""" Compute hashtable sizes with nices properties - prime sizes (for small to medium sizes) - 2 prime-factor sizes (for big sizes) - fast growth for small sizes - slow growth for big sizes Note: this is just a tool for developers. within borgbackup, it is just used to generate hash_sizes definition for _hashindex.c. """ from collections import namedtuple K, M, G = 2**10, 2**20, 2**30 # hash table size (in number of buckets) start, end_p1, end_p2 = 1 * K, 127 * M, 2 * G - 10 * M # stay well below 2^31 - 1 Policy = namedtuple("Policy", "upto grow") policies = [ # which growth factor to use when growing a hashtable of size < upto # grow fast (*2.0) at the start so we do not have to resize too often (expensive). # grow slow (*1.1) for huge hash tables (do not jump too much in memory usage) Policy(256*K, 2.0), Policy(2*M, 1.7), Policy(16*M, 1.4), Policy(128*M, 1.2), Policy(2*G-1, 1.1), ] # slightly modified version of: # http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/python/excerpt/pythonckbk_chap1/index1.html?page=2 def eratosthenes(): """Yields the sequence of prime numbers via the Sieve of Eratosthenes.""" D = {} # map each composite integer to its first-found prime factor q = 2 # q gets 2, 3, 4, 5, ... ad infinitum while True: p = D.pop(q, None) if p is None: # q not a key in D, so q is prime, therefore, yield it yield q # mark q squared as not-prime (with q as first-found prime factor) D[q * q] = q else: # let x <- smallest (N*p)+q which wasn't yet known to be composite # we just learned x is composite, with p first-found prime factor, # since p is the first-found prime factor of q -- find and mark it x = p + q while x in D: x += p D[x] = p q += 1 def two_prime_factors(pfix=65537): """Yields numbers with 2 prime factors pfix and p.""" for p in eratosthenes(): yield pfix * p def get_grow_factor(size): for p in policies: if size < p.upto: return p.grow def find_bigger_prime(gen, i): while True: p = next(gen) if p >= i: return p def main(): sizes = [] i = start gen = eratosthenes() while i < end_p1: grow_factor = get_grow_factor(i) p = find_bigger_prime(gen, i) sizes.append(p) i = int(i * grow_factor) gen = two_prime_factors() # for lower ram consumption while i < end_p2: grow_factor = get_grow_factor(i) p = find_bigger_prime(gen, i) sizes.append(p) i = int(i * grow_factor) print("""\ static int hash_sizes[] = { %s }; """ % ', '.join(str(size) for size in sizes)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()