("input/dir_replaced_with_file", stat.S_IFDIR | 0o755)
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
# Generates tests that run on local and remote repos, as well as with a binary base.
if "archivers" in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize("archivers", ["archiver", "remote_archiver", "binary_archiver"])
def test_basic_functionality(archivers, request):
archiver = request.getfixturevalue(archivers)
repo_location, input_path = archiver.repository_location, archiver.input_path
# Setup files for the first snapshot
create_regular_file(input_path, "empty", size=0)
create_regular_file(input_path, "file_unchanged", size=128)
create_regular_file(input_path, "file_removed", size=256)
create_regular_file(input_path, "file_removed2", size=512)
create_regular_file(input_path, "file_replaced", size=1024)
os.chmod("input/dir_replaced_with_file", stat.S_IFDIR | 0o755)
if are_symlinks_supported():
os.symlink("input/dir_replaced_with_file", "input/link_changed")
os.symlink("input/file_unchanged", "input/link_removed")
os.symlink("input/file_removed2", "input/link_target_removed")
os.symlink("input/empty", "input/link_target_contents_changed")
os.symlink("input/empty", "input/link_replaced_by_file")
if are_hardlinks_supported():
os.link("input/file_replaced", "input/hardlink_target_replaced")
os.link("input/empty", "input/hardlink_contents_changed")
os.link("input/file_removed", "input/hardlink_removed")
os.link("input/file_removed2", "input/hardlink_target_removed")
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "rcreate", RK_ENCRYPTION)
# Create the first snapshot
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "create", "test0", "input")
# Setup files for the second snapshot
create_regular_file(input_path, "file_added", size=2048)
create_regular_file(input_path, "file_empty_added", size=0)
create_regular_file(input_path, "file_replaced", contents=b"0" * 4096)
create_regular_file(input_path, "dir_replaced_with_file", size=8192)
os.chmod("input/dir_replaced_with_file", stat.S_IFREG | 0o755)
if are_symlinks_supported():
os.symlink("input/dir_added", "input/dir_replaced_with_link")
os.symlink("input/dir_added", "input/link_changed")
os.symlink("input/dir_added", "input/link_added")
create_regular_file(input_path, "link_replaced_by_file", size=16384)
if are_hardlinks_supported():
os.link("input/file_added", "input/hardlink_added")
with open("input/empty", "ab") as fd:
# Create the second snapshot
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "create", "test1a", "input")
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "create", "test1b", "input", "--chunker-params", "16,18,17,4095")
def do_asserts(output, can_compare_ids, content_only=False):
lines: list = output.splitlines()
assert "file_replaced" in output # added to debug #3494
change = "modified.*B" if can_compare_ids else r"modified: \(can't get size\)"
assert_line_exists(lines, f"{change}.*input/file_replaced")
# File unchanged
assert "input/file_unchanged" not in output
# Directory replaced with a regular file
if "BORG_TESTS_IGNORE_MODES" not in os.environ and not is_win32 and not content_only:
assert_line_exists(lines, "[drwxr-xr-x -> -rwxr-xr-x].*input/dir_replaced_with_file")
# Basic directory cases
assert "added directory input/dir_added" in output
assert "removed directory input/dir_removed" in output
if are_symlinks_supported():
os.symlink("input/dir_replaced_with_file", "input/link_changed")
os.symlink("input/file_unchanged", "input/link_removed")
os.symlink("input/file_removed2", "input/link_target_removed")
os.symlink("input/empty", "input/link_target_contents_changed")
os.symlink("input/empty", "input/link_replaced_by_file")
# Basic symlink cases
assert_line_exists(lines, "changed link.*input/link_changed")
assert_line_exists(lines, "added link.*input/link_added")
assert_line_exists(lines, "removed link.*input/link_removed")
# Symlink replacing or being replaced
if not content_only:
