from __future__ import with_statement from getpass import getpass import hashlib import os import msgpack import zlib from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Hash import SHA256, HMAC from Crypto.Util import Counter from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2 from .helpers import IntegrityError, get_keys_dir PREFIX = '\0' * 8 def SHA256_PDF(p, s): return, s, SHA256).digest() class Key(object): FILE_ID = 'DARC KEY' def __init__(self, store=None, password=None): if store:, password=password) def find_key_file(self, store): id ='hex') keys_dir = get_keys_dir() for name in os.listdir(keys_dir): filename = os.path.join(keys_dir, name) with open(filename, 'rb') as fd: line = fd.readline().strip() if line and line.startswith(self.FILE_ID) and line[9:] == id: return filename raise Exception('Key file for store with ID %s not found' % id) def open(self, filename, prompt=None, password=None): prompt = prompt or 'Enter password for %s: ' % filename with open(filename, 'rb') as fd: lines = fd.readlines() if not lines[0].startswith(self.FILE_ID) != self.FILE_ID: raise ValueError('Not a DARC key file') self.store_id = lines[0][len(self.FILE_ID):].strip().decode('hex') cdata = (''.join(lines[1:])).decode('base64') self.password = password or '' data = self.decrypt_key_file(cdata, self.password) while not data: self.password = getpass(prompt) if not self.password: raise Exception('Key decryption failed') data = self.decrypt_key_file(cdata, self.password) if not data: print 'Incorrect password' key = msgpack.unpackb(data) if key['version'] != 1: raise IntegrityError('Invalid key file header') self.store_id = key['store_id'] self.enc_key = key['enc_key'] self.enc_hmac_key = key['enc_hmac_key'] self.id_key = key['id_key'] self.chunk_seed = key['chunk_seed'] self.counter =, initial_value=1, prefix=PREFIX) self.path = filename def post_manifest_load(self, config): iv = bytes_to_long(config['aes_counter']) + 100 self.counter =, initial_value=iv, prefix=PREFIX) def pre_manifest_write(self, manifest): manifest.config['aes_counter'] = long_to_bytes(self.counter.next_value(), 8) def encrypt_key_file(self, data, password): salt = get_random_bytes(32) iterations = 10000 key = PBKDF2(password, salt, 32, iterations, SHA256_PDF) hash =, data, SHA256).digest() cdata =, AES.MODE_CTR, d = { 'version': 1, 'salt': salt, 'iterations': iterations, 'algorithm': 'SHA256', 'hash': hash, 'data': cdata, } return msgpack.packb(d) def decrypt_key_file(self, data, password): d = msgpack.unpackb(data) assert d['version'] == 1 assert d['algorithm'] == 'SHA256' key = PBKDF2(password, d['salt'], 32, d['iterations'], SHA256_PDF) data =, AES.MODE_CTR,['data']) if, data, SHA256).digest() != d['hash']: return None return data def save(self, path, password): key = { 'version': 1, 'store_id': self.store_id, 'enc_key': self.enc_key, 'enc_hmac_key': self.enc_hmac_key, 'id_key': self.enc_key, 'chunk_seed': self.chunk_seed, } data = self.encrypt_key_file(msgpack.packb(key), password) with open(path, 'wb') as fd: fd.write('%s %s\n' % (self.FILE_ID, self.store_id.encode('hex'))) fd.write(data.encode('base64')) self.path = path def chpasswd(self): password, password2 = 1, 2 while password != password2: password = getpass('New password: ') password2 = getpass('New password again: ') if password != password2: print 'Passwords do not match', password) return 0 @staticmethod def create(store, filename, password=None): i = 1 path = filename while os.path.exists(path): i += 1 path = filename + '.%d' % i if password is not None: password2 = password else: password, password2 = 1, 2 while password != password2: password = getpass('Key file password (Leave blank for no password): ') password2 = getpass('Key file password again: ') if password != password2: print 'Passwords do not match' key = Key() key.store_id = # Chunk AES256 encryption key key.enc_key = get_random_bytes(32) # Chunk encryption HMAC key key.enc_hmac_key = get_random_bytes(32) # Chunk id HMAC key key.id_key = get_random_bytes(32) # Chunkifier seed key.chunk_seed = bytes_to_long(get_random_bytes(4)) # Convert to signed int32 if key.chunk_seed & 0x80000000: key.chunk_seed = key.chunk_seed - 0xffffffff - 1, password) return Key(store, password=password) def id_hash(self, data): """Return HMAC hash using the "id" HMAC key """ return, data, SHA256).digest() def encrypt(self, data): data = zlib.compress(data) nonce = long_to_bytes(self.counter.next_value(), 8) data = ''.join((nonce,, AES.MODE_CTR, '', counter=self.counter).encrypt(data))) hash =, data, SHA256).digest() return ''.join(('\0', hash, data)) def decrypt(self, id, data): if data[0] != '\0': raise IntegrityError('Invalid encryption envelope') hash = data[1:33] if, data[33:], SHA256).digest() != hash: raise IntegrityError('Encryption envelope checksum mismatch') nonce = bytes_to_long(data[33:41]) counter =, initial_value=nonce, prefix=PREFIX) data = zlib.decompress(, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=counter).decrypt(data[41:])) if id and, data, SHA256).digest() != id: raise IntegrityError('Chunk id verification failed') return data