import json import os from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime, timezone from io import StringIO from unittest.mock import Mock import pytest from . import rejected_dotdot_paths from ..crypto.key import PlaintextKey from ..archive import Archive, CacheChunkBuffer, RobustUnpacker, valid_msgpacked_dict, ITEM_KEYS, Statistics from ..archive import BackupOSError, backup_io, backup_io_iter, get_item_uid_gid from ..helpers import msgpack from ..item import Item, ArchiveItem from ..manifest import Manifest from ..platform import uid2user, gid2group, is_win32 @pytest.fixture() def stats(): stats = Statistics() stats.update(20, unique=True) stats.nfiles = 1 return stats def test_stats_basic(stats): assert stats.osize == 20 assert stats.usize == 20 stats.update(20, unique=False) assert stats.osize == 40 assert stats.usize == 20 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "item_path, update_size, expected_output", [ ("", 0, "20 B O 20 B U 1 N "), # test unchanged 'stats' fixture ("foo", 10**3, "1.02 kB O 20 B U 1 N foo"), # test updated original size and set item path # test long item path which exceeds 80 characters ("foo" * 40, 10**3, "1.02 kB O 20 B U 1 N foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofo...foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoo"), ], ) def test_stats_progress(item_path, update_size, expected_output, stats, monkeypatch, columns=80): monkeypatch.setenv("COLUMNS", str(columns)) out = StringIO() item = Item(path=item_path) if item_path else None s = expected_output stats.update(update_size, unique=False) stats.show_progress(item=item, stream=out) buf = " " * (columns - len(s)) assert out.getvalue() == s + buf + "\r" def test_stats_format(stats): assert ( str(stats) == """\ Number of files: 1 Original size: 20 B Deduplicated size: 20 B Time spent in hashing: 0.000 seconds Time spent in chunking: 0.000 seconds Added files: 0 Unchanged files: 0 Modified files: 0 Error files: 0 Files changed while reading: 0 Bytes read from remote: 0 Bytes sent to remote: 0 """ ) s = f"{stats.osize_fmt}" assert s == "20 B" # kind of redundant, but id is variable so we can't match reliably assert repr(stats) == f"" def test_stats_progress_json(stats): stats.output_json = True out = StringIO() stats.show_progress(item=Item(path="foo"), stream=out) result = json.loads(out.getvalue()) assert result["type"] == "archive_progress" assert isinstance(result["time"], float) assert result["finished"] is False assert result["path"] == "foo" assert result["original_size"] == 20 assert result["nfiles"] == 1 out = StringIO() stats.show_progress(stream=out, final=True) result = json.loads(out.getvalue()) assert result["type"] == "archive_progress" assert isinstance(result["time"], float) assert result["finished"] is True # see #6570 assert "path" not in result assert "original_size" not in result assert "nfiles" not in result @pytest.mark.parametrize( "isoformat, expected", [ ("1970-01-01T00:00:01.000001", datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, timezone.utc)), # test with microseconds ("1970-01-01T00:00:01", datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, timezone.utc)), # test without microseconds ], ) def test_timestamp_parsing(monkeypatch, isoformat, expected): repository = Mock() key = PlaintextKey(repository) manifest = Manifest(key, repository) a = Archive(manifest, "test", create=True) a.metadata = ArchiveItem(time=isoformat) assert a.ts == expected class MockCache: class MockRepo: def async_response(self, wait=True): pass def __init__(self): self.objects = {} self.repository = self.MockRepo() def add_chunk(self, id, meta, data, stats=None, wait=True, ro_type=None): assert ro_type is not None self.objects[id] = data return id, len(data) def test_cache_chunk_buffer(): data = [Item(path="p1"), Item(path="p2")] cache = MockCache() key = PlaintextKey(None) chunks = CacheChunkBuffer(cache, key, None) for d in data: chunks.add(d) chunks.flush() chunks.flush(flush=True) assert len(chunks.chunks) == 2 unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker() for id in chunks.chunks: unpacker.feed(cache.objects[id]) assert data == [Item(internal_dict=d) for d in unpacker] def test_partial_cache_chunk_buffer(): big = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" * 25000 data = [Item(path="full", target=big), Item(path="partial", target=big)] cache = MockCache() key = PlaintextKey(None) chunks = CacheChunkBuffer(cache, key, None) for d in data: chunks.add(d) chunks.flush(flush=False) # the code is expected to leave the last partial chunk in the buffer assert len(chunks.chunks) == 3 assert chunks.buffer.tell() > 0 # now really flush chunks.flush(flush=True) assert len(chunks.chunks) == 4 assert chunks.buffer.tell() == 0 unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker() for id in chunks.chunks: unpacker.feed(cache.objects[id]) assert data == [Item(internal_dict=d) for d in unpacker] def make_chunks(items): return b"".join(msgpack.packb({"path": item}) for item in items) def _validator(value): return isinstance(value, dict) and value.get("path") in ("foo", "bar", "boo", "baz") def process(input): unpacker = RobustUnpacker(validator=_validator, item_keys=ITEM_KEYS) result = [] for should_sync, chunks in input: if should_sync: unpacker.resync() for data in chunks: unpacker.feed(data) for item in unpacker: result.append(item) return result def test_extra_garbage_no_sync(): chunks = [(False, [make_chunks(["foo", "bar"])]), (False, [b"garbage"] + [make_chunks(["boo", "baz"])])] res = process(chunks) assert res == [{"path": "foo"}, {"path": "bar"}, 103, 97, 114, 98, 97, 103, 101, {"path": "boo"}, {"path": "baz"}] def split(left, length): parts = [] while left: parts.append(left[:length]) left = left[length:] return parts def test_correct_stream(): chunks = split(make_chunks(["foo", "bar", "boo", "baz"]), 2) input = [(False, chunks)] result = process(input) assert result == [{"path": "foo"}, {"path": "bar"}, {"path": "boo"}, {"path": "baz"}] def test_missing_chunk(): chunks = split(make_chunks(["foo", "bar", "boo", "baz"]), 4) input = [(False, chunks[:3]), (True, chunks[4:])] result = process(input) assert result == [{"path": "foo"}, {"path": "boo"}, {"path": "baz"}] def test_corrupt_chunk(): chunks = split(make_chunks(["foo", "bar", "boo", "baz"]), 4) input = [(False, chunks[:3]), (True, [b"gar", b"bage"] + chunks[3:])] result = process(input) assert result == [{"path": "foo"}, {"path": "boo"}, {"path": "baz"}] @pytest.fixture def item_keys_serialized(): return [msgpack.packb(name) for name in ITEM_KEYS] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "packed", [b"", b"x", b"foobar"] + [ msgpack.packb(o) for o in ( [None, 0, 0.0, False, "", {}, [], ()] + [42, 23.42, True, b"foobar", {b"foo": b"bar"}, [b"foo", b"bar"], (b"foo", b"bar")] ) ], ) def test_invalid_msgpacked_item(packed, item_keys_serialized): assert not valid_msgpacked_dict(packed, item_keys_serialized) # pytest-xdist requires always same order for the keys and dicts: IK = sorted(list(ITEM_KEYS)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "packed", [ msgpack.packb(o) for o in [ {"path": b"/a/b/c"}, # small (different msgpack mapping type!) OrderedDict((k, b"") for k in IK), # as big (key count) as it gets OrderedDict((k, b"x" * 1000) for k in IK), # as big (key count and volume) as it gets ] ], ids=["minimal", "empty-values", "long-values"], ) def test_valid_msgpacked_items(packed, item_keys_serialized): assert valid_msgpacked_dict(packed, item_keys_serialized) def test_key_length_msgpacked_items(): key = "x" * 32 # 31 bytes is the limit for fixstr msgpack type data = {key: b""} item_keys_serialized = [msgpack.packb(key)] assert valid_msgpacked_dict(msgpack.packb(data), item_keys_serialized) def test_backup_io(): with pytest.raises(BackupOSError): with backup_io: raise OSError(123) def test_backup_io_iter(): class Iterator: def __init__(self, exc): self.exc = exc def __next__(self): raise self.exc() oserror_iterator = Iterator(OSError) with pytest.raises(BackupOSError): for _ in backup_io_iter(oserror_iterator): pass normal_iterator = Iterator(StopIteration) for _ in backup_io_iter(normal_iterator): assert False, "StopIteration handled incorrectly" def test_get_item_uid_gid(): # test requires that: # - a user/group name for the current process' real uid/gid exists. # - a system user/group udoesnotexist:gdoesnotexist does NOT exist. try: puid, pgid = os.getuid(), os.getgid() # UNIX only except AttributeError: puid, pgid = 0, 0 puser, pgroup = uid2user(puid), gid2group(pgid) # this is intentionally a "strange" item, with not matching ids/names. item = Item(path="filename", uid=1, gid=2, user=puser, group=pgroup) uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False) # these are found via a name-to-id lookup assert uid == puid assert gid == pgid uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=True) # these are directly taken from the item.uid and .gid assert uid == 1 assert gid == 2 uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False, uid_forced=3, gid_forced=4) # these are enforced (not from item metadata) assert uid == 3 assert gid == 4 # item metadata broken, has negative ids. item = Item(path="filename", uid=-1, gid=-2, user=puser, group=pgroup) uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=True) # use the uid/gid defaults (which both default to 0). assert uid == 0 assert gid == 0 uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=True, uid_default=5, gid_default=6) # use the uid/gid defaults (as given). assert uid == 5 assert gid == 6 # item metadata broken, has negative ids and non-existing user/group names. item = Item(path="filename", uid=-3, gid=-4, user="udoesnotexist", group="gdoesnotexist") uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False) # use the uid/gid defaults (which both default to 0). assert uid == 0 assert gid == 0 uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=True, uid_default=7, gid_default=8) # use the uid/gid defaults (as given). assert uid == 7 assert gid == 8 if not is_win32: # due to the hack in user2uid / group2gid, these always return 0 # (no matter which username we ask for) and they never raise a KeyError (like e.g. for # a non-existing user/group name). Thus, these tests can currently not succeed on win32. # item metadata has valid uid/gid, but non-existing user/group names. item = Item(path="filename", uid=9, gid=10, user="udoesnotexist", group="gdoesnotexist") uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False) # because user/group name does not exist here, use valid numeric ids from item metadata. assert uid == 9 assert gid == 10 uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False, uid_default=11, gid_default=12) # because item uid/gid seems valid, do not use the given uid/gid defaults assert uid == 9 assert gid == 10 # item metadata only has uid/gid, but no user/group. item = Item(path="filename", uid=13, gid=14) uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False) # it'll check user/group first, but as there is nothing in the item, falls back to uid/gid. assert uid == 13 assert gid == 14 uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=True) # does not check user/group, directly returns uid/gid. assert uid == 13 assert gid == 14 # item metadata has no uid/gid/user/group. item = Item(path="filename") uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=False, uid_default=15) # as there is nothing, it'll fall back to uid_default/gid_default. assert uid == 15 assert gid == 0 uid, gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=True, gid_default=16) # as there is nothing, it'll fall back to uid_default/gid_default. assert uid == 0 assert gid == 16 def test_reject_non_sanitized_item(): for path in rejected_dotdot_paths: with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="unexpected '..' element in path"): Item(path=path, user="root", group="root")