.. _faq: .. include:: global.rst.inc Frequently asked questions ========================== Which platforms are supported? Currently Linux, FreeBSD and MacOS X are supported. Can I backup VM disk images? Yes, the :ref:`deduplication ` technique used by |project_name| makes sure only the modified parts of the file are stored. Can I backup from multiple servers into a single repository? Yes, but in order for the deduplication used by Borg to work, it needs to keep a local cache containing checksums of all file chunks already stored in the repository. This cache is stored in ``~/.cache/borg/``. If Borg detects that a repository has been modified since the local cache was updated it will need to rebuild the cache. This rebuild can be quite time consuming. So, yes it's possible. But it will be most efficient if a single repository is only modified from one place. Also keep in mind that Borg will keep an exclusive lock on the repository while creating or deleting archives, which may make *simultaneous* backups fail. Which file attributes are preserved? The following attributes are preserved: * Name * Contents * Hardlinks and symlinks * Time of last modification (nanosecond precision with Python >= 3.3) * User ID of owner * Group ID of owner * Unix Permission * Extended attributes (xattrs) * Access Control Lists (ACL_) on Linux, OS X and FreeBSD * BSD flags on OS X and FreeBSD How can I specify the encryption passphrase programmatically? The encryption passphrase can be specified programmatically using the `BORG_PASSPHRASE` environment variable. This is convenient when setting up automated encrypted backups. Another option is to use key file based encryption with a blank passphrase. See :ref:`encrypted_repos` for more details. When backing up to remote servers, is data encrypted before leaving the local machine, or do I have to trust that the remote server isn't malicious? Yes, everything is encrypted before leaving the local machine. If a backup stops mid-way, does the already-backed-up data stay there? I.e. does Borg resume backups? Yes, during a backup a special checkpoint archive named ``.checkpoint`` is saved every 5 minutes containing all the data backed-up until that point. This means that at most 5 minutes worth of data needs to be retransmitted if a backup needs to be restarted.