import argparse import binascii import grp import msgpack import os import pwd import re import stat import sys import time from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta from fnmatch import translate from operator import attrgetter import fcntl import attic.hashindex import attic.chunker import attic.crypto class Error(Exception): """Error base class""" exit_code = 1 def get_message(self): return 'Error: ' + type(self).__doc__.format(*self.args) class ExtensionModuleError(Error): """The Attic binary extension modules does not seem to be properly installed""" class UpgradableLock: class LockUpgradeFailed(Error): """Failed to acquire write lock on {}""" def __init__(self, path, exclusive=False): self.path = path try: self.fd = open(path, 'r+') except IOError: self.fd = open(path, 'r') if exclusive: fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) else: fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_SH) self.is_exclusive = exclusive def upgrade(self): try: fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX) except OSError as e: raise self.LockUpgradeFailed(self.path) self.is_exclusive = True def release(self): fcntl.lockf(self.fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.fd.close() def check_extension_modules(): if (attic.hashindex.API_VERSION != 1 or attic.chunker.API_VERSION != 1 or attic.crypto.API_VERSION != 1): raise ExtensionModuleError class Manifest: MANIFEST_ID = b'\0' * 32 def __init__(self, key, repository): self.archives = {} self.config = {} self.key = key self.repository = repository @classmethod def load(cls, repository, key=None): from .key import key_factory cdata = repository.get(cls.MANIFEST_ID) if not key: key = key_factory(repository, cdata) manifest = cls(key, repository) data = key.decrypt(None, cdata) = key.id_hash(data) m = msgpack.unpackb(data) if not m.get(b'version') == 1: raise ValueError('Invalid manifest version') manifest.archives = dict((k.decode('utf-8'), v) for k,v in m[b'archives'].items()) manifest.timestamp = m.get(b'timestamp') if manifest.timestamp: manifest.timestamp = manifest.timestamp.decode('ascii') manifest.config = m[b'config'] return manifest, key def write(self): self.timestamp = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() data = msgpack.packb(StableDict({ 'version': 1, 'archives': self.archives, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'config': self.config, })) = self.key.id_hash(data) self.repository.put(self.MANIFEST_ID, self.key.encrypt(data)) def prune_within(archives, within): multiplier = {'H': 1, 'd': 24, 'w': 24*7, 'm': 24*31, 'y': 24*365} try: hours = int(within[:-1]) * multiplier[within[-1]] except (KeyError, ValueError): # I don't like how this displays the original exception too: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Unable to parse --within option: "%s"' % within) if hours <= 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Number specified using --within option must be positive') target = - timedelta(seconds=hours*60*60) return [a for a in archives if a.ts > target] def prune_split(archives, pattern, n, skip=[]): last = None keep = [] if n == 0: return keep for a in sorted(archives, key=attrgetter('ts'), reverse=True): period = to_localtime(a.ts).strftime(pattern) if period != last: last = period if a not in skip: keep.append(a) if len(keep) == n: break return keep class Statistics: def __init__(self): self.osize = self.csize = self.usize = self.nfiles = 0 def update(self, size, csize, unique): self.osize += size self.csize += csize if unique: self.usize += csize def print_(self, label, cache): total_size, total_csize, unique_size, unique_csize = cache.chunks.summarize() print() print(' Original size Compressed size Deduplicated size') print('%-15s %20s %20s %20s' % (label, format_file_size(self.osize), format_file_size(self.csize), format_file_size(self.usize))) print('All archives: %20s %20s %20s' % (format_file_size(total_size), format_file_size(total_csize), format_file_size(unique_csize))) def get_keys_dir(): """Determine where to repository keys and cache""" return os.environ.get('ATTIC_KEYS_DIR', os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.attic', 'keys')) def get_cache_dir(): """Determine where