assert "input/dir_replaced_with_link" in output
assert "input/link_replaced_by_file" in output
# Symlink target removed. Should not affect the symlink at all.
assert "input/link_target_removed" not in output
# The inode has two links and the file contents changed. Borg
# should notice the changes in both links. However, the symlink
# pointing to the file is not changed.
change = "modified.*0 B" if can_compare_ids else r"modified: \(can't get size\)"
assert_line_exists(lines, f"{change}.*input/empty")
if are_hardlinks_supported():
os.link("input/file_replaced", "input/hardlink_target_replaced")
os.link("input/empty", "input/hardlink_contents_changed")
os.link("input/file_removed", "input/hardlink_removed")
os.link("input/file_removed2", "input/hardlink_target_removed")
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "rcreate", RK_ENCRYPTION)
# Create the first snapshot
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "create", "test0", "input")
# Setup files for the second snapshot
self.create_regular_file("file_added", size=2048)
self.create_regular_file("file_empty_added", size=0)
self.create_regular_file("file_replaced", contents=b"0" * 4096)
self.create_regular_file("dir_replaced_with_file", size=8192)
os.chmod("input/dir_replaced_with_file", stat.S_IFREG | 0o755)
assert_line_exists(lines, f"{change}.*input/hardlink_contents_changed")
if are_symlinks_supported():
os.symlink("input/dir_added", "input/dir_replaced_with_link")
os.symlink("input/dir_added", "input/link_changed")
os.symlink("input/dir_added", "input/link_added")
self.create_regular_file("link_replaced_by_file", size=16384)
assert "input/link_target_contents_changed" not in output
# Added a new file and a hard link to it. Both links to the same
# inode should appear as separate files.
assert "added: 2.05 kB input/file_added" in output
if are_hardlinks_supported():
os.link("input/file_added", "input/hardlink_added")
assert "added: 2.05 kB input/hardlink_added" in output
with open("input/empty", "ab") as fd:
# check if a diff between nonexistent and empty new file is found
assert "added: 0 B input/file_empty_added" in output
# Create the second snapshot
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "create", "test1a", "input")
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "create", "test1b", "input", "--chunker-params", "16,18,17,4095")
# The inode has two links and both of them are deleted. They should
# appear as two deleted files.
assert "removed: 256 B input/file_removed" in output
if are_hardlinks_supported():
assert "removed: 256 B input/hardlink_removed" in output
def do_asserts(output, can_compare_ids, content_only=False):
lines: list = output.splitlines()
assert "file_replaced" in output # added to debug #3494
change = "modified.*B" if can_compare_ids else r"modified: \(can't get size\)"
self.assert_line_exists(lines, f"{change}.*input/file_replaced")
# File unchanged
assert "input/file_unchanged" not in output
if are_hardlinks_supported() and content_only:
# Another link (marked previously as the source in borg) to the
# same inode was removed. This should only change the ctime since removing
# the link would result in the decrementation of the inode's hard-link count.
assert "input/hardlink_target_removed" not in output
# Directory replaced with a regular file
if "BORG_TESTS_IGNORE_MODES" not in os.environ and not is_win32 and not content_only:
self.assert_line_exists(lines, "[drwxr-xr-x -> -rwxr-xr-x].*input/dir_replaced_with_file")
# Another link (marked previously as the source in borg) to the
# same inode was replaced with a new regular file. This should only change
# its ctime. This should not be reflected in the output if content-only is set
assert "input/hardlink_target_replaced" not in output
# Basic directory cases
assert "added directory input/dir_added" in output
assert "removed directory input/dir_removed" in output
def do_json_asserts(output, can_compare_ids, content_only=False):
def get_changes(filename, data):
chgsets = [j["changes"] for j in data if j["path"] == filename]
assert len(chgsets) < 2
# return a flattened list of changes for given filename
return sum(chgsets, [])
if are_symlinks_supported():
# Basic symlink cases
self.assert_line_exists(lines, "changed link.*input/link_changed")
self.assert_line_exists(lines, "added link.*input/link_added")
self.assert_line_exists(lines, "removed link.*input/link_removed")
# convert output to list of dicts
joutput = [json.loads(line) for line in output.split("\n") if line]
# Symlink replacing or being replaced
if not content_only:
assert "input/dir_replaced_with_link" in output
assert "input/link_replaced_by_file" in output
# File contents changed (deleted and replaced with a new file)
expected = {"type": "modified", "added": 4096, "removed": 1024} if can_compare_ids else {"type": "modified"}
assert expected in get_changes("input/file_replaced", joutput)
# Symlink target removed. Should not affect the symlink at all.
assert "input/link_target_removed" not in output
# File unchanged
assert not any(get_changes("input/file_unchanged", joutput))
