from binascii import hexlify, a2b_base64, b2a_base64 from getpass import getpass import os import msgpack import textwrap import hmac from hashlib import sha256 import zlib from attic.crypto import pbkdf2_sha256, get_random_bytes, AES, bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes, bytes_to_int, num_aes_blocks from attic.helpers import IntegrityError, get_keys_dir, Error PREFIX = b'\0' * 8 class UnsupportedPayloadError(Error): """Unsupported payload type {}. A newer version is required to access this repository. """ class KeyfileNotFoundError(Error): """No key file for repository {} found in {}. """ class HMAC(hmac.HMAC): """Workaround a bug in Python < 3.4 Where HMAC does not accept memoryviews """ def update(self, msg): self.inner.update(msg) def key_creator(repository, args): if args.encryption == 'keyfile': return KeyfileKey.create(repository, args) elif args.encryption == 'passphrase': return PassphraseKey.create(repository, args) else: return PlaintextKey.create(repository, args) def key_factory(repository, manifest_data): if manifest_data[0] == KeyfileKey.TYPE: return KeyfileKey.detect(repository, manifest_data) elif manifest_data[0] == PassphraseKey.TYPE: return PassphraseKey.detect(repository, manifest_data) elif manifest_data[0] == PlaintextKey.TYPE: return PlaintextKey.detect(repository, manifest_data) else: raise UnsupportedPayloadError(manifest_data[0]) class KeyBase: def __init__(self): self.TYPE_STR = bytes([self.TYPE]) def id_hash(self, data): """Return HMAC hash using the "id" HMAC key """ def encrypt(self, data): pass def decrypt(self, id, data): pass class PlaintextKey(KeyBase): TYPE = 0x02 chunk_seed = 0 @classmethod def create(cls, repository, args): print('Encryption NOT enabled.\nUse the "--encryption=passphrase|keyfile" to enable encryption.') return cls() @classmethod def detect(cls, repository, manifest_data): return cls() def id_hash(self, data): return sha256(data).digest() def encrypt(self, data): return b''.join([self.TYPE_STR, zlib.compress(data)]) def decrypt(self, id, data): if data[0] != self.TYPE: raise IntegrityError('Invalid encryption envelope') data = zlib.decompress(memoryview(data)[1:]) if id and sha256(data).digest() != id: raise IntegrityError('Chunk id verification failed') return data class AESKeyBase(KeyBase): """Common base class shared by KeyfileKey and PassphraseKey Chunks are encrypted using 256bit AES in Counter Mode (CTR) Payload layout: TYPE(1) + HMAC(32) + NONCE(8) + CIPHERTEXT To reduce payload size only 8 bytes of the 16 bytes nonce is saved in the payload, the first 8 bytes are always zeros. This does not affect security but limits the maximum repository capacity to only 295 exabytes! """ PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD = 1 + 32 + 8 # TYPE + HMAC + NONCE def id_hash(self, data): """Return HMAC hash using the "id" HMAC key """ return HMAC(self.id_key, data, sha256).digest() def encrypt(self, data): data = zlib.compress(data) self.enc_cipher.reset() data = b''.join((self.enc_cipher.iv[8:], self.enc_cipher.encrypt(data))) hmac = HMAC(self.enc_hmac_key, data, sha256).digest() return b''.join((self.TYPE_STR, hmac, data)) def decrypt(self, id, data): if data[0] != self.TYPE: raise IntegrityError('Invalid encryption envelope') hmac = memoryview(data)[1:33] if memoryview(HMAC(self.enc_hmac_key, memoryview(data)[33:], sha256).digest()) != hmac: raise IntegrityError('Encryption envelope checksum mismatch') self.dec_cipher.reset(iv=PREFIX + data[33:41]) data = zlib.decompress(self.dec_cipher.decrypt(data[41:])) # should use memoryview if id and HMAC(self.id_key, data, sha256).digest() != id: raise IntegrityError('Chunk id verification failed') return data def extract_nonce(self, payload): if payload[0] != self.TYPE: raise IntegrityError('Invalid encryption envelope') nonce = bytes_to_long(payload[33:41]) return nonce def init_from_random_data(self, data): self.enc_key = data[0:32] self.enc_hmac_key = data[32:64] self.id_key = data[64:96] self.chunk_seed = bytes_to_int(data[96:100]) # Convert to signed int32 if self.chunk_seed & 0x80000000: self.chunk_seed = self.chunk_seed - 0xffffffff - 1 def init_ciphers(self, enc_iv=b''): self.enc_cipher = AES(is_encrypt=True, key=self.enc_key, iv=enc_iv) self.dec_cipher = AES(is_encrypt=False, key=self.enc_key) class PassphraseKey(AESKeyBase): TYPE = 0x01 iterations = 100000 @classmethod def create(cls, repository, args): key = cls() passphrase = os.environ.get('BORG_PASSPHRASE') if passphrase is not None: passphrase2 = passphrase else: passphrase, passphrase2 = 1, 2 while passphrase != passphrase2: passphrase = getpass('Enter passphrase: ') if not passphrase: print('Passphrase must not be blank') continue passphrase2 = getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ') if passphrase != passphrase2: print('Passphrases do not match') key.init(repository, passphrase) if passphrase: print('Remember your passphrase. Your data will be inaccessible without it.') return key @classmethod def detect(cls, repository, manifest_data): prompt = 'Enter passphrase for %s: ' % repository._location.orig key = cls() passphrase = os.environ.get('BORG_PASSPHRASE') if passphrase is None: passphrase = getpass(prompt) while True: key.init(repository, passphrase) try: key.decrypt(None, manifest_data) num_blocks = num_aes_blocks(len(manifest_data) - 41) key.init_ciphers(PREFIX + long_to_bytes(key.extract_nonce(manifest_data) + num_blocks)) return key except IntegrityError: passphrase = getpass(prompt) def change_passphrase(self): class ImmutablePassphraseError(Error): """The passphrase for this encryption key type can't be changed.""" raise ImmutablePassphraseError def init(self, repository, passphrase): self.init_from_random_data(pbkdf2_sha256(passphrase.encode('utf-8'),, self.iterations, 100)) self.init_ciphers() class KeyfileKey(AESKeyBase): FILE_ID = 'ATTIC KEY' TYPE = 0x00 @classmethod def detect(cls, repository, manifest_data): key = cls() path = cls.find_key_file(repository) prompt = 'Enter passphrase for key file %s: ' % path passphrase = os.environ.get('BORG_PASSPHRASE', '') while not key.load(path, passphrase): passphrase = getpass(prompt) num_blocks = num_aes_blocks(len(manifest_data) - 41) key.init_ciphers(PREFIX + long_to_bytes(key.extract_nonce(manifest_data) + num_blocks)) return key @classmethod def find_key_file(cls, repository): id = hexlify('ascii') keys_dir = get_keys_dir() for name in os.listdir(keys_dir): filename = os.path.join(keys_dir, name) with open(filename, 'r') as fd: line = fd.readline().strip() if line and line.startswith(cls.FILE_ID) and line[10:] == id: return filename raise KeyfileNotFoundError(repository._location.canonical_path(), get_keys_dir()) def load(self, filename, passphrase): with open(filename, 'r') as fd: cdata = a2b_base64(''.join(fd.readlines()[1:]).encode('ascii')) # .encode needed for Python 3.[0-2] data = self.decrypt_key_file(cdata, passphrase) if data: key = msgpack.unpackb(data) if key[b'version'] != 1: raise IntegrityError('Invalid key file header') self.repository_id = key[b'repository_id'] self.enc_key = key[b'enc_key'] self.enc_hmac_key = key[b'enc_hmac_key'] self.id_key = key[b'id_key'] self.chunk_seed = key[b'chunk_seed'] self.path = filename return True def decrypt_key_file(self, data, passphrase): d = msgpack.unpackb(data) assert d[b'version'] == 1 assert d[b'algorithm'] == b'sha256' key = pbkdf2_sha256(passphrase.encode('utf-8'), d[b'salt'], d[b'iterations'], 32) data = AES(is_encrypt=False, key=key).decrypt(d[b'data']) if HMAC(key, data, sha256).digest() != d[b'hash']: return None return data def encrypt_key_file(self, data, passphrase): salt = get_random_bytes(32) iterations = 100000 key = pbkdf2_sha256(passphrase.encode('utf-8'), salt, iterations, 32) hash = HMAC(key, data, sha256).digest() cdata = AES(is_encrypt=True, key=key).encrypt(data) d = { 'version': 1, 'salt': salt, 'iterations': iterations, 'algorithm': 'sha256', 'hash': hash, 'data': cdata, } return msgpack.packb(d) def save(self, path, passphrase): key = { 'version': 1, 'repository_id': self.repository_id, 'enc_key': self.enc_key, 'enc_hmac_key': self.enc_hmac_key, 'id_key': self.id_key, 'chunk_seed': self.chunk_seed, } data = self.encrypt_key_file(msgpack.packb(key), passphrase) with open(path, 'w') as fd: fd.write('%s %s\n' % (self.FILE_ID, hexlify(self.repository_id).decode('ascii'))) fd.write('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(b2a_base64(data).decode('ascii')))) fd.write('\n') self.path = path def change_passphrase(self): passphrase, passphrase2 = 1, 2 while passphrase != passphrase2: passphrase = getpass('New passphrase: ') passphrase2 = getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ') if passphrase != passphrase2: print('Passphrases do not match'), passphrase) print('Key file "%s" updated' % self.path) @classmethod def create(cls, repository, args): filename = args.repository.to_key_filename() path = filename i = 1 while os.path.exists(path): i += 1 path = filename + '.%d' % i passphrase = os.environ.get('BORG_PASSPHRASE') if passphrase is not None: passphrase2 = passphrase else: passphrase, passphrase2 = 1, 2 while passphrase != passphrase2: passphrase = getpass('Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):') passphrase2 = getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ') if passphrase != passphrase2: print('Passphrases do not match') key = cls() key.repository_id = key.init_from_random_data(get_random_bytes(100)) key.init_ciphers(), passphrase) print('Key file "%s" created.' % key.path) print('Keep this file safe. Your data will be inaccessible without it.') return key