Binary BorgBackup builds ======================== The binaries are supposed to work on the specified platform without installing any dependencies. Download the correct files -------------------------- amd64 / x86_64 architecture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ borg-linux-glibc236 Linux (built on Debian 12 "Bookworm" with glibc 2.36) borg-linux-glibc231 Linux (built on Debian 11 "Bullseye" with glibc 2.31) borg-linux-glibc228 Linux (built on Debian 10 "Buster" with glibc 2.28) Note: you can also try them on other Linuxes with other glibc versions - as long as the glibc is compatible, they will work. If it doesn't work, try a borg 1.2.x binary. borg-macos1012 macOS (built on macOS Sierra 10.12 with latest macFUSE from brew) To avoid signing issues download the file via command line OR remove the "quarantine" attribute after downloading: $ xattr -dr borg-macos.tgz borg-freebsd13 FreeBSD (built on FreeBSD 13) borg-freebsd14 FreeBSD (built on FreeBSD 14) *.tgz similar to above, but built as a directory with files, not as a single self-extracting binary. using the directory build is faster and doesn't need as much space in the temp directory as the one-file build. *.asc GnuPG signatures for * Verifying your download ----------------------- Please check the GPG signature to make sure you received the binary as I have built it. To check the GPG signature, download both the binary and the corresponding *.asc file and then (on the shell) type, e.g.: gpg --recv-keys 9F88FB52FAF7B393 gpg --verify borg-freebsd.asc borg-freebsd The files are signed by: Thomas Waldmann GPG key fingerprint: 6D5B EF9A DD20 7580 5747 B70F 9F88 FB52 FAF7 B393 My fingerprint is also in the footer of all my borgbackup mailing list posts. Installing ---------- It is suggested that you rename or symlink the binary to just "borg". If you need "borgfs", just also symlink it to the same binary, it will detect internally under which name it was invoked. On UNIX-like platforms, /usr/local/bin/ or ~/bin/ is a nice place for it, but you can invoke it from every place by giving a full path to it. Make sure the file is readable and executable (chmod +rx borg on UNIX-like platforms). Reporting issues ---------------- If you find issues, please open a ticket on our issue tracker: There, please give: - the version number (it is displayed if you invoke borg -V) - the sha256sum of the binary - a good description of what the issue is - a good description of how to reproduce your issue - a traceback with system info (if you have one) - your precise platform (CPU, 32/64bit?), OS, distribution, release - your python and (g)libc version