Binary BorgBackup builds ======================== The binaries are supposed to work on the specified platform without installing any dependencies. Download the correct files -------------------------- amd64 / x86_64 architecture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ borg-linux-glibc236 Linux (built on Debian 12 "Bookworm" with glibc 2.36) borg-linux-glibc231 Linux (built on Debian 11 "Bullseye" with glibc 2.31) borg-linux-glibc228 Linux (built on Debian 10 "Buster" with glibc 2.28) Note: you can also try them on other Linuxes with other glibc versions - as long as the glibc is compatible, they will work. If it doesn't work, try a borg 1.2.x binary. borg-macos1012 macOS (built on macOS Sierra 10.12 with latest macFUSE from brew) To avoid signing issues download the file via command line OR remove the "quarantine" attribute after downloading: $ xattr -dr borg-macos.tgz borg-freebsd13 FreeBSD (built on FreeBSD 13) borg-freebsd14 FreeBSD (built on FreeBSD 14) *.tgz similar to above, but built as a directory with files, not as a single self-extracting binary. *.asc GnuPG signatures for * Verifying your download ----------------------- Please check the GPG signature to make sure you received the binary as I have built it. To check the GPG signature, download both the binary and the corresponding *.asc file and then (on the shell) type, e.g.: gpg --recv-keys 9F88FB52FAF7B393 gpg --verify borg-freebsd.asc borg-freebsd The files are signed by: Thomas Waldmann GPG key fingerprint: 6D5B EF9A DD20 7580 5747 B70F 9F88 FB52 FAF7 B393 My fingerprint is also in the footer of all my borgbackup mailing list posts. Installing ---------- It is suggested that you rename or symlink the binary to just "borg". On UNIX-like platforms, /usr/local/bin/ or ~/bin/ is a nice place for it, but you can invoke it from every place by giving a full path to it. Make sure the file is readable and executable (chmod +rx borg on UNIX-like platforms). Reporting issues ---------------- If you find issues, please open a ticket on our issue tracker: There, please give: - the version number (it is displayed if you invoke borg -V) - the sha256sum of the binary - a good description of what the issue is - a good description of how to reproduce your issue - a traceback with system info (if you have one) - your precise platform (CPU, 32/64bit?), OS, distribution, release - your python and (g)libc version