The previous sample for creating a ~/.borg-passphrase file creates it first and then chmod's it to 400 permissions. That's probably fine in practice, but means there's a tiny window where the passphrase file is sitting with default permissions (likely world readable, depending on the system umask).
It seems safer to first change the umask to remove all group & world bits (0077) _before_ creating the file. To be polite and avoid messing with the user's previous umask, we do this in a subshell. (Note that umask 0077 leads to a mode of 600 rather than the previous 400, because removing the owner write bit doesn't seem to buy much since the owner can just chmod the file anyway.)
docs: clarify on-disk order and size of log entry fields
The order of the fields of a log entry on disk is CRC32 first, the docs had the size first.
I tried to make this list similar to the HashIndex struct description.
> Well, guess one could also use max(list of trusted nonce values).
> The real issue is if you have lost all or some of the trusted
> (client side) nonce values and you also have reason to not trust the
> server side nonce, because someone might attack you on the server.
docs: permissions note rewritten to make it less confusing
Original wording was confusing "Avoid to create a mixup of users and permissions in your repository (or cache)." is not clear, what should be avoided?
Also implement some feedback of @jdchristensen.
Co-authored-by: Thomas Waldmann <>
It was unclear that the user _only_ needs to have borg installed on a remote system to use client/server mode. Hopefully this change makes it apparent that the user doesn't start anything on the remote system themselves.
the movement of the start of the hashing window stops at (file_size - window_size), thus THAT would be the factor in that formula, not just file_size.
for medium and big files, window_size is much smaller than file_size, so guess we can just say "approximately" for the general case.