# The inode has two links and the file contents changed. Borg
# should notice the changes in both links. However, the symlink
# pointing to the file is not changed.
change = "modified.*0 B" if can_compare_ids else r"modified: \(can't get size\)"
self.assert_line_exists(lines, f"{change}.*input/empty")
if are_hardlinks_supported():
self.assert_line_exists(lines, f"{change}.*input/hardlink_contents_changed")
if are_symlinks_supported():
assert "input/link_target_contents_changed" not in output
# Directory replaced with a regular file
if "BORG_TESTS_IGNORE_MODES" not in os.environ and not is_win32 and not content_only:
assert {"type": "changed mode", "item1": "drwxr-xr-x", "item2": "-rwxr-xr-x"} in get_changes(
"input/dir_replaced_with_file", joutput
# Added a new file and a hard link to it. Both links to the same
# inode should appear as separate files.
assert "added: 2.05 kB input/file_added" in output
if are_hardlinks_supported():
assert "added: 2.05 kB input/hardlink_added" in output
# Basic directory cases
assert {"type": "added directory"} in get_changes("input/dir_added", joutput)
assert {"type": "removed directory"} in get_changes("input/dir_removed", joutput)
# check if a diff between nonexistent and empty new file is found
assert "added: 0 B input/file_empty_added" in output
if are_symlinks_supported():
# Basic symlink cases
assert {"type": "changed link"} in get_changes("input/link_changed", joutput)
assert {"type": "added link"} in get_changes("input/link_added", joutput)
assert {"type": "removed link"} in get_changes("input/link_removed", joutput)
# The inode has two links and both of them are deleted. They should
# appear as two deleted files.
assert "removed: 256 B input/file_removed" in output
if are_hardlinks_supported():
assert "removed: 256 B input/hardlink_removed" in output
# Symlink replacing or being replaced
if are_hardlinks_supported() and content_only:
# Another link (marked previously as the source in borg) to the
# same inode was removed. This should only change the ctime since removing
# the link would result in the decrementation of the inode's hard-link count.
assert "input/hardlink_target_removed" not in output
if not content_only:
assert any(
chg["type"] == "changed mode" and chg["item1"].startswith("d") and chg["item2"].startswith("l")
for chg in get_changes("input/dir_replaced_with_link", joutput)
), get_changes("input/dir_replaced_with_link", joutput)
assert any(
chg["type"] == "changed mode" and chg["item1"].startswith("l") and chg["item2"].startswith("-")
for chg in get_changes("input/link_replaced_by_file", joutput)
), get_changes("input/link_replaced_by_file", joutput)
# Another link (marked previously as the source in borg) to the
# same inode was replaced with a new regular file. This should only change
# its ctime. This should not be reflected in the output if content-only is set
assert "input/hardlink_target_replaced" not in output
# Symlink target removed. Should not affect the symlink at all.
assert not any(get_changes("input/link_target_removed", joutput))
def do_json_asserts(output, can_compare_ids, content_only=False):
def get_changes(filename, data):
chgsets = [j["changes"] for j in data if j["path"] == filename]
assert len(chgsets) < 2
# return a flattened list of changes for given filename
return sum(chgsets, [])
# The inode has two links and the file contents changed. Borg
# should notice the changes in both links. However, the symlink
# pointing to the file is not changed.
expected = {"type": "modified", "added": 13, "removed": 0} if can_compare_ids else {"type": "modified"}
assert expected in get_changes("input/empty", joutput)
if are_hardlinks_supported():
assert expected in get_changes("input/hardlink_contents_changed", joutput)
if are_symlinks_supported():
assert not any(get_changes("input/link_target_contents_changed", joutput))
# convert output to list of dicts
joutput = [json.loads(line) for line in output.split("\n") if line]
# Added a new file and a hard link to it. Both links to the same
# inode should appear as separate files.
assert {"added": 2048, "removed": 0, "type": "added"} in get_changes("input/file_added", joutput)
if are_hardlinks_supported():
assert {"added": 2048, "removed": 0, "type": "added"} in get_changes("input/hardlink_added", joutput)
# File contents changed (deleted and replaced with a new file)
expected = {"type": "modified", "added": 4096, "removed": 1024} if can_compare_ids else {"type": "modified"}
assert expected in get_changes("input/file_replaced", joutput)
# check if a diff between nonexistent and empty new file is found
assert {"added": 0, "removed": 0, "type": "added"} in get_changes("input/file_empty_added", joutput)
# File unchanged
assert not any(get_changes("input/file_unchanged", joutput))
# The inode has two links and both of them are deleted. They should
# appear as two deleted files.
assert {"added": 0, "removed": 256, "type": "removed"} in get_changes("input/file_removed", joutput)
if are_hardlinks_supported():
assert {"added": 0, "removed": 256, "type": "removed"} in get_changes("input/hardlink_removed", joutput)
# Directory replaced with a regular file
if "BORG_TESTS_IGNORE_MODES" not in os.environ and not is_win32 and not content_only:
assert {"type": "changed mode", "item1": "drwxr-xr-x", "item2": "-rwxr-xr-x"} in get_changes(
"input/dir_replaced_with_file", joutput
if are_hardlinks_supported() and content_only:
# Another link (marked previously as the source in borg) to the
# same inode was removed. This should only change the ctime since removing
# the link would result in the decrementation of the inode's hard-link count.
assert not any(get_changes("input/hardlink_target_removed", joutput))
# Basic directory cases
assert {"type": "added directory"} in get_changes("input/dir_added", joutput)
assert {"type": "removed directory"} in get_changes("input/dir_removed", joutput)
# Another link (marked previously as the source in borg) to the
# same inode was replaced with a new regular file. This should only change
# its ctime. This should not be reflected in the output if content-only is set
assert not any(get_changes("input/hardlink_target_replaced", joutput))
if are_symlinks_supported():
# Basic symlink cases
assert {"type": "changed link"} in get_changes("input/link_changed", joutput)
assert {"type": "added link"} in get_changes("input/link_added", joutput)
assert {"type": "removed link"} in get_changes("input/link_removed", joutput)
output = cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1a")
do_asserts(output, True)
# We expect exit_code=1 due to the chunker params warning
output = cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1b", "--content-only", exit_code=1)
do_asserts(output, False, content_only=True)
# Symlink replacing or being replaced
output = cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1a", "--json-lines")
do_json_asserts(output, True)
if not content_only:
assert any(
chg["type"] == "changed mode" and chg["item1"].startswith("d") and chg["item2"].startswith("l")
for chg in get_changes("input/dir_replaced_with_link", joutput)
), get_changes("input/dir_replaced_with_link", joutput)
assert any(
chg["type"] == "changed mode" and chg["item1"].startswith("l") and chg["item2"].startswith("-")
for chg in get_changes("input/link_replaced_by_file", joutput)
), get_changes("input/link_replaced_by_file", joutput)
# Symlink target removed. Should not affect the symlink at all.
assert not any(get_changes("input/link_target_removed", joutput))
# The inode has two links and the file contents changed. Borg
# should notice the changes in both links. However, the symlink
# pointing to the file is not changed.
expected = {"type": "modified", "added": 13, "removed": 0} if can_compare_ids else {"type": "modified"}
assert expected in get_changes("input/empty", joutput)
if are_hardlinks_supported():
assert expected in get_changes("input/hardlink_contents_changed", joutput)
if are_symlinks_supported():
assert not any(get_changes("input/link_target_contents_changed", joutput))
# Added a new file and a hard link to it. Both links to the same
# inode should appear as separate files.
assert {"added": 2048, "removed": 0, "type": "added"} in get_changes("input/file_added", joutput)
if are_hardlinks_supported():
assert {"added": 2048, "removed": 0, "type": "added"} in get_changes("input/hardlink_added", joutput)
# check if a diff between nonexistent and empty new file is found
assert {"added": 0, "removed": 0, "type": "added"} in get_changes("input/file_empty_added", joutput)
# The inode has two links and both of them are deleted. They should
# appear as two deleted files.
assert {"added": 0, "removed": 256, "type": "removed"} in get_changes("input/file_removed", joutput)
if are_hardlinks_supported():
assert {"added": 0, "removed": 256, "type": "removed"} in get_changes("input/hardlink_removed", joutput)
if are_hardlinks_supported() and content_only:
# Another link (marked previously as the source in borg) to the
# same inode was removed. This should only change the ctime since removing
# the link would result in the decrementation of the inode's hard-link count.
assert not any(get_changes("input/hardlink_target_removed", joutput))
# Another link (marked previously as the source in borg) to the
# same inode was replaced with a new regular file. This should only change
# its ctime. This should not be reflected in the output if content-only is set
assert not any(get_changes("input/hardlink_target_replaced", joutput))
output = self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1a")
do_asserts(output, True)
# We expect exit_code=1 due to the chunker params warning
output = self.cmd(
f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1b", "--content-only", exit_code=1
do_asserts(output, False, content_only=True)
output = self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1a", "--json-lines")
do_json_asserts(output, True)
output = self.cmd(
f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1a", "--json-lines", "--content-only"
do_json_asserts(output, True, content_only=True)
def test_time_diffs(self):
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "rcreate", RK_ENCRYPTION)
self.create_regular_file("test_file", size=10)
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "create", "archive1", "input")
if is_win32:
# Sleeping for 15s because Windows doesn't refresh ctime if file is deleted and recreated within 15 seconds.
elif is_darwin:
time.sleep(1) # HFS has a 1s timestamp granularity
self.create_regular_file("test_file", size=15)
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "create", "archive2", "input")
output = self.cmd(
"'{mtime}{ctime} {path}{NL}'",
self.assert_in("mtime", output)
self.assert_in("ctime", output) # Should show up on windows as well since it is a new file.