to repository keys and cache""" return os.environ.get('ATTIC_CACHE_DIR', os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache', 'attic')) def to_localtime(ts): """Convert datetime object from UTC to local time zone""" return datetime(*time.localtime((ts - datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)).total_seconds())[:6]) def update_excludes(args): """Merge exclude patterns from files with those on command line. Empty lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored, but whitespace is not stripped.""" if hasattr(args, 'exclude_files') and args.exclude_files: if not hasattr(args, 'excludes') or args.excludes is None: args.excludes = [] for file in args.exclude_files: patterns = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in file if not line.startswith('#')] args.excludes += [ExcludePattern(pattern) for pattern in patterns if pattern] file.close() def adjust_patterns(paths, excludes): if paths: return (excludes or []) + [IncludePattern(path) for path in paths] + [ExcludePattern('*')] else: return excludes def exclude_path(path, patterns): """Used by create and extract sub-commands to determine whether or not an item should be processed. """ for pattern in (patterns or []): if pattern.match(path): return isinstance(pattern, ExcludePattern) return False # For both IncludePattern and ExcludePattern, we require that # the pattern either match the whole path or an initial segment # of the path up to but not including a path separator. To # unify the two cases, we add a path separator to the end of # the path before matching. class IncludePattern: """Literal files or directories listed on the command line for some operations (e.g. extract, but not create). If a directory is specified, all paths that start with that path match as well. A trailing slash makes no difference. """ def __init__(self, pattern): self.pattern = pattern.rstrip(os.path.sep)+os.path.sep def match(self, path): return (path+os.path.sep).startswith(self.pattern) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (type(self), self.pattern) class ExcludePattern(IncludePattern): """Shell glob patterns to exclude. A trailing slash means to exclude the contents of a directory, but not the directory itself. """ def __init__(self, pattern): if pattern.endswith(os.path.sep): self.pattern = pattern+'*'+os.path.sep else: self.pattern = pattern+os.path.sep+'*' # fnmatch and re.match both cache compiled regular expressions. # Nevertheless, this is about 10 times faster. self.regex = re.compile(translate(self.pattern)) def match(self, path): return self.regex.match(path+os.path.sep) is not None def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (type(self), self.pattern) def walk_path(path, skip_inodes=None): st = os.lstat(path) if skip_inodes and (st.st_ino, st.st_dev) in skip_inodes: return yield path, st if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): for f in os.listdir(path): for x in walk_path(os.path.join(path, f), skip_inodes): yield x def format_time(t): """Format datetime suitable for fixed length list output """ if ( - t).days < 365: return t.strftime('%b %d %H:%M') else: return t.strftime('%b %d %Y') def format_timedelta(td): """Format timedelta in a human friendly format """ # Since td.total_seconds() requires python 2.7 ts = (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10 ** 6) / float(10 ** 6) s = ts % 60 m = int(ts / 60) % 60 h = int(ts / 3600) % 24 txt = '%.2f seconds' % s if m: txt = '%d minutes %s' % (m, txt) if h: txt = '%d hours %s' % (h, txt) if td.days: txt = '%d days %s' % (td.days, txt) return txt def format_file_mode(mod): """Format file mode bits for list output """ def x(v): return ''.join(v & m and s or '-' for m, s in ((4, 'r'), (2, 'w'), (1, 'x'))) return '%s%s%s' % (x(mod // 64), x(mod // 8), x(mod)) def format_file_size(v): """Format file size into a human friendly format """ if abs(v) > 10**12: return '%.2f TB' % (v / 10**12) elif abs(v) > 10**9: return '%.2f GB' % (v / 10**9) elif abs(v) > 10**6: return '%.2f MB' % (v / 10**6) elif abs(v) > 10**3: return '%.2f kB' % (v / 10**3) else: return '%d B' % v def format_archive(archive): return '%-36s %s' % (, to_localtime(archive.ts).strftime('%c')) class