.. include:: global.rst.inc .. _installation: Installation ============ |project_name| requires: * Python_ >= 3.2 * OpenSSL_ >= 1.0.0 * libacl_ * some python dependencies, see install_requires in setup.py General notes ------------- Even though Python 3 is not the default Python version on many systems, it is usually available as an optional install. Virtualenv_ can be used to build and install |project_name| without affecting the system Python or requiring root access. The llfuse_ python package is also required if you wish to mount an archive as a FUSE filesystem. Only FUSE >= 2.8.0 can support llfuse. You only need Cython to compile the .pyx files to the respective .c files when using |project_name| code from git. For |project_name| releases, the .c files will be bundled, so you won't need Cython to install a release. Platform notes -------------- FreeBSD: You may need to get a recent enough OpenSSL version from FreeBSD ports. Mac OS X: You may need to get a recent enough OpenSSL version from homebrew_. Mac OS X: You need OS X FUSE >= 3.0. Debian / Ubuntu installation (from git) --------------------------------------- Note: this uses latest, unreleased development code from git. While we try not to break master, there are no guarantees on anything. Some of the steps detailled below might be useful also for non-git installs. .. parsed-literal:: # Python 3.x (>= 3.2) + Headers, Py Package Installer apt-get install python3 python3-dev python3-pip # we need OpenSSL + Headers for Crypto apt-get install libssl-dev openssl # ACL support Headers + Library apt-get install libacl1-dev libacl1 # if you do not have gcc / make / etc. yet apt-get install build-essential # optional: lowlevel FUSE py binding - to mount backup archives apt-get install python3-llfuse fuse # optional: for unit testing apt-get install fakeroot # get |project_name| from github, install it git clone |git_url| apt-get install python-virtualenv virtualenv --python=python3 borg-env source borg-env/bin/activate # always before using! # install borg + dependencies into virtualenv pip install cython # compile .pyx -> .c pip install tox pytest # optional, for running unit tests pip install sphinx # optional, to build the docs cd borg pip install -e . # in-place editable mode # optional: run all the tests, on all supported Python versions fakeroot -u tox Korora / Fedora 21 installation (from git) ------------------------------------------ Note: this uses latest, unreleased development code from git. While we try not to break master, there are no guarantees on anything. Some of the steps detailled below might be useful also for non-git installs. .. parsed-literal:: # Python 3.x (>= 3.2) + Headers, Py Package Installer sudo dnf install python3 python3-devel python3-pip # we need OpenSSL + Headers for Crypto sudo dnf install openssl-devel openssl # ACL support Headers + Library sudo dnf install libacl-devel libacl # optional: lowlevel FUSE py binding - to mount backup archives sudo dnf install python3-llfuse fuse # optional: for unit testing sudo dnf install fakeroot # get |project_name| from github, install it git clone |git_url| dnf install python3-virtualenv virtualenv --python=python3 borg-env source borg-env/bin/activate # always before using! # install borg + dependencies into virtualenv pip install cython # compile .pyx -> .c pip install tox pytest # optional, for running unit tests pip install sphinx # optional, to build the docs cd borg pip install -e . # in-place editable mode # optional: run all the tests, on all supported Python versions fakeroot -u tox Cygwin (from git) ----------------- Please note that running under cygwin is rather experimental. You'll need at least (use the cygwin installer to fetch/install these): :: python3 python3-setuptools python3-cython binutils gcc-core git libopenssl make openssh openssl-devel You can then install ``pip`` and ``virtualenv``: :: easy_install pip pip install virtualenv And now continue as for Linux (see above).