if is_darwin:
time.sleep(1) # HFS has a 1s timestamp granularity
os.chmod("input/test_file", 0o777)
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "create", "archive3", "input")
output = self.cmd(
"'{mtime}{ctime} {path}{NL}'",
self.assert_not_in("mtime", output)
# Checking platform because ctime should not be shown on windows since it wasn't recreated.
if not is_win32:
self.assert_in("ctime", output)
self.assert_not_in("ctime", output)
def test_sort_option(self):
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "rcreate", RK_ENCRYPTION)
self.create_regular_file("a_file_removed", size=8)
self.create_regular_file("f_file_removed", size=16)
self.create_regular_file("c_file_changed", size=32)
self.create_regular_file("e_file_changed", size=64)
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "create", "test0", "input")
self.create_regular_file("c_file_changed", size=512)
self.create_regular_file("e_file_changed", size=1024)
self.create_regular_file("b_file_added", size=128)
self.create_regular_file("d_file_added", size=256)
self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "create", "test1", "input")
output = self.cmd(f"--repo={self.repository_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1", "--sort", "--content-only")
expected = [
assert isinstance(output, str)
outputs = output.splitlines()
assert len(outputs) == len(expected)
assert all(x in line for x, line in zip(expected, outputs))
output = cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1a", "--json-lines", "--content-only")
do_json_asserts(output, True, content_only=True)
class RemoteArchiverTestCase(RemoteArchiverTestCaseBase, ArchiverTestCase):
"""run the same tests, but with a remote repository"""
def test_time_diffs(archivers, request):
archiver = request.getfixturevalue(archivers)
repo_location, input_path = archiver.repository_location, archiver.input_path
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "rcreate", RK_ENCRYPTION)
create_regular_file(input_path, "test_file", size=10)
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "create", "archive1", "input")
if is_win32:
# Sleeping for 15s because Windows doesn't refresh ctime if file is deleted and recreated within 15 seconds.
elif is_darwin:
time.sleep(1) # HFS has a 1s timestamp granularity
create_regular_file(input_path, "test_file", size=15)
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "create", "archive2", "input")
output = cmd(
archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "diff", "archive1", "archive2", "--format", "'{mtime}{ctime} {path}{NL}'"
assert "mtime" in output
assert "ctime" in output # Should show up on Windows as well since it is a new file.
if is_darwin:
time.sleep(1) # HFS has a 1s timestamp granularity
os.chmod("input/test_file", 0o777)
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "create", "archive3", "input")
output = cmd(
archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "diff", "archive2", "archive3", "--format", "'{mtime}{ctime} {path}{NL}'"
assert "mtime" not in output
# Checking platform because ctime should not be shown on Windows since it wasn't recreated.
if not is_win32:
assert "ctime" in output
assert "ctime" not in output
@unittest.skipUnless("binary" in BORG_EXES, "no borg.exe available")
class ArchiverTestCaseBinary(ArchiverTestCaseBinaryBase, ArchiverTestCase):
"""runs the same tests, but via the borg binary"""
def test_sort_option(archivers, request):
archiver = request.getfixturevalue(archivers)
repo_location, input_path = archiver.repository_location, archiver.input_path
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "rcreate", RK_ENCRYPTION)
create_regular_file(input_path, "a_file_removed", size=8)
create_regular_file(input_path, "f_file_removed", size=16)
create_regular_file(input_path, "c_file_changed", size=32)
create_regular_file(input_path, "e_file_changed", size=64)
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "create", "test0", "input")
create_regular_file(input_path, "c_file_changed", size=512)
create_regular_file(input_path, "e_file_changed", size=1024)
create_regular_file(input_path, "b_file_added", size=128)
create_regular_file(input_path, "d_file_added", size=256)
cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "create", "test1", "input")
output = cmd(archiver, f"--repo={repo_location}", "diff", "test0", "test1", "--sort", "--content-only")
expected = ["a_file_removed", "b_file_added", "c_file_changed", "d_file_added", "e_file_changed", "f_file_removed"]
assert isinstance(output, str)
outputs = output.splitlines()
assert len(outputs) == len(expected)
assert all(x in line for x, line in zip(expected, outputs))