IntegrityError(Error): """Data integrity error""" def memoize(function): cache = {} def decorated_function(*args): try: return cache[args] except KeyError: val = function(*args) cache[args] = val return val return decorated_function @memoize def uid2user(uid): try: return pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name except KeyError: return None @memoize def user2uid(user): try: return user and pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid except KeyError: return None @memoize def gid2group(gid): try: return grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name except KeyError: return None @memoize def group2gid(group): try: return group and grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid except KeyError: return None class Location: """Object representing a repository / archive location """ proto = user = host = port = path = archive = None ssh_re = re.compile(r'(?Pssh)://(?:(?P[^@]+)@)?' r'(?P[^:/#]+)(?::(?P\d+))?' r'(?P[^:]+)(?:::(?P.+))?') file_re = re.compile(r'(?Pfile)://' r'(?P[^:]+)(?:::(?P.+))?') scp_re = re.compile(r'((?:(?P[^@]+)@)?(?P[^:/]+):)?' r'(?P[^:]+)(?:::(?P.+))?') def __init__(self, text): self.orig = text if not self.parse(text): raise ValueError def parse(self, text): m = self.ssh_re.match(text) if m: self.proto ='proto') self.user ='user') ='host') self.port ='port') and int('port')) or None self.path ='path') self.archive ='archive') return True m = self.file_re.match(text) if m: self.proto ='proto') self.path ='path') self.archive ='archive') return True m = self.scp_re.match(text) if m: self.user ='user') ='host') self.path ='path') self.archive ='archive') self.proto = and 'ssh' or 'file' return True return False def __str__(self): items = [] items.append('proto=%r' % self.proto) items.append('user=%r' % self.user) items.append('host=%r' % items.append('port=%r' % self.port) items.append('path=%r' % self.path) items.append('archive=%r' % self.archive) return ', '.join(items) def to_key_filename(self): name = re.sub('[^\w]', '_', self.path).strip('_') if self.proto != 'file': name = + '__' + name return os.path.join(get_keys_dir(), name) def __repr__(self): return "Location(%s)" % self def location_validator(archive=None): def validator(text): try: loc = Location(text) except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Invalid location format: "%s"' % text) if archive is True and not loc.archive: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('"%s": No archive specified' % text) elif archive is False and loc.archive: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('"%s" No archive can be specified' % text) return loc return validator def read_msgpack(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as fd: return msgpack.unpack(fd) def write_msgpack(filename, d): with open(filename + '.tmp', 'wb') as fd: msgpack.pack(d, fd) fd.flush() os.fsync(fd) os.rename(filename + '.tmp', filename) def decode_dict(d, keys, encoding='utf-8', errors='surrogateescape'): for key in keys: if isinstance(d.get(key), bytes): d[key] = d[key].decode(encoding, errors) return d def remove_surrogates(s, errors='replace'): """Replace surrogates generated by fsdecode with '?' """ return s.encode('utf-8', errors).decode('utf-8') _safe_re = re.compile('^((..)?/+)+') def make_path_safe(path): """Make path safe by making it relative and local """ return _safe_re.sub('', path) or '.' def daemonize(): """Detach process from controlling terminal and run in background """ pid = os.fork() if pid: os._exit(0) os.setsid() pid = os.fork() if pid: os._exit(0) os.chdir('/') os.close(0) os.close(1) os.close(2) fd ='/dev/null', os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(fd, 0) os.dup2(fd, 1) os.dup2(fd, 2) class StableDict(dict): """A dict subclass with stable items() ordering""" def items(self): return sorted(super(StableDict, self).items()) if sys.version < '3.3': # st_mtime_ns attribute only available in 3.3+ def st_mtime_ns(st): return int(st.st_mtime * 1e9) # unhexlify in < 3.3 incorrectly only accepts bytes input def unhexlify(data): if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('ascii') return binascii.unhexlify(data) else: def st_mtime_ns(st): return st.st_mtime_ns unhexlify = binascii.unhexlify