update CHANGES

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Thomas Waldmann 2016-09-29 17:01:32 +02:00
parent ab9d761c40
commit e124f3c67b
1 changed files with 67 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -50,6 +50,73 @@ The best check that everything is ok is to run a dry-run extraction::
borg extract -v --dry-run REPO::ARCHIVE
Version 1.0.8rc1 (not released yet)
Bug fixes:
- fix signal handling (SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGHUP), #1620 #1593
Fixes e.g. leftover lock files for quickly repeated signals (e.g. Ctrl-C
Ctrl-C) or lost connections or systemd sending SIGHUP.
- progress display: adapt formatting to narrow screens, do not crash, #1628
- borg create --read-special - fix crash on broken symlink, #1584.
also correctly processes broken symlinks. before this regressed to a crash
(5b45385) a broken symlink would've been skipped.
- process_symlink: fix missing backup_io()
Fixes a chmod/chown/chgrp/unlink/rename/... crash race between getting dirents
and dispatching to process_symlink.
- yes(): abort on wrong answers, saying so
- fixed exception borg serve raised when connection was closed before reposiory
was openend. add an error message for this.
- fix read-from-closed-FD issue, #1551
(this seems not to get triggered in 1.0.x, but was discovered in master)
- hashindex: fix iterators (always raise StopIteration when exhausted)
(this seems not to get triggered in 1.0.x, but was discovered in master)
New features:
- add "borg key export" / "borg key import" commands, #1555, so users are able
to backup / restore their encryption keys more easily.
Supported formats are the keyfile format used by borg internally and a
special "paper" format with by line checksums for printed backups. For the
paper format, the import is an interactive process which checks each line as
soon as it is input.
Other changes:
- add "borg debug ..." subcommands
(borg debug-* still works, but will be removed in borg 1.1)
- setup.py: Add subcommand support to build_usage.
- remote: change exception message for unexpected RPC data format to indicate
dataflow direction.
- vagrant:
- upgrade OSXfuse / FUSE for macOS to 3.5.2
- update Debian Wheezy boxes to 7.11
- docs:
- add docs for "key export" and "key import" commands, #1641
- fix inconsistency in FAQ (pv-wrapper).
- fix second block in "Easy to use" section not showing on GitHub, #1576
- add bestpractices badge
- link reference docs and faq about BORG_FILES_CACHE_TTL, #1561
- improve borg info --help, explain size infos, #1532
- add release signing key / security contact to README, #1560
- add contribution guidelines for developers
- development.rst: add sphinx_rtd_theme to the sphinx install command
- adjust border color in borg.css
- add debug-info usage help file
- internals.rst: fix typos
- setup.py: fix build_usage to always process all commands
- tests:
- work around fuse xattr test issue with recent fakeroot
- simplify repo/hashindex tests
- travis: test fuse-enabled borg, use trusty to have a recent FUSE
- re-enable fuse tests for RemoteArchiver (no deadlocks any more)
Version 1.0.7 (2016-08-19)