.. include:: recreate.rst.inc Examples ~~~~~~~~ :: # Create a backup with little but fast compression $ borg create archive /some/files --compression lz4 # Then compress it - this might take longer, but the backup has already completed, # so no inconsistencies from a long-running backup job. $ borg recreate -a archive --recompress --compression zlib,9 # Remove unwanted files from all archives in a repository. # Note the relative path for the --exclude option - archives only contain relative paths. $ borg recreate --exclude home/icke/Pictures/drunk_photos # Change archive comment $ borg create --comment "This is a comment" archivename ~ $ borg info -a archivename Name: archivename Fingerprint: ... Comment: This is a comment ... $ borg recreate --comment "This is a better comment" -a archivename $ borg info -a archivename Name: archivename Fingerprint: ... Comment: This is a better comment ...