.. include:: global.rst.inc .. _support: Support ======= Please first read the docs and the FAQ section in the docs, a lot of stuff is documented / explained there. Issue Tracker ------------- If you've found a bug or have a concrete feature request, please create a new ticket on the project's `issue tracker`_ (after checking whether someone else already has reported the same thing). For more general questions or discussions, IRC or mailing list are preferred. IRC --- Join us on channel #borgbackup on chat.freenode.net. As usual on IRC, just ask or tell directly and then patiently wait for replies. Stay connected. Mailing list ------------ There is a mailing list for Borg on librelist_ that you can use for feature requests and general discussions about Borg. A mailing list archive is available `here `_. To subscribe to the list, send an email to borgbackup@librelist.com and reply to the confirmation mail. To unsubscribe, send an email to borgbackup-unsubscribe@librelist.com and reply to the confirmation mail.